ALERT: Final Votes "tallied" with Mitt Romney at 47%. The definition of "irony".

ya destroyed all credibility in your thread when you called Romney the pioneer of outsourcing.

Castro has outsourced more jobs

There are huge differences.

Castro supports his country by keeping his money there.

All the way back in June:

Mayor Michael Nutter of Philadelphia and Mayor Ed Pawloski of Allentown discussed an open letter sent to Romney and signed by them and the mayors PA’s five largest cities addressing Romney’s support of ending a tax on foreign profits of U.S. companies.

Referring to an article written last week regarding Romney’s business record, Nutter said Romney was one of the first executives behind the practice of outsourcing jobs to countries with fewer workers’ rights laws and environmental regulations.

“Under Romney’s leadership, Bain [Capital] not only profited from sending jobs overseas, but pioneered it,” Nutter said. “And he promoted as a means of making millions of dollars for himself and investors.”

PA Mayors Call Romney a "pioneer of outsourcing"

Romney was so sure he was going to be elected, he went ahead with plans to move one of the companies he owns in Freeport, Illinois to China the very month of the election. He was paying American workers 17.50 an hour and then threatened to fire them if they didn't train Chinese workers he will be paying 99 cents an hour in China. And the 47% thought he would create jobs here? Why would they think that when every action is the opposite?

He tried to hide behind "blind trust", but he seems to have forgotten we have tape of him calling the blind trust a ruse and a trick played on the American people.

Romney was a very dangerous bullet we just barely dodged.

Most of us were aghast when we saw that lame ass R Clown Candidates and I'd bet they will trot out another merry little band of losers next time as well.

Reason - so the behind the scenes scum like Norquist, Bush's Brain can control whoever gets elected. Just as Norquist said.

But, there's a good reason why not one of those jerks are in power today - The voters saw through them.
ya destroyed all credibility in your thread when you called Romney the pioneer of outsourcing.

Castro has outsourced more jobs

There are huge differences.

Castro supports his country by keeping his money there.

All the way back in June:

Mayor Michael Nutter of Philadelphia and Mayor Ed Pawloski of Allentown discussed an open letter sent to Romney and signed by them and the mayors PA’s five largest cities addressing Romney’s support of ending a tax on foreign profits of U.S. companies.

Referring to an article written last week regarding Romney’s business record, Nutter said Romney was one of the first executives behind the practice of outsourcing jobs to countries with fewer workers’ rights laws and environmental regulations.

“Under Romney’s leadership, Bain [Capital] not only profited from sending jobs overseas, but pioneered it,” Nutter said. “And he promoted as a means of making millions of dollars for himself and investors.”

PA Mayors Call Romney a "pioneer of outsourcing"

Romney was so sure he was going to be elected, he went ahead with plans to move one of the companies he owns in Freeport, Illinois to China the very month of the election. He was paying American workers 17.50 an hour and then threatened to fire them if they didn't train Chinese workers he will be paying 99 cents an hour in China. And the 47% thought he would create jobs here? Why would they think that when every action is the opposite?

He tried to hide behind "blind trust", but he seems to have forgotten we have tape of him calling the blind trust a ruse and a trick played on the American people.

Castro as in the mayor of San Antone Then the irony of your post is that it quoted mayors. Oh whited wall....
ALERT: Final Votes "tallied" with Mitt Romney at 47%. The definition of "irony".

OMG, that is sooo delicious!

No, what's hilarious is that liberals think that obama is actually on your side when he really isn't. He would sell his grandmother to meet his political ends....and you people are no part of that. You are just spokes on a wheel. And dumb enough to listen to the rhetoric.

And, President Obama's "political ends" are what?

ALERT: Final Votes "tallied" with Mitt Romney at 47%. The definition of "irony".

OMG, that is sooo delicious!

No, what's hilarious is that liberals think that obama is actually on your side when he really isn't. He would sell his grandmother to meet his political ends....and you people are no part of that. You are just spokes on a wheel. And dumb enough to listen to the rhetoric.

What's really hilarious is that you're dumb enough to believe all that.

Obama is currently ranked 14 by presidential historians. Bush is ranked 34. Obama cares about his legacy.

"There is now a black man in power with nothing to lose" - Andrew Sullivan on Colbert Report​
ya destroyed all credibility in your thread when you called Romney the pioneer of outsourcing.

Castro has outsourced more jobs

Question.................if Castro is a Communist (which he is) and you say that Castro outsourced more jobs than Mittens, since Mittens is following in Castro's footsteps, wouldn't that make Mittens a Communist as well?

Thank God Obama won. He kept the Communist out of the White House.
"If Romney’s described electorate—the job creators and the makers of America who were supposed to be enraged at all the moochers and the takers—ends up totaling 47%, we will have come full circle."

Irony Alert: Romney May End Up With 47% of Votes - It's a 'perfect conclusion' to Romney saga: Greg Sargent

Remember, this is a guy who is a "pioneer of outsourcing". Republicans thought he would bring jobs? And on his site he said he wanted to cut education and bring in immigrants with degrees. That would create jobs, for sure. But not for his base. What is it they thought they would get? "GIFTS?"

Can these people be anymore deluded?

And the fact that Romney ended up with 47% of the vote is hilarious. Truly hilarious.

There is so much bullshit in your thread I can't even begin to focus on one of them. But one thing is for sure.....the vast amount of voter fraud suppressed Romney's real count. Had obama not engaged in voter fraud, Romney would be sitting in the WH come January. That said, what's done is done....nothing we can do about it now. But you can count one thing.....the liberals will rue the day that they put obama back in office.

And your evidence is what? I know asking a conservative for facts or proof is like asking a fence for a blowjob, but if this is the whiny bullshit you're going to pull out, back it up.

Evidence??? As if liberals actually care about evidence. There's plenty of it out there....but I'm not about to do your research for you, so if you're insistent on "evidence" then go get it. Until then, don't count on me doing your work for you. All of you obama freaks know he cheats, lies, and would steal any election just to keep him in office. I know how Chicago politics are played, so quit crying about your fake messiah being called out on his shit and grow a pair.
OMG, that is sooo delicious!

No, what's hilarious is that liberals think that obama is actually on your side when he really isn't. He would sell his grandmother to meet his political ends....and you people are no part of that. You are just spokes on a wheel. And dumb enough to listen to the rhetoric.

What's really hilarious is that you're dumb enough to believe all that.

Obama is currently ranked 14 by presidential historians. Bush is ranked 34. Obama cares about his legacy.

"There is now a black man in power with nothing to lose" - Andrew Sullivan on Colbert Report​

Actually, it's all true....and you know it. If people really are ranking obama as 14 by "presidential historians", then that is proof that people are so desperate to believe in something that has no basis in's delusional and pathological. obama is an empty character. It's just that idiotic people like you are deluded enough to believe whatever it is that he tells you. The craziness of it is beyond all rationality. I feel sorry for you and people like you.....
OMG, that is sooo delicious!

No, what's hilarious is that liberals think that obama is actually on your side when he really isn't. He would sell his grandmother to meet his political ends....and you people are no part of that. You are just spokes on a wheel. And dumb enough to listen to the rhetoric.

And, President Obama's "political ends" are what?


Wow....the desperate liberals are out in numbers tonight! lol.... What's the matter? Are you mad that people are picking on your obama? Poor baby.....
ya destroyed all credibility in your thread when you called Romney the pioneer of outsourcing.

Castro has outsourced more jobs

Question.................if Castro is a Communist (which he is) and you say that Castro outsourced more jobs than Mittens, since Mittens is following in Castro's footsteps, wouldn't that make Mittens a Communist as well?

Thank God Obama won. He kept the Communist out of the White House.

Nice try, but anyone who knows anything about obama knows that obama is far worse than Castro.
ALERT: Final Votes "tallied" with Mitt Romney at 47%. The definition of "irony".

OMG, that is sooo delicious!

No, what's hilarious is that liberals think that obama is actually on your side when he really isn't. He would sell his grandmother to meet his political ends....and you people are no part of that. You are just spokes on a wheel. And dumb enough to listen to the rhetoric.

There is no evidence of that in his background or anything he has done while in public office or when teaching constitutional law at the university here in Chicago. What you describe is what right wingers want to believe because they have no real reason to hate him so they have to make up something.
has anybody heard anything from Ryan (R-andian)

Sadly, Romney's gotten covered in shit and Ryan didn't get a fleck on him.

Okay, maybe that's not ironic. What's like the opposite of Ironic?
ya destroyed all credibility in your thread when you called Romney the pioneer of outsourcing.

Castro has outsourced more jobs

There are huge differences.

Castro supports his country by keeping his money there.

All the way back in June:

Mayor Michael Nutter of Philadelphia and Mayor Ed Pawloski of Allentown discussed an open letter sent to Romney and signed by them and the mayors PA’s five largest cities addressing Romney’s support of ending a tax on foreign profits of U.S. companies.

Referring to an article written last week regarding Romney’s business record, Nutter said Romney was one of the first executives behind the practice of outsourcing jobs to countries with fewer workers’ rights laws and environmental regulations.

“Under Romney’s leadership, Bain [Capital] not only profited from sending jobs overseas, but pioneered it,” Nutter said. “And he promoted as a means of making millions of dollars for himself and investors.”

PA Mayors Call Romney a "pioneer of outsourcing"

Romney was so sure he was going to be elected, he went ahead with plans to move one of the companies he owns in Freeport, Illinois to China the very month of the election. He was paying American workers 17.50 an hour and then threatened to fire them if they didn't train Chinese workers he will be paying 99 cents an hour in China. And the 47% thought he would create jobs here? Why would they think that when every action is the opposite?

He tried to hide behind "blind trust", but he seems to have forgotten we have tape of him calling the blind trust a ruse and a trick played on the American people.

Castro as in the mayor of San Antone Then the irony of your post is that it quoted mayors. Oh whited wall....

Just saying a name, how is anyone supposed to know? If you say "Castro" to 100 people, they will believe you are talking Fidel no matter what the imagined "context". Not the mayor of some city a thousand miles away in a state not mine.
ya destroyed all credibility in your thread when you called Romney the pioneer of outsourcing.

Castro has outsourced more jobs

Question.................if Castro is a Communist (which he is) and you say that Castro outsourced more jobs than Mittens, since Mittens is following in Castro's footsteps, wouldn't that make Mittens a Communist as well?

Thank God Obama won. He kept the Communist out of the White House.

Apparently, when they "Castro", they were talking about their mayor or something. Who knows?
There is so much bullshit in your thread I can't even begin to focus on one of them. But one thing is for sure.....the vast amount of voter fraud suppressed Romney's real count. Had obama not engaged in voter fraud, Romney would be sitting in the WH come January. That said, what's done is done....nothing we can do about it now. But you can count one thing.....the liberals will rue the day that they put obama back in office.

And your evidence is what? I know asking a conservative for facts or proof is like asking a fence for a blowjob, but if this is the whiny bullshit you're going to pull out, back it up.

Evidence??? As if liberals actually care about evidence. There's plenty of it out there....but I'm not about to do your research for you, so if you're insistent on "evidence" then go get it. Until then, don't count on me doing your work for you. All of you obama freaks know he cheats, lies, and would steal any election just to keep him in office. I know how Chicago politics are played, so quit crying about your fake messiah being called out on his shit and grow a pair.

I live in Chicago and you are an idiot. Making stupid allegations with only Arab owned "Fox" to back them up. Nothing you can prove, fucking parrot.
I know how Chicago politics are played, so quit crying about your fake messiah being called out on his shit and grow a pair.

Most Republicans are dumb, but Gwennie is the type that needs to wear a drool bucket under her chin. Stalin referred to her type as "Useful Idiots." DerPartieRepublikkan holds her in similar contempt, but still manipulates her and utilizes her servicies.
ya destroyed all credibility in your thread when you called Romney the pioneer of outsourcing.

Castro has outsourced more jobs

There are huge differences.

Castro supports his country by keeping his money there.

All the way back in June:

Mayor Michael Nutter of Philadelphia and Mayor Ed Pawloski of Allentown discussed an open letter sent to Romney and signed by them and the mayors PA’s five largest cities addressing Romney’s support of ending a tax on foreign profits of U.S. companies.

Referring to an article written last week regarding Romney’s business record, Nutter said Romney was one of the first executives behind the practice of outsourcing jobs to countries with fewer workers’ rights laws and environmental regulations.

“Under Romney’s leadership, Bain [Capital] not only profited from sending jobs overseas, but pioneered it,” Nutter said. “And he promoted as a means of making millions of dollars for himself and investors.”

PA Mayors Call Romney a "pioneer of outsourcing"

Romney was so sure he was going to be elected, he went ahead with plans to move one of the companies he owns in Freeport, Illinois to China the very month of the election. He was paying American workers 17.50 an hour and then threatened to fire them if they didn't train Chinese workers he will be paying 99 cents an hour in China. And the 47% thought he would create jobs here? Why would they think that when every action is the opposite?

He tried to hide behind "blind trust", but he seems to have forgotten we have tape of him calling the blind trust a ruse and a trick played on the American people.

Romney was a very dangerous bullet we just barely dodged.

Most of us were aghast when we saw that lame ass R Clown Candidates and I'd bet they will trot out another merry little band of losers next time as well.

Reason - so the behind the scenes scum like Norquist, Bush's Brain can control whoever gets elected. Just as Norquist said.

But, there's a good reason why not one of those jerks are in power today - The voters saw through them.

You have some very serious mental health issues.......
I know how Chicago politics are played, so quit crying about your fake messiah being called out on his shit and grow a pair.

Most Republicans are dumb, but Gwennie is the type that needs to wear a drool bucket under her chin. Stalin referred to her type as "Useful Idiots." DerPartieRepublikkan holds her in similar contempt, but still manipulates her and utilizes her servicies.

LOL!!! Oh, you people are fascinating! The truth hurts you, doesn't it?

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