Alex Jones is live with Tim Pool now (link)


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
This should be fun. The last one was outstanding and banned from YOUTUBE.

Youtube might pull the livestream.

Mike Malice is a good buffer between Alex and Tim...who are polar opposites.


If you dont care, I dont care that you you dont care.

This should be fun. The last one was outstanding and banned from YOUTUBE.

Youtube might pull the livestream.

Mike Malice is a good buffer between Alex and Tim...who are polar opposites.


If you dont care, I dont care that you you dont care.

I don't have a tinfoil hat available right now. I'll have to come back to watch later, after I get one.
You're right. I don't care what Fat Wesley Crusher or the Sandy Hook denier have to say.
The can both go suck it. Trump lost. But it is funny listening to their river of butthurt tears. :auiqs.jpg:

Why does the MSM and MSM believer always use the word denier. Gosh, now there is even a term Sandy Hook denier? :D :D So if I don't believe in the main steam media. Does that make me a main stream denier?:auiqs.jpg:I really have no clue how this day in age people still believe in the main stream media whether it is the Criminal News Network or Faux or CBS. What a freakin joke.
This should be fun. The last one was outstanding and banned from YOUTUBE.

Youtube might pull the livestream.

Mike Malice is a good buffer between Alex and Tim...who are polar opposites.


If you dont care, I dont care that you you dont care.

I don't have a tinfoil hat available right now. I'll have to come back to watch later, after I get one.

You better get it because I can tell the 5G is already effecting your brain. But then again that probably started a long time ago for you with the fluoride in your water, that you swallow that is good for your teeth.:auiqs.jpg:
This should be fun. The last one was outstanding and banned from YOUTUBE.

Youtube might pull the livestream.

Mike Malice is a good buffer between Alex and Tim...who are polar opposites.


If you dont care, I dont care that you you dont care.

For a dude shilling supplements, Jones is not looking good.
You're right. I don't care what Fat Wesley Crusher or the Sandy Hook denier have to say.
The can both go suck it. Trump lost. But it is funny listening to their river of butthurt tears. :auiqs.jpg:

Why does the MSM and MSM believer always use the word denier. Gosh, now there is even a term Sandy Hook denier? :D :D So if I don't believe in the main steam media. Does that make me a main stream denier?:auiqs.jpg:I really have no clue how this day in age people still believe in the main stream media whether it is the Criminal News Network or Faux or CBS. What a freakin joke.

He claimed Sandy Hook was a false flag. Same thing. He's a bucket of human effluence. And anyone who believes a moron.
Everyone knows about Jones and Sandy hook. He has said he was wrong and apologized.

He has alot more to offer than that old story.

If you dont like him, dont listen to him.

I know people who claimed Trump is a Russian spy that stole the 2016 election. Should they all be banned from the internet?
Alex is entertaining and I enjoy his talk of the occult and aliens and shit. Tim Pool opines on the daily news. He reads articles and gives his opinion and his show has on many guests, many who have opposite opinions from him and they get into healthy debates.

Nothing wrong with those guys.

People who call themselves journalists, then bury the Jeffery Epstein story so they wont lose access to the Royal Family? Thats who you have to be wary of.
Everyone knows about Jones and Sandy hook. He has said he was wrong and apologized.
Yes. He said he was wrong after he got sued and realized how badly he was going to lose.

I doubt Jones believes anything he’s saying, at least that’s the story he gives when questioned under oath.

I believe the same is probably true for Pool.

They’re just media whores.
CNN and MSNBC are not news. They are fiction. I choose not to watch, but I would NEVER advocate they be CENSORED.

Censorship is for communist faggots.
The fact that these two people can draw an audience of more than about a hundred indicates how far we still have to go.

Exactly. Idiots eat this shit up. But I can't say I don't care. They do real damage.
This should be fun. The last one was outstanding and banned from YOUTUBE.

Youtube might pull the livestream.

Mike Malice is a good buffer between Alex and Tim...who are polar opposites.


If you dont care, I dont care that you you dont care.

NTD live... Now. Let the Church roar !

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