Alex Jones is willing to lose his kids instead of his audience

What a steaming pile of shit this man is. Horrible custody battle in which his only defense his attorneys can offer is that he is.....wait for it.....FAKE NEWS! Bahahahahahahahaa......

He's an actor, an entertainer, a provocateur, therefore his behavior is not genuine and he should be able to keep his kids! But that means his audience has been duped all these years.

Alex Jones is responding saying nope, that's really him. He believes everything he says.

LOVE IT. You just can't make this up!

And now he wants the press to make nice!

Alex Jones asks the press to be ‘respectful and responsible’ in coverage of his custody battle

Hypocrisy on a monumental scale. And how stupid his listerners/viewers must feel having been swindled all these years. They bought his bullshit as do Michael Savage's audience and Mark Levin. All these people are snake-oil salesmen who fleece their audience of their money.

And any judge that views that whackjob's videos, and then hears him tell them that is really him, has no business awarding custody of children or even visitation for that mental patient.

Bill O'Reilly, Drumpf and his grabbing of p'ssies, Alex Jones, Sarah Palin.

Conservatism produces the most vile immoral stupid humans in the population. Cons why is that? And why do you follow these scumbags? This is who you are?

They soured on Glenn Beck after he became more mainstream, but they loved him when he acted like this:

What a steaming pile of shit this man is. Horrible custody battle in which his only defense his attorneys can offer is that he is.....wait for it.....FAKE NEWS! Bahahahahahahahaa......

He's an actor, an entertainer, a provocateur, therefore his behavior is not genuine and he should be able to keep his kids! But that means his audience has been duped all these years.

Alex Jones is responding saying nope, that's really him. He believes everything he says.

LOVE IT. You just can't make this up!

And now he wants the press to make nice!

Alex Jones asks the press to be ‘respectful and responsible’ in coverage of his custody battle


View attachment 122710

Hahahahahaa....Post a meme when you can't defend the slime.

No it's called REFUSING to waste time teaching idiots who can' t figure out the MSM PUSHING BS LIES to keep you asses just that asses. Because you are all dumb enough to believe it . In more areas than just AJ. ahahhahaah

I can say a lot trust me
What a steaming pile of shit this man is. Horrible custody battle in which his only defense his attorneys can offer is that he is.....wait for it.....FAKE NEWS! Bahahahahahahahaa......

He's an actor, an entertainer, a provocateur, therefore his behavior is not genuine and he should be able to keep his kids! But that means his audience has been duped all these years.

Alex Jones is responding saying nope, that's really him. He believes everything he says.

LOVE IT. You just can't make this up!

And now he wants the press to make nice!

Alex Jones asks the press to be ‘respectful and responsible’ in coverage of his custody battle


View attachment 122710

Hahahahahaa....Post a meme when you can't defend the slime.

What a steaming pile of shit this man is. Horrible custody battle in which his only defense his attorneys can offer is that he is.....wait for it.....FAKE NEWS! Bahahahahahahahaa......

He's an actor, an entertainer, a provocateur, therefore his behavior is not genuine and he should be able to keep his kids! But that means his audience has been duped all these years.

Alex Jones is responding saying nope, that's really him. He believes everything he says.

LOVE IT. You just can't make this up!

And now he wants the press to make nice!

Alex Jones asks the press to be ‘respectful and responsible’ in coverage of his custody battle

Hypocrisy on a monumental scale. And how stupid his listerners/viewers must feel having been swindled all these years. They bought his bullshit as do Michael Savage's audience and Mark Levin. All these people are snake-oil salesmen who fleece their audience of their money.

And any judge that views that whackjob's videos, and then hears him tell them that is really him, has no business awarding custody of children or even visitation for that mental patient.

Bill O'Reilly, Drumpf and his grabbing of p'ssies, Alex Jones, Sarah Palin.

Conservatism produces the most vile immoral stupid humans in the population. Cons why is that? And why do you follow these scumbags? This is who you are?

They soured on Glenn Beck after he became more mainstream, but they loved him when he acted like this:

I haven't heard that before, good shit he loses his mind. These conservative talk-show hosts really can't stand it when a caller calls in and puts them in their place. They just come unglued. Like Alex Jones they know their audience of knuckle-draggers wants to hear their buddy screaming at 'them'.

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