Alex Jones, Jan 6th


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Contrary to the biased MSM and Democrat bleating, Alex Jones DID NOT instigate going into the Capitol. Here is the video to prove it. BTW this video will not be found on a GOOGLE search because their alogrhythm will produce negative results for Alex Jones, and, I could not find it on a Twitter search. Here is what Jones told the crowd....It was very difficult to find, I had to use another search engine.

“We need to not cause a confrontation with the police, they’re going to make that the story. I’m going to march to the other side, we have a stage, where we can speak and occupy peacefully. Tell everybody behind you, march to the other side.” The crowd began repeating, “March to the other side,” after Jones issued the order. Jones then continued, “You guys are great, we know the police, provocateurs are causing problems, the police are throwing flash bangs, we don’t want to have a Kent State here. So, I love you, we’re saving the Republic, this is beautiful, but please tell everyone you know to march to the other side.”

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Here is what Jones told the crowd....It was very difficult to find, I had to use another search engine.
It's much easier to find Alex's speeches in which he 'did' instigate the insurrection in the Capitol.

It's much easier to find Alex's speeches in which he 'did' instigate the insurrection in the Capitol.

Progs are instigating companies moving from blue urban dominated cities and even the blue states they are located in.
It's much easier to find Alex's speeches in which he 'did' instigate the insurrection in the Capitol.

Yes, because the exculpatory speeches are censored, as I already said and have proven. Do you ever wonder why all your sources march in lock step? Answer: They are all controlled by Democrats and the alt-left today. You do realize that what you posted has 0 evidence that Jones or Trump told people to riot? Meanwhile Democrats stir up their alt-left constituency.....Schumer said Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will 'reap the whirlwind' and 'pay the price' for their Roe decision. Maxine Waters encouraged her supporters to publicly harass members of the Trump administration. Democrats have a long history of inciting violence and insurrection......

10 Times Democrats Urged Violence Against Trump And His Supporters​

Many of these same Democrats blaming Trump for the Capitol riot have for years called for violence against those who believe differently than they do.

In 2018, Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu of California said on MSNBC that if Trump fired special counsel Robert Mueller, there would be “widespread civil unrest” as people would “take to the streets.”

Sen. Cory Booker urged people to answer a “call to action” to protest at the Capitol. “Please, get up in the face of some congresspeople,” Booker said at a conference.

Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder encouraged a group of “liberal activists,” to fight back, a sentiment that was met with applause and laughter. “Michelle [Obama] always says, ‘When they go low, we go high,’” Holder began. “No. No. When they go low, we kick them.”

In 2019, Rep. Joaquin Castro said Democrats would “fight [Trump] and challenge him in every way that we can in the Congress, in the courts, and in the streets and protests,” if the president declared a national emergency about a government shutdown.

Sen. Jon Tester of Montana took it one step further, encouraging people to “punch Trump in the face.”

More recently, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said that, in politics, “when you’re in the arena, you have to be ready to take a punch, and you have to be ready to throw a punch … for the children.”

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