Alexander Hamilton's Sexual Orientation?

Hell's bells you keep turning the Politics section into a "gay" zone I'm going to ask for a new forum.
I can care less about Alexander Hamilton one way or another. He wanted to grow the government beyond its constitutional limits.
All of the founders were liberal fags who had no religious beliefs.

I can care less about Alexander Hamilton one way or another. He wanted to grow the government beyond its constitutional limits.

Why do most Gays want to expand the Government to Magnum Size?

They must really love taking in the ass from Big Daddy.
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James Buchanan was homosexual.

Abraham Lincoln had a male companion that slept with him.

So what is your point?

That Hamilton was gay, was a liberal, and that is the reason why he lost the duel with Aaron Burr?
For people who claim that sexual orientation doesn't matter, they sure do bring up sexual orientation an awful lot.

Who the hell cares if he was homosexual? What difference does that make? Did you know that JFK was a heterosexual? zomg!!

Go away.

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