Alinsky's Rule Number 4

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."


What does that say to me?

That the Right loves to use that rule and are doing so every time they accuse liberals/Democrats of HYPOCRISY.

Ok then. Prove to me how liberals and Democrats aren't hypocrites. Show me how they don't blame everyone and everything else for their own failures. It's called "responsibility". Get some.

See? You're trying to do that right there. You're carrying out an Alinsky Rule.

And? They seemed to work pretty well when Trump used your own despicable tactics against you. He did after all win, you know. Right?

Don't like Trump? You have nobody else but yourselves to blame.
"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

What does this say to you? The first thing it should say to you is that as a conservative, Republican, or Trump supporter, you are "the enemy". You have always been "the enemy" to the left but immediately following the election of Donald Trump, they declared complete and total war on you, your political beliefs, and those you legally elected to serve.

Now look at the rest of rule #4:

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

Alinsky's rule number 4 is in essence, the entire purpose of the Trump/Russian "collusion" conspiracy theory they have been pushing so consistently. Think about it: Conservatives and Republicans have always traditionally been anti-Communist, anti-Socialist, and anti-Russian. This is a fact. This has also been written in their "book of rules" and has tacitly been accepted into their political platform.

So what better way to discredit conservatives and Republicans than by creating the narrative that they aren't living up to their own rules? That's called "psychological projection". This occurs when someone defends themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

With the exception of socialism now the conservatives and Republicans embrace Russia.

Once again: That's called "psychological projection". This occurs when someone defends themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.

Ok, then make it clear. Do you support Russia or not?

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