ALL 11 Alternate (Fake) Electors, Including GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Indicted In Arizona!

the law established deadlines that the states must meet when selecting their electors, resolving disputes, and when they must cast their electoral votes.[23
Yes! Fucking deadlines! In December 2021 that deadline was on the 14th to have all election disputes resolved. They were. Trump ignored that election law because he’s basically a fascist.
It had plausibility to create chaos and a constitutional crises which according to the US Constitution would force it to be settled in the US House of Representatives who held a one vote majority able to decide Trump/Pence the chaos ending winner .

Trump decided that very end justified the means of fraud to achieve it. Pence did not.

That is why Trump told the gathered mob this on J6,21.

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN

The Truth is present in most of these post The MAFA lies are present in a few:

Yes there was a written plan, It’s author has beeni Indicted at least twice

Eastman Coup Plan

Eastman Coup Plan

Eastman Coup Plan

Eastman Coup PlanI

If Pence does the right thing we win.

Systemic racism is legal

Systemic racism is legal

In 2016, seven went against the popular vote in their states. That was the most since 1972 and the first time there were any faithless electors since 2004. Those seven were also more than all the faithless electors combined (four) dating back to 1976.

In the 2016 presidential election between Trump and Hillary Clinton — two candidates who were unpopular — two Texas electors strayed from Trump and selected Ohio Gov. John Kasich and ex-Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, a libertarian star.
how so, explain it? Is this your turrets again?


Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution directs each state to appoint a quantity of electors equal to that state's congressional delegation (the number of members of the House of Representatives plus two senators). The same clause empowers each state legislature to determine the manner by which that state's electors are chosen but prohibits federal office holders from being named electors. Following the national presidential election day on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November,[18] each state, and the federal district, selects its electors according to its laws. After a popular election, the states identify and record their appointed electors in a Certificate of Ascertainment, and those appointed electors then meet in their respective jurisdictions and produce a Certificate of Vote for their candidate; both certificates are then sent to Congress to be opened and counted.

In Arizona in 2020, prior to the election, the parties appointed their own slate of potential electors. laws establishing the winning candidate in their state get awarded their electoral votes. By the safe harbor deadline, Arizona determined, and certified, Joe Biden as the winner of their state. Therefore, in accordance with their laws, Arizona's Secretary of State certified the Democratic slate of electors and sent that official certificate to Congress.

Republicans were sent a fake certificate to sign; which they did, attesting to the falsehood that Trump won Arizona and then sent their own uncertified fake certificate to Congress in an attempt to encourage Pence to not count Biden's real electors.

In Arizona in 2020, prior to the election, the parties appointed their own slate of potential electors. laws establishing the winning candidate in their state get awarded their electoral votes. By the safe harbor deadline, Arizona determined, and certified, Joe Biden as the winner of their state. Therefore, in accordance with their laws, Arizona's Secretary of State certified the Democratic slate of electors and sent that official certificate to Congress.

Republicans were sent a fake certificate to sign; which they did, attesting to the falsehood that Trump won Arizona and then sent their own uncertified fake certificate to Congress in an attempt to encourage Pence to not count Biden's real electors.


In 2016, seven went against the popular vote in their states. That was the most since 1972 and the first time there were any faithless electors since 2004. Those seven were also more than all the faithless electors combined (four) dating back to 1976.

In the 2016 presidential election between Trump and Hillary Clinton — two candidates who were unpopular — two Texas electors strayed from Trump and selected Ohio Gov. John Kasich and ex-Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, a libertarian star.
Only proves that since Texans do not have mommas that teach their kids to respect the sacred institution of will of the people in a western liberal democracy.
Only proves that since Texans do not have mommas that teach their kids to respect the sacred institution of will of the people in a western liberal democracy.
where's the indictments? Come now, are you for jurisprudence or not? Or do you believe in people are above the law, or below the law, or not entitled to the law? Which is it?
I have no idea what your point is.
Yes! Fucking deadlines! In December 2020 that deadline was on the 14th to have all election disputes resolved. They were but Trump ignored that election law and deadline because he’s basically a fascist.

It was after the Dec 14 2020 certification by all fifty states / That Trump implored the MAGA hoard to deploy to DC because he has a plan to illegally make him into the winner .

He told the entire world the intent to commit a crime.

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN
Yes! Fucking deadlines! In December 2020 that deadline was on the 14th to have all election disputes resolved. They were but Trump ignored that election law and deadline because he’s basically a fascist.

It was after the Dec 14 2020 certification by all fifty states / That Trump implored the MAGA hoard to deploy to DC because he has a plan to illegally make him into the winner .

He told the entire world the intent to commit a crime.

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN
so what, what is the relevance to the discussion? make your point fkwad.
so what, what is the relevance to the discussion? make your point fkwad.
The relevance to this discussion is the following Trump expression of his unlawful intent to make himself the winner explains that the Arizona Republicans who signed a false certificate that Trump won for the purpose of being used in Trump’s criminal enterprise to stay in power.

He told the entire world the intent to commit a crime.

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN

What do to think it means when Trump said you wouid be happy when he wins the 2020 if Pence does the right thing on J6,21? We’re you excited in the moment.
The relevance to this discussion is the following Trump expression of his unlawful intent to make himself the winner explains that the Arizona Republicans who signed a false certificate that Trump won for the purpose of being used in Trump’s criminal enterprise to stay in power.

He told the entire world the intent to commit a crime.

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN

What do to think it means when Trump said you wouid be happy when he wins the 2020 if Pence does the right thing on J6,21? We’re you excited in the moment.
you have no evidence of any of that cuck!!!

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