All 9 Supreme Court justices push back on oversight

The Supreme Court relies on the publics confidence.

That the judges are above reproach and are not beholden to anyone. That they follow ethics rules above and beyond other judges.

The Roberts Court has lost the publics respect and confidence
haha court la don’t rely on the oublic…they rule based on the law…not mob rule.

thats why the demafasict hate the third branch
If for 20 years in a row, you mark the NONE block for your wife's income when she is actually drawing down a substantial income every year, is that an accident?

Nice try, idiot. FAIL.
who cares. he didn’t have to fill it out to begin with
haha court la don’t rely on the oublic…they rule based on the law…not mob rule.

thats why the demafasict hate the third branch

If the court does not have faith of We the People, they lose credibility.

It is up to Roberts to assure the public that the ethics of his court are above reproach

He is failing miserably
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If the public does not have faith of We the People, they lose credibility.

It is up to Roberts to assure the public that the ethics of his court are above reproach

He is failing miserably
if the public doesn’t have faith of “we the people?” we the people is the public.

no it’s not robert’s job to make the public like the court or even agree with its rulings

it’s his job, and that of the other 8 and every judge for that matter to rule on the law.

if the public doesn’t like the law, then they have a direct voice in who to vote for in congress to change the law and if they don’t like how the law is enforced in voting for a president.

the judicial branch is purposely designed to be as far from the public as possible so not to be influence by political public demands
if the public doesn’t have faith of “we the people?” we the people is the public.

no it’s not robert’s job to make the public like the court or even agree with its rulings

it’s his job, and that of the other 8 and every judge for that matter to rule on the law.

if the public doesn’t like the law, then they have a direct voice in who to vote for in congress to change the law and if they don’t like how the law is enforced in voting for a president.

the judicial branch is purposely designed to be as far from the public as possible so not to be influence by political public demands

All the Supreme Court has is it’s credibility
It is the Roberts Court and the lack of ethics of its members reflects on his legacy

While the Court has always leaned left or right, it’s honesty and integrity was above reproach.
The Roberts Court does not meet that standard

Lower courts have strict ethical standards. The Supreme Court does not
All the Supreme Court has is it’s credibility
It is the Roberts Court and the lack of ethics of its members reflects on his legacy

While the Court has always leaned left or right, it’s honesty and integrity was above reproach.
The Roberts Court does not meet that standard

Lower courts have strict ethical standards. The Supreme Court does not
no actually it has the US Constitution. Art 3.

Now it’s true that a president could simply ignore the court…he has the guns…but then you’d be looking at a true demafacist regime
My oh my! I wonder what the left think about this. Apparently all 9 justices, which includes the staunch liberals, aren't in favor of SC oversight.

There's no conservative-liberal divide on the U.S. Supreme Court when it comes to calls for a new, enforceable ethics code.

All nine justices, in a rare step, on Tuesday released a joint statement reaffirming their voluntary adherence to a general code of conduct but rebutting proposals for independent oversight, mandatory compliance with ethics rules and greater transparency in cases of recusal.

That's because there already is oversight, in that they can be impeached and removed from office. Any other oversight would be political in nature.

Let's censure Thomas because we just don't like him!

Let's censure Kagan because she is a lesbian!
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The Supreme Court relies on the publics confidence.

That the judges are above reproach and are not beholden to anyone. That they follow ethics rules above and beyond other judges.

The Roberts Court has lost the publics respect and confidence
LOL. As usual, you believe the court should decide cases by public opinion, to hell with the laws.
The Supreme Court relies on the publics confidence.

That the judges are above reproach and are not beholden to anyone. That they follow ethics rules above and beyond other judges.

The Roberts Court has lost the publics respect and confidence

100% correct.

The SCOTUS has no power at all other than their words.

If they lose the respect of the country, then there is no reason for anyone to follow their rulings.
Apparently you missed the part about checks and balances in middle school.
No, he didn't, but you apparently did. The House can impeach SC justices and the Senate can remove them. Presidents nominate them to their seats with confirmation by the Senate. What other checks and balances do you not know?
If for 20 years in a row, you mark the NONE block for your wife's income when she is actually drawing down a substantial income every year, is that an accident?

Nice try, idiot. FAIL.
You fail when you have to resort to calling another poster an idiot. But, I do realize that's the best you've got for debate.
Ethics schmethics. If the SCOTUS had to follow ethics rules, then Uncle Thomas wouldn't be able to take bribes, er um "gifts" any more.
He has violated reporting requirements MULTIPLE times. He has had an entirely inappropriate relationship with a billionaire.

If one of the liberal judges had a similar relationship with George Soros, all of your head would explode.

What part of High Crimes and MISDEMEANORS do you not understand?
Reporting requirements? Where is that in the Constitution?

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