All About Trump

no one was denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE. Even those in the country illegally were treated, and it was FREE.

ACA was a fix for a problem that did not exist. Those who paid always covered those who did not, exactly the same as under obozocare, except that now they also have to pay for a huge government beaurocracy to "administer" it.

A health insurance problem sure did exist, ask those who didn't have it. Ask those who couldn't afford it? Ask those who had a preexisting condition, or met their lifetime cap. Ask those who filed bankruptcy due to medical bills, lost their homes and savings. Ask them.

there were two problems that could have been fixed with a one page bill.

make insurance companies take people with pre-existing conditions
do away with lifetime maximums

No one filed bankruptcy solely due to medical bills. They may have filed due to car payments, credit card debt, etc. but 98% of unpaid medical bills were either written off or covered by Medicaid or medicare.

The uninsured were not turned away. you are posting lies and left wing talking points.

No of course they went to er, you call visits to er health care? I call it emergency care due to no healthcare or an accident of some sort.

A large maj of bankruptcies are due to medical bills.

Medicaid paid for unpaid medical bills, no not if one had assets and could afford their own insurance. Do you know how low one needs to be to get on Medicaid??? In Texas a family of 3 its 8700 a year and no assets.

Medicare is for someone who is 65 or disabled.

Yes, when you get it free, its not always convenient, tough shit, its free.

Some bankruptcy filings include unpaid medical bills, but none include ONLY unpaid medical bills. Hospitals and doctors do not take patients to court for unpaid bills, they write them off and make it up by charging more to those who are insured. That's exactly the same under obozocare. Nothing is changed except that those paying are now paying more and have higher deductibles. Sure, you like it if you get it free. I understand that. But there is a net cost increase to the entire country that someone has to pay.

ER is not the same thing as health insurance. The rest I refuse to debate with you, I am the one for the ACA, so everyone pays. you would rather pay for the uninsured. Are you crazy.

you are either very stupid or very uninformed.

"everyone pays" under ACA? are you fricken crazy? Do those who get it free pay? do those who get big supplements pay?

Yes, going to the ER is not the same as going to a doctor's office. Its inconvenient. But its free. Why should something free be as convenient as paying for something?
Daily dose of faux rage.

There is nothing fake about it, only a neo fascist like you will excuse Trump's need to bully and seek revenge. My question to you is the same I posted to the other neo fascist above.

when someone puts out lies about him, he retaliates. Exactly how do you find fault with that?

Would the Clinton system be better? where their enemies simply died mysteriously or shot themselves in the back of the head twice?

How many lies were posted on this message board alone about President Obama? He was and remained a gentleman for 8 years, something Trump will never be. The facade fades when the sun goes down, and his true nature is broadcast on twitter.
Dear Wry Catcher
Whether someone speaks as a gentleman or a rogue abusing free speech,
* what policies through GOVT do they enforce or deny using their official capacity

If Trump threatens to push the bias of right to life through govt (well at this point he's argued to leave it to people and states to decide not federal), then that can be compared to how Obama overrode and denied rights of states and people by pushing "right to health care" through federal govt, establishing a national belief under penalty of law

So which is worse? Someone violating constitutional principles ethics and beliefs for over half the nation while "speaking as a gentleman"?
Or someone speaking his own mind without apology, but because he is honest about his positions then the people can respond with checks and balances to correct flaws in his positions as stated.

Obama showed NO cooperation or willingness to include arguments that his policies were unconstitutional.

Trump on the other hand faces such arguments from both left and right if he crosses those bounds.

He does not have the favor of media and corporate bias toward agenda as Obama and Clinton had used to override even dissent and opposing input By Their Own Constituents they ignored along with opponents on the right.

Trump has to answer to the people if he's going to get anything done.

He had colleagues on both left and right ready to stop anything deemed overreaching and beyond Constitutional authority. In fact, I hope to see more collaboration and teamwork between Constitutional enforcement on both left And right in response to Trump's need for this!

It's about time we United on common principles. Trump practically begs for this to be organized, so I say, let's do it!
Trump turns his Twitter attacks on private citizens, raising concerns

and this:

"About a year ago, 18-year-old college student Lauren Batchelder stood up at a political forum in New Hampshire and told Donald Trump that she didn’t think he was “a friend to women.”

"The next morning, Trump fired back on Twitter — calling Batchelder an “arrogant young woman” and accusing her of being a “plant” from a rival campaign. Her phone began ringing with callers leaving threatening messages that were often sexual in nature. Her Facebook and email inboxes filled with similar messages. As her addresses circulated on social media and her photo flashed on the news, she fled home to hide."
This is what happens when Donald Trump attacks a private citizen on Twitter
Dear Wry Catcher
Unlike the entire party of Democrats that followed Obama s lead like a mob, Trump is acting as a single individual and can be stopped.

Obama remember abused his office to deprive the entire nation of the right to choose how we pay for health care. Over half the nation has been punished with fines and forced compliance to lose our income and liberties for YEARS since the mandates have been passed, enforced, and refused to change bevause Democrats eirger dont believe or wont admit this was unconstitutional overreaching of federal govt into private decisions and choices.

Not until I saw voters voting NO against liberal biases in media and agenda in govt did I feel this was ever represented or acknowledged that people across the nation were protesting loss of liberty under Obama and Clinton s approach to govt.

So you are comparing individual incidents that CAN be fixed by addressing Individuals
Collective abuse of national power and policy by Obama and an Entire Party to penalize ALL citizens, deprive free choice, and censor and silence the opposition by refusing to Hear and Acknowledge the health care mandates are Unconstitutional in punishing citizens for wanting a Free Choice in exercising our beliefs about health care choices equally as Democrat beliefs in right to health care that not all people believe in.

Here you are on your rant against the ACA, go to McNutt and have him lay hands on you. If you get into a car crash or break your leg go to him and have him lay hands on you, better yet just pray to Sweet Jesus and be healed.

Tell the ACA, you do not believe in any medical intervention, and no more fines. Then its your responsibility to make sure you are never treated by a medical dr. Wear a bracket, stating NO MEDICAL INTERVENTION UNDER ANY CONDITION, PRAYER WOULD BE WELCOME, so they do not accidently treat you when they rush you into the hospital when your pulse is faint and 40 bpm's and they suspect internal bleeding. Hopefully the ambulance drivers will see your bracelet and just say a few prayers over you and said 'good bye".

If they do happen to treat you, due to not having this bracelet on, you need to pay for it the rest of your life. I suggest they take your home and your bank account assets and garnish your wages. Us taxpayers should not have to pay for something you were able to pay for yourself.
Dear Penelope
Please REREAD my other msg
To you all in Boldface on the other thread

You are confusing
* natural spiritual healing that works WITH SCIENCE *AND* MEDICINE
As and ADDED enhancement and free choice to facilitate and allow recovery

* fraudulent false "faith healing" that is dangerous deadly malpractice and abuse which denies medical care and violates the process of medical mental and spiritual healing

Please quit mistaking me and insulting and falsely accusing me just because
YOU don't know the difference between
* false "faith healing" that kills people by denying care by coercion
* true "spiritual healing" that saves lives by offering ADDITIONAL choices of therapy and treatment which IMPROVE response to medical and mental treatment, not taking anything away

I've explained this 2-3 times now.

How is this my fault you refuse to read or research the difference between
* false FAITH healing that is deadly malpractice and dangerous abuse and coercion
* free and natural SPIRITUAL healing that is natural so it works with science and medicine to Restore free will and life and health

Do I need to drag you into the Bullring
Before you will confront and get that there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE.

Note: and I do AGREE that health care choices should be an equal and free choice! That is my whole point in asking to separate tracks and options for taxpayers to choose.

Are we able to agree on free choice of how to provide and pay for health care?

As for effective natural spiritual healing that saves lives, vs Fraudulent abuse by false faith healers who endanger harm and kill people by unlawful coercion and abuse:
Do you need to see medical proof of the
between these two before you can understand this?
Is that why you keep assuming these are the same thing when I've explained they are OPPOSITES.

Thanks Penelope!
Please see previous msg in BOLD
OR let me know if I should start a new thread
In the Bullring to clarify this huge difference! !!
Trump turns his Twitter attacks on private citizens, raising concerns

and this:

"About a year ago, 18-year-old college student Lauren Batchelder stood up at a political forum in New Hampshire and told Donald Trump that she didn’t think he was “a friend to women.”

"The next morning, Trump fired back on Twitter — calling Batchelder an “arrogant young woman” and accusing her of being a “plant” from a rival campaign. Her phone began ringing with callers leaving threatening messages that were often sexual in nature. Her Facebook and email inboxes filled with similar messages. As her addresses circulated on social media and her photo flashed on the news, she fled home to hide."
This is what happens when Donald Trump attacks a private citizen on Twitter
Dear Wry Catcher
Unlike the entire party of Democrats that followed Obama s lead like a mob, Trump is acting as a single individual and can be stopped.

Obama remember abused his office to deprive the entire nation of the right to choose how we pay for health care. Over half the nation has been punished with fines and forced compliance to lose our income and liberties for YEARS since the mandates have been passed, enforced, and refused to change bevause Democrats eirger dont believe or wont admit this was unconstitutional overreaching of federal govt into private decisions and choices.

Not until I saw voters voting NO against liberal biases in media and agenda in govt did I feel this was ever represented or acknowledged that people across the nation were protesting loss of liberty under Obama and Clinton s approach to govt.

So you are comparing individual incidents that CAN be fixed by addressing Individuals
Collective abuse of national power and policy by Obama and an Entire Party to penalize ALL citizens, deprive free choice, and censor and silence the opposition by refusing to Hear and Acknowledge the health care mandates are Unconstitutional in punishing citizens for wanting a Free Choice in exercising our beliefs about health care choices equally as Democrat beliefs in right to health care that not all people believe in.

Here you are on your rant against the ACA, go to McNutt and have him lay hands on you. If you get into a car crash or break your leg go to him and have him lay hands on you, better yet just pray to Sweet Jesus and be healed.

Tell the ACA, you do not believe in any medical intervention, and no more fines. Then its your responsibility to make sure you are never treated by a medical dr. Wear a bracket, stating NO MEDICAL INTERVENTION UNDER ANY CONDITION, PRAYER WOULD BE WELCOME, so they do not accidently treat you when they rush you into the hospital when your pulse is faint and 40 bpm's and they suspect internal bleeding. Hopefully the ambulance drivers will see your bracelet and just say a few prayers over you and said 'good bye".

If they do happen to treat you, due to not having this bracelet on, you need to pay for it the rest of your life. I suggest they take your home and your bank account assets and garnish your wages. Us taxpayers should not have to pay for something you were able to pay for yourself.

no one was denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE. Even those in the country illegally were treated, and it was FREE.

ACA was a fix for a problem that did not exist. Those who paid always covered those who did not, exactly the same as under obozocare, except that now they also have to pay for a huge government beaurocracy to "administer" it.

A health insurance problem sure did exist, ask those who didn't have it. Ask those who couldn't afford it? Ask those who had a preexisting condition, or met their lifetime cap. Ask those who filed bankruptcy due to medical bills, lost their homes and savings. Ask them.

Dear Penelope
And who said insurance couldn't be changed *without* requiring mandates to buy it?

When we change safety regulations on cars, do we "require people to buy cars" in order for manufacturers to afford to meet safety requirements?

Look at Doctors without Borders medical outreach and nonprofit services that continue to grow in ability to help MORE and MORE people in MORE areas and nations worldwide!

Do we "require people to donate to them or be fined" in order to help more people?
Trump turns his Twitter attacks on private citizens, raising concerns

and this:

"About a year ago, 18-year-old college student Lauren Batchelder stood up at a political forum in New Hampshire and told Donald Trump that she didn’t think he was “a friend to women.”

"The next morning, Trump fired back on Twitter — calling Batchelder an “arrogant young woman” and accusing her of being a “plant” from a rival campaign. Her phone began ringing with callers leaving threatening messages that were often sexual in nature. Her Facebook and email inboxes filled with similar messages. As her addresses circulated on social media and her photo flashed on the news, she fled home to hide."
This is what happens when Donald Trump attacks a private citizen on Twitter
Dear Wry Catcher
Unlike the entire party of Democrats that followed Obama s lead like a mob, Trump is acting as a single individual and can be stopped.

Obama remember abused his office to deprive the entire nation of the right to choose how we pay for health care. Over half the nation has been punished with fines and forced compliance to lose our income and liberties for YEARS since the mandates have been passed, enforced, and refused to change bevause Democrats eirger dont believe or wont admit this was unconstitutional overreaching of federal govt into private decisions and choices.

Not until I saw voters voting NO against liberal biases in media and agenda in govt did I feel this was ever represented or acknowledged that people across the nation were protesting loss of liberty under Obama and Clinton s approach to govt.

So you are comparing individual incidents that CAN be fixed by addressing Individuals
Collective abuse of national power and policy by Obama and an Entire Party to penalize ALL citizens, deprive free choice, and censor and silence the opposition by refusing to Hear and Acknowledge the health care mandates are Unconstitutional in punishing citizens for wanting a Free Choice in exercising our beliefs about health care choices equally as Democrat beliefs in right to health care that not all people believe in.

Here you are on your rant against the ACA, go to McNutt and have him lay hands on you. If you get into a car crash or break your leg go to him and have him lay hands on you, better yet just pray to Sweet Jesus and be healed.

Tell the ACA, you do not believe in any medical intervention, and no more fines. Then its your responsibility to make sure you are never treated by a medical dr. Wear a bracket, stating NO MEDICAL INTERVENTION UNDER ANY CONDITION, PRAYER WOULD BE WELCOME, so they do not accidently treat you when they rush you into the hospital when your pulse is faint and 40 bpm's and they suspect internal bleeding. Hopefully the ambulance drivers will see your bracelet and just say a few prayers over you and said 'good bye".

If they do happen to treat you, due to not having this bracelet on, you need to pay for it the rest of your life. I suggest they take your home and your bank account assets and garnish your wages. Us taxpayers should not have to pay for something you were able to pay for yourself.

no one was denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE. Even those in the country illegally were treated, and it was FREE.

ACA was a fix for a problem that did not exist. Those who paid always covered those who did not, exactly the same as under obozocare, except that now they also have to pay for a huge government beaurocracy to "administer" it.

A health insurance problem sure did exist, ask those who didn't have it. Ask those who couldn't afford it? Ask those who had a preexisting condition, or met their lifetime cap. Ask those who filed bankruptcy due to medical bills, lost their homes and savings. Ask them.

Dear Penelope
And who said insurance couldn't be changed without requiring mandates to buy it?

When we change safety regulations on cars, do we require people to buy cars in order for manufacturers to afford to meet safety requirements?

Look at Doctors without borders medical outreach that continue to grow in its ability to help MORE and MORE people in MORE areas and nations worldwide!
Do we require people to donate to them in order to help more people?

You do not understand healthcare do you or health insurance. We carry extra insurance on our vehicles for the underinsured and uninsured, in Mi we have No Fault ins.

Quit complaining and sign the paper saying you do not want medical attention and sign it. you will not need to pay the fine. You would rather pay a fine than get insured, fine , no medical care for you, none. There needs to be a foot put down on people like you who refuse to buy insurance when they can.

There is a huge fine in Mi for driving without insurance.

Here how to apply for a religious relief from fine:
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A health insurance problem sure did exist, ask those who didn't have it. Ask those who couldn't afford it? Ask those who had a preexisting condition, or met their lifetime cap. Ask those who filed bankruptcy due to medical bills, lost their homes and savings. Ask them.

there were two problems that could have been fixed with a one page bill.

make insurance companies take people with pre-existing conditions
do away with lifetime maximums

No one filed bankruptcy solely due to medical bills. They may have filed due to car payments, credit card debt, etc. but 98% of unpaid medical bills were either written off or covered by Medicaid or medicare.

The uninsured were not turned away. you are posting lies and left wing talking points.

No of course they went to er, you call visits to er health care? I call it emergency care due to no healthcare or an accident of some sort.

A large maj of bankruptcies are due to medical bills.

Medicaid paid for unpaid medical bills, no not if one had assets and could afford their own insurance. Do you know how low one needs to be to get on Medicaid??? In Texas a family of 3 its 8700 a year and no assets.

Medicare is for someone who is 65 or disabled.

Yes, when you get it free, its not always convenient, tough shit, its free.

Some bankruptcy filings include unpaid medical bills, but none include ONLY unpaid medical bills. Hospitals and doctors do not take patients to court for unpaid bills, they write them off and make it up by charging more to those who are insured. That's exactly the same under obozocare. Nothing is changed except that those paying are now paying more and have higher deductibles. Sure, you like it if you get it free. I understand that. But there is a net cost increase to the entire country that someone has to pay.

ER is not the same thing as health insurance. The rest I refuse to debate with you, I am the one for the ACA, so everyone pays. you would rather pay for the uninsured. Are you crazy.

you are either very stupid or very uninformed.

"everyone pays" under ACA? are you fricken crazy? Do those who get it free pay? do those who get big supplements pay?

Yes, going to the ER is not the same as going to a doctor's office. Its inconvenient. But its free. Why should something free be as convenient as paying for something?
Dear Redfish and Penelope
Also don't forget:
* Corporate insurance interests got paid TRILLIONS of tax dollars up front.

Penelope why didn't citizens get our costs of conversion paid for as corporations did?
Are you buying into the hype that benefits corporate insurance at taxpayers expense, in order for corporate interests to get a payout while we suck up the costs?

* Govt officials still get their benefits plans paid for with our tax dollars.

Penelope if you really wanted the best health care for all people to share responsibility for, why aren't Govt officials who passed these plans under them and paying for them.

* look at the Unions and Hollywood companies in alliance with Obama administration that got approved for EXEMPTIONS from mandates while others were not treated the same

How is this equal treatment and protection of the laws???

Have you any clue how biased and "selective" in interpretation, mandates and exemptions this bill has been since its passing and enforcement?

Lastly have you even Considered that the exemptions for people who PAY to join a religious exempted group approved by federal Govt is
* Govt Regulating tax penalties and exemptions on the basis of Religious affiliation
* discriminating against atheists who don't have equal choice to join a faith based approved group to qualify for exemption from tax fines or other restrictions or penalties

How is any of this equal
If Govt is defining and enforcing
UNEQUAL choices and regulations
Under mandates penalties and exemptions that AREN'T enforced or applied to all people Equally!!!

Penelope if your beliefs are satisfied
By these plans but other people's beliefs
Are Violated daily, how is that equal???
Dear Wry Catcher
Unlike the entire party of Democrats that followed Obama s lead like a mob, Trump is acting as a single individual and can be stopped.

Obama remember abused his office to deprive the entire nation of the right to choose how we pay for health care. Over half the nation has been punished with fines and forced compliance to lose our income and liberties for YEARS since the mandates have been passed, enforced, and refused to change bevause Democrats eirger dont believe or wont admit this was unconstitutional overreaching of federal govt into private decisions and choices.

Not until I saw voters voting NO against liberal biases in media and agenda in govt did I feel this was ever represented or acknowledged that people across the nation were protesting loss of liberty under Obama and Clinton s approach to govt.

So you are comparing individual incidents that CAN be fixed by addressing Individuals
Collective abuse of national power and policy by Obama and an Entire Party to penalize ALL citizens, deprive free choice, and censor and silence the opposition by refusing to Hear and Acknowledge the health care mandates are Unconstitutional in punishing citizens for wanting a Free Choice in exercising our beliefs about health care choices equally as Democrat beliefs in right to health care that not all people believe in.

Here you are on your rant against the ACA, go to McNutt and have him lay hands on you. If you get into a car crash or break your leg go to him and have him lay hands on you, better yet just pray to Sweet Jesus and be healed.

Tell the ACA, you do not believe in any medical intervention, and no more fines. Then its your responsibility to make sure you are never treated by a medical dr. Wear a bracket, stating NO MEDICAL INTERVENTION UNDER ANY CONDITION, PRAYER WOULD BE WELCOME, so they do not accidently treat you when they rush you into the hospital when your pulse is faint and 40 bpm's and they suspect internal bleeding. Hopefully the ambulance drivers will see your bracelet and just say a few prayers over you and said 'good bye".

If they do happen to treat you, due to not having this bracelet on, you need to pay for it the rest of your life. I suggest they take your home and your bank account assets and garnish your wages. Us taxpayers should not have to pay for something you were able to pay for yourself.

no one was denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE. Even those in the country illegally were treated, and it was FREE.

ACA was a fix for a problem that did not exist. Those who paid always covered those who did not, exactly the same as under obozocare, except that now they also have to pay for a huge government beaurocracy to "administer" it.

A health insurance problem sure did exist, ask those who didn't have it. Ask those who couldn't afford it? Ask those who had a preexisting condition, or met their lifetime cap. Ask those who filed bankruptcy due to medical bills, lost their homes and savings. Ask them.

Dear Penelope
And who said insurance couldn't be changed without requiring mandates to buy it?

When we change safety regulations on cars, do we require people to buy cars in order for manufacturers to afford to meet safety requirements?

Look at Doctors without borders medical outreach that continue to grow in its ability to help MORE and MORE people in MORE areas and nations worldwide!
Do we require people to donate to them in order to help more people?

You do not understand healthcare do you or health insurance. We carry extra insurance on our vehicles for the underinsured and uninsured, in Mi we have No Fault ins.

Quit complaining and sign the paper saying you do not want medical attention and sign it. you will not need to pay the fine. You would rather pay a fine than get insured, fine , no medical care for you, none. There needs to be a foot put down on people like you who refuse to buy insurance when they can.

There is a huge fine in Mi for driving without insurance.

Here how to apply for a religious relief from fine:
Dear Penelope
1. I consent to state laws on car insurance
But not to federal laws on health insurance mandates.
If someone said YOU had to pay for "right to life" mandates through Govt would you consent?
Right to health care is a DIFFERENT belief
That YOU agree to
Right to Life that is a DIFFERENT policy

These two policies are NOT the same
And neither are car insurance and health insurance.

You are *dangerous* if you think that just because you agree to right to health care then you automatically should support right to life mandates that are different!

You have the right to consent to one and not the other!!

Do you seriously believe that car insurance by state laws means everyone should believe in health insurance by FEDERAL laws ???

Do we need another bullring thread to call out this difference ????

2. Why aren't you opposed to Govt mandating that people join a religious group to get exemptions ! That's Govt Regulating on the basis of religion!

If so then ALL people should have equal choice to opt out by going with their Own beliefs NOT regulated choices of beliefs that Govt approves or Dictates in order to judge who is exempted or fined.

How is this NOT causing religious regulation and discrimination by govt???

Penelope can you please explain
Point 1 and 2. I'm all for equal choice for AOL people of AOL beliefs, not unequally regulated penalized or fined by govt.
I believe that by Free Choice people can choose to but insurance without being forced to unless their program of choice requires this of members who agree to join under those terms (just as I believe people can freely choose to prevent abortion without forcing or fining people by any mandate that requires people to fund and comply with prolife bans on abortion and penalizes free choice otherwise)

Can you handle both points, or do these need separate thread under Bullring?

Thanks Penelope
Since you have 2 or more biases in beliefs that other people don't have, this is causing *multiple* points of conflict that might benefit from 2-3 separate threads to address and sort out.
Otherwise you would be guilty of endorsing and imposing 2-3 different biases and beliefs through federal policies.
If you don't agree when religious opponents abuse govt this way.
I suggest you refrain as well from making similar mistakes
that otherwise make you a hypocrite when that is not your intent.
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Trump is the spoiled brat that lies on the floor of a store and kicks his feet and throws a fit, because he can't get enough attention. He will do something every day to get attention, fake news, Tweets, war.
Trump is the spoiled brat that lies on the floor of a store and kicks his feet and throws a fit, because he can't get enough attention. He will do something every day to get attention, fake news, Tweets, war.
Dear hangover
In case you missed it, he met with media and press, dressed them down for skewing media coverage for political lobbying,

And demanded they either prove they will cover events journalistically or he would bypass them. Which he does by direct tweets, YouTube and other forms of speaking without media spin editing down what he says.

Because he is going with self representation outside the biased media,
This opens the door for ALL indy media to do the same.

The fake news and political hype in the media has cost and lost them credibility.

So now it's back to free speech for all,
And good luck sorting out the hype from the real statements being made.

Everyone is interpreting this differently.
Why not just represent ourselves so we are equal in that responsibility?
Dear Wry Catcher
Unlike the entire party of Democrats that followed Obama s lead like a mob, Trump is acting as a single individual and can be stopped.

Obama remember abused his office to deprive the entire nation of the right to choose how we pay for health care. Over half the nation has been punished with fines and forced compliance to lose our income and liberties for YEARS since the mandates have been passed, enforced, and refused to change bevause Democrats eirger dont believe or wont admit this was unconstitutional overreaching of federal govt into private decisions and choices.

Not until I saw voters voting NO against liberal biases in media and agenda in govt did I feel this was ever represented or acknowledged that people across the nation were protesting loss of liberty under Obama and Clinton s approach to govt.

So you are comparing individual incidents that CAN be fixed by addressing Individuals
Collective abuse of national power and policy by Obama and an Entire Party to penalize ALL citizens, deprive free choice, and censor and silence the opposition by refusing to Hear and Acknowledge the health care mandates are Unconstitutional in punishing citizens for wanting a Free Choice in exercising our beliefs about health care choices equally as Democrat beliefs in right to health care that not all people believe in.

Here you are on your rant against the ACA, go to McNutt and have him lay hands on you. If you get into a car crash or break your leg go to him and have him lay hands on you, better yet just pray to Sweet Jesus and be healed.

Tell the ACA, you do not believe in any medical intervention, and no more fines. Then its your responsibility to make sure you are never treated by a medical dr. Wear a bracket, stating NO MEDICAL INTERVENTION UNDER ANY CONDITION, PRAYER WOULD BE WELCOME, so they do not accidently treat you when they rush you into the hospital when your pulse is faint and 40 bpm's and they suspect internal bleeding. Hopefully the ambulance drivers will see your bracelet and just say a few prayers over you and said 'good bye".

If they do happen to treat you, due to not having this bracelet on, you need to pay for it the rest of your life. I suggest they take your home and your bank account assets and garnish your wages. Us taxpayers should not have to pay for something you were able to pay for yourself.

no one was denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE. Even those in the country illegally were treated, and it was FREE.

ACA was a fix for a problem that did not exist. Those who paid always covered those who did not, exactly the same as under obozocare, except that now they also have to pay for a huge government beaurocracy to "administer" it.

A health insurance problem sure did exist, ask those who didn't have it. Ask those who couldn't afford it? Ask those who had a preexisting condition, or met their lifetime cap. Ask those who filed bankruptcy due to medical bills, lost their homes and savings. Ask them.

Dear Penelope
And who said insurance couldn't be changed without requiring mandates to buy it?

When we change safety regulations on cars, do we require people to buy cars in order for manufacturers to afford to meet safety requirements?

Look at Doctors without borders medical outreach that continue to grow in its ability to help MORE and MORE people in MORE areas and nations worldwide!
Do we require people to donate to them in order to help more people?

You do not understand healthcare do you or health insurance. We carry extra insurance on our vehicles for the underinsured and uninsured, in Mi we have No Fault ins.

Quit complaining and sign the paper saying you do not want medical attention and sign it. you will not need to pay the fine. You would rather pay a fine than get insured, fine , no medical care for you, none. There needs to be a foot put down on people like you who refuse to buy insurance when they can.

There is a huge fine in Mi for driving without insurance.

Here how to apply for a religious relief from fine:

Dear Penelope
This is STILL "federal govt regulating on the basis of RELIGION" which is unconstitutional.
[You are basically abusing federal govt to treat people of different affiliations
unequally by DISCRIMINATION and EXCLUSION -- by exempting SOME from fines "because of their religious affiliation" while penalizing others for not joining and paying religious organizations approved by govt. Unless govt APPROVES *ALL people of ALL beliefs for exemption who want that because they believe in other means of paying for health care, then this is discriminating by creed, on the basis of "govt APPROVING SOME RELIGIONS that are exempted" but not other beliefs that are penalized.]

I also called you out in the Bullring
To resolve the DIFFERENCES between
* car insurance that is OPTIONAL for us to use for our OWN losses
vs health insurance that I am ARGUING should be optional
* State Laws vs. Federal Laws and jurisdiction
* laws and beliefs we CONSENT to follow
laws and beliefs we DO NOT CONSENT TO

Please go to the link and address these points
and which explanation works for you, or explain
why you don't see the difference.

All three issues are IMPORTANT to establish the difference
or these allow VOTERS like you to be manipulated by fraudulent promises
by politicians pushing policies that will be argued and rejected as Unconstitutional.
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