All About Trump

Daily dose of faux rage.

There is nothing fake about it, only a neo fascist like you will excuse Trump's need to bully and seek revenge. My question to you is the same I posted to the other neo fascist above.

when someone puts out lies about him, he retaliates. Exactly how do you find fault with that?

Would the Clinton system be better? where their enemies simply died mysteriously or shot themselves in the back of the head twice?

How many lies were posted on this message board alone about President Obama? He was and remained a gentleman for 8 years, something Trump will never be. The facade fades when the sun goes down, and his true nature is broadcast on twitter.

He was a gentleman that supported charter schools, the chained CPI, pipeline, and implementing neoliberal policies domestically and abroad. Something you are in denial about or support.
Daily dose of faux rage.

There is nothing fake about it, only a neo fascist like you will excuse Trump's need to bully and seek revenge. My question to you is the same I posted to the other neo fascist above.

when someone puts out lies about him, he retaliates. Exactly how do you find fault with that?

Would the Clinton system be better? where their enemies simply died mysteriously or shot themselves in the back of the head twice?

How many lies were posted on this message board alone about President Obama? He was and remained a gentleman for 8 years, something Trump will never be. The facade fades when the sun goes down, and his true nature is broadcast on twitter.


OMG, you actually believe that, don't you? Your self delusion is monumental. Obama is the thinnest skinned President in history, easily as thin skinned as Trump
Daily dose of faux rage.

There is nothing fake about it, only a neo fascist like you will excuse Trump's need to bully and seek revenge. My question to you is the same I posted to the other neo fascist above.

when someone puts out lies about him, he retaliates. Exactly how do you find fault with that?

Would the Clinton system be better? where their enemies simply died mysteriously or shot themselves in the back of the head twice?

How many lies were posted on this message board alone about President Obama? He was and remained a gentleman for 8 years, something Trump will never be. The facade fades when the sun goes down, and his true nature is broadcast on twitter.
NO lies were posted here about obastard.
Trump turns his Twitter attacks on private citizens, raising concerns

and this:

"About a year ago, 18-year-old college student Lauren Batchelder stood up at a political forum in New Hampshire and told Donald Trump that she didn’t think he was “a friend to women.”

"The next morning, Trump fired back on Twitter — calling Batchelder an “arrogant young woman” and accusing her of being a “plant” from a rival campaign. Her phone began ringing with callers leaving threatening messages that were often sexual in nature. Her Facebook and email inboxes filled with similar messages. As her addresses circulated on social media and her photo flashed on the news, she fled home to hide."
This is what happens when Donald Trump attacks a private citizen on Twitter

Chuck Jones isn't a private citizen you stupid fuck. What's even dumber is that the "young woman" asked him the question, how dare he answer!

You'd have no problem with a Democrat doing either of those. Just your partisan butt hurt. You lost, grow a pair and get in the back of the bus where you belong

Chuck Jones? Who is that, Paula Jones father? If you're going to post a non sequitur, you ought to write something which makes some sense.

Your rant suggests you have been subjected to a bit of cognitive dissonance - that's great since I've often wondered if you've ever thought before posting (hmmm, maybe you and Trump has that in common).
Daily dose of faux rage.

There is nothing fake about it, only a neo fascist like you will excuse Trump's need to bully and seek revenge. My question to you is the same I posted to the other neo fascist above.

Your "rage" is fake, Fraud.

"rage"? Hardly, posting and reading other posts I'm never surprised nor enraged by the stupidity and evil intent of others.
Trump turns his Twitter attacks on private citizens, raising concerns

and this:

"About a year ago, 18-year-old college student Lauren Batchelder stood up at a political forum in New Hampshire and told Donald Trump that she didn’t think he was “a friend to women.”

"The next morning, Trump fired back on Twitter — calling Batchelder an “arrogant young woman” and accusing her of being a “plant” from a rival campaign. Her phone began ringing with callers leaving threatening messages that were often sexual in nature. Her Facebook and email inboxes filled with similar messages. As her addresses circulated on social media and her photo flashed on the news, she fled home to hide."
This is what happens when Donald Trump attacks a private citizen on Twitter
Trump is responsible for all that? The little asshole needed to learn there are consequences in life. So few liberals understand.
Daily dose of faux rage.

There is nothing fake about it, only a neo fascist like you will excuse Trump's need to bully and seek revenge. My question to you is the same I posted to the other neo fascist above.

when someone puts out lies about him, he retaliates. Exactly how do you find fault with that?

Would the Clinton system be better? where their enemies simply died mysteriously or shot themselves in the back of the head twice?

How many lies were posted on this message board alone about President Obama? He was and remained a gentleman for 8 years, something Trump will never be. The facade fades when the sun goes down, and his true nature is broadcast on twitter.

Lies about Obama?

1. his college records remain sealed from view
2.he is a muslim sympathizer, if not a closet muslim
3. he is a racist
4. he hates the USA and the constitution
5. "if you like your policy you can keep it"
6. "raising the national debt shows a failure of leadership"
7. "it was caused by a video"
8. "my administration will be the most transparent in history"

Not lies, Facts and quotes.
Trump turns his Twitter attacks on private citizens, raising concerns

and this:

"About a year ago, 18-year-old college student Lauren Batchelder stood up at a political forum in New Hampshire and told Donald Trump that she didn’t think he was “a friend to women.”

"The next morning, Trump fired back on Twitter — calling Batchelder an “arrogant young woman” and accusing her of being a “plant” from a rival campaign. Her phone began ringing with callers leaving threatening messages that were often sexual in nature. Her Facebook and email inboxes filled with similar messages. As her addresses circulated on social media and her photo flashed on the news, she fled home to hide."
This is what happens when Donald Trump attacks a private citizen on Twitter

Chuck Jones isn't a private citizen you stupid fuck. What's even dumber is that the "young woman" asked him the question, how dare he answer!

You'd have no problem with a Democrat doing either of those. Just your partisan butt hurt. You lost, grow a pair and get in the back of the bus where you belong

Chuck Jones? Who is that, Paula Jones father? If you're going to post a non sequitur, you ought to write something which makes some sense.

Your rant suggests you have been subjected to a bit of cognitive dissonance - that's great since I've often wondered if you've ever thought before posting (hmmm, maybe you and Trump has that in common).
Daily dose of faux rage.

There is nothing fake about it, only a neo fascist like you will excuse Trump's need to bully and seek revenge. My question to you is the same I posted to the other neo fascist above.

Your "rage" is fake, Fraud.

"rage"? Hardly, posting and reading other posts I'm never surprised nor enraged by the stupidity and evil intent of others.
Your pretends needs changing.
Trump turns his Twitter attacks on private citizens, raising concerns

and this:

"About a year ago, 18-year-old college student Lauren Batchelder stood up at a political forum in New Hampshire and told Donald Trump that she didn’t think he was “a friend to women.”

"The next morning, Trump fired back on Twitter — calling Batchelder an “arrogant young woman” and accusing her of being a “plant” from a rival campaign. Her phone began ringing with callers leaving threatening messages that were often sexual in nature. Her Facebook and email inboxes filled with similar messages. As her addresses circulated on social media and her photo flashed on the news, she fled home to hide."
This is what happens when Donald Trump attacks a private citizen on Twitter
Dear Wry Catcher
Unlike the entire party of Democrats that followed Obama s lead like a mob, Trump is acting as a single individual and can be stopped.

Obama remember abused his office to deprive the entire nation of the right to choose how we pay for health care. Over half the nation has been punished with fines and forced compliance to lose our income and liberties for YEARS since the mandates have been passed, enforced, and refused to change bevause Democrats eirger dont believe or wont admit this was unconstitutional overreaching of federal govt into private decisions and choices.

Not until I saw voters voting NO against liberal biases in media and agenda in govt did I feel this was ever represented or acknowledged that people across the nation were protesting loss of liberty under Obama and Clinton s approach to govt.

So you are comparing individual incidents that CAN be fixed by addressing Individuals
Collective abuse of national power and policy by Obama and an Entire Party to penalize ALL citizens, deprive free choice, and censor and silence the opposition by refusing to Hear and Acknowledge the health care mandates are Unconstitutional in punishing citizens for wanting a Free Choice in exercising our beliefs about health care choices equally as Democrat beliefs in right to health care that not all people believe in.

Here you are on your rant against the ACA, go to McNutt and have him lay hands on you. If you get into a car crash or break your leg go to him and have him lay hands on you, better yet just pray to Sweet Jesus and be healed.

Tell the ACA, you do not believe in any medical intervention, and no more fines. Then its your responsibility to make sure you are never treated by a medical dr. Wear a bracket, stating NO MEDICAL INTERVENTION UNDER ANY CONDITION, PRAYER WOULD BE WELCOME, so they do not accidently treat you when they rush you into the hospital when your pulse is faint and 40 bpm's and they suspect internal bleeding. Hopefully the ambulance drivers will see your bracelet and just say a few prayers over you and said 'good bye".

If they do happen to treat you, due to not having this bracelet on, you need to pay for it the rest of your life. I suggest they take your home and your bank account assets and garnish your wages. Us taxpayers should not have to pay for something you were able to pay for yourself.
Trump turns his Twitter attacks on private citizens, raising concerns

and this:

"About a year ago, 18-year-old college student Lauren Batchelder stood up at a political forum in New Hampshire and told Donald Trump that she didn’t think he was “a friend to women.”

"The next morning, Trump fired back on Twitter — calling Batchelder an “arrogant young woman” and accusing her of being a “plant” from a rival campaign. Her phone began ringing with callers leaving threatening messages that were often sexual in nature. Her Facebook and email inboxes filled with similar messages. As her addresses circulated on social media and her photo flashed on the news, she fled home to hide."
This is what happens when Donald Trump attacks a private citizen on Twitter
Dear Wry Catcher
Unlike the entire party of Democrats that followed Obama s lead like a mob, Trump is acting as a single individual and can be stopped.

Obama remember abused his office to deprive the entire nation of the right to choose how we pay for health care. Over half the nation has been punished with fines and forced compliance to lose our income and liberties for YEARS since the mandates have been passed, enforced, and refused to change bevause Democrats eirger dont believe or wont admit this was unconstitutional overreaching of federal govt into private decisions and choices.

Not until I saw voters voting NO against liberal biases in media and agenda in govt did I feel this was ever represented or acknowledged that people across the nation were protesting loss of liberty under Obama and Clinton s approach to govt.

So you are comparing individual incidents that CAN be fixed by addressing Individuals
Collective abuse of national power and policy by Obama and an Entire Party to penalize ALL citizens, deprive free choice, and censor and silence the opposition by refusing to Hear and Acknowledge the health care mandates are Unconstitutional in punishing citizens for wanting a Free Choice in exercising our beliefs about health care choices equally as Democrat beliefs in right to health care that not all people believe in.

Here you are on your rant against the ACA, go to McNutt and have him lay hands on you. If you get into a car crash or break your leg go to him and have him lay hands on you, better yet just pray to Sweet Jesus and be healed.

Tell the ACA, you do not believe in any medical intervention, and no more fines. Then its your responsibility to make sure you are never treated by a medical dr. Wear a bracket, stating NO MEDICAL INTERVENTION UNDER ANY CONDITION, PRAYER WOULD BE WELCOME, so they do not accidently treat you when they rush you into the hospital when your pulse is faint and 40 bpm's and they suspect internal bleeding. Hopefully the ambulance drivers will see your bracelet and just say a few prayers over you and said 'good bye".

If they do happen to treat you, due to not having this bracelet on, you need to pay for it the rest of your life. I suggest they take your home and your bank account assets and garnish your wages. Us taxpayers should not have to pay for something you were able to pay for yourself.
I can't see how you can be so delusional about the sorry commie ACA. I can't afford it. Many people can't afford it. Do you care about that? No, all you care about is that it is something obastard did and therefore it must be great. Not.
"rage"? Hardly, posting and reading other posts I'm never surprised nor enraged by the stupidity and evil intent of others.

Like your inability to stand up against what I have listed. You are a more pervasive type of evil.
Trump turns his Twitter attacks on private citizens, raising concerns

and this:

"About a year ago, 18-year-old college student Lauren Batchelder stood up at a political forum in New Hampshire and told Donald Trump that she didn’t think he was “a friend to women.”

"The next morning, Trump fired back on Twitter — calling Batchelder an “arrogant young woman” and accusing her of being a “plant” from a rival campaign. Her phone began ringing with callers leaving threatening messages that were often sexual in nature. Her Facebook and email inboxes filled with similar messages. As her addresses circulated on social media and her photo flashed on the news, she fled home to hide."
This is what happens when Donald Trump attacks a private citizen on Twitter
Dear Wry Catcher
Unlike the entire party of Democrats that followed Obama s lead like a mob, Trump is acting as a single individual and can be stopped.

Obama remember abused his office to deprive the entire nation of the right to choose how we pay for health care. Over half the nation has been punished with fines and forced compliance to lose our income and liberties for YEARS since the mandates have been passed, enforced, and refused to change bevause Democrats eirger dont believe or wont admit this was unconstitutional overreaching of federal govt into private decisions and choices.

Not until I saw voters voting NO against liberal biases in media and agenda in govt did I feel this was ever represented or acknowledged that people across the nation were protesting loss of liberty under Obama and Clinton s approach to govt.

So you are comparing individual incidents that CAN be fixed by addressing Individuals
Collective abuse of national power and policy by Obama and an Entire Party to penalize ALL citizens, deprive free choice, and censor and silence the opposition by refusing to Hear and Acknowledge the health care mandates are Unconstitutional in punishing citizens for wanting a Free Choice in exercising our beliefs about health care choices equally as Democrat beliefs in right to health care that not all people believe in.

Here you are on your rant against the ACA, go to McNutt and have him lay hands on you. If you get into a car crash or break your leg go to him and have him lay hands on you, better yet just pray to Sweet Jesus and be healed.

Tell the ACA, you do not believe in any medical intervention, and no more fines. Then its your responsibility to make sure you are never treated by a medical dr. Wear a bracket, stating NO MEDICAL INTERVENTION UNDER ANY CONDITION, PRAYER WOULD BE WELCOME, so they do not accidently treat you when they rush you into the hospital when your pulse is faint and 40 bpm's and they suspect internal bleeding. Hopefully the ambulance drivers will see your bracelet and just say a few prayers over you and said 'good bye".

If they do happen to treat you, due to not having this bracelet on, you need to pay for it the rest of your life. I suggest they take your home and your bank account assets and garnish your wages. Us taxpayers should not have to pay for something you were able to pay for yourself.

no one was denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE. Even those in the country illegally were treated, and it was FREE.

ACA was a fix for a problem that did not exist. Those who paid always covered those who did not, exactly the same as under obozocare, except that now they also have to pay for a huge government beaurocracy to "administer" it.
Daily dose of faux rage.

There is nothing fake about it, only a neo fascist like you will excuse Trump's need to bully and seek revenge. My question to you is the same I posted to the other neo fascist above.

when someone puts out lies about him, he retaliates. Exactly how do you find fault with that?

Would the Clinton system be better? where their enemies simply died mysteriously or shot themselves in the back of the head twice?

How many lies were posted on this message board alone about President Obama? He was and remained a gentleman for 8 years, something Trump will never be. The facade fades when the sun goes down, and his true nature is broadcast on twitter.

Lies about Obama?

1. his college records remain sealed from view
2.he is a muslim sympathizer, if not a closet muslim
3. he is a racist
4. he hates the USA and the constitution
5. "if you like your policy you can keep it"
6. "raising the national debt shows a failure of leadership"
7. "it was caused by a video"
8. "my administration will be the most transparent in history"

Not lies, Facts and quotes.

Prove anything you have said. Those are not facts. Those are opinions.
Trump turns his Twitter attacks on private citizens, raising concerns

and this:

"About a year ago, 18-year-old college student Lauren Batchelder stood up at a political forum in New Hampshire and told Donald Trump that she didn’t think he was “a friend to women.”

"The next morning, Trump fired back on Twitter — calling Batchelder an “arrogant young woman” and accusing her of being a “plant” from a rival campaign. Her phone began ringing with callers leaving threatening messages that were often sexual in nature. Her Facebook and email inboxes filled with similar messages. As her addresses circulated on social media and her photo flashed on the news, she fled home to hide."
This is what happens when Donald Trump attacks a private citizen on Twitter
Dear Wry Catcher
Unlike the entire party of Democrats that followed Obama s lead like a mob, Trump is acting as a single individual and can be stopped.

Obama remember abused his office to deprive the entire nation of the right to choose how we pay for health care. Over half the nation has been punished with fines and forced compliance to lose our income and liberties for YEARS since the mandates have been passed, enforced, and refused to change bevause Democrats eirger dont believe or wont admit this was unconstitutional overreaching of federal govt into private decisions and choices.

Not until I saw voters voting NO against liberal biases in media and agenda in govt did I feel this was ever represented or acknowledged that people across the nation were protesting loss of liberty under Obama and Clinton s approach to govt.

So you are comparing individual incidents that CAN be fixed by addressing Individuals
Collective abuse of national power and policy by Obama and an Entire Party to penalize ALL citizens, deprive free choice, and censor and silence the opposition by refusing to Hear and Acknowledge the health care mandates are Unconstitutional in punishing citizens for wanting a Free Choice in exercising our beliefs about health care choices equally as Democrat beliefs in right to health care that not all people believe in.

Here you are on your rant against the ACA, go to McNutt and have him lay hands on you. If you get into a car crash or break your leg go to him and have him lay hands on you, better yet just pray to Sweet Jesus and be healed.

Tell the ACA, you do not believe in any medical intervention, and no more fines. Then its your responsibility to make sure you are never treated by a medical dr. Wear a bracket, stating NO MEDICAL INTERVENTION UNDER ANY CONDITION, PRAYER WOULD BE WELCOME, so they do not accidently treat you when they rush you into the hospital when your pulse is faint and 40 bpm's and they suspect internal bleeding. Hopefully the ambulance drivers will see your bracelet and just say a few prayers over you and said 'good bye".

If they do happen to treat you, due to not having this bracelet on, you need to pay for it the rest of your life. I suggest they take your home and your bank account assets and garnish your wages. Us taxpayers should not have to pay for something you were able to pay for yourself.

Your rant makes no sense. You act if we should worship such a law that is forcing people out of healthcare due to astronomical premiums and deductibles. No thanks.

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