All americans will receive a microchip implant in 2013 per obamacare


Oh and before the conspiracy hound dogs start barking its right there in Obamacare its self...section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 – National Medical Device Registry which states:

“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable

The language is deliberately vague, but it provides the structure for making America the first nation in the world that would require every U.S. citizen to receive an implanted radio-frequency (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling medical care.

So the statists and doubters can line up and get their mark of the beast and I am MILLIONS of others will be stalking up on food,ammo,water,and guns....I will die fighting before they inject me or my kids or wife with this shit.

You are a complete, utter, and total fool.

They are talking about a registry of implantable devices... pacemakers, artificial joints, etc..... you complete moron.

This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory section, and you belong in a sanitarium.

Who makes the chips? I'll buy the stock and make a fortune!
Dissent is certifiably insane and certifiably stupid.

He is literally too stupid to grasp the purpose of the law is to get these things standardized for purposes of tracking the DEVICES (such as in case of some need for a major safety recall, etc).

He doesn't understand the very language he quotes NOR does he have ANY hope of understanding the entire legislation.

He may be a fubar conspiracy nut, but still, he's a dip shit.

Oh and before the conspiracy hound dogs start barking its right there in Obamacare its self...section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 – National Medical Device Registry which states:

“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.”

The language is deliberately vague, but it provides the structure for making America the first nation in the world that would require every U.S. citizen to receive an implanted radio-frequency (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling medical care.

So the statists and doubters can line up and get their mark of the beast and I am MILLIONS of others will be stalking up on food,ammo,water,and guns....I will die fighting before they inject me or my kids or wife with this shit.

Hey Dipshit.

Here is the actual law: Read the Law |

Full text here:

There is no Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521.



You can only see Subtitle C-11, 12 and 19 if you sent away and recieved the free decoder ring.

:D :lmao:
Dissent is certifiably insane and certifiably stupid.

He is literally too stupid to grasp the purpose of the law is to get these things standardized for purposes of tracking the DEVICES (such as in case of some need for a major safety recall, etc).

He doesn't understand the very language he quotes NOR does he have ANY hope of understanding the entire legislation.

He may be a fubar conspiracy nut, but still, he's a dip shit.

Still, this isn't anything new. My livestock for example, no longer is branding required, they have chips. So does my dog, my cats. I don't see any way that this existing technology can ever be used for nefarious purposes>wink wink nudge nudge<

Not meaning to take the side of lunacy here, just pointing out that there might be a thread of sanity even in the insane.
Awwwww somebody doesn't like facts presented that doesn't fit their perfect little model of the good ole usa....OH NO WE DON'T AGREE WITH THIS THIS MUST GO TO CONSPIRACY THEORIES! SAYS THE DICTATORS!
It's much more fun in the conspiracy section dissent, you will enjoy it.

Now just take a deep breath and listen to the little voice inside your head.
Awwwww somebody doesn't like facts presented that doesn't fit their perfect little model of the good ole usa....OH NO WE DON'T AGREE WITH THIS THIS MUST GO TO CONSPIRACY THEORIES! SAYS THE DICTATORS!

No. You are just getting mocked because of your pitiable post.

The legislation isn't necessarily "evil" just because this President signed it.

And it absolutely does not say or do the stupid shit you seem to imagine it does.

Since you are so completely wrong -- baseless is closer to the mark -- you alarmist shrieking DOES belong in the idiot conspiracy section.

Now, go have yourself another good cry, you moron.
I believe that some day microchips of some type will replace birth certificates. I don't expect it to happen anytime soon but many years down the road. It's a big shit sandwich and we're all going to have to take a bite. Hopefully I will be dead and gone beforehand.
Awwwww somebody doesn't like facts presented that doesn't fit their perfect little model of the good ole usa....OH NO WE DON'T AGREE WITH THIS THIS MUST GO TO CONSPIRACY THEORIES! SAYS THE DICTATORS!

No. You are just getting mocked because of your pitiable post.

The legislation isn't necessarily "evil" just because this President signed it.

And it absolutely does not say or do the stupid shit you seem to imagine it does.

Since you are so completely wrong -- baseless is closer to the mark -- you alarmist shrieking DOES belong in the idiot conspiracy section.

Now, go have yourself another good cry, you moron.


I believe that some day microchips of some type will replace birth certificates. I don't expect it to happen anytime soon but many years down the road. It's a big shit sandwich and we're all going to have to take a bite. Hopefully I will be dead and gone beforehand.

We don't have to accept it. I think the people will stand up and crush any powers that try and institute such a thing...maybe I have more hope for the people than I should...but I would hope 1776 doesn't happen just once...but when people are pushed to far it can and will happen again.
So, do you live in a state that has the RealID chip in your drivers license?

you microwaved yours didn't you?
No I don't. If I did live in such a state I would either use an expired license or drive without one.
consistency is a virtue in itself.

disinformation of justice or concrete cores ring any bells with you dissent?

just checking

Oh and before the conspiracy hound dogs start barking its right there in Obamacare its self...section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 – National Medical Device Registry which states:

“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.”

The language is deliberately vague, but it provides the structure for making America the first nation in the world that would require every U.S. citizen to receive an implanted radio-frequency (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling medical care.

So the statists and doubters can line up and get their mark of the beast and I am MILLIONS of others will be stalking up on food,ammo,water,and guns....I will die fighting before they inject me or my kids or wife with this shit.

Hey Dipshit.

Here is the actual law: Read the Law |

Full text here:

There is no Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521.



Yeah, the really funny conspiracy theory always involve a quotation of a specific section of something. The saddest part of all is how many people will not even bother to look and see if the section exists, which it doesn't. It's no small coincidence that none of the articles that talk about the conspiracy actually provide a link to the law itself for verification.

Deliberately vague indeed. More like deliberately non-existent.

Oh and before the conspiracy hound dogs start barking its right there in Obamacare its self...section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 – National Medical Device Registry which states:

“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.”

The language is deliberately vague, but it provides the structure for making America the first nation in the world that would require every U.S. citizen to receive an implanted radio-frequency (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling medical care.

So the statists and doubters can line up and get their mark of the beast and I am MILLIONS of others will be stalking up on food,ammo,water,and guns....I will die fighting before they inject me or my kids or wife with this shit.

I'm all for everybody having a flash drive with their medical information on it. I've recommended it to several doctors myself. Imagine, all your test results, all your history available to any doctor you go to just by plugging in the flash drive. I am, however, against any idea of implanting a chip in anyone's head with the possible exception of Alzheimer patients and the severely disabled. Right now, if my youngest gets lost, he couldn't even tell someone more than his first name. It would be nice to know that if he somehow wondered off, the cops could find him and bring him back.

Oh and before the conspiracy hound dogs start barking its right there in Obamacare its self...section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 – National Medical Device Registry which states:

“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.”

The language is deliberately vague, but it provides the structure for making America the first nation in the world that would require every U.S. citizen to receive an implanted radio-frequency (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling medical care.

So the statists and doubters can line up and get their mark of the beast and I am MILLIONS of others will be stalking up on food,ammo,water,and guns....I will die fighting before they inject me or my kids or wife with this shit.

I'm all for everybody having a flash drive with their medical information on it. I've recommended it to several doctors myself. Imagine, all your test results, all your history available to any doctor you go to just by plugging in the flash drive. I am, however, against any idea of implanting a chip in anyone's head with the possible exception of Alzheimer patients and the severely disabled. Right now, if my youngest gets lost, he couldn't even tell someone more than his first name. It would be nice to know that if he somehow wondered off, the cops could find him and bring him back.

How I learned to love The New world order....

Oh and before the conspiracy hound dogs start barking its right there in Obamacare its self...section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 – National Medical Device Registry which states:

“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.”

The language is deliberately vague, but it provides the structure for making America the first nation in the world that would require every U.S. citizen to receive an implanted radio-frequency (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling medical care.

So the statists and doubters can line up and get their mark of the beast and I am MILLIONS of others will be stalking up on food,ammo,water,and guns....I will die fighting before they inject me or my kids or wife with this shit.

Salt and vinegar on your chips? Seriously though, thanks for the laugh...but you really should have posted this in the humor section.

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