In 40 years, Jews will be a massive REPUBLICAN voting bloc


You know that wasn't real, right? It was just a TV show. :itsok:

You should get out more.
Just run the math. There are about 6 million Jews in America, and around 15% of them are Orthodox, or close to 1 million. And the Orthodox vote overwhelmingly Republican.
Actually, there are 7.6 million Jews in the US. Orthodox Jews are about 10 percent of the total.

Your math is sucking so far.

They also have a lot of kids - averaging 8 per family.
Who told you this nonsense?

Start over.
I sure hope you’re not a history teacher. The biggest antisemites are found there. Leonard Jeffries taught his students that Jewish doctors were injecting black newborns with AIDS.

Yes, I guess. I actually considered becoming a history teacher, and then decided that it was too much work for too little money.

As for what Jefferey's taught. Yeah, man, that's crazy. But not half as crazy as the mRNA conspiracy theories that I hear about the covid vaccine.

And the Jews killed the Arabs? What about the Arabs murdering the Jews?

You mean after you invaded their country and stole their land and killed their kids? You always seem to leave that part out.

You said “your fucking religion” when speaking with me

Um, yeah, I say that about all religions... where have you been?

that it was my own “fault” for voluntarily remaining a Jew.
Not, what I said.

let's try this again. You don't HAVE to be Jewish. Being Jewish, or Catholic, or Atheist, or Pastafarian, is a CHOICE. So trying to claim that your choice in a sky pixie is somehow equivalent to being black or white or Asian is just... silly.
Or Israel
Nukes 3 Cities in ( Iran ) and Damascus and threatens Egypt , Jordan and 5 other Arab States and only suffers nominal losses from a Tactical Nuke in Tel Aviv and survives

Works on a lot of faulty assumptions, the first being that the Arabs will strike the minute they have one nuke.

The more likely scenario is that Israel will eventually go the way of Apartheid South Africa. Eventually, the Jewish minority won't be able to hold onto power against the Palestinian majority, and Israel will find itself increasingly isolated as an international pariah.
For sure….and resentful that Jews have succeeded well above average despite the horrific and millennia-long bigotry against them. Kills their excuse that blacks loot stores because……waaaacism!

Except that no one knows if you are Jewish unless you tell them.

Racial discrimination is not something you can turn off like a light.
Works on a lot of faulty assumptions, the first being that the Arabs will strike the minute they have one nuke.

The more likely scenario is that Israel will eventually go the way of Apartheid South Africa. Eventually, the Jewish minority won't be able to hold onto power against the Palestinian majority, and Israel will find itself increasingly isolated as an international pariah.
Or Israel remains the Strongest Military in the Middle East and the Occupied Areas become isolated and Israeli Arabs assimilate as they have been for over 70 years .
Actually, there are 7.6 million Jews in the US. Orthodox Jews are about 10 percent of the total.

Your math is sucking so far.

Who told you this nonsense?

Start over.
I suspect that even the Orthodox Jews know their history....the history that they should NOT trust christians who say they are on their side.
I suspect that even the Orthodox Jews know their history....the history that they should NOT trust christians who say they are on their side.
And Practicing Jews who support Israel should not trust Marxist Non Practicing Ethnic only Jews who support the Arabs & Palestinians over Israel ( The tiny Jewish State ) in any & every matter
And Practicing Jews who support Israel should not trust Marxist Non Practicing Ethnic only Jews who support the Arabs & Palestinians over Israel ( The tiny Jewish State ) in any & every matter
a few things to keep in mind my good brother is there are millions of Arab Jews, and because of Donald Trump we had the Abraham accords now Israel and the GCC countries are friends. So many Israeli Jews go on vacation to the united Arab emirates there enjoying themselves.

The Israeli government historically has had some bizarre policies like their alliance with Iran in the 1980s they worked together to fight against Iraq. Iraq a secular country Iran a horrendous theocracy.

I met a construction worker from Israel a very honorable man a few years ago. I spoke very minor Hebrew that I know basically one word” to dah “means thanks
The Catholic Church is being absorbed into the tentacles of globalism. A huge number of Catholic schools and Churches have shut down in this nation since the early 1970's when the changeover occurred in the country.
On the other hand the Catholic Church is full of pedophiles if you really wanna find some. People are into the spiritual religious aspect rather than the business style of the Catholics.... And everyone else.... Americans go to church a lot more than Europeans and I don't like their effect on politics, they should keep the separation of church and state. Because of them Republicans have ended any birth control for the world foreign aid forever which is a catastrophe....
And Practicing Jews who support Israel should not trust Marxist Non Practicing Ethnic only Jews who support the Arabs & Palestinians over Israel ( The tiny Jewish State ) in any & every matter
Everyone supports the existence of Israel but many don't like their right wing swine like Netanyahu and Sharon....
Everyone supports the existence of Israel but many don't like their right wing swine like Netanyahu and Sharon....
And many don’t like the Marxist activist judges who think land for peace is still a viable idea ...
Just run the math. There are about 6 million Jews in America, and around 15% of them are Orthodox, or close to 1 million. And the Orthodox vote overwhelmingly Republican.

They also have a lot of kids - averaging 8 per family. In a generation, that means 4 million Orthodox. When those 4 million have kids, beginning in 20 years, it becomes 16 million. (Multiplying by 4 and not 8 since it takes two Orthodox Jews to produce those kids.)

Those new Orthodox Jews represent about 5% of voters, the majority of whom will vote Republican. Enough to tip the scales in every swing state.

You’re assuming they will all remain Orthodox. That’s really hard to believe. Many religious communities are losing their youth and Orthodox Jews are no exception.

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