All Four Prosecutors Resign In Disgust

I love it when the left wants to give Barry credit for economic success that he had little to nothing to do with, Slade! The economy started coming back strong just as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid term election and no longer could ram job killing legislation like ObamaCare through Congress! Obama had nothing to do with the energy boom that drove job growth...he opposed fracking and Big Oil! He was the guy who told us all his plan was to make electricity much more expensive by closing down all the coal burning plants and passing Cap & Trade legislation!

Oh, he wasn't shy about taking credit for the increase in oil and natural gas production but that's laughable when you examine WHERE those increases took place! On lands that Barry controlled...production went down. On lands he didn't...production went up DRAMATICALLY!
Oh yes, I’ve heard those lines too. Regardless of who you credit for the economy the 3% and deficit lines were both major points of critique for Obama, they were promises by Trump to turn around, they haven’t improved under Trump, yet he is being credited for the greatest economy ever. And you don’t seem the irony!!! Haha, what a joke

I look at more than just the end numbers, Slade! I look at one President who's working with almost a zero interest rate from the Fed for the longest time in US history compared to another that has had to absorb 5 rate increases since he was elected. I look at one President who allowed our international competitors to run roughshod over us and compare that President with one that took a principled stand against those same competitors...hit them with tariffs...and got them to stop screwing us so badly. I look at one President who understands what induces hiring and growth by the Private Sector and one who never could figure out why he couldn't get investors to risk their capital! Trump plays chess with the economy...Obama used to lose at tic tack toe!
oh come on... trump has been working with rates between .39% and 2.16% averaging closer to 1%. Your other points are just subjective observations. You’ve glosses right over my point to try and focus on this crap. Come on man. I’m not making a case that Trump has destroyed the economy. I’m just saying he is full of shit when it comes to the economic talking points.

best scenario would be to get Trump out of the White House. Get the Reps in control of the house and Dems in control of the senate.

That is actually true, the interest rates Trump has been working with were low. So were the rates his predecessor had, with major difference; at the beginning of his presidency Trump didn't have trillion dollar stimulus to boost the economy.

How many interest rate hikes did Barack Obama have to absorb from when he was elected until when Trump was elected? The answer to that is one! Trump has had to absorb 5. That makes a HUGE difference. Trump actually DID have a trillion dollar stimulus to boost his economy! He got it from repatriating profits earned overseas by US corporations. Obama's stimulus came out of our pockets. Trump employed free market thinking to give his economy a shot in the arm. It's just one more example of how savvy he is compared to Barry when it comes to economics!

Are you serious, do you have anything to back that bullshit up?
trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation

Can you imagine what would have happened if Pres. Obama would have done this. Republicans would have been in revolt.
I didn't say that Trump's "stimulus" came out of our point was that it didn't! His stimulus was created by letting American companies repatriate billions of dollars of profits earned overseas.

As for the deficit? My biggest criticism of Donald Trump is that he HASN'T yet taken on the bloat that obvious in the Federal Government! I'm hoping that he'll turn to that in his second term. It's going to be the biggest fight he's EVER had! The Federal Government has become so powerful...that they will resist any and all attempts to make them smaller!
I was hoping three things from Trump... Infrastructure, smart deregulation, and smart fiscal policy. He has done .5 of 3. He's actually made the deficit worse in a booming economy so I think he loses the half point.
What hasn't been "smart" with his deregulation policies? Congress votes on the budget so you've got to give the Democrats running the House a lion's share of the blame for deficit spending. As for "infrastructure"? Why has that suddenly become the "go to" talking point of Democrats? You were supposed to spend big money on fixing infrastructure with Barry and Nancy's remember...the one that was supposed to have hundreds of thousands of "shovel ready" jobs that would instantly be created? So what happened with that? The answer handled it so badly that you had to start using "Jobs Created or Saved" to hide how few jobs you DID create!
trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation

Can you imagine what would have happened if Pres. Obama would have done this. Republicans would have been in revolt.

Obama DID step in on law enforcement matters! He did so repeatedly and usually before the facts were known!
The deep state is on the run!!!

Atleast 2 of these prosecutors just quit the DOJ...not only the case...They just threw their careers away! They are fleeing!

This is YUUUUGE!

Get ready to cry your liberal's coming down NOW! I thought it would wait 'till after the election but it looks like it wont.

Let the arrests begin! :banana:

View attachment 306144
Oh yes, I’ve heard those lines too. Regardless of who you credit for the economy the 3% and deficit lines were both major points of critique for Obama, they were promises by Trump to turn around, they haven’t improved under Trump, yet he is being credited for the greatest economy ever. And you don’t seem the irony!!! Haha, what a joke

I look at more than just the end numbers, Slade! I look at one President who's working with almost a zero interest rate from the Fed for the longest time in US history compared to another that has had to absorb 5 rate increases since he was elected. I look at one President who allowed our international competitors to run roughshod over us and compare that President with one that took a principled stand against those same competitors...hit them with tariffs...and got them to stop screwing us so badly. I look at one President who understands what induces hiring and growth by the Private Sector and one who never could figure out why he couldn't get investors to risk their capital! Trump plays chess with the economy...Obama used to lose at tic tack toe!
oh come on... trump has been working with rates between .39% and 2.16% averaging closer to 1%. Your other points are just subjective observations. You’ve glosses right over my point to try and focus on this crap. Come on man. I’m not making a case that Trump has destroyed the economy. I’m just saying he is full of shit when it comes to the economic talking points.

best scenario would be to get Trump out of the White House. Get the Reps in control of the house and Dems in control of the senate.

That is actually true, the interest rates Trump has been working with were low. So were the rates his predecessor had, with major difference; at the beginning of his presidency Trump didn't have trillion dollar stimulus to boost the economy.

How many interest rate hikes did Barack Obama have to absorb from when he was elected until when Trump was elected? The answer to that is one! Trump has had to absorb 5. That makes a HUGE difference. Trump actually DID have a trillion dollar stimulus to boost his economy! He got it from repatriating profits earned overseas by US corporations. Obama's stimulus came out of our pockets. Trump employed free market thinking to give his economy a shot in the arm. It's just one more example of how savvy he is compared to Barry when it comes to economics!

Are you serious, do you have anything to back that bullshit up?

What in that do you want to contest? All of it...or did you want to be more specific? I'd be happy to defend any of the points I made. Are you sure you want to argue economics, Super? You know how that generally ends up for you on the left! Just sayin...
trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation

Can you imagine what would have happened if Pres. Obama would have done this. Republicans would have been in revolt.

Obama DID step in on law enforcement matters! He did so repeatedly and usually before the facts were known!
Share that info with us.
I love it when the left wants to give Barry credit for economic success that he had little to nothing to do with, Slade! The economy started coming back strong just as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid term election and no longer could ram job killing legislation like ObamaCare through Congress! Obama had nothing to do with the energy boom that drove job growth...he opposed fracking and Big Oil! He was the guy who told us all his plan was to make electricity much more expensive by closing down all the coal burning plants and passing Cap & Trade legislation!

Oh, he wasn't shy about taking credit for the increase in oil and natural gas production but that's laughable when you examine WHERE those increases took place! On lands that Barry controlled...production went down. On lands he didn't...production went up DRAMATICALLY!
Oh yes, I’ve heard those lines too. Regardless of who you credit for the economy the 3% and deficit lines were both major points of critique for Obama, they were promises by Trump to turn around, they haven’t improved under Trump, yet he is being credited for the greatest economy ever. And you don’t seem the irony!!! Haha, what a joke

I look at more than just the end numbers, Slade! I look at one President who's working with almost a zero interest rate from the Fed for the longest time in US history compared to another that has had to absorb 5 rate increases since he was elected. I look at one President who allowed our international competitors to run roughshod over us and compare that President with one that took a principled stand against those same competitors...hit them with tariffs...and got them to stop screwing us so badly. I look at one President who understands what induces hiring and growth by the Private Sector and one who never could figure out why he couldn't get investors to risk their capital! Trump plays chess with the economy...Obama used to lose at tic tack toe!
oh come on... trump has been working with rates between .39% and 2.16% averaging closer to 1%. Your other points are just subjective observations. You’ve glosses right over my point to try and focus on this crap. Come on man. I’m not making a case that Trump has destroyed the economy. I’m just saying he is full of shit when it comes to the economic talking points.

best scenario would be to get Trump out of the White House. Get the Reps in control of the house and Dems in control of the senate.

That is actually true, the interest rates Trump has been working with were low. So were the rates his predecessor had, with major difference; at the beginning of his presidency Trump didn't have trillion dollar stimulus to boost the economy.

How many interest rate hikes did Barack Obama have to absorb from when he was elected until when Trump was elected? The answer to that is one! Trump has had to absorb 5. That makes a HUGE difference. Trump actually DID have a trillion dollar stimulus to boost his economy! He got it from repatriating profits earned overseas by US corporations. Obama's stimulus came out of our pockets. Trump employed free market thinking to give his economy a shot in the arm. It's just one more example of how savvy he is compared to Barry when it comes to economics!
What a load! :71:
PAAIINN!!! :banana:

Lisa Page
Verified account

To Aaron and Adam, Jonathan and Michael: I am sorry for the
agony you are about to endure, and for the pain & betrayal
you will feel at the hands of your beloved Dept. Know that
you are on the right side of history & that we are so very
proud of you for defending the rule of law.

Lisa Page on Twitter
I hate to say I told you so...but I told you so :)

trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation

Stone was convicted by a jury.

Yes I know which is why I used the words "found guilty."
U.S. Companies Brought Home More Profits From Overseas

That's 776 BILLION in money being brought back into the United States to boost the economy!
Ah yes, the idea Trump stole from Obama, which, of course, the Republicans opposed (but now support). Except Obama's proposed tax rate on the repatriated profits was lower: 14% vs. Trump's 15.5%.

Are you kidding? You think letting corporations bring back profits from overseas at a low tax rate was an Obama idea?

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