All Four Prosecutors Resign In Disgust

I look at more than just the end numbers, Slade! I look at one President who's working with almost a zero interest rate from the Fed for the longest time in US history compared to another that has had to absorb 5 rate increases since he was elected. I look at one President who allowed our international competitors to run roughshod over us and compare that President with one that took a principled stand against those same competitors...hit them with tariffs...and got them to stop screwing us so badly. I look at one President who understands what induces hiring and growth by the Private Sector and one who never could figure out why he couldn't get investors to risk their capital! Trump plays chess with the economy...Obama used to lose at tic tack toe!
oh come on... trump has been working with rates between .39% and 2.16% averaging closer to 1%. Your other points are just subjective observations. You’ve glosses right over my point to try and focus on this crap. Come on man. I’m not making a case that Trump has destroyed the economy. I’m just saying he is full of shit when it comes to the economic talking points.

best scenario would be to get Trump out of the White House. Get the Reps in control of the house and Dems in control of the senate.

That is actually true, the interest rates Trump has been working with were low. So were the rates his predecessor had, with major difference; at the beginning of his presidency Trump didn't have trillion dollar stimulus to boost the economy.
Yet Trump has exceeded the deficit spending of Obama... without a recession and an economy in need of bail out. How does that compute for you?

They're close.

Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

President Donald Trump: Total Actual plus Budgeted = $4.040 trillion, a 20% increase. That's one reason why so many argue that Trump may not be better than Obama for the economy. Trump did not have to fight a recession during his term. It's usually better to have contractionary fiscal policy during an expansion instead of adding to the nation's debt.

  • FY 2021 - $1.068 trillion.
  • FY 2020 - $1.101 trillion.
  • FY 2019 - $1.092 trillion.
  • FY 2018 - $779 billion.

President Barack Obama: Total = $6.785 trillion, a 57% increase.

  • FY 2017 - $666 billion. Although Trump requested additional spending, Congress did not approve it.
  • FY 2016 - $585 billion.
  • FY 2015 - $438 billion.
  • FY 2014 - $485 billion.

Those are some funny numbers, without link of course.

Check how much debt increased by president, by year.

Trump plans to add $5.088 trillion to the debt in his first term.8 That's a 25% increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. If he remains in office for a second term, he plans to add $9.1 trillion for both terms.
  • FY 2021 - $1.276 trillion
  • FY 2020 - $1.281 trillion
  • FY 2019 - $1.260 trillion
  • FY 2018 - $1.271 trillion
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
  • FY 2017 - $671 billion
  • FY 2016 - $1.423 trillion
  • FY 2015 - $327 billion
  • FY 2014 - $1.086 trillion
  • FY 2013 - $672 billion
  • FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion
  • FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion
  • FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion
  • FY 2009 - $253 billion. Congress passed the Economic Stimulus Act, which spent $253 billion in FY 2009.9 This rare occurrence should be added to President Obama's contribution to the debt.
US Debt by President by Dollar and Percentage

Also, you said "It's usually better"... according to whom, Krugman?

Maybe economists can agree on that, but we've been following their advises for decades, and look where we are. Maybe it's time to try different approach. Get back country's economy on track, rebuild military, stabilize budget, then make cuts. It may work, or not, it remain to be seen. Either way, we can't be much worse off, if any than we've been before Trump.

One thing is for sure, it wont happen if Congress doesn't cut spending. That is where problem is, not in revenue.
Those four prosecutors should be prosecuted for abuse of office and a dozen other real actual crimes.
oh come on... trump has been working with rates between .39% and 2.16% averaging closer to 1%. Your other points are just subjective observations. You’ve glosses right over my point to try and focus on this crap. Come on man. I’m not making a case that Trump has destroyed the economy. I’m just saying he is full of shit when it comes to the economic talking points.

best scenario would be to get Trump out of the White House. Get the Reps in control of the house and Dems in control of the senate.

That is actually true, the interest rates Trump has been working with were low. So were the rates his predecessor had, with major difference; at the beginning of his presidency Trump didn't have trillion dollar stimulus to boost the economy.
Yet Trump has exceeded the deficit spending of Obama... without a recession and an economy in need of bail out. How does that compute for you?

They're close.

Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

President Donald Trump: Total Actual plus Budgeted = $4.040 trillion, a 20% increase. That's one reason why so many argue that Trump may not be better than Obama for the economy. Trump did not have to fight a recession during his term. It's usually better to have contractionary fiscal policy during an expansion instead of adding to the nation's debt.

  • FY 2021 - $1.068 trillion.
  • FY 2020 - $1.101 trillion.
  • FY 2019 - $1.092 trillion.
  • FY 2018 - $779 billion.

President Barack Obama: Total = $6.785 trillion, a 57% increase.

  • FY 2017 - $666 billion. Although Trump requested additional spending, Congress did not approve it.
  • FY 2016 - $585 billion.
  • FY 2015 - $438 billion.
  • FY 2014 - $485 billion.

Those are some funny numbers, without link of course.

Check how much debt increased by president, by year.

Trump plans to add $5.088 trillion to the debt in his first term.8 That's a 25% increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. If he remains in office for a second term, he plans to add $9.1 trillion for both terms.
  • FY 2021 - $1.276 trillion
  • FY 2020 - $1.281 trillion
  • FY 2019 - $1.260 trillion
  • FY 2018 - $1.271 trillion
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
  • FY 2017 - $671 billion
  • FY 2016 - $1.423 trillion
  • FY 2015 - $327 billion
  • FY 2014 - $1.086 trillion
  • FY 2013 - $672 billion
  • FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion
  • FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion
  • FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion
  • FY 2009 - $253 billion. Congress passed the Economic Stimulus Act, which spent $253 billion in FY 2009.9 This rare occurrence should be added to President Obama's contribution to the debt.
US Debt by President by Dollar and Percentage

Also, you said "It's usually better"... according to whom, Krugman?

Maybe economists can agree on that, but we've been following their advises for decades, and look where we are. Maybe it's time to try different approach. Get back country's economy on track, rebuild military, stabilize budget, then make cuts. It may work, or not, it remain to be seen. Either way, we can't be much worse off, if any than we've been before Trump.

One thing is for sure, it wont happen if Congress doesn't cut spending. That is where problem is, not in revenue.
I posted a link on the very first line of that post and those numbers were a copy and paste from the article which provides much more explanation about debt/deficit/and spending. Its also a link from the exact same website and article that you just linked to and uses the exact same numbers from your link!!! Come on man! Put a little more thought into these posts and read more than just the bullet points.

As much as I want to respect your "economists may agree on that... but maybe its time to try something different" line. Thats pretty funny. I'm always down to try different things and explore new ideas but they should be based on logic and analysis and method... Not a whatever Trump does is genius approach that many on here take.
Last edited:
trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation
Atta boy
That is actually true, the interest rates Trump has been working with were low. So were the rates his predecessor had, with major difference; at the beginning of his presidency Trump didn't have trillion dollar stimulus to boost the economy.
Yet Trump has exceeded the deficit spending of Obama... without a recession and an economy in need of bail out. How does that compute for you?

They're close.

Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

President Donald Trump: Total Actual plus Budgeted = $4.040 trillion, a 20% increase. That's one reason why so many argue that Trump may not be better than Obama for the economy. Trump did not have to fight a recession during his term. It's usually better to have contractionary fiscal policy during an expansion instead of adding to the nation's debt.

  • FY 2021 - $1.068 trillion.
  • FY 2020 - $1.101 trillion.
  • FY 2019 - $1.092 trillion.
  • FY 2018 - $779 billion.

President Barack Obama: Total = $6.785 trillion, a 57% increase.

  • FY 2017 - $666 billion. Although Trump requested additional spending, Congress did not approve it.
  • FY 2016 - $585 billion.
  • FY 2015 - $438 billion.
  • FY 2014 - $485 billion.

Those are some funny numbers, without link of course.

Check how much debt increased by president, by year.

Trump plans to add $5.088 trillion to the debt in his first term.8 That's a 25% increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. If he remains in office for a second term, he plans to add $9.1 trillion for both terms.
  • FY 2021 - $1.276 trillion
  • FY 2020 - $1.281 trillion
  • FY 2019 - $1.260 trillion
  • FY 2018 - $1.271 trillion
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
  • FY 2017 - $671 billion
  • FY 2016 - $1.423 trillion
  • FY 2015 - $327 billion
  • FY 2014 - $1.086 trillion
  • FY 2013 - $672 billion
  • FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion
  • FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion
  • FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion
  • FY 2009 - $253 billion. Congress passed the Economic Stimulus Act, which spent $253 billion in FY 2009.9 This rare occurrence should be added to President Obama's contribution to the debt.
US Debt by President by Dollar and Percentage

Also, you said "It's usually better"... according to whom, Krugman?

Maybe economists can agree on that, but we've been following their advises for decades, and look where we are. Maybe it's time to try different approach. Get back country's economy on track, rebuild military, stabilize budget, then make cuts. It may work, or not, it remain to be seen. Either way, we can't be much worse off, if any than we've been before Trump.

One thing is for sure, it wont happen if Congress doesn't cut spending. That is where problem is, not in revenue.
I posted a link on the very first line of that post and those numbers were a copy and paste from the article which provides much more explanation about debt/deficit/and spending. Its also a link from the exact same website and article that you just linked to and uses the exact same numbers from your link!!! Come on man! Put a little more thought into these posts and read more than just the bullet points.

As much as I want to respect your "economists may agree on that... but maybe its time to try something different" line. Thats pretty funny. I'm always down to try different things and explore new ideas but they should be based on logic and analysis and method... Not a whatever Trump does is genius approach that many on here take.

" ideas should be based on logic and analysis and method"

Ideas that get us where we are today are based on "logic and analysis and method", didn't they?

It isn't like I am saying we should abandon it all, I'm saying that maybe logic and analysis and method used so far maybe need to be revised and updated.

For instance, laffer curve is based on logic and analyses, but left constantly rejected it even it's proven to be correct. Again, problem is not in revenue, problem is in spending. I believe, and hope, that once our economy stabilize on this level, or perhaps higher, it will be easier to curb the spending, which is much harder when economy is under pressure during recession. When you have near full employment, its easier to get people off of entitlement programs, which are biggest part of our spending.
Yet Trump has exceeded the deficit spending of Obama... without a recession and an economy in need of bail out. How does that compute for you?

They're close.

Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

President Donald Trump: Total Actual plus Budgeted = $4.040 trillion, a 20% increase. That's one reason why so many argue that Trump may not be better than Obama for the economy. Trump did not have to fight a recession during his term. It's usually better to have contractionary fiscal policy during an expansion instead of adding to the nation's debt.

  • FY 2021 - $1.068 trillion.
  • FY 2020 - $1.101 trillion.
  • FY 2019 - $1.092 trillion.
  • FY 2018 - $779 billion.

President Barack Obama: Total = $6.785 trillion, a 57% increase.

  • FY 2017 - $666 billion. Although Trump requested additional spending, Congress did not approve it.
  • FY 2016 - $585 billion.
  • FY 2015 - $438 billion.
  • FY 2014 - $485 billion.

Those are some funny numbers, without link of course.

Check how much debt increased by president, by year.

Trump plans to add $5.088 trillion to the debt in his first term.8 That's a 25% increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. If he remains in office for a second term, he plans to add $9.1 trillion for both terms.
  • FY 2021 - $1.276 trillion
  • FY 2020 - $1.281 trillion
  • FY 2019 - $1.260 trillion
  • FY 2018 - $1.271 trillion
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
  • FY 2017 - $671 billion
  • FY 2016 - $1.423 trillion
  • FY 2015 - $327 billion
  • FY 2014 - $1.086 trillion
  • FY 2013 - $672 billion
  • FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion
  • FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion
  • FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion
  • FY 2009 - $253 billion. Congress passed the Economic Stimulus Act, which spent $253 billion in FY 2009.9 This rare occurrence should be added to President Obama's contribution to the debt.
US Debt by President by Dollar and Percentage

Also, you said "It's usually better"... according to whom, Krugman?

Maybe economists can agree on that, but we've been following their advises for decades, and look where we are. Maybe it's time to try different approach. Get back country's economy on track, rebuild military, stabilize budget, then make cuts. It may work, or not, it remain to be seen. Either way, we can't be much worse off, if any than we've been before Trump.

One thing is for sure, it wont happen if Congress doesn't cut spending. That is where problem is, not in revenue.
I posted a link on the very first line of that post and those numbers were a copy and paste from the article which provides much more explanation about debt/deficit/and spending. Its also a link from the exact same website and article that you just linked to and uses the exact same numbers from your link!!! Come on man! Put a little more thought into these posts and read more than just the bullet points.

As much as I want to respect your "economists may agree on that... but maybe its time to try something different" line. Thats pretty funny. I'm always down to try different things and explore new ideas but they should be based on logic and analysis and method... Not a whatever Trump does is genius approach that many on here take.

" ideas should be based on logic and analysis and method"

Ideas that get us where we are today are based on "logic and analysis and method", didn't they?

It isn't like I am saying we should abandon it all, I'm saying that maybe logic and analysis and method used so far maybe need to be revised and updated.

For instance, laffer curve is based on logic and analyses, but left constantly rejected it even it's proven to be correct. Again, problem is not in revenue, problem is in spending. I believe, and hope, that once our economy stabilize on this level, or perhaps higher, it will be easier to curb the spending, which is much harder when economy is under pressure during recession. When you have near full employment, its easier to get people off of entitlement programs, which are biggest part of our spending.
Where we are today? You mean with a country that his the largest economy, strongest military, and is regarded as the worlds greatest superpower?

OK, I concede, smart educated people got us where we are today... So what's your point again?

Politicians drunk on Power, corruption, bureaucracy, and elections are what's gotten our debt to where it is if thats what you're talking about... Not the advice and analysis of smart economists.
trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation

How is this not obstruction of justice? Again?

Political interference with the rule of law is a tell-tale sign of banana republics. And here are the jokesters who find it funny:

Funny x 9
Sunni Man
The Breeze
Death Angel​

So far. How much of a loathsome dullard can one be?

You seem to be setting the bar.
What they should do is stop screaming about Biden and corruption. All they're screaming about is a lie. He didn't do what they accuse him of doing.

trump has basically done what they say Biden did but didn't do.

Do they have a problem with trump doing what they say Biden did?

NO they don't.

Which means all this about Biden is nothing but total BS. The only reason they are pretending to have a problem with what they say Biden did is they are using it as a weapon against Biden.

These people are the worst people in our nation.
Prosecutors often have their proposed sentencing walked back because it is recognized that they are immersed in their zeal of prosecution. You just never hear about it. In this case, Democrats want desperately to put anyone away that could finger any one of their conspiracy-coup gang. Many people have known for years (even before Trump's call) that Biden was laundering money from Burisma through his son to foreign accounts. No one in the Obama administration's DOJ even batted and eye probably because they would run afoul of the powerful Hillary-controlled DNC machine. In order to obfuscate their dirty VP's activity and to shield themselves they came up with this cockamamy impeachment scheme.
Prosecutors often have their proposed sentencing walked back because it is recognized that they are immersed in their zeal of prosecution. You just never hear about it. In this case, Democrats want desperately to put anyone away that could finger any one of their conspiracy-coup gang. Many people have known for years (even before Trump's call) that Biden was laundering money from Burisma through his son to foreign accounts. No one in the Obama administration's DOJ even batted and eye probably because they would run afoul of the powerful Hillary-controlled DNC machine. In order to obfuscate their dirty VP's activity and to shield themselves they came up with this cockamamy impeachment scheme.

Total utter BS.

Debunking 4 Viral Rumors About the Bidens and Ukraine
Prosecutors often have their proposed sentencing walked back because it is recognized that they are immersed in their zeal of prosecution. Y
That only occurs when the judge does that. So that does not apply here at all and is not relevant.
Prosecutors often have their proposed sentencing walked back because it is recognized that they are immersed in their zeal of prosecution. You just never hear about it. In this case, Democrats want desperately to put anyone away that could finger any one of their conspiracy-coup gang. Many people have known for years (even before Trump's call) that Biden was laundering money from Burisma through his son to foreign accounts. No one in the Obama administration's DOJ even batted and eye probably because they would run afoul of the powerful Hillary-controlled DNC machine. In order to obfuscate their dirty VP's activity and to shield themselves they came up with this cockamamy impeachment scheme.

Total utter BS.

Debunking 4 Viral Rumors About the Bidens and Ukraine
I read the NYT fake news piece a while ago. Biden was in charge of investigating Ukraine corruption so he had to power to call anyone he wanted corrupt. The article seems to assume a bit too much and is nothing more, IMO, than a Democrat fueled excuse. That article is 'utter BS' try reading it sometime. It even says that "How much Mr. Biden has earned from his deals in China is unclear." Estimates are 1.5 Billion.
trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation
hahhahahahahhahhaha -I LOVE IT!!!
this is justice for all the crap that's been going on
How is indicting Stone justice for all the crap that’s been going on? I’m not seeing the relation. Please explain.
....Mr Trump is kicking a$$--that's the relation
What does Trump kicking ass have to do with Stone being indicted? You’re all over the place. Can you make a cohesive argument?
kicking A$$ and taking names--hahahahahha
..I love the TDS Mr Trump has given you
I love it when the left wants to give Barry credit for economic success that he had little to nothing to do with, Slade! The economy started coming back strong just as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid term election and no longer could ram job killing legislation like ObamaCare through Congress! Obama had nothing to do with the energy boom that drove job growth...he opposed fracking and Big Oil! He was the guy who told us all his plan was to make electricity much more expensive by closing down all the coal burning plants and passing Cap & Trade legislation!

Oh, he wasn't shy about taking credit for the increase in oil and natural gas production but that's laughable when you examine WHERE those increases took place! On lands that Barry controlled...production went down. On lands he didn't...production went up DRAMATICALLY!
Oh yes, I’ve heard those lines too. Regardless of who you credit for the economy the 3% and deficit lines were both major points of critique for Obama, they were promises by Trump to turn around, they haven’t improved under Trump, yet he is being credited for the greatest economy ever. And you don’t seem the irony!!! Haha, what a joke

I look at more than just the end numbers, Slade! I look at one President who's working with almost a zero interest rate from the Fed for the longest time in US history compared to another that has had to absorb 5 rate increases since he was elected. I look at one President who allowed our international competitors to run roughshod over us and compare that President with one that took a principled stand against those same competitors...hit them with tariffs...and got them to stop screwing us so badly. I look at one President who understands what induces hiring and growth by the Private Sector and one who never could figure out why he couldn't get investors to risk their capital! Trump plays chess with the economy...Obama used to lose at tic tack toe!
oh come on... trump has been working with rates between .39% and 2.16% averaging closer to 1%. Your other points are just subjective observations. You’ve glosses right over my point to try and focus on this crap. Come on man. I’m not making a case that Trump has destroyed the economy. I’m just saying he is full of shit when it comes to the economic talking points.

best scenario would be to get Trump out of the White House. Get the Reps in control of the house and Dems in control of the senate.

My points are subjective? Have Fed rates NOT been raised 5 times since Trump was elected? Have we not had to absorb the effects of imposing tariffs on our trading "partners" to get them to stop screwing us over...something that should have been done YEARS ago? I haven't glossed over anything. I've given concrete examples of why I think Trump has done a much better job with the economy than Obama did and why I think that will continue in the future.
You glossed over my points to jump to your points. The tariffs... or taxes that Americans have paid have not proven to be effective yet. China is still doing the same crap they’ve always done. And the Fed bumps have been minimal and not a valid excuse for Trump not even coming close to hitting the numbers he promised. Fact is the economy is in the same state as it was before Trump took over. Back then it was scorched earth.... now it’s the best ever... Trump is full of shit
..the US should've protected itself from other countries LONG AGO!!..Mr Trump is finally trying to do that ..I guess you LIKE the US getting screwed over???!!!??
trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation
hahhahahahahhahhaha -I LOVE IT!!!
this is justice for all the crap that's been going on
How is indicting Stone justice for all the crap that’s been going on? I’m not seeing the relation. Please explain.
....Mr Trump is kicking a$$--that's the relation
What does Trump kicking ass have to do with Stone being indicted? You’re all over the place. Can you make a cohesive argument?
kicking A$$ and taking names--hahahahahha
..I love the TDS Mr Trump has given you
While your out there loving it... can you answer the question?
Oh yes, I’ve heard those lines too. Regardless of who you credit for the economy the 3% and deficit lines were both major points of critique for Obama, they were promises by Trump to turn around, they haven’t improved under Trump, yet he is being credited for the greatest economy ever. And you don’t seem the irony!!! Haha, what a joke

I look at more than just the end numbers, Slade! I look at one President who's working with almost a zero interest rate from the Fed for the longest time in US history compared to another that has had to absorb 5 rate increases since he was elected. I look at one President who allowed our international competitors to run roughshod over us and compare that President with one that took a principled stand against those same competitors...hit them with tariffs...and got them to stop screwing us so badly. I look at one President who understands what induces hiring and growth by the Private Sector and one who never could figure out why he couldn't get investors to risk their capital! Trump plays chess with the economy...Obama used to lose at tic tack toe!
oh come on... trump has been working with rates between .39% and 2.16% averaging closer to 1%. Your other points are just subjective observations. You’ve glosses right over my point to try and focus on this crap. Come on man. I’m not making a case that Trump has destroyed the economy. I’m just saying he is full of shit when it comes to the economic talking points.

best scenario would be to get Trump out of the White House. Get the Reps in control of the house and Dems in control of the senate.

My points are subjective? Have Fed rates NOT been raised 5 times since Trump was elected? Have we not had to absorb the effects of imposing tariffs on our trading "partners" to get them to stop screwing us over...something that should have been done YEARS ago? I haven't glossed over anything. I've given concrete examples of why I think Trump has done a much better job with the economy than Obama did and why I think that will continue in the future.
You glossed over my points to jump to your points. The tariffs... or taxes that Americans have paid have not proven to be effective yet. China is still doing the same crap they’ve always done. And the Fed bumps have been minimal and not a valid excuse for Trump not even coming close to hitting the numbers he promised. Fact is the economy is in the same state as it was before Trump took over. Back then it was scorched earth.... now it’s the best ever... Trump is full of shit
..the US should've protected itself from other countries LONG AGO!!..Mr Trump is finally trying to do that ..I guess you LIKE the US getting screwed over???!!!??
No I don't like the US getting screwed over... I also don't think Trump is doing a good job protecting our country. I think he is burning bridges and eroding trust with our closest allies which makes us much weaker.
I look at more than just the end numbers, Slade! I look at one President who's working with almost a zero interest rate from the Fed for the longest time in US history compared to another that has had to absorb 5 rate increases since he was elected. I look at one President who allowed our international competitors to run roughshod over us and compare that President with one that took a principled stand against those same competitors...hit them with tariffs...and got them to stop screwing us so badly. I look at one President who understands what induces hiring and growth by the Private Sector and one who never could figure out why he couldn't get investors to risk their capital! Trump plays chess with the economy...Obama used to lose at tic tack toe!
oh come on... trump has been working with rates between .39% and 2.16% averaging closer to 1%. Your other points are just subjective observations. You’ve glosses right over my point to try and focus on this crap. Come on man. I’m not making a case that Trump has destroyed the economy. I’m just saying he is full of shit when it comes to the economic talking points.

best scenario would be to get Trump out of the White House. Get the Reps in control of the house and Dems in control of the senate.

My points are subjective? Have Fed rates NOT been raised 5 times since Trump was elected? Have we not had to absorb the effects of imposing tariffs on our trading "partners" to get them to stop screwing us over...something that should have been done YEARS ago? I haven't glossed over anything. I've given concrete examples of why I think Trump has done a much better job with the economy than Obama did and why I think that will continue in the future.
You glossed over my points to jump to your points. The tariffs... or taxes that Americans have paid have not proven to be effective yet. China is still doing the same crap they’ve always done. And the Fed bumps have been minimal and not a valid excuse for Trump not even coming close to hitting the numbers he promised. Fact is the economy is in the same state as it was before Trump took over. Back then it was scorched earth.... now it’s the best ever... Trump is full of shit
..the US should've protected itself from other countries LONG AGO!!..Mr Trump is finally trying to do that ..I guess you LIKE the US getting screwed over???!!!??
No I don't like the US getting screwed over... I also don't think Trump is doing a good job protecting our country. I think he is burning bridges and eroding trust with our closest allies which makes us much weaker.
.....exactly --you just THINK....we've ben fkd over by these countries for a loooong time!!
...closest allies....??? what?
oh come on... trump has been working with rates between .39% and 2.16% averaging closer to 1%. Your other points are just subjective observations. You’ve glosses right over my point to try and focus on this crap. Come on man. I’m not making a case that Trump has destroyed the economy. I’m just saying he is full of shit when it comes to the economic talking points.

best scenario would be to get Trump out of the White House. Get the Reps in control of the house and Dems in control of the senate.

My points are subjective? Have Fed rates NOT been raised 5 times since Trump was elected? Have we not had to absorb the effects of imposing tariffs on our trading "partners" to get them to stop screwing us over...something that should have been done YEARS ago? I haven't glossed over anything. I've given concrete examples of why I think Trump has done a much better job with the economy than Obama did and why I think that will continue in the future.
You glossed over my points to jump to your points. The tariffs... or taxes that Americans have paid have not proven to be effective yet. China is still doing the same crap they’ve always done. And the Fed bumps have been minimal and not a valid excuse for Trump not even coming close to hitting the numbers he promised. Fact is the economy is in the same state as it was before Trump took over. Back then it was scorched earth.... now it’s the best ever... Trump is full of shit
..the US should've protected itself from other countries LONG AGO!!..Mr Trump is finally trying to do that ..I guess you LIKE the US getting screwed over???!!!??
No I don't like the US getting screwed over... I also don't think Trump is doing a good job protecting our country. I think he is burning bridges and eroding trust with our closest allies which makes us much weaker.
.....exactly --you just THINK....we've ben fkd over by these countries for a loooong time!!
...closest allies....??? what?
The majority of NATO countries... The other major trading partners of China... Collectively we could inflict much more pressure on China than what Trump can do alone.

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