ALL HANDS ON DECK! The GOP passed a bill that will help Americans. Something must be done....

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
We must stop this travesty. Americans do not deserve this kind of relief! If we allow this relief to be passed on to everyday Americans they might actually like it. Get out your class warfare gear and get to work, STAT!
I'm already hearing reports of corpses lining the streets in the wake of this bill passing. It's absolutely horrible.

Oh the humanity!!!
Armageddon is upon us! The end of days is here! The sky is on fire! Oh wait my taxes go down unless I pay no tax? Hmmm that doesn't seem so bad....
This bills popularity will rise or fall based on its actual impact on everyday Americans. All the sky is falling fake news propaganda will be dismissed once the reality sets in come spring next year
Wow little man - Terrific and Exquisite post :rolleyes-41:
How many trillions of dollars does this tax bill add to the deficit?

Far less than the amount your hero obummer added, and this has the advantage that it will actually invigorate the economy which will pay down the debt. But that's a fact, and we all know that you progressive statists don't do facts.

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