All human life orginated from Africa.

Oh first of all, I'm not using a race card. Second of all, I am saying that the current racists out there such as the Ku Klux Klan who believe in a pure white race, they don't know their human history. This is directed towards people who think that one race is better than the other so your comment is invalid....
Where would the liberals be without the KKK? A relic from what, 50 years ago? You love the KKK because it's the only link you have to hang onto the claim that white racism still exists. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a contributor to them, just to keep them around so you can refer to them in your arguments.

The Ku Klux Klan was an example. I used to live in Texas and I have had white kids throw eggs at me and call me names like "monkey", ******, and other crap. Before living in texas, I lived in San diego in an Area were Mexicans were not too fond of African Americans. I am African American and I despise the Klan. They were simply an example. You are an IDIOT if you actually think I love the Klan. What a stupid assumption. There are many racist people who are not white and they also do not know their human history. Its not just white racism I'm talking here, but overall. Anyone who is racist is ignorant and needs to be educated. I made a topic about how we all come from the same area and now I'm getting some bozo that says I love the Klan even though I am African American and know what these people have done to the human race. Sounds legit.

Good Post, will explore your thread more tomorrow. :cool:
Thanks Drifter. I really wish more people were aware about this stuff and simply look more at human life. Some generalize a certain race because they acted in a common type of way or ate certain foods. Like the notion that all black people love fried chicken. My grandmother is a vegetarian and eats only fish. People stereotype others because they have been fed propaganda, seen a lot of similarities between the race they are viewing, or other. People should just look at each other like humans. Where you come from and what your color is shouldn't matter since we all came from the same area. This world would be a lot better with more educated people and non-stereotypes.
And though this has been proven, its sad to see the current racists out there. They don't know their human history and have flawed beliefs.
You just had to play the race card, didn't you? The default argument of the left. There goes your credibility. Anybody who doesn't bow to liberal philosophy is a racist, right?

Oh first of all, I'm not using a race card. Second of all, I am saying that the current racists out there such as the Ku Klux Klan who believe in a pure white race, they don't know their human history. This is directed towards people who think that one race is better than the other so your comment is invalid....

Play the race card because it trumps their BS cards every time! whenever there is a conversation concerning race its already been played anyway.
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Good post Malikc6. Good but not great! I do agree with your basic premise, though! From every empirical source that I have researched, the evidence supports your narrative that mankind originated in Africa.
The fossil evidence in your narrative points to hominids such as Homo Erectus but not anatomically modern humans. The origins of modern humans or Homo Sapiens Sapiens has been linked to Africa though Mitochondrial DNA. Indeed, all present humans are descendants of an African Eve!

And though this has been proven, its sad to see the current racists out there. They don't know their human history and have flawed beliefs.

We are All Related. Some just can't handle it.
Adam and Eve were white....everyone knows that

Oh really? How were they white when they were in Africa? If this was the case, everyone would be white in Africa but they are not. In most bible depictions, they make people white and people grow up believing. It has been proven that humans originate from Africa. Assuming Adam and eve were the first two humans that came on earth, they had to have dark skin. Your comment is untrue.
the OP is just unsophisticated blather. it is exactly the same as saying,"there is only one race, the human race." while nominally true it ignores the massive amount of information available.

and it also makes the mistake of confusing symptom for cause. a person isnt a caucasian because they have white skin, they have white skin because they are caucasian.
The first human fossils were found in Africa. It is a fact that humans originated from Africa.
Says you. Let's see the proof.

You could easily search it up for yourself. This is a known fact.

I spent several minutes gathering links and for some reason, it won't let me post any. I can show proof if it allowed me to.

Please explain to me what a "known fact" is. [Oxymoron?] :cuckoo:
Adam and Eve were white....everyone knows that

Oh really? How were they white when they were in Africa? If this was the case, everyone would be white in Africa but they are not. In most bible depictions, they make people white and people grow up believing. It has been proven that humans originate from Africa. Assuming Adam and eve were the first two humans that came on earth, they had to have dark skin. Your comment is untrue.

Adam, Eve, Moses, Jesus and God himself

All white

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Oh first of all, I'm not using a race card. Second of all, I am saying that the current racists out there such as the Ku Klux Klan who believe in a pure white race, they don't know their human history. This is directed towards people who think that one race is better than the other so your comment is invalid....
Where would the liberals be without the KKK? A relic from what, 50 years ago? You love the KKK because it's the only link you have to hang onto the claim that white racism still exists. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a contributor to them, just to keep them around so you can refer to them in your arguments.

The Ku Klux Klan was an example. I used to live in Texas and I have had white kids throw eggs at me and call me names like "monkey", ******, and other crap. Before living in texas, I lived in San diego in an Area were Mexicans were not too fond of African Americans. I am African American and I despise the Klan. They were simply an example. You are an IDIOT if you actually think I love the Klan. What a stupid assumption. There are many racist people who are not white and they also do not know their human history. Its not just white racism I'm talking here, but overall. Anyone who is racist is ignorant and needs to be educated. I made a topic about how we all come from the same area and now I'm getting some bozo that says I love the Klan even though I am African American and know what these people have done to the human race. Sounds legit.
My point is that you're race baiting. That's the purpose of this thread, no matter how you try to present it. You bring up the KKK (a group that's been irrelevant for many decades) because you can't find any legitimate examples in modern day society. Hence, my comment.
Where would the liberals be without the KKK? A relic from what, 50 years ago? You love the KKK because it's the only link you have to hang onto the claim that white racism still exists. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a contributor to them, just to keep them around so you can refer to them in your arguments.

The Ku Klux Klan was an example. I used to live in Texas and I have had white kids throw eggs at me and call me names like "monkey", ******, and other crap. Before living in texas, I lived in San diego in an Area were Mexicans were not too fond of African Americans. I am African American and I despise the Klan. They were simply an example. You are an IDIOT if you actually think I love the Klan. What a stupid assumption. There are many racist people who are not white and they also do not know their human history. Its not just white racism I'm talking here, but overall. Anyone who is racist is ignorant and needs to be educated. I made a topic about how we all come from the same area and now I'm getting some bozo that says I love the Klan even though I am African American and know what these people have done to the human race. Sounds legit.
My point is that you're race baiting. That's the purpose of this thread, no matter how you try to present it. You bring up the KKK (a group that's been irrelevant for many decades) because you can't find any legitimate examples in modern day society. Hence, my comment.

I don't see race baiting in Maikc's posts. Did you notice that he also excoriated some non white people for being racists and not knowing their history as well? Thats the trouble with repubs. They often go off half cocked because they ignore the truth, read what they want to believe and pass their germ on to others!
The Ku Klux Klan was an example. I used to live in Texas and I have had white kids throw eggs at me and call me names like "monkey", ******, and other crap. Before living in texas, I lived in San diego in an Area were Mexicans were not too fond of African Americans. I am African American and I despise the Klan. They were simply an example. You are an IDIOT if you actually think I love the Klan. What a stupid assumption. There are many racist people who are not white and they also do not know their human history. Its not just white racism I'm talking here, but overall. Anyone who is racist is ignorant and needs to be educated. I made a topic about how we all come from the same area and now I'm getting some bozo that says I love the Klan even though I am African American and know what these people have done to the human race. Sounds legit.
My point is that you're race baiting. That's the purpose of this thread, no matter how you try to present it. You bring up the KKK (a group that's been irrelevant for many decades) because you can't find any legitimate examples in modern day society. Hence, my comment.

I don't see race baiting in Maikc's posts. Did you notice that he also excoriated some non white people for being racists and not knowing their history as well? Thats the trouble with repubs. They often go off half cocked because they ignore the truth, read what they want to believe and pass their germ on to others!
A liberal defending race baiting. Gee, what a surprise.
My point is that you're race baiting. That's the purpose of this thread, no matter how you try to present it. You bring up the KKK (a group that's been irrelevant for many decades) because you can't find any legitimate examples in modern day society. Hence, my comment.

I don't see race baiting in Maikc's posts. Did you notice that he also excoriated some non white people for being racists and not knowing their history as well? Thats the trouble with repubs. They often go off half cocked because they ignore the truth, read what they want to believe and pass their germ on to others!
A liberal defending race baiting. Gee, what a surprise.

I used the Ku Klux Klan as an example and used non white people for racists. Do you even read everything or just half read stuff and then comment? Race baiting my ***. I'm just trying to tell everyone that were the same and got some hardcore fanatical repub making assumptions that are way off. Even the guy above me showed that I used nonwhite examples. Seriously man, how old are you?
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Adam and Eve were white....everyone knows that

Oh really? How were they white when they were in Africa? If this was the case, everyone would be white in Africa but they are not. In most bible depictions, they make people white and people grow up believing. It has been proven that humans originate from Africa. Assuming Adam and eve were the first two humans that came on earth, they had to have dark skin. Your comment is untrue.

Adam, Eve, Moses, Jesus and God himself

You know thats just a drawing right? I'm not going to give you credit for that! Plus we don't even know what god looks like him being a spirit and a perfect one. Remember, because human life started in Africa, it only makes sense that they had dark skin.
The Ku Klux Klan was an example. I used to live in Texas and I have had white kids throw eggs at me and call me names like "monkey", ******, and other crap. Before living in texas, I lived in San diego in an Area were Mexicans were not too fond of African Americans. I am African American and I despise the Klan. They were simply an example. You are an IDIOT if you actually think I love the Klan. What a stupid assumption. There are many racist people who are not white and they also do not know their human history. Its not just white racism I'm talking here, but overall. Anyone who is racist is ignorant and needs to be educated. I made a topic about how we all come from the same area and now I'm getting some bozo that says I love the Klan even though I am African American and know what these people have done to the human race. Sounds legit.
My point is that you're race baiting. That's the purpose of this thread, no matter how you try to present it. You bring up the KKK (a group that's been irrelevant for many decades) because you can't find any legitimate examples in modern day society. Hence, my comment.

I don't see race baiting in Maikc's posts. Did you notice that he also excoriated some non white people for being racists and not knowing their history as well? Thats the trouble with repubs. They often go off half cocked because they ignore the truth, read what they want to believe and pass their germ on to others!

I don't want to generalize all republicans for doing so but that is exactly what SJ is doing. He just reads what he wants to see and ignores everything else as if he wants a confrontation. Really sounds more of a troll rather than a republican.

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