All human life orginated from Africa.

Oh really? How were they white when they were in Africa? If this was the case, everyone would be white in Africa but they are not. In most bible depictions, they make people white and people grow up believing. It has been proven that humans originate from Africa. Assuming Adam and eve were the first two humans that came on earth, they had to have dark skin. Your comment is untrue.

Adam, Eve, Moses, Jesus and God himself

You know thats just a drawing right? I'm not going to give you credit for that! Plus we don't even know what god looks like him being a spirit and a perfect one. Remember, because human life started in Africa, it only makes sense that they had dark skin.

Yes, we do know what God looks like
He is an old white man with a long beard and robes

Jesus had long blonde hair and blue eyes

They couldn't make those paintings if they were not true.....God would hit them with a lighning bolt
SOME of the many tools available for the study of evolution:

Carbon dating

ALL of the tools available or the study of Creationism:

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longknife mentioned the Human Genome Project but I am not sure what exactly was referring to. It may have the the HGP but I was reading some book on DNA and most of it probably went over my head but basically what they said is that every time the DNA is reproduced DNA it creates biodiversity. What they found, through scientific method no less, is that there is one place in Africa that has more biodiversity than anywhere else on the planet. So what this means is that there is less biodiversity between some monk in the mountains of Tibet and some hillbilly in the hills of the Ozarks than two people living next to each other in this one place in Africa.
Adam, Eve, Moses, Jesus and God himself

You know thats just a drawing right? I'm not going to give you credit for that! Plus we don't even know what god looks like him being a spirit and a perfect one. Remember, because human life started in Africa, it only makes sense that they had dark skin.

Yes, we do know what God looks like
He is an old white man with a long beard and robes

Jesus had long blonde hair and blue eyes

They couldn't make those paintings if they were not true.....God would hit them with a lighning bolt

LOL!! Thanks for the laugh man. I love your sense of humor.
SOME of the many tools available for the study of evolution:

Carbon dating

ALL of the tools available or the study of Creationism:


DNA is an amazing tool that maps the progression of evolution and the interrelationships of species
The first human fossils were found in Africa. It is a fact that humans originated from Africa.
Says you. Let's see the proof.

You could easily search it up for yourself. This is a known fact.

I spent several minutes gathering links and for some reason, it won't let me post any. I can show proof if it allowed me to.

That's a load of hogwash!

You accepting it as fact does not make it a fact.
Oh really? How were they white when they were in Africa? If this was the case, everyone would be white in Africa but they are not. In most bible depictions, they make people white and people grow up believing. It has been proven that humans originate from Africa. Assuming Adam and eve were the first two humans that came on earth, they had to have dark skin. Your comment is untrue.

Adam, Eve, Moses, Jesus and God himself

You know thats just a drawing right? I'm not going to give you credit for that! Plus we don't even know what god looks like him being a spirit and a perfect one. Remember, because human life started in Africa, it only makes sense that they had dark skin.

How can you be certain the fossils were of black people? You're assumimng that if it was african they were black. Can you be 100 percent positive no whites ever lived in Africa? And if so then I'd have to see the proof.
There are 100 pages of threads and there is most likely one like this (only looked through a few and didn't see one like this) but here I go.

The first human fossils were found in Africa.

All planted by the devil.

Adam and Eve were created by God along with Earth 6013 years ago. They were white and preferred country music to rap.
Adam, Eve, Moses, Jesus and God himself

You know thats just a drawing right? I'm not going to give you credit for that! Plus we don't even know what god looks like him being a spirit and a perfect one. Remember, because human life started in Africa, it only makes sense that they had dark skin.

How can you be certain the fossils were of black people? You're assumimng that if it was african they were black. Can you be 100 percent positive no whites ever lived in Africa? And if so then I'd have to see the proof.

Skin turned white when black skin went into colder climates. You should already know this. Very hot in Africa. In Africa, they had and still have dark skin. Its not assumption, its a fact that you and others just don't want to accept. You keep questioning it.
There are 100 pages of threads and there is most likely one like this (only looked through a few and didn't see one like this) but here I go.

The first human fossils were found in Africa.

All planted by the devil.

Adam and Eve were created by God along with Earth 6013 years ago. They were white and preferred country music to rap.

LOL!!! Thanks for the laugh.
Adam, Eve, Moses, Jesus and God himself

You know thats just a drawing right? I'm not going to give you credit for that! Plus we don't even know what god looks like him being a spirit and a perfect one. Remember, because human life started in Africa, it only makes sense that they had dark skin.

How can you be certain the fossils were of black people? You're assumimng that if it was african they were black. Can you be 100 percent positive no whites ever lived in Africa? And if so then I'd have to see the proof.

KKK view of the world
How can you be certain the fossils were of black people? You're assumimng that if it was african they were black. Can you be 100 percent positive no whites ever lived in Africa? And if so then I'd have to see the proof.

Skin turned white when black skin went into colder climates. You should already know this. Very hot in Africa. In Africa, they had and still have dark skin. Its not assumption, its a fact that you and others just don't want to accept. You keep questioning it. Go look for the proof yourself.

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