All human life orginated from Africa.

Are you wearing a bowtie right now?

No, but I can see from your Icon that you are into beastiality with white albino dog!.
Are you sleeping with that dog right now? It is a sin sir to sleep with a four legged animal.
It is a sin sir to sleep with a four legged animal.

Is that what all the women say when they reject you?

Stop putting your sperm into Dogs and mens anuses.Beastiality and homosexuality are
high crimes against God. You must stop preaching about how you approve of race mixing also.Sinners like you will be crucified one day.Ask God for forgiveness.
Is that what all the women say when they reject you?

Stop putting your sperm into Dogs and mens anuses.

You should really keep your sick little fantasies to yourself. No wonder all women everywhere keep rejecting you.

I keep to my own black women, why are you not with a white woman.Do you approve
of women of your own race?. Or do you prefer the Albino dog?, you know the dog you
have in your icon photo.Beastiality is a crime. Dogs carry a lot of diseases also.
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Black soaks up the sun rays, white deflects it. It would make more sense that in cold climate people would get darker.

Oh and I don't believe in any dating methods because there are way too many contributing factors that are not known. Basically their guessing.

Yeah but the thing is, is that dark skin works better with high heat. White skin works better with cold. Whether they got darker or not, their skin had to adapt to the climate. Thats how their skin turned white.

As for white deflecting heat, white skin gets sunburned worse than black skin. If a white person went to Africa for a few months (or even a few weeks depending on the area) and came back, he would likely have a tan. The skin was being affected by the climate. Black people turned white over generations and people seem to have forgotten that. Look at racist people thinking one race is superior over another when they are virtually the same. We all came from one place.
There are 100 pages of threads and there is most likely one like this (only looked through a few and didn't see one like this) but here I go.

The first human fossils were found in Africa. This shows that human beings originated from Africa. In Africa humans have dark black skin. Human skin adapts to environment which is why generally most blacks can take the heat better than lighter colored humans. Everyone was black. And for you religious people, even in the bible it talks of people in the middle East and even said that Jesus was born in the middle east which is in the continent of Africa, therefore once again everyone was black. Its estimated that somewhere between 200,000 years or 150,000 years ago, humans started migrating to different places around the world. Those who went to colder climates around the world like lets say Canada or Alaska, or some other colder area, their black skin was useless. Black skin was an adaption that protected us from the sun's radiation and heat. It was made for that climate. In the colder regions, it was very cold and didn't have nearly the amount of heat for their skin to protect them against, so therefore, to adapt to a new climate that is cold, their dark skin adapted into white skin over the generations of staying in that area. Skin simply turned different due to the climate and our bodies adapting to them. I mean everyone has African roots somewhere in them. The purest of all white people has African blood in him or her. During those times is where human history played itself out, whether its making their own cultures and religions or kings and queens, and people seem to forget where we all come from. I honestly believe that most of the people in the past (and even some today) forget where we all came from and how we all have different skin color. Mainly due to the racism. If most people knew that all human life came from Africa, I guarantee there wouldn't be as much racism and ignorance as there was back then and now. The Ku Klux Klan for example believes in racial purity and how the white race should be only with each other. There is no such thing as racial purity or being a pure colored race because everyone is the same. In history, there have been white supremacists who spoke of murdering other races and colored people. They didn't seem to know human origin. Even the ones today don't see to know their history. We all came from the same area, yet people treated each other badly because of the color of their skin. Hating someone for their color is utterly flawed by this proven fact. Everyone is African. Its just that the climate has changed our skin and human history simply played itself out, leading to what it is today. No matter how far back it was, we all used to live there and all had the same skin.

Because of this fact, I could never understand racism. My only guess is that people who are racist and think that one race is better than another is because of simply ignorance. They are uneducated and closed minded. Some people were raised racist as a child and its really hard for those people to open their minds and educate themselves (because they were always told lies and propaganda as a child and grow up believing it. They are helpless to their innocence.)

The point of this topic was, to basically have people look at others as simply human beings and to stop generalizing everyone because its illogical. I don't pay attention to color or where they came from. The names that were given to us like Russians, Germans, Italians, Brazilians, and any other name thats given to people are just names that people throughout human history decided to name them. A man who was in Russia likely decided to have the people that lived their called Russians. Same with everywhere else. Name is just history. Nothing more.

All of these claims that "The majority of blacks do this and that." The majority of whites are this and that." These statistics don't make much sense to me, because lets say that most blacks did crime. Since we all know everyone is everyone, how about simply people do crime. A black person who commits a crime is just a human that happens to have dark skin. Skin means nothing to the crime. It comes down to free will and acting on it. In New York, you commit a crime, you are arrested and face the same consequences as any other race (Used New York as an example because its a massive melting pot).

Man kills man. Man steals from man. Man lies to man. Man is evil, but it should never come down to color because everyone is African.

Sho nuff Andy!!??
There are 100 pages of threads and there is most likely one like this (only looked through a few and didn't see one like this) but here I go.

The first human fossils were found in Africa. This shows that human beings originated from Africa. In Africa humans have dark black skin. Human skin adapts to environment which is why generally most blacks can take the heat better than lighter colored humans. Everyone was black. And for you religious people, even in the bible it talks of people in the middle East and even said that Jesus was born in the middle east which is in the continent of Africa, therefore once again everyone was black. Its estimated that somewhere between 200,000 years or 150,000 years ago, humans started migrating to different places around the world. Those who went to colder climates around the world like lets say Canada or Alaska, or some other colder area, their black skin was useless. Black skin was an adaption that protected us from the sun's radiation and heat. It was made for that climate. In the colder regions, it was very cold and didn't have nearly the amount of heat for their skin to protect them against, so therefore, to adapt to a new climate that is cold, their dark skin adapted into white skin over the generations of staying in that area. Skin simply turned different due to the climate and our bodies adapting to them. I mean everyone has African roots somewhere in them. The purest of all white people has African blood in him or her. During those times is where human history played itself out, whether its making their own cultures and religions or kings and queens, and people seem to forget where we all come from. I honestly believe that most of the people in the past (and even some today) forget where we all came from and how we all have different skin color. Mainly due to the racism. If most people knew that all human life came from Africa, I guarantee there wouldn't be as much racism and ignorance as there was back then and now. The Ku Klux Klan for example believes in racial purity and how the white race should be only with each other. There is no such thing as racial purity or being a pure colored race because everyone is the same. In history, there have been white supremacists who spoke of murdering other races and colored people. They didn't seem to know human origin. Even the ones today don't see to know their history. We all came from the same area, yet people treated each other badly because of the color of their skin. Hating someone for their color is utterly flawed by this proven fact. Everyone is African. Its just that the climate has changed our skin and human history simply played itself out, leading to what it is today. No matter how far back it was, we all used to live there and all had the same skin.

Because of this fact, I could never understand racism. My only guess is that people who are racist and think that one race is better than another is because of simply ignorance. They are uneducated and closed minded. Some people were raised racist as a child and its really hard for those people to open their minds and educate themselves (because they were always told lies and propaganda as a child and grow up believing it. They are helpless to their innocence.)

The point of this topic was, to basically have people look at others as simply human beings and to stop generalizing everyone because its illogical. I don't pay attention to color or where they came from. The names that were given to us like Russians, Germans, Italians, Brazilians, and any other name thats given to people are just names that people throughout human history decided to name them. A man who was in Russia likely decided to have the people that lived their called Russians. Same with everywhere else. Name is just history. Nothing more.

All of these claims that "The majority of blacks do this and that." The majority of whites are this and that." These statistics don't make much sense to me, because lets say that most blacks did crime. Since we all know everyone is everyone, how about simply people do crime. A black person who commits a crime is just a human that happens to have dark skin. Skin means nothing to the crime. It comes down to free will and acting on it. In New York, you commit a crime, you are arrested and face the same consequences as any other race (Used New York as an example because its a massive melting pot).

Man kills man. Man steals from man. Man lies to man. Man is evil, but it should never come down to color because everyone is African.

In addition to your post, the white race was grafted from the Black race by the Black geneticist scientist Jacob, about 150,000 years ago. The Whites did not obey Jacob rules,
and laws, and were told to leave Africa. They left also because the Sun was burning their skin on the African continent. The fossil evidence of humans in Africa is the oldest on Earth. White anthropologist know this. Certain white racist anthropologist will tell you
humans oringinated in "Mesopotaimia", this is all an attempt to take the history of humans
out of Africa.It is false. The first race is the Black race.

LOL!!! Your telling me that some racists know this and yet try to cover it up with crap? People sure just can't handle the truth. They repeatedly question fact. They don't want to accept. They go on believing what they want to believe no matter how stupid it is. I know a friend of mine who has a very racist dad and he believes that white human beings evolved somewhere in Europe.
There are 100 pages of threads and there is most likely one like this (only looked through a few and didn't see one like this) but here I go.

The first human fossils were found in Africa. This shows that human beings originated from Africa. In Africa humans have dark black skin. Human skin adapts to environment which is why generally most blacks can take the heat better than lighter colored humans. Everyone was black. And for you religious people, even in the bible it talks of people in the middle East and even said that Jesus was born in the middle east which is in the continent of Africa, therefore once again everyone was black. Its estimated that somewhere between 200,000 years or 150,000 years ago, humans started migrating to different places around the world. Those who went to colder climates around the world like lets say Canada or Alaska, or some other colder area, their black skin was useless. Black skin was an adaption that protected us from the sun's radiation and heat. It was made for that climate. In the colder regions, it was very cold and didn't have nearly the amount of heat for their skin to protect them against, so therefore, to adapt to a new climate that is cold, their dark skin adapted into white skin over the generations of staying in that area. Skin simply turned different due to the climate and our bodies adapting to them. I mean everyone has African roots somewhere in them. The purest of all white people has African blood in him or her. During those times is where human history played itself out, whether its making their own cultures and religions or kings and queens, and people seem to forget where we all come from. I honestly believe that most of the people in the past (and even some today) forget where we all came from and how we all have different skin color. Mainly due to the racism. If most people knew that all human life came from Africa, I guarantee there wouldn't be as much racism and ignorance as there was back then and now. The Ku Klux Klan for example believes in racial purity and how the white race should be only with each other. There is no such thing as racial purity or being a pure colored race because everyone is the same. In history, there have been white supremacists who spoke of murdering other races and colored people. They didn't seem to know human origin. Even the ones today don't see to know their history. We all came from the same area, yet people treated each other badly because of the color of their skin. Hating someone for their color is utterly flawed by this proven fact. Everyone is African. Its just that the climate has changed our skin and human history simply played itself out, leading to what it is today. No matter how far back it was, we all used to live there and all had the same skin.

Because of this fact, I could never understand racism. My only guess is that people who are racist and think that one race is better than another is because of simply ignorance. They are uneducated and closed minded. Some people were raised racist as a child and its really hard for those people to open their minds and educate themselves (because they were always told lies and propaganda as a child and grow up believing it. They are helpless to their innocence.)

The point of this topic was, to basically have people look at others as simply human beings and to stop generalizing everyone because its illogical. I don't pay attention to color or where they came from. The names that were given to us like Russians, Germans, Italians, Brazilians, and any other name thats given to people are just names that people throughout human history decided to name them. A man who was in Russia likely decided to have the people that lived their called Russians. Same with everywhere else. Name is just history. Nothing more.

All of these claims that "The majority of blacks do this and that." The majority of whites are this and that." These statistics don't make much sense to me, because lets say that most blacks did crime. Since we all know everyone is everyone, how about simply people do crime. A black person who commits a crime is just a human that happens to have dark skin. Skin means nothing to the crime. It comes down to free will and acting on it. In New York, you commit a crime, you are arrested and face the same consequences as any other race (Used New York as an example because its a massive melting pot).

Man kills man. Man steals from man. Man lies to man. Man is evil, but it should never come down to color because everyone is African.

In addition to your post, the white race was grafted from the Black race by the Black geneticist scientist Jacob, about 150,000 years ago. The Whites did not obey Jacob rules,
and laws, and were told to leave Africa. They left also because the Sun was burning their skin on the African continent. The fossil evidence of humans in Africa is the oldest on Earth. White anthropologist know this. Certain white racist anthropologist will tell you
humans oringinated in "Mesopotaimia", this is all an attempt to take the history of humans
out of Africa.It is false. The first race is the Black race.

LOL!!! Your telling me that some racists know this and yet try to cover it up with crap? People sure just can't handle the truth. They repeatedly question fact. They don't want to accept. They go on believing what they want to believe no matter how stupid it is. I know a friend of mine who has a very racist dad and he believes that white human beings evolved somewhere in Europe.

The "White", caucasian race was created in the African continent by Jacob, and then they
were expelled to the European peninsula. The White race was grafted from an Albino gene.
They were then breed, which lead to more genetic mutations withing the white race, such
as red hair, blond hair blue eyes, hazel eyes, ect,ect.
In addition to your post, the white race was grafted from the Black race by the Black geneticist scientist Jacob, about 150,000 years ago. The Whites did not obey Jacob rules,
and laws, and were told to leave Africa. They left also because the Sun was burning their skin on the African continent. The fossil evidence of humans in Africa is the oldest on Earth. White anthropologist know this. Certain white racist anthropologist will tell you
humans oringinated in "Mesopotaimia", this is all an attempt to take the history of humans
out of Africa.It is false. The first race is the Black race.

LOL!!! Your telling me that some racists know this and yet try to cover it up with crap? People sure just can't handle the truth. They repeatedly question fact. They don't want to accept. They go on believing what they want to believe no matter how stupid it is. I know a friend of mine who has a very racist dad and he believes that white human beings evolved somewhere in Europe.

The "White", caucasian race was created in the African continent by Jacob, and then they
were expelled to the European peninsula. The White race was grafted from an Albino gene.
They were then breed, which lead to more genetic mutations withing the white race, such
as red hair, blond hair blue eyes, hazel eyes, ect,ect.

Does Alex Haley get a commission every time you post that nonsense?

You have the general idea, but several of your details are wrong. For example, Jesus was a Jew living in what is now Israel. He did not have blond hair and blue eyes, but he was certainly a Caucasian.

Although human evolution did begin in Africa, Caucasians and East Asians have evolved further than Negroes. We have lower crime rates and higher average IQs.

You have the general idea, but several of your details are wrong. For example, Jesus was a Jew living in what is now Israel. He did not have blond hair and blue eyes, but he was certainly a Caucasian.

Although human evolution did begin in Africa, Caucasians and East Asians have evolved further than Negroes. We have lower crime rates and higher average IQs.

What's all this "we" shit? You're a fucking idiot.

You have the general idea, but several of your details are wrong. For example, Jesus was a Jew living in what is now Israel. He did not have blond hair and blue eyes, but he was certainly a Caucasian.

Although human evolution did begin in Africa, Caucasians and East Asians have evolved further than Negroes. We have lower crime rates and higher average IQs.

What's all this "we" shit? You're a fucking idiot.

You are an example of the problems caused by less evolution.

You have the general idea, but several of your details are wrong. For example, Jesus was a Jew living in what is now Israel. He did not have blond hair and blue eyes, but he was certainly a Caucasian.

Although human evolution did begin in Africa, Caucasians and East Asians have evolved further than Negroes. We have lower crime rates and higher average IQs.

What's all this "we" shit? You're a fucking idiot.

You are an example of the problems caused by less evolution.

That kind of comment really doesn't work following, as it does, your idiotic racist 'theory,' you fucking moron.

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