All human life orginated from Africa.

Oh and I don't believe in any dating methods because there are way too many contributing factors that are not known. Basically their guessing.

Like what?

You cannot measure the age of a rock using radioactive dating because you were not present to measure the radioactive elements when the rock formed and you did not monitor the way those elements changed over its entire geological history.

This is a fatal flaw with radioactive dating methods that scientist omit.
Oh and I don't believe in any dating methods because there are way too many contributing factors that are not known. Basically their guessing.

Like what?

You cannot measure the age of a rock using radioactive dating because you were not present to measure the radioactive elements when the rock formed and you did not monitor the way those elements changed over its entire geological history.

This is a fatal flaw with radioactive dating methods that scientist omit.

It may of orginated but it surely has charged! Do you understand evolution?

Even Darwin would agree with me.

Do you understand evolution, moron?


Do you?

Do you understand different environemtns can cause the development of different traits? Wider noses, different colors of skin, etc. All have to do with this.

Lol. I've been studying science my entire life.
It may of orginated but it surely has charged! Do you understand evolution?

Even Darwin would agree with me.

Do you understand evolution, moron?


Do you?

Do you understand different environemtns can cause the development of different traits? Wider noses, different colors of skin, etc. All have to do with this.

Lol. I've been studying science my entire life.


Lol. Look at that caliber of Nazi spelling.
I'm fucked up. Give me a break...

Can you understand the science?

According to your bullshit, I thought the WHITE MAN or "whitey" (you), can never fuck up? You're infallible remember? Isn't that what your Klansmen and Nazi brothers tell you in your little gatherings?

Yes I do understand science. All you did was post basic facts of human evolution. You want a medal?
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You have the general idea, but several of your details are wrong. For example, Jesus was a Jew living in what is now Israel. He did not have blond hair and blue eyes, but he was certainly a Caucasian.

Although human evolution did begin in Africa, Caucasians and East Asians have evolved further than Negroes. We have lower crime rates and higher average IQs.

Nice attempt to troll. This is a bull crap post.
The only think that came out of Africa were criminals.

SInce the human genome originated in Africa, I have to agree. However, it seems the worst of the criminals left thousands of years ago and moved to Europe and Asia!

You have the general idea, but several of your details are wrong. For example, Jesus was a Jew living in what is now Israel. He did not have blond hair and blue eyes, but he was certainly a Caucasian.

There is no proof that Jesus was a "Caucasian" at all. The Jews of his time were a cosmopolitan bunch. Any recognized follower of Judaism is and was then a Jew regardless of perceived race. Ethiopian Jews existed then and now and they were sanctioned to intermarry with other Jews from the time of Moses when he married an Ethiopian woman.

Although human evolution did begin in Africa, Caucasians and East Asians have evolved further than Negroes. We have lower crime rates and higher average IQs.

What a crock! Have you evolved further than Obama? How is your generalship compared to Colin Powells? Are you as deft with your fingers as Vivian Thomas was? Google the name and tell me you have bested this black man's accomplishments. And he was a dark one, without any obvious white blood.

It was a mistake to try and bring crime rates into the mix. Do a little research and you will find that white gangs perpetuated violence and visited it frequently upon their communities for more than a century. No, they didn't keep statistics for most of that time but the formation of numerous white gangs in the mid 19th Century until the mid 20th Century
left a legacy signed in blood and violence that may never be equaled!

We know, historically, that the recipe for gang formation is poverty and discrimination by the larger society. Yes, the Irish, Italians Polish, Jews and other Europeans all went through it and formed violent gangs to take by whatever means necessary what the larger society wouldn't give. Wealth, no matter how it is obtained, is the only thing that matters in a capitalistic society. ANd once wealth was realized, the white gangs, for the most part were gentrified and became respectable citizens.

Before 1940, there were few, if any, black gangs but as more blacks moved north to escape Jim Crow and the oppressive sharecropper systems of the south, white gangs intervened. For protection, Blacks formed their own gangs. But they had more than the white gangs to fight. The entire justice system was their enemy.

As far as Black IQ vs White IQ, there is no such thing. The average IQ for one group or another tells you nothing about the IQ of an individual in either group. Ponder these words, for they will make you wise!
The only think that came out of Africa were criminals.

SInce the human genome originated in Africa, I have to agree. However, it seems the worst of the criminals left thousands of years ago and moved to Europe and Asia!
Yeah, they're called muslims.

Impossible, I doubt if any muslims existed during the archaic stone age! NOPE just your typical "YOU ROPE PEONS!" ( well Europeans didn't exist back then so I had to think of something LOL)
Gee what a surprise.

This thread has become an excuse for racists and people who think they're not racists to insult one another.

It's a game that some here never seem to tire of.

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