“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 1

Subpoena Power and Contempt

The House has compelled the attendance of witnesses since 1795, when it investigated an attempt to bribe Members. Indeed, early cases of congressional subpoena and contempt powers focused on the abuse or discredit of the House itself. Robert Randall, a real estate speculator, had tried to purchase what is now Michigan from the federal government and share the proceeds with Members of Congress who approved the sale. As a result, Randall was the first individual held in contempt of Congress. The House Sergeant-at-Arms was authorized to arrest him and bring him before the House, where he was reprimanded and placed in a local jail for a week.


The House reformed and routinized its subpoena and contempt powers during the 19th century. Initially, it had authorized the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest those disregarding the orders of the House and bring them before its Membership. After an 1857 case involving a reporter for the New York Times who was held in contempt for not divulging his sources for a report concerning potential bribery of House Members, Congress passed the forbearer to the current law on contempt (2 USC §194). In that law, the failure of a witness to answer “any question pertinent” to a congressional investigation would prompt an investigation by the Department of Justice, as well as potential fines and jail time.

Investigations & Oversight | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
For my friends, the Democrats, we do have the power to fine and jail for those in contempt of Congress. Lets jail or fine Barr now and Mnuchin, fine them personally 10,000 bucks a day.

I sure hope Barr starts prosecuting some of your moonbat messiah's minions soon.

You bed wetters are beneath stupid by depths never reached before.

"Jail" is not a word I would throw around lightly, were I a Democrat at this time.
I said a fine, that way the taxpayers do not have to pay for their Toilet paper or food.
“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 1

Subpoena Power and Contempt

The House has compelled the attendance of witnesses since 1795, when it investigated an attempt to bribe Members. Indeed, early cases of congressional subpoena and contempt powers focused on the abuse or discredit of the House itself. Robert Randall, a real estate speculator, had tried to purchase what is now Michigan from the federal government and share the proceeds with Members of Congress who approved the sale. As a result, Randall was the first individual held in contempt of Congress. The House Sergeant-at-Arms was authorized to arrest him and bring him before the House, where he was reprimanded and placed in a local jail for a week.


The House reformed and routinized its subpoena and contempt powers during the 19th century. Initially, it had authorized the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest those disregarding the orders of the House and bring them before its Membership. After an 1857 case involving a reporter for the New York Times who was held in contempt for not divulging his sources for a report concerning potential bribery of House Members, Congress passed the forbearer to the current law on contempt (2 USC §194). In that law, the failure of a witness to answer “any question pertinent” to a congressional investigation would prompt an investigation by the Department of Justice, as well as potential fines and jail time.

Investigations & Oversight | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
For my friends, the Democrats, we do have the power to fine and jail for those in contempt of Congress. Lets jail or fine Barr now and Mnuchin, fine them personally 10,000 bucks a day.
The HoR also passed laws making the redactions in the Mule's report a requirement and the release of them a crime.

So take your haughty pronouncements about what the Constitution says (which you barely GAF about in virtually any other context) and shove 'em where the sun don't shine.
Yeah, arrest Barr...please. Then you idiots can explain why you abused your subpoena power by arresting someone for refusing to break the law. You people are beyond stupid.
The House of Congress has the authority.
The quote in your post claims that it is the justice departments job to investigate not congress'
I was thinking the same thing. I read it as, Congress has the power to make laws, nowhere, that I'm aware of, does it give the Congress power to investigate people.

The constitution actually doesnt say Congress has the power to investigate, but several judges have said that congressional investigative power is implied, but even then, only in a capacity to conduct legislation, to help Congress make new laws and refine existing laws.

Nowhere, however, does it say Congress has the ability to conduct criminal investigations. Its just something that has been going on for so long, we the people just assume that is their right.
Congress has the power to do what is necessary to create and pass laws. It does NOT have the power to conduct witch hunts for non-legislative purposes.;
“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 1

Subpoena Power and Contempt

The House has compelled the attendance of witnesses since 1795, when it investigated an attempt to bribe Members. Indeed, early cases of congressional subpoena and contempt powers focused on the abuse or discredit of the House itself. Robert Randall, a real estate speculator, had tried to purchase what is now Michigan from the federal government and share the proceeds with Members of Congress who approved the sale. As a result, Randall was the first individual held in contempt of Congress. The House Sergeant-at-Arms was authorized to arrest him and bring him before the House, where he was reprimanded and placed in a local jail for a week.


The House reformed and routinized its subpoena and contempt powers during the 19th century. Initially, it had authorized the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest those disregarding the orders of the House and bring them before its Membership. After an 1857 case involving a reporter for the New York Times who was held in contempt for not divulging his sources for a report concerning potential bribery of House Members, Congress passed the forbearer to the current law on contempt (2 USC §194). In that law, the failure of a witness to answer “any question pertinent” to a congressional investigation would prompt an investigation by the Department of Justice, as well as potential fines and jail time.

Investigations & Oversight | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
For my friends, the Democrats, we do have the power to fine and jail for those in contempt of Congress. Lets jail or fine Barr now and Mnuchin, fine them personally 10,000 bucks a day.
Nice job of cherry picking I would say. That is not how it works, or Clinton would have been locked up years ago. So would half of Hollywood. More lies and half truth have been spoken in that Congress meeting place. The Democrats only use the Law when they are breaking it.
“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 1

Subpoena Power and Contempt

The House has compelled the attendance of witnesses since 1795, when it investigated an attempt to bribe Members. Indeed, early cases of congressional subpoena and contempt powers focused on the abuse or discredit of the House itself. Robert Randall, a real estate speculator, had tried to purchase what is now Michigan from the federal government and share the proceeds with Members of Congress who approved the sale. As a result, Randall was the first individual held in contempt of Congress. The House Sergeant-at-Arms was authorized to arrest him and bring him before the House, where he was reprimanded and placed in a local jail for a week.


The House reformed and routinized its subpoena and contempt powers during the 19th century. Initially, it had authorized the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest those disregarding the orders of the House and bring them before its Membership. After an 1857 case involving a reporter for the New York Times who was held in contempt for not divulging his sources for a report concerning potential bribery of House Members, Congress passed the forbearer to the current law on contempt (2 USC §194). In that law, the failure of a witness to answer “any question pertinent” to a congressional investigation would prompt an investigation by the Department of Justice, as well as potential fines and jail time.

Investigations & Oversight | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
For my friends, the Democrats, we do have the power to fine and jail for those in contempt of Congress. Lets jail or fine Barr now and Mnuchin, fine them personally 10,000 bucks a day.
Nice job of cherry picking I would say. That is not how it works, or Clinton would have been locked up years ago. So would half of Hollywood. More lies and half truth have been spoken in that Congress meeting place. The Democrats only use the Law when they are breaking it.

Gee Whiz Dan Stubbs Penelope
Thank GOD they don't enforce laws against Contempt of Congress.

There isn't enough room in prison for all the population of America!

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