All Lives Matter

The fact that basic truth triggers the Left into hysterics tells you were the root cause of all the murdering going on lies.

Growing up in the 70's and 80's I never imagined an America where half its government would condone systemic, organized persecution and hatred of the majority of the population for their skin color. Even during the darkest days of discrimination against blacks—even during the slave years—no American politician called publicly for the mass murder of all African descendants living within our borders. Now, however, in our present era countless fellow Americans and some Democrat politicians are doing just that. It's a hell of thing to process and to avoid, at least for anyone who uses smart devices in the daily discharging of their professional duties.

What's worse is attempting to explain headlines to the young people in our lives. My family is about to be intermarried with an East Indian one, many members of which are possessed of skin tones varying from light to dark ebony. There are small children on both sides and middle age children and teenagers. Tell me why, in our America, anyone from either side of the about to be joined, culturally different families should have to have a discussion with the young ones about the rampant racial hate coursing through America's veins, and I don't mean hatred against brown people, which does exist, but on a much smaller, less popular scale. What a fucking travesty.

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