All Lives Matter

The truth is what I see in the private phone videos. Mayhem, killing of law enforcement, killing of innocent people, burning down public and private property. BLM signs and scrawled all over public buildings, etc. I believe what I see not what you tell me I should see.
If you don't look for truth you will never find it.
Do you ever look in the mirror. There is NO EXCUSE for all this left wing violence, but you refuse to renounce it
Putting a color in front of an organization is prejudiced and racist. Like the dozens of Black this and Black that. Not too many organizations start with White. Why is that?
Whites today are generally not as concerned with skin color as the blacks we see on the news. The aim of those people is to overthrow the U.S. using divisive racist slurs against anyone who refuses to go along with their 'hate whitey' religion. BLM IS a religion, they even have their own clergy.....The 'Reverand' Al Sharpton.
You are one stupid fuck.
Putting a color in front of an organization is prejudiced and racist. Like the dozens of Black this and Black that. Not too many organizations start with White. Why is that?
Whites today are generally not as concerned with skin color as the blacks we see on the news. The aim of those people is to overthrow the U.S. using divisive racist slurs against anyone who refuses to go along with their 'hate whitey' religion. BLM IS a religion, they even have their own clergy.....The 'Reverand' Al Sharpton.
You are one stupid fuck.
Pretty nasty response for such an innocuous statement. I see you went the personal attack route rather than offer anything of value
There I said it. Let the attacks begin.

If all lives mattered then all those black people who have been murdered by the police would be alive today.

If all lives mattered people wouldn't be out in the streets protesting.

If you believed all lives mattered you would be agreeing that the murders have to stop and police need to be reformed.

Funny, I don't see you or anyone like you doing that.

Uhm... Would white people who have been murdered by the police would be alive today?

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