All Lives Matter

There I said it. Let the attacks begin.

If all lives mattered then all those black people who have been murdered by the police would be alive today.

If all lives mattered people wouldn't be out in the streets protesting.

If you believed all lives mattered you would be agreeing that the murders have to stop and police need to be reformed.

Funny, I don't see you or anyone like you doing that.

Somehow we see your premises as just being HUGELY FLAWED.

That isn't funny. It's total ignorance on your part.

People have been killing each other since the dawn of just what the fuck are you talking about.
There I said it. Let the attacks begin.

From the doomiest doom porner
western rifles

When the MLK formula of “not color of skin, but content of character” dies, so too dies any chance of reconciliation.

With the death of reconciliation between peoples as a possibility, all that remains is domination and submission.

Domination by any means necessary to produce submission of others is a functional definition of slavery.

It is also a functional definition of war.

Not “war” of the post-WW2 multinational coalition variety, ostensibly to achieve limited political goals, allegedly in support of fundamental human rights.

Not “war” of Augustinian theological parsing, either.

The governments and elites of the West, both secular and spiritual, have allied with each other not to serve their citizens in enjoying life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but instead to bring a particular group of those citizens from their minority status into permanent majority power, supposedly as restitution for wrongs historically committed both by blacks and whites during the transatlantic slave trade era.

Whites who truthfully and factually assert that neither they nor their ancestors had not one iota of involvement in human trafficking and enslavement will nonetheless be subject to the lashstrokes of social shaming, ostracism, and job loss.

You will be ordered to bend the knee to this dogma of white crimes against humanity, and to recite its creeds as your own lest you be permanently judged as a racist.

You will be ordered to affirm the daily truths aloud as a demonstration of your goodthink.
Silence is violence, sayeth the New Overlords.
Your life before current events is over.

You are already at war for your people and your way of life.
Embrace your new status as a hated criminal.
Accept your fate.

Stand, if even as the last of Western Civilization, and defy the Destroyers.
Let your
struggle and your death serve Good.

Enjoy the last of these care free days
The 20s will roar
If all lives mattered then all those black people who have been murdered by the police would be alive today.
The cops interact with civilians 300 million times a year

and in only one or two exceptions the deaths were justified

thats nothing for white people to be ashamed of
There I said it. Let the attacks begin.

If all lives mattered then all those black people who have been murdered by the police would be alive today.

If all lives mattered people wouldn't be out in the streets protesting.

If you believed all lives mattered you would be agreeing that the murders have to stop and police need to be reformed.

Funny, I don't see you or anyone like you doing that.
..but 99.99% of the black deaths by police are not murders
'''ALL''' ---wrong..a whole---1, maybe
Maybe the saying should be "the lives of those who are good are the lives that matter most."

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Of course, how far a person can go before they no longer qualify for such a group will differ from one person to another.
There I said it. Let the attacks begin.

Are you out of your mind!!! Delete this offensive, racists shit immediately!! When you are done take a knee and apologize for your white privilege.
There I said it. Let the attacks begin.
Since you have no clue what Black Lives Matter is all about, I’ll leave you and your ignorance alone.
Sure I do, I saw it being videoed by participants. Burning down buildings, shooting and killing cops, burning out cop cars, rioting, injuring innocent people. Lots of BLM signs everywhere.
There I said it. Let the attacks begin.

If all lives mattered then all those black people who have been murdered by the police would be alive today.

If all lives mattered people wouldn't be out in the streets protesting.

If you believed all lives mattered you would be agreeing that the murders have to stop and police need to be reformed.

Funny, I don't see you or anyone like you doing that.
If black lives really mattered, blacks wouldn't be killing each other at such high rates. "In 2018, where the homicide victim was black, the suspected killer also was 88 percent of the time. "

Black lives will matter just as soon as blacks think they do because a lot of them obviously think they don't now.

"From 2000 to 2015, the mean African-American homicide-victimization rate, adjusted for age, was 20.1 per 100,000. That’s more than three times the Hispanic rate of 6.4 (despite disadvantages comparable to those of blacks) and over seven times the average white rate, 2.7. Moreover, as already noted, from 1976 to 2005, 94 percent of the killers of black murder victims were other African Americans. "
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Putting a color in front of an organization is prejudiced and racist. Like the dozens of Black this and Black that. Not too many organizations start with White. Why is that?
Whites today are generally not as concerned with skin color as the blacks we see on the news. The aim of those people is to overthrow the U.S. using divisive racist slurs against anyone who refuses to go along with their 'hate whitey' religion. BLM IS a religion, they even have their own clergy.....The 'Reverand' Al Sharpton.
Sure I do, I saw it being videoed by participants. Burning down buildings, shooting and killing cops, burning out cop cars, rioting, injuring innocent people. Lots of BLM signs everywhere.
Like i said, no clue whatsoever.
I would say educate yourself, but you clearly have no desire to know the truth.
The truth is what I see in the private phone videos. Mayhem, killing of law enforcement, killing of innocent people, burning down public and private property. BLM signs and scrawled all over public buildings, etc. I believe what I see not what you tell me I should see.
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The truth is what I see in the private phone videos. Mayhem, killing of law enforcement, killing of innocent people, burning down public and private property. BLM signs and scrawled all over public buildings, etc. I believe what I see not what you tell me I should see.
If you don't look for truth you will never find it.

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