All-male draft ruled unconstitutional....


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Women want all things equal. If they want all things equal the draft should be equal. No reason to yell about being equal and then wanting exclusions. Either be equal in all things or none.
only problem might be MORE feminine influence in the USA Military MaxD.
Congratulations feminists, you now get to be drafted!

The case was brought by the National Coalition For Men, a men's rights group, and two men who argued the all-male draft was unfair.

Men who fail to register with the Selective Service System at their 18th birthday can be denied public benefits like federal employment and student loans. Women cannot register for Selective Service.

With women in combat roles, a federal court rules the male-only draft unconstitutional

In 2019, a lot of "women" are walking around with both X and Y chromosomes, so just being a "woman" should theoretically make no difference in strength or need to shave their face for that matter.
....good thing we don't have the draft since men can do the physical demands of the military and most women can't--plain and simple
Why should Woman have all the EASY and Safe non Combat jobs in USA Military MrClean ??
Why should Woman have all the EASY and Safe non Combat jobs in USA Military MrClean ??

Oh! Because that's probably smarter than putting them on the front line, derp!

Thus posteth someone playing Devil's Advocate.
So much for all men's rights group being pathetic incels.

THis make a very good point about the irrationality of our current system.
Congratulations feminists, you now get to be drafted!

The case was brought by the National Coalition For Men, a men's rights group, and two men who argued the all-male draft was unfair.

Men who fail to register with the Selective Service System at their 18th birthday can be denied public benefits like federal employment and student loans. Women cannot register for Selective Service.

With women in combat roles, a federal court rules the male-only draft unconstitutional
Long overdue. This should have happened the moment foolish men gave them the right to vote.
Thats NOT EQUALITY !! I want to see the 'femi nazis' right up front and center Marion .
Women want all things equal. If they want all things equal the draft should be equal. No reason to yell about being equal and then wanting exclusions. Either be equal in all things or none.
I agree. Now they just need to close the gap on workplace injuries/deaths, suicides post divorce, filling body bags in combat zones, and rates of PTSD...
C’mon ladies! Time to close the gender gap!
....good thing we don't have the draft since men can do the physical demands of the military and most women can't--plain and simple

There’s plenty of non combat jobs in the military they would draft them for non-combat jobs????!!!
2. in the USMC every Marine is trained/is a fighter/infantry/etc
3. at the Battle of the Bulge/etc many '''non--combat'' soldiers had to fight as infantry
Good now the women can thank those ffkd up radical feminist fofr fucking up their world and now their children's ffutures because not only will daddy be killed now , now they get to lose mommy too awwwww, aren't you ffkd up feminist so proud at how equal you c..ts made things. Stupid c...ts
Women want all things equal. If they want all things equal the draft should be equal. No reason to yell about being equal and then wanting exclusions. Either be equal in all things or none.
I agree. Now they just need to close the gap on workplace injuries/deaths, suicides post divorce, filling body bags in combat zones, and rates of PTSD...
C’mon ladies! Time to close the gender gap!

Or we could tell the feminists to shut the fuck up, and start dealing with the world realistically.

Either way works for me.
Congratulations feminists, you now get to be drafted!

The case was brought by the National Coalition For Men, a men's rights group, and two men who argued the all-male draft was unfair.

Men who fail to register with the Selective Service System at their 18th birthday can be denied public benefits like federal employment and student loans. Women cannot register for Selective Service.

With women in combat roles, a federal court rules the male-only draft unconstitutional's that left wing feminism working out for you? Men who think they are women are taking your scholarships for athletics pretending to be women...they are using your bathrooms making you feel incredibly vulnerable and uncomfortable....they are even going into your side of prisons......

Yep...the left wing is insane....

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