All-male draft ruled unconstitutional....

BTW if you are banking your freedom on my 100 lb daughter in the next great war you may as well surrender now.
Why the fuck is abolishing the draft and SS funny?...It's legalized indentured servitude.
------------------------------ USA needs the Military and its my opinion that it works best with Drafted and Enlistee Oddball . Course the way things are going , what is it . 17 years of an American Volunteer fighting force fighting a buncha of irregular terrorists in the middle east Oddball . Course that doesn't include Drafted woman who will just further degrade the Military , imo Oddball .
Why the fuck is abolishing the draft and SS funny?...It's legalized indentured servitude.
------------------------------ USA needs the Military and its my opinion that it works best with Drafted and Enlistee Oddball . Course the way things are going , what is it . 17 years of an American Volunteer fighting a buncha of irregular terrorists in the middle east Oddball .
Oh, bullshit....Quit talking like a liberoidal.
BTW if you are banking your freedom on my 100 lb daughter in the next great war you may as well surrender now.

Does your hundred pound daughter know how to use a computer? Can she type? Can she count?

You realize that less 20% of military occupations are direct combat arms...right?
BTW if you are banking your freedom on my 100 lb daughter in the next great war you may as well surrender now.

Does your hundred pound daughter know how to use a computer? Can she type? Can she count?

You realize that less 20% of military occupations are direct combat arms...right?
--------------------------------------- lots of males can count , compute , type . As i said earlier , the women will get the Safe easy jobs but it'll be called EQUAL GGator .
--------------------------------------- lots of males can count , compute , type . As i said earlier , the women will get the Safe easy jobs but it'll be called EQUAL GGator .

people get the jobs they sign up for, that is sort of the way it works.

I take it you never served or were stupid enough to go in open contract.
BTW if you are banking your freedom on my 100 lb daughter in the next great war you may as well surrender now.

Does your hundred pound daughter know how to use a computer? Can she type? Can she count?

You realize that less 20% of military occupations are direct combat arms...right?
yes and I'm sure the bureaucracy will see that's where she lands rrrihggggthhhh,,,,,idiot
the point of national defense is putting your best most deadly army in the field.....anything less and you-re gambling your freedom over social mirages
BTW if you are banking your freedom on my 100 lb daughter in the next great war you may as well surrender now.

Does your hundred pound daughter know how to use a computer? Can she type? Can she count?

You realize that less 20% of military occupations are direct combat arms...right?
yes and I'm sure the bureaucracy will see that's where she lands rrrihggggthhhh,,,,,idiot

people land where they are qualified to land.

another person who has never served talking about shit they do not understand
BTW if you are banking your freedom on my 100 lb daughter in the next great war you may as well surrender now.

Does your hundred pound daughter know how to use a computer? Can she type? Can she count?

You realize that less 20% of military occupations are direct combat arms...right?
yes and I'm sure the bureaucracy will see that's where she lands rrrihggggthhhh,,,,,idiot

people land where they are qualified to land.

another person who has never served talking about shit they do not understand
riigghhhtttt……..once you go social justice warrior......all bets are off
Sorry I must have missed the physical and or mental defect that many women are subject to, would you care to enlighten me?
Gladly. Many women are supermodel wanna bes. No matter what they really look like. They think of themselves as fragile and in need of extreme care. Their greatest fear is they will break a nail or tangle their hair extensions.

Many women are rescuers and self described nurturers that will only do what they think is best and are incapable of following orders.

Then there are the Daddy's favorites. They will look for approval from the nearest male no matter who that is and will undermine any other female no matter who that is.

Many women must be the center of attention. They will create havoc where ever they are in desperation to keep themselves front and center. A hallmark is, the woman that cries over everything.

Sad to say, many women are just not capable of living in a military environment. They will be sent home. Despite the best efforts of leftists to forcefeed equality, it won't work. Women are not men and will never be men.
So you are claiming women are mentally defective. I might have agreed with you years ago but that is no longer PC.
See you have the equality virus. All women are not mentally unfit to serve in the military. Many women are unfit to serve in the military. Women that believe themselves fit to serve in the military are already doing so. PC is not reality.

The first woman Viper team commander was recently relieved of command after two weeks on the job. The Air Force brought back the man she replaced.

We have a serious problem in this country with accepting reality.

I have always been very physically strong and fit. I would not serve in the military because I will not be a team player. I would be tossed out right along with the rest.
So you are advoctating for the fact that we should abandon equality. So women should stop whining about equal rights, equal pay and all the other equal rights. If you refuse to be equal then the law can not force you to be equal.

While I feel that if you want equal pay, the right to vote, and everything else then you need to subvert your basic instincts to try and rule to serve under others in the military. Part of what the military does is teach its recruits how to work together under the direction of someone else.

In other words if you think it is impossible for women to be equal in everything then it is impossible for them to be equal in anything.
Oh please. Not more claptrap. Equality is impossible. Women in the military are already avoiding deployment by getting pregnant. How equal is that? Recognize the reality of inequality.

I had my office near a rather run down four story building that the fire department used for training. The poor women would struggle and strain over dragging those firehoses and gasp their way up the ladders. Forget carrying an adult down a ladder. They both would have fallen and died. Eventually one of the men came along and positioned the hose, ladder or other equipment. The women always passed. They were equal. They were made to be equal when they really weren't.

Amazingly, it's easy on television. We see on film that women can easily do anything men can do. There are 110 pound women beating up six bruisers then sipping down a latte without a mark or a bruise. That's equality made for the purpose. We have equality in a courtroom. No where else. To say we do is nonsense.
Hey you are the one advoctating for removing the vote from women, removing the right to hold public office. All the other things women say they want.
I will happily get rid of crazy equality standards. You either do full equality or none. You can not have equality that benefits you and when it doesn't then whine not fair.
Sorry I must have missed the physical and or mental defect that many women are subject to, would you care to enlighten me?
Gladly. Many women are supermodel wanna bes. No matter what they really look like. They think of themselves as fragile and in need of extreme care. Their greatest fear is they will break a nail or tangle their hair extensions.

Many women are rescuers and self described nurturers that will only do what they think is best and are incapable of following orders.

Then there are the Daddy's favorites. They will look for approval from the nearest male no matter who that is and will undermine any other female no matter who that is.

Many women must be the center of attention. They will create havoc where ever they are in desperation to keep themselves front and center. A hallmark is, the woman that cries over everything.

Sad to say, many women are just not capable of living in a military environment. They will be sent home. Despite the best efforts of leftists to forcefeed equality, it won't work. Women are not men and will never be men.
So you are claiming women are mentally defective. I might have agreed with you years ago but that is no longer PC.
See you have the equality virus. All women are not mentally unfit to serve in the military. Many women are unfit to serve in the military. Women that believe themselves fit to serve in the military are already doing so. PC is not reality.

The first woman Viper team commander was recently relieved of command after two weeks on the job. The Air Force brought back the man she replaced.

We have a serious problem in this country with accepting reality.

I have always been very physically strong and fit. I would not serve in the military because I will not be a team player. I would be tossed out right along with the rest.
So you are advoctating for the fact that we should abandon equality. So women should stop whining about equal rights, equal pay and all the other equal rights. If you refuse to be equal then the law can not force you to be equal.

While I feel that if you want equal pay, the right to vote, and everything else then you need to subvert your basic instincts to try and rule to serve under others in the military. Part of what the military does is teach its recruits how to work together under the direction of someone else.

In other words if you think it is impossible for women to be equal in everything then it is impossible for them to be equal in anything.
Oh please. Not more claptrap. Equality is impossible. Women in the military are already avoiding deployment by getting pregnant. How equal is that? Recognize the reality of inequality.

I had my office near a rather run down four story building that the fire department used for training. The poor women would struggle and strain over dragging those firehoses and gasp their way up the ladders. Forget carrying an adult down a ladder. They both would have fallen and died. Eventually one of the men came along and positioned the hose, ladder or other equipment. The women always passed. They were equal. They were made to be equal when they really weren't.

Amazingly, it's easy on television. We see on film that women can easily do anything men can do. There are 110 pound women beating up six bruisers then sipping down a latte without a mark or a bruise. That's equality made for the purpose. We have equality in a courtroom. No where else. To say we do is nonsense.
Hey you are the one advoctating for removing the vote from women, removing the right to hold public office. All the other things women say they want.
I will happily get rid of crazy equality standards. You either do full equality or none. You can not have equality that benefits you and when it doesn't then whine not fair.
BTW if you are banking your freedom on my 100 lb daughter in the next great war you may as well surrender now.

Does your hundred pound daughter know how to use a computer? Can she type? Can she count?

You realize that less 20% of military occupations are direct combat arms...right?
yes and I'm sure the bureaucracy will see that's where she lands rrrihggggthhhh,,,,,idiot

people land where they are qualified to land.

another person who has never served talking about shit they do not understand
riigghhhtttt……..once you go social justice warrior......all bets are off

another person who has never served talking about shit they do not understand
Gladly. Many women are supermodel wanna bes. No matter what they really look like. They think of themselves as fragile and in need of extreme care. Their greatest fear is they will break a nail or tangle their hair extensions.

Many women are rescuers and self described nurturers that will only do what they think is best and are incapable of following orders.

Then there are the Daddy's favorites. They will look for approval from the nearest male no matter who that is and will undermine any other female no matter who that is.

Many women must be the center of attention. They will create havoc where ever they are in desperation to keep themselves front and center. A hallmark is, the woman that cries over everything.

Sad to say, many women are just not capable of living in a military environment. They will be sent home. Despite the best efforts of leftists to forcefeed equality, it won't work. Women are not men and will never be men.
So you are claiming women are mentally defective. I might have agreed with you years ago but that is no longer PC.
See you have the equality virus. All women are not mentally unfit to serve in the military. Many women are unfit to serve in the military. Women that believe themselves fit to serve in the military are already doing so. PC is not reality.

The first woman Viper team commander was recently relieved of command after two weeks on the job. The Air Force brought back the man she replaced.

We have a serious problem in this country with accepting reality.

I have always been very physically strong and fit. I would not serve in the military because I will not be a team player. I would be tossed out right along with the rest.
So you are advoctating for the fact that we should abandon equality. So women should stop whining about equal rights, equal pay and all the other equal rights. If you refuse to be equal then the law can not force you to be equal.

While I feel that if you want equal pay, the right to vote, and everything else then you need to subvert your basic instincts to try and rule to serve under others in the military. Part of what the military does is teach its recruits how to work together under the direction of someone else.

In other words if you think it is impossible for women to be equal in everything then it is impossible for them to be equal in anything.
Oh please. Not more claptrap. Equality is impossible. Women in the military are already avoiding deployment by getting pregnant. How equal is that? Recognize the reality of inequality.

I had my office near a rather run down four story building that the fire department used for training. The poor women would struggle and strain over dragging those firehoses and gasp their way up the ladders. Forget carrying an adult down a ladder. They both would have fallen and died. Eventually one of the men came along and positioned the hose, ladder or other equipment. The women always passed. They were equal. They were made to be equal when they really weren't.

Amazingly, it's easy on television. We see on film that women can easily do anything men can do. There are 110 pound women beating up six bruisers then sipping down a latte without a mark or a bruise. That's equality made for the purpose. We have equality in a courtroom. No where else. To say we do is nonsense.
Hey you are the one advoctating for removing the vote from women, removing the right to hold public office. All the other things women say they want.
I will happily get rid of crazy equality standards. You either do full equality or none. You can not have equality that benefits you and when it doesn't then whine not fair.
Wow. You are really whacked out.
So you are claiming women are mentally defective. I might have agreed with you years ago but that is no longer PC.
See you have the equality virus. All women are not mentally unfit to serve in the military. Many women are unfit to serve in the military. Women that believe themselves fit to serve in the military are already doing so. PC is not reality.

The first woman Viper team commander was recently relieved of command after two weeks on the job. The Air Force brought back the man she replaced.

We have a serious problem in this country with accepting reality.

I have always been very physically strong and fit. I would not serve in the military because I will not be a team player. I would be tossed out right along with the rest.
So you are advoctating for the fact that we should abandon equality. So women should stop whining about equal rights, equal pay and all the other equal rights. If you refuse to be equal then the law can not force you to be equal.

While I feel that if you want equal pay, the right to vote, and everything else then you need to subvert your basic instincts to try and rule to serve under others in the military. Part of what the military does is teach its recruits how to work together under the direction of someone else.

In other words if you think it is impossible for women to be equal in everything then it is impossible for them to be equal in anything.
Oh please. Not more claptrap. Equality is impossible. Women in the military are already avoiding deployment by getting pregnant. How equal is that? Recognize the reality of inequality.

I had my office near a rather run down four story building that the fire department used for training. The poor women would struggle and strain over dragging those firehoses and gasp their way up the ladders. Forget carrying an adult down a ladder. They both would have fallen and died. Eventually one of the men came along and positioned the hose, ladder or other equipment. The women always passed. They were equal. They were made to be equal when they really weren't.

Amazingly, it's easy on television. We see on film that women can easily do anything men can do. There are 110 pound women beating up six bruisers then sipping down a latte without a mark or a bruise. That's equality made for the purpose. We have equality in a courtroom. No where else. To say we do is nonsense.
Hey you are the one advoctating for removing the vote from women, removing the right to hold public office. All the other things women say they want.
I will happily get rid of crazy equality standards. You either do full equality or none. You can not have equality that benefits you and when it doesn't then whine not fair.
Wow. You are really whacked out.
Funny that's what I thought on your first post on this.
OK, girls. Get registered for the draft or be locked out of government jobs, student loans.....

Suddenly "equality" sucks, eh?

Why would anyone care about registering for the draft?

Nobody under the age of 40 or so even remembers when the draft was a thing
Because women are drawn to government hand outs... Ahem! I mean government jobs, like flies to shit. They also represent the majority of those seeking student loans...
You mean like this woman?

Congratulations feminists, you now get to be drafted!

The case was brought by the National Coalition For Men, a men's rights group, and two men who argued the all-male draft was unfair.

Men who fail to register with the Selective Service System at their 18th birthday can be denied public benefits like federal employment and student loans. Women cannot register for Selective Service.

With women in combat roles, a federal court rules the male-only draft unconstitutional
Except for the women want nothing to do with the draft... lol

Except Tammy VOLUNTEERED and look at her now you coward!


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