All of a Sudden Cigatettes Cause Blood Clots

People are dying in droves from the jab. Seen alot lately...."the cold causes clots"...."climate change causing clots"

So this is no surprise....they need to get out in front of all the dying that is happening. Of course, we'd get around to ciggys. Next month it will be MacDonalds french fries
Next it will be "watching reality shows"....."drinking Columbian coffee"....."Diet Coke"

All this shit planned out

When the young children start capitulating, it'll be " dander has been found to cause clotting in kids!"
cite the lies of:
beijing xiden
quack fake-i
nanny PIG-lousy
queer boy schumer
kum-in-me harris
after, you might become somewhat credible.....until then.......
Lol the idiot gave you a thumbs up....
Has anybody died from the flu yet? Used to be over 50k/year in this country. Apparently, covid has conquered the flu.
More republican BS.

January 5 2009
Smoking changes the surface of blood platelets, making it easier for them to clump together. Damage to the lining of blood vessel walls is also associated with smoking, which increases the potential for clots to form.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, smoking has a serious and detrimental impact on blood vessels and the heart. It’s the chemicals found in tobacco smoke that damage blood cells. Smoking can also damage heart muscle and blood vessel structure and function.

October 3 2010
Smoking causes atherosclerosis, a buildup of plaque inside the blood vessels, and increases the risk of blood clots. The study's authors said smokers have double the risk of a stroke caused by a dislodged blood clot (ischemic stroke) and four times the risk of a stroke caused by a ruptured blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke) than people who don't smoke.

October 15 2011
Smoking causes a build-up of debris on the inside of blood vessels, a condition called atherosclerosis, and it contributes to a higher likelihood of clots forming, said Dr. Pipe.

The Ottawa Hospital study, led by principal investigators Dr. Mike Sharma and Dr. Robert Reid, found smokers have double the risk of a stroke caused by a dislodged blood clot (ischemic stroke) and four times the risk of a stroke caused by a ruptured blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke) than the non-smoking population.
It triggers you so much when trump gets called out on his lies,

you have no problem calling out democrats.

One thing you have correct, most Democrat Politicians are scum
One thing I have correct is that most Republican Politicians are scum.

Have a glorious day, you scum.
rot in hell---shit stain

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