All of Libtardia is cheering Dorian's hit on Mara-Lago.

This is God's way of disapproving of our porn star-banging, philandering, lying, demeaning, bible-faking President.

By paying off his insurance claims?

Mysterious ways indeed!
You'd be shocked what they would cheer. Give it time.

And if these people ever get power and control (and eventually they will), what they will do should be of much greater concern than this.
This is just a mild sample of their mind set.
We are passively asking to be treated as Jews, in Nazi Germany through passive acceptance and the lack of will to just say no.

It's the equivalent of handcuffing yourself to the railing in the basement of a deserted warehouse, then politely asking the criminally insane present, to play nice.
That is how sick Democrats are these days. You know they agree with the idiot Canadian PM hoping for a direct hit on Mara-Lago.
Former Canadian prime minister hopes Hurricane Dorian strikes 'direct hit on Mar a Lago'
‘Liberals’ don’t want anything bad to happen to Mar-a-lago or Trump – save that Trump is voted out of office next year; something every American should want to have happen.
Yes they do. The hatred for Donald Trump and his family is visceral and personal.
This is God's way of disapproving of our porn star-banging, philandering, lying, demeaning, bible-faking President.

I certainly hope there is absolutely no loss of life and limb but it would be karma if the place got wiped off the face of the earth and the taxpayers got a break from sending our money down there.
That is how sick Democrats are these days. You know they agree with the idiot Canadian PM hoping for a direct hit on Mara-Lago.
Former Canadian prime minister hopes Hurricane Dorian strikes 'direct hit on Mar a Lago'
‘Liberals’ don’t want anything bad to happen to Mar-a-lago or Trump – save that Trump is voted out of office next year; something every American should want to have happen.
Yes they do. The hatred for Donald Trump and his family is visceral and personal.

The hatred is personal…just like his hatred of America.

I am certainly hopeful there is no loss of life and limb as a result of this storm.
This is God's way of disapproving of our porn star-banging, philandering, lying, demeaning, bible-faking President.
God already warned you with a sexual plague that is costing the taxpayer massive resources. The disapproval is really quite clear. But the government bypassed common sense and has put the peasant on the hook for the tab. Natural disasters suck and rebuilding with better foundation is needed. Something that is purely irresponsible in ways of living that does not have to be is something else.
This is God's way of disapproving of our porn star-banging, philandering, lying, demeaning, bible-faking President.
As it is written:

“There is no one righteous, not even one;
there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.

All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good, not even one.”

Their throats are open graves;
their tongues practice deceit.”

“The poison of vipers is on their lips.”

Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.”

Their feet are swift to shed blood;
ruin and misery mark their ways,
and the way of peace they do not know.”

There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

Romans 3:10-18

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities,
for there is no authority except that which God has established.
The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority
is rebelling against what God has instituted,
and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

Romans 13:1-2
This is God's way of disapproving of our porn star-banging, philandering, lying, demeaning, bible-faking President.
God is creating the circumstances
which will bring about what He planned

Let those who have eyes see
and those who have ears hear

Discern the season through the signs
The time for Jesus to return is near
Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand
This is God's way of disapproving of our porn star-banging, philandering, lying, demeaning, bible-faking President.
God is creating the circumstances
which will bring about what He planned

Let those who have eyes see
and those who have ears hear

Discern the season through the signs
The time for Jesus to return is near
Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand
Nah that won't make any difference in anything
That is how sick Democrats are these days. You know they agree with the idiot Canadian PM hoping for a direct hit on Mara-Lago.
Former Canadian prime minister hopes Hurricane Dorian strikes 'direct hit on Mar a Lago'
‘Liberals’ don’t want anything bad to happen to Mar-a-lago or Trump – save that Trump is voted out of office next year; something every American should want to have happen.
Yes they do. The hatred for Donald Trump and his family is visceral and personal.

The hatred is personal…just like his hatred of America.

I am certainly hopeful there is no loss of life and limb as a result of this storm.

Private citizens on the beach are entitled to government insurance at low low low rates to
NO idea on a resort

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