All of Libtardia is cheering Dorian's hit on Mara-Lago.

This is God's way of disapproving of our porn star-banging, philandering, lying, demeaning, bible-faking President.

I certainly hope there is absolutely no loss of life and limb but it would be karma if the place got wiped off the face of the earth and the taxpayers got a break from sending our money down there.

I certainly hope there is absolutely no loss of life and limb, but it would be karma if you would simply STFU!

You should go out and buy a plant tomorrow to replace the oxygen you are currently wasting in your existence.
That is how sick Democrats are these days. You know they agree with the idiot Canadian PM hoping for a direct hit on Mara-Lago.
Former Canadian prime minister hopes Hurricane Dorian strikes 'direct hit on Mar a Lago'
‘Liberals’ don’t want anything bad to happen to Mar-a-lago or Trump – save that Trump is voted out of office next year; something every American should want to have happen.
Yes they do. The hatred for Donald Trump and his family is visceral and personal.

The hatred is personal…just like his hatred of America.

I am certainly hopeful there is no loss of life and limb as a result of this storm.

Your hatred should be directed at the those responsible for allowing you to reach adulthood with that much stupidity ingrained in your being. I have seen squirrels flatted on the roadway with more intellect than you!
That is how sick Democrats are these days. You know they agree with the idiot Canadian PM hoping for a direct hit on Mara-Lago.
Former Canadian prime minister hopes Hurricane Dorian strikes 'direct hit on Mar a Lago'
I hope it smashes Mar-a-Lago down and in a freak accident sweeps a huge salt pile up into the wind and all of it lands on the Mar-a-Lago grounds, so nothing can ever grow there again. That would be dope.

Stop smoking that dope and you might be able to form a cogent thought!
Republicans will blame the hurricane on the democrats and promptly demand a special prosecutor as hurricane was so unfair that it hits only Trumps property and there was no other damage to Florida's citizens who have homes, businesses, and personal belongs that the hurricane somehow missed.
Well, there is the karma thing. But a hit on Mar-A-Lago unfortunately would give the idiot a photo-op of him throwing paper towels around and an opportunity for pat robertson to go on his TV show and figure out some way to blame it on the gays.
That is how sick Democrats are these days. You know they agree with the idiot Canadian PM hoping for a direct hit on Mara-Lago.
Former Canadian prime minister hopes Hurricane Dorian strikes 'direct hit on Mar a Lago'
I hope it smashes Mar-a-Lago down and in a freak accident sweeps a huge salt pile up into the wind and all of it lands on the Mar-a-Lago grounds, so nothing can ever grow there again. That would be dope.
More than likely it will cause headaches and misery for regular Americans.

You are a fucking disgusting idiot.
That is how sick Democrats are these days. You know they agree with the idiot Canadian PM hoping for a direct hit on Mara-Lago.
Former Canadian prime minister hopes Hurricane Dorian strikes 'direct hit on Mar a Lago'
/———/ further proof liberalism is evil.
It is amusing some remaining TDS "trailer park" folks chime in. Let me give you a hint. Florida has building codes because of tropical storms. My guess is President Trump's properties will receive ZERO damage.
Democrats can't understand how Americans now pray that the Great Saint San Andreas gives California what it has coming.
That is how sick Democrats are these days. You know they agree with the idiot Canadian PM hoping for a direct hit on Mara-Lago.
Former Canadian prime minister hopes Hurricane Dorian strikes 'direct hit on Mar a Lago'
I hope it smashes Mar-a-Lago down and in a freak accident sweeps a huge salt pile up into the wind and all of it lands on the Mar-a-Lago grounds, so nothing can ever grow there again. That would be dope.

Stop smoking that dope and you might be able to form a cogent thought!
I hope Christ hymself bends Trump over and anally rapes him until he tweets out a #MeToo

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