All of the CLEAR cheating pisses me off but what can you do?

Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.

You are right. Nothing can be done and we will stuck with Biden for four years and he will undo all the good Trump has done.

Hope Trump decides to run in 2024 and you can bet the country will be sick of Biden and he left leaning bullshit by then.
All of the CLEAR cheating pisses me off but what can you do?

learn to speak chinese and get used to eating dog meat

Nah. Just grin a bear it like I will.

Biden will undo all the good Trump did and by the end of his four years people will be sick and tired of his lefty ideas. The economy will probably be in the toilet and we can all hope Trump runs again.
Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.
Why is it so hard for you people to just wait until the count is over to start bitching? Simply put, it’s because you know you’re losing. You don’t care about what’s fair. You care about winning. That’s it. As the counts are still going, what possible insight do you expect to get? You know a judge in PA ruled that the Trump campaign can watch the PA vote directly now. To that I say, I don’t give a fuck. As long as they don’t hinder the counting process I don’t care. Afterwards if there is fraud, they could easily make the case to the courts.
We are waiting and then we will recount legal votes was a Trump else do you explain the house pick ups and holding the senate?....

House Pickups: Republicans still lost... They just lost by less... That is not a win...

Senate Hold: The last Senate had been voted 55% for Dems and 44% for GOP... The last time a Presidential Election was lost by more it was Reagan v Mondale..

So that simply explains it... But also look, the President is loosing Georgia.... That is Georgia with a Republican Governor and Republican officials...
My point was that this is the first time the leader of his party didn't win out right on election night when his party did so doesn't make any sense...its because the blue districts are counting made up ballots as real votes and that is eventually going to be rejected by the courts and the people.....
It's a repudiation of TRUMP dummy

Be happy you won what you did

Nah. Its an election fraud to get Biden in the WH. Trump did a great job and its a shame Biden will undo all the good Trump did. In four years people will be sick and tired of an economy in the toilet and Biden's lefty leaning bullshit.

I hope Trump decides to run in 2024. Of course Trump has to lose in 2020 for that to happen.
Biden will undo all the good Trump did and by the end of his four years people will be sick and tired of his lefty ideas.
I disagree

if that worked then states such as california and cities like portland would have reverted back to republicans long ago
I hope Trump decides to run in 2024
He'll be "running" from a jail cell or a dacha outside Moscow

Give it up. Cut him loose...he's only going to hurt you more

Nah. He'll be running from Florida. Don't forget. Putin didn't get him in the WH this time.

He hasn't hurt me at all. In fact my life is much easier since he became POTUS.
The cheating in PA by keeping observers out was ordered by a judge to let them in, and the cheating bastards refused. Why?
BillyBlockhead is not interested in the truth no more than any Democrats were in the claims Trump made about being spied on, that the impeachment was bullshit, or that his supporters were being targeted for malicious prosecution, but HE WAS RIGHT ABOUT ALL OF IT! He was also right about these ridiculous bullshit polls that had Biden leading by double digits.

He is right about this voter fraud as well and I have little doubt he already has the evidence lined up.

Finally, some Democrat crooks might be going to jail.

I wish I could say that would be the case Jim...But, I think we all know that most of this will be brushed under the rug, and proclaimations of "no voter fraud" will be repeated like a parrot wanting a cracker, and they'll get away with it again.
The cheating in PA by keeping observers out was ordered by a judge to let them in, and the cheating bastards refused. Why?
BillyBlockhead is not interested in the truth no more than any Democrats were in the claims Trump made about being spied on, that the impeachment was bullshit, or that his supporters were being targeted for malicious prosecution, but HE WAS RIGHT ABOUT ALL OF IT! He was also right about these ridiculous bullshit polls that had Biden leading by double digits.

He is right about this voter fraud as well and I have little doubt he already has the evidence lined up.

Finally, some Democrat crooks might be going to jail.

I wish I could say that would be the case Jim...But, I think we all know that most of this will be brushed under the rug, and proclaimations of "no voter fraud" will be repeated like a parrot wanting a cracker, and they'll get away with it again.
No, I expect better from my Republican politicians now.

Democrats are beyond help for now.
The cheating in PA by keeping observers out was ordered by a judge to let them in, and the cheating bastards refused. Why?
BillyBlockhead is not interested in the truth no more than any Democrats were in the claims Trump made about being spied on, that the impeachment was bullshit, or that his supporters were being targeted for malicious prosecution, but HE WAS RIGHT ABOUT ALL OF IT! He was also right about these ridiculous bullshit polls that had Biden leading by double digits.

He is right about this voter fraud as well and I have little doubt he already has the evidence lined up.

Finally, some Democrat crooks might be going to jail.

I wish I could say that would be the case Jim...But, I think we all know that most of this will be brushed under the rug, and proclaimations of "no voter fraud" will be repeated like a parrot wanting a cracker, and they'll get away with it again.
No, I expect better from my Republican politicians now.

Democrats are beyond help for now.

I know that, I am just saying what will unfold IMO....And after I posted that, I was watching the news, and the panel said exactly what I posted...

Think about it...It is the same devolution that one side chant's "lock her up", and now we have these shity libs taunting about locking up Trump after he leaves office...Without any regard what that would do to the country...

Now, do I think that this is over? Hell no, at least I hope not....But, should it play that way, this is what we will be told....
Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.

I thought you were prepared for the defeat....

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