All of the CLEAR cheating pisses me off but what can you do?

Because four years ago, NO Democrat or public figure whined and bitched about the election being "rigged", or "tampered with",
or "cheating". They were upset and disappointed...but not threatening to undermine a legitimate election because their guy lost.

That is a flat out lie. The entire Russia, Russia, Russia bullshit was the Democrats' attempt at overturning a legitimate election. They were calling for impeachment before Trump was ever sworn in.
The Mueller Report fleshes out plenty of empirical reasoning behind wasn't invented whole cloth. Read the report, consider it a 400page book. There was plenty of shady shit, blocked testominies using E.P., convictions...lying about the meeting in the Tower. Just because trump screamed fake news didn't make it so, and Mueller said directly to the camera that the report does not exonerate the POTUS, it just wasnt enough and there were 11 instances of obstruction that contributed to why.

Read the report. Then, discuss.

There was absolutely zero evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. Zero. It is not even up for debate
Not true. There was no criminal conspiracy, but collusion...yup.

Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.
Why is it so hard for you people to just wait until the count is over to start bitching? Simply put, it’s because you know you’re losing. You don’t care about what’s fair. You care about winning. That’s it. As the counts are still going, what possible insight do you expect to get? You know a judge in PA ruled that the Trump campaign can watch the PA vote directly now. To that I say, I don’t give a fuck. As long as they don’t hinder the counting process I don’t care. Afterwards if there is fraud, they could easily make the case to the courts.
We are waiting and then we will recount legal votes was a Trump else do you explain the house pick ups and holding the senate?....

House Pickups: Republicans still lost... They just lost by less... That is not a win...

Senate Hold: The last Senate had been voted 55% for Dems and 44% for GOP... The last time a Presidential Election was lost by more it was Reagan v Mondale..

So that simply explains it... But also look, the President is loosing Georgia.... That is Georgia with a Republican Governor and Republican officials...
My point was that this is the first time the leader of his party didn't win out right on election night when his party did so doesn't make any sense...its because the blue districts are counting made up ballots as real votes and that is eventually going to be rejected by the courts and the people.....
Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.
All of the CLEAR cheating pisses me off but what can you do?
Burn shit down like the opposition would?
Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.

Work like hell to prevent it from happening again.

This is total bullshit.
Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.

And none of it corroborated. All of it made up out of thin air because the perceived great savior of the white race is about to be sent to the sidelines...why? Because he wasn't a good President. Period.
I find all of this right wing shouting and handwringing amusing. Because four years ago, NO Democrat or public figure whined and bitched about the election being "rigged", or "tampered with",
or "cheating". They were upset and disappointed...but not threatening to undermine a legitimate election because their guy lost.
Exactly! And the Trump cultists are shamelessly showing the entire world what an actual "meltdown" looks like and it ain't pretty folks. It's even uglier than Steve Bannon...if that's even possible.
What can we ordinary people do about it?

NOTHING, of course.

(Its up to the good patriot Americans of influence to do something about it. I assume that there are a few patriots left. During the next four years, follow up on the fraud. A few patriotic news sources may even publish the results. Use the legal system to the hilt. Make changes to substantially prevent such fraud and delays in 2024. It won't be easy. I faintly remember a Congressional election here in California. One losing candidate charged that he had been the victim of some kind of fraud. A committee in the House agreed, but declined to expel the Member who been declared the winner.)

Oh, yes, there is one thing we ordinary people can do: Never, ever criticize other countries' electoral fraud.
Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.
Why is it so hard for you people to just wait until the count is over to start bitching? Simply put, it’s because you know you’re losing. You don’t care about what’s fair. You care about winning. That’s it. As the counts are still going, what possible insight do you expect to get? You know a judge in PA ruled that the Trump campaign can watch the PA vote directly now. To that I say, I don’t give a fuck. As long as they don’t hinder the counting process I don’t care. Afterwards if there is fraud, they could easily make the case to the courts.

And that is exactly what is going to happen...You Democrats aren’t going to get away with this blatant cheating.
You didn’t complain when Hillary lost obviously.
We did complain and have been complaining for years

not only presidential candidates have been cheated by democrsts but down ballot republicans too
Lol you didn’t storm the count while it was still going on. It was because Hillary was losing. You’re not fooling anyone. Even if there was fraud in 2016, you wouldn’t give two fucks about it because Hillary lost.
It was pointed out multiple times when Obama stole the primary from Hillary and again when Hillary did it to Bernie. You assholes don’t care.
Again, as I said before, all of this shit is just you choosing to believe this shit. There is no evidence of such a thing.
Incorrect. I spoke to many of the women who worked on Hillary’s campaign. The fraud perpetrated by Obama’s team was rampant. Many of them were so pissed they crossed over and campaigned for McCain. Democrats can’t win unless they cheat...even against their own party.
Oh come on. Many of the women? Yeah I doubt that lol. You mean like one woman who was there for a week?
They called themselves PUMA and I belonged to their campaign message board. I learned a lot about the DNC primaries from them. I don’t really care what you doubt. You are an idiot.
Ooo fascinating! Okay what’s the evidence? They simply telling you shit isn’t evidence.
They worked for Hillary’s campaign and witnessed it first hand. How come Lefties never know anything about their own party?

Yet you expect us to believe everything that spews out of your mouth.
Lol I’m supposed to believe second hand accounts with no evidence. If you were in my position, you’d dismiss you too.

The cheating in PA by keeping observers out was ordered by a judge to let them in, and the cheating bastards refused. Why?
if the story about trump marking all legit ballots with a watermark are true, libs are TOAST.
Well, DHS has been working with local election committees to secure ballots, so it is entirely plausible that they secretly had some code or watermark placed on legit ballots in addition to their normal codes and markings.

We will see.

I think that Trump's first line of action is to get recounts ordered to delay their validation, then have GOP state legislatures vote for a slate of pro-Trump EC delegates and dismiss the screwed up fraudulent election.

That is why the Constitution gives this power SOLELY to the state legislatures.
The cheating in PA by keeping observers out was ordered by a judge to let them in, and the cheating bastards refused. Why?
BillyBlockhead is not interested in the truth no more than any Democrats were in the claims Trump made about being spied on, that the impeachment was bullshit, or that his supporters were being targeted for malicious prosecution, but HE WAS RIGHT ABOUT ALL OF IT! He was also right about these ridiculous bullshit polls that had Biden leading by double digits.

He is right about this voter fraud as well and I have little doubt he already has the evidence lined up.

Finally, some Democrat crooks might be going to jail.
Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.
there is no evidence of cheating. Stop it
Sure there is. You don’t care. It’s not my job to make you care. You sold your soul. Trump exposed it

look up Lancaster, MI

Just where is Lancaster, Mi? Is this going to be like the woman on gateway a couple days ago that claimed they threw away 500 ballots in Clark county Mi that does not exist?
Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.
Why is it so hard for you people to just wait until the count is over to start bitching? Simply put, it’s because you know you’re losing. You don’t care about what’s fair. You care about winning. That’s it. As the counts are still going, what possible insight do you expect to get? You know a judge in PA ruled that the Trump campaign can watch the PA vote directly now. To that I say, I don’t give a fuck. As long as they don’t hinder the counting process I don’t care. Afterwards if there is fraud, they could easily make the case to the courts.
We are waiting and then we will recount legal votes was a Trump else do you explain the house pick ups and holding the senate?....

House Pickups: Republicans still lost... They just lost by less... That is not a win...

Senate Hold: The last Senate had been voted 55% for Dems and 44% for GOP... The last time a Presidential Election was lost by more it was Reagan v Mondale..

So that simply explains it... But also look, the President is loosing Georgia.... That is Georgia with a Republican Governor and Republican officials...
My point was that this is the first time the leader of his party didn't win out right on election night when his party did so doesn't make any sense...its because the blue districts are counting made up ballots as real votes and that is eventually going to be rejected by the courts and the people.....
It's a repudiation of TRUMP dummy

Be happy you won what you did

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