All Right People! Nut Crackin' Time! Discuss Election Returns Here as they Come In!

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You really are a mindless little cretin, aren't you? Who the hell are you to tell anyone to shut up? Or get off the board?

On one thing you are right. People should ignore the mindless and discuss the results rationally, like adults. That would exclude you from the conversation.

Yeah someone who isn't going to vote should waste the time of others who will vote.

And then you call me stupid?

Figures that would come from you!


Who isn't voting?

If you READ the thread, you would know the answer to that question. That's why I told Retread to leave. He said he wasn't going to vote, and I told him if he wasn't, then he had no business discussing the election or politics.

It is my view that those that will not vote, have no business discussing or bitching about politics.

And as usual, YOU jumped in without knowing what you were talking about.

Fox News is breaking with another Reid Scandal. Possible illegal shenanigans with casino employees.

Funny how all the shenanigans in NV seem to involve Democrats. :eusa_whistle:

FOX does this kinda shit every year, this year is no exception:

Honey, I've been voting in elections since 1980 and trust me, Democrats CHEAT on elections. That's been the case long before I was a twinkle in my daddy's eye.

Whether it's the dead voting in Chicago or Acorn turning in thousands of phony voter registrations in Ohio, Democrats CHEAT.

Fox News brings out this "shit" because it happens.

There is a reason Acorn was finally run out of Ohio and in Ohio you now have to show your ID to vote, and it isn't because these allegations are just "shit."

It's because phony registrations and phony ballots became so numerous the voters finally demanded something be done about it.

As it is, the system isn't perfect with early voting and "provisional ballots."

No thank you.
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I think that TPS is so stupid that she thinks that, because I live outside the US, I will not be voting. She is, of course, too stupid to understand very simple concepts such as 'absentee ballots'.

I try not to point out her total and utter stupidity but, sometimes, it just has to be done.

California girl, I know you are a narcissist, and this will be a big blow to you, BUT THE FREAKING WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU.

I wasn't even THINKING about you when I made that statement to retread. I mean, I'm sorry but you didn't come close to entering my mind on the subject.

I know that will be hard on you, because some women ARE that self absorbed and think it's all about them, but I'm sorry, IT WASN'T ABOUT YOU.

But the fact that you don't live in the country comes VERY CLEARLY through in your attitude. :eusa_snooty:

I plan to spend the evening, watching the results on CNN and MSNBC, while joining you all the fine posters here on USMB. I'm pretty excited, seeing this is my first election on the board :). No matter what happens, I'm gonna stay upbeat.. Or at least I'm gonna try. But to every person, vote! Even if you hafta hold your nose to do so. Left, Right, Middle.. Let your voice be heard! I only wish I were old enough to vote already!


To paraphrase what I already said to Samurai, I will not choose whether to cut my dick off with a butter knife or a chainsaw.

I'm pretty sure no one is trying to cut your dick off, dude.

I'm pretty sure, I wouldn't come within three states of Retread's whatever.

Although Retread seems pretty obsessed with tits and other body parts. No wonder he doesn't vote. It gets in the way of his other obsessions.

(raises hand)

I think that TPS is so stupid that she thinks that, because I live outside the US, I will not be voting. She is, of course, too stupid to understand very simple concepts such as 'absentee ballots'.

I try not to point out her total and utter stupidity but, sometimes, it just has to be done.

She was attacking me because I told her I was not voting, and I do not intend to because I'm too pissed with the Dems' ineptitude the past two years and too repulsed by the Tea Party types to ever support them. I used to believe in "voting for the lesser of two evils," but that won't cut it this time. I'm sure there are better ways to send a message, but voting for any of the available candidates in my district, in this particular election, amounts to the mutilation of my own ideals as far as I'm concerned.

Well just threaten to hold your breathe until you turn blue, unless you get your way. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

But if that is your attitude you don't have any business in this thread or even discussing politics.

But then if you had bothered to vote in the primaries maybe you would have a candidate now you feel like voting for, as I do with Rob Portman.

As it is, NOT voting, gets you exactly what you deserve. Being uphappy with both candidates. Only WE don't deserve to hear you whining about it.

If you won't vote, don't waste our time.

More like nut stomping.....................


But how do we refer to the feminist bulldogs tonight???

Groin kicking???

Or is it still nut stomping???!!!!!!!!!!:funnyface::funnyface::thewave:
Funny how you think Sarah Palin is actually a conservative. If you lived here, you'd know that neither Klobuchar nor Franken have sweeping support, and that moderates on both sides have more sway over party loyalty. The Twin Cities suburbs are red, and that's balanced out by the actual cities (MSP/StP), and the arrowhead region up north which is blue-dog pro-union old-school Democrat. We've historically been a blue state, and Minneapolis is the epitome of a liberal city... but that hardly allows ANYONE to claim to "know how people in Minnesota think".

Hello? Do you know where Michelle Bachman is from?

Sure I know there are individuals everywhere.

I also know how Minnesota historically votes. I mean this is the state that voted for Mondale when the rest of the country went Reagan. This is the state that thought Conspiracy Theory Jesse Ventura was a good idea. And this is the state that that thinks Al Franken is a good idea.

I mean I'm sorry but you can judge a state by the candidates it picks.

For example, my state is full of liberal Democrats are puke "moderate" republicans like Voinivich and Dewine.

Do I mind people pointing it out and saying you can't judge the state that way? Hell no, because it's true. You can't deny the obvious. That's the way the state has voted over the years. This is the state that thought Rhoades was a good idea (YECH!)

My state went for Obama in 2008.

Calm down. Yours isn't the only sucky state in the union.


You realize that Ventura was "tea party" before it was cool and co-opted by your ilk don't you?

Jesse Ventura was NOT Tea Party.

That's a joke! Asside from being for abortion, and calling religion a "crutch," his policies preclude such a conclusion.

And yes, I know who Ventura is. I should. My late Uncle worked on his campaign.

I told you. I have family in Minnesota.

I could tell you a funny story about the time my mother met Ventura. Of COURSE my mother had no idea who he was.

She calls me on election night to tell me the "man who sold me that nice basket just became Governor."

I'm like "MOM! That's Jesse Ventura!"

And she's like "Oh is that who that is?" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

My Mom! She's a trip!

I think that TPS is so stupid that she thinks that, because I live outside the US, I will not be voting. She is, of course, too stupid to understand very simple concepts such as 'absentee ballots'.

I try not to point out her total and utter stupidity but, sometimes, it just has to be done.

She was attacking me because I told her I was not voting, and I do not intend to because I'm too pissed with the Dems' ineptitude the past two years and too repulsed by the Tea Party types to ever support them. I used to believe in "voting for the lesser of two evils," but that won't cut it this time. I'm sure there are better ways to send a message, but voting for any of the available candidates in my district, in this particular election, amounts to the mutilation of my own ideals as far as I'm concerned.

Well just threaten to hold your breathe until you turn blue, unless you get your way. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

But if that is your attitude you don't have any business in this thread or even discussing politics.

But then if you had bothered to vote in the primaries maybe you would have a candidate now you feel like voting for, as I do with Rob Portman.

As it is, NOT voting, gets you exactly what you deserve. Being uphappy with both candidates. Only WE don't deserve to hear you whining about it.

If you won't vote, don't waste our time.


"Trust me honey", you have no business telling other posters what they can or cannot discuss. Mmmmmk?
OK, Here it is! I'm calling the first race of the night!!!

John Hoeven (R) defeats Tracy Potter (D) in ND Senate race.

1 Senate seat down, 8 to go.

...Whoops, nevermind, this race was decided months ago. :lol:
She was attacking me because I told her I was not voting, and I do not intend to because I'm too pissed with the Dems' ineptitude the past two years and too repulsed by the Tea Party types to ever support them. I used to believe in "voting for the lesser of two evils," but that won't cut it this time. I'm sure there are better ways to send a message, but voting for any of the available candidates in my district, in this particular election, amounts to the mutilation of my own ideals as far as I'm concerned.

Well just threaten to hold your breathe until you turn blue, unless you get your way. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

But if that is your attitude you don't have any business in this thread or even discussing politics.

But then if you had bothered to vote in the primaries maybe you would have a candidate now you feel like voting for, as I do with Rob Portman.

As it is, NOT voting, gets you exactly what you deserve. Being uphappy with both candidates. Only WE don't deserve to hear you whining about it.

If you won't vote, don't waste our time.


"Trust me honey", you have no business telling other posters what they can or cannot discuss. Mmmmmk?

We should force American citizens to vote, and then wear their election stub in plain view for one week after, or face a $100.00 fine. This would ID all the illegal aliens so we could deport them emass.
A 200+ post, 10+ page thread on election results, before the polls are even closed?

Can we have a do-over on this one?
FOX does this kinda shit every year, this year is no exception:

Honey, I've been voting in elections since 1980 and trust me, Democrats CHEAT on elections. That's been the case long before I was a twinkle in my daddy's eye.

Whether it's the dead voting in Chicago or Acorn turning in thousands of phony voter registrations in Ohio, Democrats CHEAT.

Fox News brings out this "shit" because it happens.

There is a reason Acorn was finally run out of Ohio and in Ohio you now have to show your ID to vote, and it isn't because these allegations are just "shit."

It's because phony registrations and phony ballots became so numerous the voters finally demanded something be done about it.

As it is, the system isn't perfect with early voting and "provisional ballots."

No thank you.

You're one smart kid, Little Lefty. Anyone ever says 'trust me', don't.
I think that TPS is so stupid that she thinks that, because I live outside the US, I will not be voting. She is, of course, too stupid to understand very simple concepts such as 'absentee ballots'.

I try not to point out her total and utter stupidity but, sometimes, it just has to be done.

She was attacking me because I told her I was not voting, and I do not intend to because I'm too pissed with the Dems' ineptitude the past two years and too repulsed by the Tea Party types to ever support them. I used to believe in "voting for the lesser of two evils," but that won't cut it this time. I'm sure there are better ways to send a message, but voting for any of the available candidates in my district, in this particular election, amounts to the mutilation of my own ideals as far as I'm concerned.

Well just threaten to hold your breathe until you turn blue, unless you get your way. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

But if that is your attitude you don't have any business in this thread or even discussing politics.

But then if you had bothered to vote in the primaries maybe you would have a candidate now you feel like voting for, as I do with Rob Portman.

As it is, NOT voting, gets you exactly what you deserve. Being uphappy with both candidates. Only WE don't deserve to hear you whining about it.

If you won't vote, don't waste our time.

Had I not bothered voting in the primaries... here you go with your assumptions again. One wrong assumption after another from you. I'd like to say you never cease to amaze me with your ignorance and blind, arrogant stupidity, but I've come to expect the barrel bottom to fall for you.
Honey, I've been voting in elections since 1980 and trust me, Democrats CHEAT on elections. That's been the case long before I was a twinkle in my daddy's eye.

Whether it's the dead voting in Chicago or Acorn turning in thousands of phony voter registrations in Ohio, Democrats CHEAT.

Fox News brings out this "shit" because it happens.

There is a reason Acorn was finally run out of Ohio and in Ohio you now have to show your ID to vote, and it isn't because these allegations are just "shit."

It's because phony registrations and phony ballots became so numerous the voters finally demanded something be done about it.

As it is, the system isn't perfect with early voting and "provisional ballots."

No thank you.

You're one smart kid, Little Lefty. Anyone ever says 'trust me', don't.

And trust me, you can trust Cali Girl on that.
She was attacking me because I told her I was not voting, and I do not intend to because I'm too pissed with the Dems' ineptitude the past two years and too repulsed by the Tea Party types to ever support them. I used to believe in "voting for the lesser of two evils," but that won't cut it this time. I'm sure there are better ways to send a message, but voting for any of the available candidates in my district, in this particular election, amounts to the mutilation of my own ideals as far as I'm concerned.

Well just threaten to hold your breathe until you turn blue, unless you get your way. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

But if that is your attitude you don't have any business in this thread or even discussing politics.

But then if you had bothered to vote in the primaries maybe you would have a candidate now you feel like voting for, as I do with Rob Portman.

As it is, NOT voting, gets you exactly what you deserve. Being uphappy with both candidates. Only WE don't deserve to hear you whining about it.

If you won't vote, don't waste our time.

Had I not bothered voting in the primaries... here you go with your assumptions again. One wrong assumption after another from you. I'd like to say you never cease to amaze me with your ignorance and blind, arrogant stupidity, but I've come to expect the barrel bottom to fall for you.

Don't worry about TP.... She's a ranter. She thinks I'm a RINO.... which would be accurate.... if I was a Republican. But I'm not. The partisans - both sides - can't grasp the concept of anyone who stands outside the parties. It makes their heads explode.

Ideally, she wouldn't use the words 'Tea Party' in her username. She is not a fair representative of the Tea Parties.
A 200+ post, 10+ page thread on election results, before the polls are even closed?

Can we have a do-over on this one?

It's only six pages. You really should go to your preferences and change it so you can see 40 posts a page...saves having to click back and forth all the time....:tongue:
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