All Right People! Nut Crackin' Time! Discuss Election Returns Here as they Come In!

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A 200+ post, 10+ page thread on election results, before the polls are even closed?

Can we have a do-over on this one?

It's only six pages. You really should go to your preferences and change it so you can see 40 posts a page...saves having to click back and forth all the time....:tongue:

Actually, mine is set at 30, so it's only 8 pages for me. But I know most people use the default, and I guessed that it's probably 10+ now.
Wisconsin: Johnson (R) over Feingold (D)
Arkansas: Boozman (R) over Lincoln (D)
Ohio: Portman (R) over Fisher (D)

*exit polls
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Franken vs. Coleman??????????????? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

This is your big evidence of liberal victory?

An election stolen by lawyers and "recounts."

Oh PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

As IF the ONLY STATE TO VOTE FOR MONDALE IN 1984 is proof of how the country is going in the first place??????????

I have FAMILY in Minnesota! TRUST ME, I KNOW HOW PEOPLE IN MINNESOTA think. :lol::lol:

The fact they think someone like Franken, who was such an asshole even SNL no longer wanted him, proudly represents that state, says all you need to KNOW about Minnesota.

But if that "victory" makes you feel good, you be my guest.

That was then, this is 2010 baby! Let's see what the results are going to be in 2010, shall we???????

Franken! BWahahaaaa! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Fuck off, you under-medicated ho. I LIVE in Minnesota, and even I don't go around claiming to "know how people in Minnesota" think. Could you get any more puffed up on arrogance? That type of broad-brushing of an entire state is the epitome of collectivist thought, something I thought conservatives like you are against... or maybe you're a "conservative".

The election wasn't "stolen"... it was very tight all the way through. When it comes down to a couple hundred votes, it's close enough to say that either candidate could've won. In that case, when the guy holding the job gets THAT marginal a vote of confidence from the electorate, he should concede to the new guy, imo. I voted to re-elect Coleman, but wasn't really that disappointed that he lost. Ultimately, there wasn't THAT much of a difference between them. Coleman was a moderate Republican, possibly one of these "rhinos" I keep hearing about, like Snowe and Castle.


We ARE talking about Minnesota! Like a conservative like Sarah Palin would get elected there? Of course Coleman was a "moderate."

Like I said, this IS the ONLY state that went for Mondale in 1984. All other states went for Reagan. And I'm "painting with a broad brush?" LOL!

Liberals! Always fighting against the obvious!


Minnesota was Mondale's home state, dummy. Never heard the expression "favorite son"??
Fuck off, you under-medicated ho. I LIVE in Minnesota, and even I don't go around claiming to "know how people in Minnesota" think. Could you get any more puffed up on arrogance? That type of broad-brushing of an entire state is the epitome of collectivist thought, something I thought conservatives like you are against... or maybe you're a "conservative".

The election wasn't "stolen"... it was very tight all the way through. When it comes down to a couple hundred votes, it's close enough to say that either candidate could've won. In that case, when the guy holding the job gets THAT marginal a vote of confidence from the electorate, he should concede to the new guy, imo. I voted to re-elect Coleman, but wasn't really that disappointed that he lost. Ultimately, there wasn't THAT much of a difference between them. Coleman was a moderate Republican, possibly one of these "rhinos" I keep hearing about, like Snowe and Castle.


We ARE talking about Minnesota! Like a conservative like Sarah Palin would get elected there? Of course Coleman was a "moderate."

Like I said, this IS the ONLY state that went for Mondale in 1984. All other states went for Reagan. And I'm "painting with a broad brush?" LOL!

Liberals! Always fighting against the obvious!


Minnesota was Mondale's home state, dummy. Never heard the expression "favorite son"??

Minnesota? Isn't that where Al Franken resides?

We ARE talking about Minnesota! Like a conservative like Sarah Palin would get elected there? Of course Coleman was a "moderate."

Like I said, this IS the ONLY state that went for Mondale in 1984. All other states went for Reagan. And I'm "painting with a broad brush?" LOL!

Liberals! Always fighting against the obvious!


Minnesota was Mondale's home state, dummy. Never heard the expression "favorite son"??

Minnesota? Isn't that where Al Franken resides?

I'm from Minnesota. What does that say? :eusa_shifty:
I haven't seen any complaints in Ohio. But then, ever since Ohio kicked Acorn out, the instances of people like "Mary Poppins" trying to vote, as gone way down. :D


Mary Poppins, eh? How many times was that person allowed to vote before Ohio's finest figured that one out?

Oh trust me. If Democrats had their way, Mary Poppins would still be voting in Ohio. It was Ken Blackwell I credit with starting the push for showing your ID to vote. That cleared up a LOT of that crap!


Ah yes, Ken Blackwell was all innocence and honesty. Are you fucking KIDDING?! If he pushed for showing ID (whatever THAT means, as IDs were required already), then he was "pushing" to cover his ass. Period.

The rest of the story:
"Smoking gun" evidence uncovered in Ohio of massive vote fraud in 2004 election
Not yet noon here in NV., but an above average # of voting complaints are coming in...nothing specific mentioned yet......complaints about equal between the two parties.

Yes, I heard on the news of trouble with the touch screens. They said that only Harry Reid was listed on some.
I think that people are not hitting the clear button at the top of the screen.
You hit that button after you vote or if the last voter did not do it, you as the next voter are suppose to do it.
I think that is what is happening more than anything like fraud.
People just do not listen, when things are explained to them.

No kidding... Here, then, now, ever. Then they blame someone else.
Mary Poppins, eh? How many times was that person allowed to vote before Ohio's finest figured that one out?

Oh trust me. If Democrats had their way, Mary Poppins would still be voting in Ohio. It was Ken Blackwell I credit with starting the push for showing your ID to vote. That cleared up a LOT of that crap!


Ah yes, Ken Blackwell was all innocence and honesty. Are you fucking KIDDING?! If he pushed for showing ID (whatever THAT means, as IDs were required already), then he was "pushing" to cover his ass. Period.

The rest of the story:
"Smoking gun" evidence uncovered in Ohio of massive vote fraud in 2004 election

Not only can the ballots and voting records now be used in a major civil rights case against Blackwell, in which he is accused of "inequitably distributing voting resources, suppressing votes, and spoiling ballots" in the 2004 election, but may also serve as major evidence in impeachment hearings against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney when Michigan Rep. John Conyers becomes the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, if the Democrats, as expected, win control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

What ever happened with that whole debacle anyway?

We ARE talking about Minnesota! Like a conservative like Sarah Palin would get elected there? Of course Coleman was a "moderate."

Like I said, this IS the ONLY state that went for Mondale in 1984. All other states went for Reagan. And I'm "painting with a broad brush?" LOL!

Liberals! Always fighting against the obvious!


Funny how you think Sarah Palin is actually a conservative. If you lived here, you'd know that neither Klobuchar nor Franken have sweeping support, and that moderates on both sides have more sway over party loyalty. The Twin Cities suburbs are red, and that's balanced out by the actual cities (MSP/StP), and the arrowhead region up north which is blue-dog pro-union old-school Democrat. We've historically been a blue state, and Minneapolis is the epitome of a liberal city... but that hardly allows ANYONE to claim to "know how people in Minnesota think".

Hello? Do you know where Michelle Bachman is from?

ahem, hello?

do you realize that you are communicating with a ham sandwich?

A ham sandwich with LOTS of smilies.
Funny how you think Sarah Palin is actually a conservative. If you lived here, you'd know that neither Klobuchar nor Franken have sweeping support, and that moderates on both sides have more sway over party loyalty. The Twin Cities suburbs are red, and that's balanced out by the actual cities (MSP/StP), and the arrowhead region up north which is blue-dog pro-union old-school Democrat. We've historically been a blue state, and Minneapolis is the epitome of a liberal city... but that hardly allows ANYONE to claim to "know how people in Minnesota think".

Hello? Do you know where Michelle Bachman is from?

ahem, hello?

do you realize that you are communicating with a ham sandwich?

A ham sandwich with LOTS of smilies.

Mr. R: "Do you rekon this win for our team will usher in a smooth-running, efficient, pest (lobbyist)-free congress?"

Mr. L: "Probably not, but viewed from the timeline of evolution, it's a step in the right direction."

Mr. T:

Fox News is breaking with another Reid Scandal. Possible illegal shenanigans with casino employees.

Funny how all the shenanigans in NV seem to involve Democrats. :eusa_whistle:

Got any links? Apparently any irregularities are minor, all across the country. CNN has been regularly reporting on them and has updated their reports all day. Oh, I forgot, you watch nonstop Fox. Nevermind.

Scattered snags reported in midterm balloting -
Mary Poppins, eh? How many times was that person allowed to vote before Ohio's finest figured that one out?

Oh trust me. If Democrats had their way, Mary Poppins would still be voting in Ohio. It was Ken Blackwell I credit with starting the push for showing your ID to vote. That cleared up a LOT of that crap!


Ah yes, Ken Blackwell was all innocence and honesty. Are you fucking KIDDING?! If he pushed for showing ID (whatever THAT means, as IDs were required already), then he was "pushing" to cover his ass. Period.

The rest of the story:
"Smoking gun" evidence uncovered in Ohio of massive vote fraud in 2004 election

Okay, you are an idiot! NO, photo IDs were NOT required to vote in Ohio before Ken Blackwell made the push. How do I know?

BECAUSE I'VE BEEN VOTING IN OHIO SINCE 1980! Dumbass. Photo ID to vote was a big change in Ohio and believe me Democrats tried to stop it.

And if all those charges against Blackwell were true, WHY DIDN'T IT HAPPEN?

I have YET to see Blackwell stand before a judge and BELIEVE ME, the Democrats would have LOVED to have done that to Blackwell. Even Democrats in 2006 admitted Blackwell was clean.

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Mary Poppins, eh? How many times was that person allowed to vote before Ohio's finest figured that one out?

Oh trust me. If Democrats had their way, Mary Poppins would still be voting in Ohio. It was Ken Blackwell I credit with starting the push for showing your ID to vote. That cleared up a LOT of that crap!


Ah yes, Ken Blackwell was all innocence and honesty. Are you fucking KIDDING?! If he pushed for showing ID (whatever THAT means, as IDs were required already), then he was "pushing" to cover his ass. Period.

The rest of the story:
"Smoking gun" evidence uncovered in Ohio of massive vote fraud in 2004 election

Fact is I didn't trust Blackwell 4 years ago and didn't vote for him. This year I corrected the mistake of voting for Strickland.
Okay people!

Returns are starting to come in. Exit polling at least! (and you know how accurate that is. ;) )


IL 49-43 Kirk [R]... KY 55-44 Paul [R]... NV TIED...

Arkansas: Boozman (R) over Lincoln (D)
California: Boxer [D] over Fiorina [R]
Florida: Rubio [R] over Crist , Meek [D]
Ohio: Portman (R) over Fisher (D)
North Dakota: Hoeven (R) over Potter (D)
Wisconsin: Johnson (R) over Feingold (D)

Fox News is breaking with another Reid Scandal. Possible illegal shenanigans with casino employees.

Funny how all the shenanigans in NV seem to involve Democrats. :eusa_whistle:

Got any links? Apparently any irregularities are minor, all across the country. CNN has been regularly reporting on them and has updated their reports all day. Oh, I forgot, you watch nonstop Fox. Nevermind.

Scattered snags reported in midterm balloting -

Harrah’s Bosses Put Squeeze on Employees to Vote in Pro-Reid Effort - By Elizabeth Crum - Battle ?10 - National Review Online

A PDF of the leaked email chain is included in the link.
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