All Right People! Nut Crackin' Time! Discuss Election Returns Here as they Come In!

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Oh trust me. If Democrats had their way, Mary Poppins would still be voting in Ohio. It was Ken Blackwell I credit with starting the push for showing your ID to vote. That cleared up a LOT of that crap!


Ah yes, Ken Blackwell was all innocence and honesty. Are you fucking KIDDING?! If he pushed for showing ID (whatever THAT means, as IDs were required already), then he was "pushing" to cover his ass. Period.

The rest of the story:
"Smoking gun" evidence uncovered in Ohio of massive vote fraud in 2004 election

Not only can the ballots and voting records now be used in a major civil rights case against Blackwell, in which he is accused of "inequitably distributing voting resources, suppressing votes, and spoiling ballots" in the 2004 election, but may also serve as major evidence in impeachment hearings against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney when Michigan Rep. John Conyers becomes the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, if the Democrats, as expected, win control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

What ever happened with that whole debacle anyway?

Simple! All that BS you just cited from Maggie Mae was just that BS! It holds about as much weight as John Kerry claiming he was going to file impeachment against Bush for the Downing Street Memos.

It's just liberals holding on to their myths like they hold onto the idea Karl Rove outed Valerie Plame! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The truth is Ken Blackwell held his ground against a Democrat/Acorn machine that was determined to steal the vote in Ohio, in 2004. Because of his efforts, the Democrats were not allowed to flood the system with ballots in which they didn't have to even prove they were registered to vote.

Photo ID then became the law and Democrats started crying their usual BS that it "disenfranchised the poor" blah blah blah. But I have yet to see a poor person that can't get a driver's license or spend about 6 bucks to get an Ohio photo ID.

So Democrats put on the ballot (in 2005) "vote reform." A "reform" that would overturn photo ID and allow voting without proof of registration. THEY LOST BIG TIME.

Ohio Voters had, had enough of Acorn, flooding the system with registrations from Mary Poppins and Mickey Mouse. They were tired of the system being flooded with ballots without proof of registration.

Because of that push Acorn was finally told to leave Ohio and don't let the door hit them on the way out.

When Maggie Mae can show that Blackwell or Bush were ever brought up on charges DO LET US KNOW!

Until then, it's just more unhinged blathering from another unhinged liberal, who can't stand their side can't get away with stealing the vote in Ohio. ;)

I'm pretty sure no one is trying to cut your dick off, dude.

Don't bet on it, kid.
Where I am, no matter the candidate, they'll want to either tax my balls off or sell them to cover the deficit.

So what's your escape strategy? Not voting won't solve that problem. I didn't really want to vote either this year because I didn't like either of the gubernatorial candidates. Jim Douglas, the Republican governor, isn't seeking a fifth term, but he has been every bit as good a leader as Howard Dean. Both were capable of working harmoniously with legislatures made up of opposition parties, which is the key to effective government. But I did want to vote for my local state legislators, so I reluctantly trudged to the polls this morning.
Fox News is breaking with another Reid Scandal. Possible illegal shenanigans with casino employees.

Funny how all the shenanigans in NV seem to involve Democrats. :eusa_whistle:

Got any links? Apparently any irregularities are minor, all across the country. CNN has been regularly reporting on them and has updated their reports all day. Oh, I forgot, you watch nonstop Fox. Nevermind.

Scattered snags reported in midterm balloting -

I wish Fox would put it on their page. I only saw it earlier on Fox News Live and I haven't seen it on their website since!
A ham sandwich with LOTS of smilies.


Looks like panties and boobs if you imagine a cotton ball in her belly-button. :eusa_think:

Looks like sour grapes to me.

Well, what else can liberals do. They sure can't stop the vote!

Where I am, no matter the candidate, they'll want to either tax my balls off or sell them to cover the deficit.

Does your state not offer a 'protest' vote? No 'none of the above' option?

As far as I know, New Jersey does not have such an option. Then again this is the first election I've seen while living in this state.

Well you've got one of the best governors in the country right now. Chris Christie is a rising star and he may just be President one day. So I suppose the others don't matter much anyway.
Oh trust me. If Democrats had their way, Mary Poppins would still be voting in Ohio. It was Ken Blackwell I credit with starting the push for showing your ID to vote. That cleared up a LOT of that crap!


Ah yes, Ken Blackwell was all innocence and honesty. Are you fucking KIDDING?! If he pushed for showing ID (whatever THAT means, as IDs were required already), then he was "pushing" to cover his ass. Period.

The rest of the story:
"Smoking gun" evidence uncovered in Ohio of massive vote fraud in 2004 election

Fact is I didn't trust Blackwell 4 years ago and didn't vote for him. This year I corrected the mistake of voting for Strickland.

I voted for Blackwell! I knew he was the better choice.

Fact I wish he ran again. I would have preferred Blackwell over Kasich. ;)
Does your state not offer a 'protest' vote? No 'none of the above' option?

As far as I know, New Jersey does not have such an option. Then again this is the first election I've seen while living in this state.

Well you've got one of the best governors in the country right now. Chris Christie is a rising star and he may just be President one day. So I suppose the others don't matter much anyway.

As far as Republicans go he's not bad, though my teacher friends would rather see him fed through a wood chipper.
Fox News is breaking with another Reid Scandal. Possible illegal shenanigans with casino employees.

Funny how all the shenanigans in NV seem to involve Democrats. :eusa_whistle:

Got any links? Apparently any irregularities are minor, all across the country. CNN has been regularly reporting on them and has updated their reports all day. Oh, I forgot, you watch nonstop Fox. Nevermind.

Scattered snags reported in midterm balloting -

Harrah’s Bosses Put Squeeze on Employees to Vote in Pro-Reid Effort - By Elizabeth Crum - Battle ?10 - National Review Online

A PDF of the leaked email chain is included in the link.

Thanks Jeremy! I saw the report on Fox News (the cable channel). And I've been waiting for something about it on their website but I haven't seen Jack!

Notice how huffy liberals get the minute we mention that Reid is corrupt? Man! They sure don't want that subject discussed, do they?

Ah yes, Ken Blackwell was all innocence and honesty. Are you fucking KIDDING?! If he pushed for showing ID (whatever THAT means, as IDs were required already), then he was "pushing" to cover his ass. Period.

The rest of the story:
"Smoking gun" evidence uncovered in Ohio of massive vote fraud in 2004 election

Not only can the ballots and voting records now be used in a major civil rights case against Blackwell, in which he is accused of "inequitably distributing voting resources, suppressing votes, and spoiling ballots" in the 2004 election, but may also serve as major evidence in impeachment hearings against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney when Michigan Rep. John Conyers becomes the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, if the Democrats, as expected, win control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

What ever happened with that whole debacle anyway?

Simple! All that BS you just cited from Maggie Mae was just that BS! It holds about as much weight as John Kerry claiming he was going to file impeachment against Bush for the Downing Street Memos.

It's just liberals holding on to their myths like they hold onto the idea Karl Rove outed Valerie Plame! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The truth is Ken Blackwell held his ground against a Democrat/Acorn machine that was determined to steal the vote in Ohio, in 2004. Because of his efforts, the Democrats were not allowed to flood the system with ballots in which they didn't have to even prove they were registered to vote.

Photo ID then became the law and Democrats started crying their usual BS that it "disenfranchised the poor" blah blah blah. But I have yet to see a poor person that can't get a driver's license or spend about 6 bucks to get an Ohio photo ID.

So Democrats put on the ballot (in 2005) "vote reform." A "reform" that would overturn photo ID and allow voting without proof of registration. THEY LOST BIG TIME.

Ohio Voters had, had enough of Acorn, flooding the system with registrations from Mary Poppins and Mickey Mouse. They were tired of the system being flooded with ballots without proof of registration.

Because of that push Acorn was finally told to leave Ohio and don't let the door hit them on the way out.

When Maggie Mae can show that Blackwell or Bush were ever brought up on charges DO LET US KNOW!

Until then, it's just more unhinged blathering from another unhinged liberal, who can't stand their side can't get away with stealing the vote in Ohio. ;)


ACORN is still here, they just broke up into smaller groups and changed their names. Here it's MVOC, still the same people that were local ACORN folks. Still doing the same BS.
Don't bet on it, kid.
Where I am, no matter the candidate, they'll want to either tax my balls off or sell them to cover the deficit.

So what's your escape strategy? Not voting won't solve that problem. I didn't really want to vote either this year because I didn't like either of the gubernatorial candidates. Jim Douglas, the Republican governor, isn't seeking a fifth term, but he has been every bit as good a leader as Howard Dean. Both were capable of working harmoniously with legislatures made up of opposition parties, which is the key to effective government. But I did want to vote for my local state legislators, so I reluctantly trudged to the polls this morning.

Maybe I can take a page from the tea party protesters and protest something, or write letters to the editor and let myself be heard. I can't vote however. I couldn't conscientiously vote for any candidate that only promised to continue the back-and-forth bickering and belligerence we've been seeing since Clinton's later years.
As far as I know, New Jersey does not have such an option. Then again this is the first election I've seen while living in this state.

Well you've got one of the best governors in the country right now. Chris Christie is a rising star and he may just be President one day. So I suppose the others don't matter much anyway.

As far as Republicans go he's not bad, though my teacher friends would rather see him fed through a wood chipper.

That's because Christie knows your teacher friend's Teacher's Union is corrupt as hell and isn't beholding to them (lips attached to their ass) as a Dem Gov would be.

A bit of election law for the un-initiated...

1. No police are supposed to be near the voting for fear of scaring people off
2. Pictures can be taken in public places...even at voting locations.
3. There aren't uniform rules across the states regarding every aspect of voting law. For example, some states don't even require identification...while others do, even when the person is a disabled person voting from home.
4. Wearing paraphernalia of a party or candidate - varies by state
5. Loitering around the polling station - varies by state
6. Some felons in some states are allowed to vote again after being released - varies by state

That's all I can think of for now. I'm actually one of the attorneys on call in our county fielding fraud allegations.

What about the guy with the wad of $20s that gives you one after you show him for whom you voted? Does that vary by state?

No one can show anyone who they voted for.
Try again.
Gov: Libertarian vote will probably force a runoff with Deal and Barnes. Both are terrible but Deal is worse yet Rule #1:Most Georgians are dumbasses and Deal will win runoff because he claims Barnes will hire gays.
Lt. Gov: Cagle who is a crook will win because he is a Republican.
Atty General: Hodges, a career prosecutor is a Democrat and should win yet remember rule #1 above. His opponent is a Republican that has never prosecuted or tried a case in court ever.
Johnny Isackson, Republican, a good man that I support, will beat Democrat Thurmond. Both ran a clean campaign and I admire both of them.
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