All Right People! Nut Crackin' Time! Discuss Election Returns Here as they Come In!

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every pundit is reserved their brisk situational polish-up, i suppose. a tparty pundit should be no exception.

Honey, the pundits are the ones trying to spin this as ANYTHING but a huge repudiation of Obama's policies and it was huge!

every pundit is reserved their brisk situational polish-up, i suppose. a tparty pundit should be no exception.

I usually define a 'pundit' who - while some can be rather whiny - actually add some kind of value in interpreting, or spinning, results. In my view, therefore, TSP fails to meet the criteria for pundit. She does the whining, and the spinning but lacks interpretative skills and adds no value. :lol:

Oh my, isn't she elitist! :eusa_snooty:

Honey, I haven't seen any "value" from you since you ran away from the question, what "bigoted" statments I've made about muslims that muslims haven't made about themselves.

every pundit is reserved their brisk situational polish-up, i suppose. a tparty pundit should be no exception.

Honey, the pundits are the ones that are trying to spin this as anything but a huge repudiation of Obama's policies.

The mistake the GOP made was not taking a clue from the Tea Party and making this national referendum as Gingrich did in '94 with the Contract with America.

That the GOP had any success last night can be laid at the feet of the Tea Party and that's no spin.
Bob Beckel walked off the set on Fox News, becuase he couldn't stand to watch the results! :lol::lol::lol: Funny stuff! Liberals always were sore losers!

I mean I don't know what liberals are complaining about my reporting Republican wins. There are more of 'em! ;)


Did he really? haha... details please.. i missed it

They were on a round table with Sean Hannity discussing the results and Bob Beckle was TRYING to look like he was in good humor, but it was strained.

As soon as the cameras were off him and they went back to Megan (I forget her last name), she gleefully pointed toward where the panel had been and said, "Do you see this? Bob Beckel just walked off, he left!"

And you didn't see Bob for the rest of the night!

Too funny! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

His first mistake was being on TV with Hannity. You have to want to be on TV pretty badly to share a set with a smug piece of shit like Sean.
Oh trust me. If Democrats had their way, Mary Poppins would still be voting in Ohio. It was Ken Blackwell I credit with starting the push for showing your ID to vote. That cleared up a LOT of that crap!


Ah yes, Ken Blackwell was all innocence and honesty. Are you fucking KIDDING?! If he pushed for showing ID (whatever THAT means, as IDs were required already), then he was "pushing" to cover his ass. Period.

The rest of the story:
"Smoking gun" evidence uncovered in Ohio of massive vote fraud in 2004 election

Not only can the ballots and voting records now be used in a major civil rights case against Blackwell, in which he is accused of "inequitably distributing voting resources, suppressing votes, and spoiling ballots" in the 2004 election, but may also serve as major evidence in impeachment hearings against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney when Michigan Rep. John Conyers becomes the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, if the Democrats, as expected, win control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

What ever happened with that whole debacle anyway?

All I remember is that Kerry decided not to challenge any of it, and after that I never really followed up with ol' Ken Blackwell's career. I think he's in some other "official" capacity.
Ah yes, Ken Blackwell was all innocence and honesty. Are you fucking KIDDING?! If he pushed for showing ID (whatever THAT means, as IDs were required already), then he was "pushing" to cover his ass. Period.

The rest of the story:
"Smoking gun" evidence uncovered in Ohio of massive vote fraud in 2004 election

Not only can the ballots and voting records now be used in a major civil rights case against Blackwell, in which he is accused of "inequitably distributing voting resources, suppressing votes, and spoiling ballots" in the 2004 election, but may also serve as major evidence in impeachment hearings against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney when Michigan Rep. John Conyers becomes the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, if the Democrats, as expected, win control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

What ever happened with that whole debacle anyway?

Simple! All that BS you just cited from Maggie Mae was just that BS! It holds about as much weight as John Kerry claiming he was going to file impeachment against Bush for the Downing Street Memos.

It's just liberals holding on to their myths like they hold onto the idea Karl Rove outed Valerie Plame! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The truth is Ken Blackwell held his ground against a Democrat/Acorn machine that was determined to steal the vote in Ohio, in 2004. Because of his efforts, the Democrats were not allowed to flood the system with ballots in which they didn't have to even prove they were registered to vote.

Photo ID then became the law and Democrats started crying their usual BS that it "disenfranchised the poor" blah blah blah. But I have yet to see a poor person that can't get a driver's license or spend about 6 bucks to get an Ohio photo ID.

So Democrats put on the ballot (in 2005) "vote reform." A "reform" that would overturn photo ID and allow voting without proof of registration. THEY LOST BIG TIME.

Ohio Voters had, had enough of Acorn, flooding the system with registrations from Mary Poppins and Mickey Mouse. They were tired of the system being flooded with ballots without proof of registration.

Because of that push Acorn was finally told to leave Ohio and don't let the door hit them on the way out.

When Maggie Mae can show that Blackwell or Bush were ever brought up on charges DO LET US KNOW!

Until then, it's just more unhinged blathering from another unhinged liberal, who can't stand their side can't get away with stealing the vote in Ohio. ;)


Interesting that the GAO report on the Ohio election fraud confirmed every complaint. As for lawsuits, I think the consensus was simply that since Bush had already been declared the winner, what would be the point? You see Democrats aren't always so fucking hungry to tie up the process of governing with investigations, lawsuits (or impeachment).

You're clearly not familiar with this situation, or you wouldn't be blathering on about how innocent Blackwell is and turning instead to blaming Acorn. Stop now before you make a further fool of yourself.

Articles like this can be found in abundance on the Internet.

GAO Report Upholds Ohio Vote Fraud Claims
GAO Report Upholds Ohio Vote Fraud Claims | Scoop News
Some of the GAO’s findings are:

1. Some electronic voting machines “did not encrypt cast ballots or system audit logs, and it was possible to alter both without being detected.” In short, the machines; provided a way to manipulate the outcome of the election. In Ohio, more than 800,000 votes were cast on electronic voting machines, some registered seven times Bush’s official margin of victory.

2: the report further stated that: “it was possible to alter the files that define how a ballot looks and works, so that the votes for one candidate could be recorded for a different candidate.” Very many sworn statements and affidavits claim that did happen in Ohio in 2004.

Next, the report says, “Vendors installed uncertified versions of voting system software at the local level.” The GAO found that falsifying election results without leaving evidence of doing so by using altered memory cards could easily be done.

The GAO additionally found that access to the voting network was very easy to compromise because not all electronic voting systems had supervisory functions protected by password. That meant access to one machine gave access to the whole network. That critical finding showed that rigging the election did not take a “widespread conspiracy” but simply the cooperation of a small number of operators with the power to tap into the networked machines. They could thus alter the vote totals at will. It therefore was no big task for a single programmer to flip vote numbers to give Bush the 118,775 votes.
Fox News is breaking with another Reid Scandal. Possible illegal shenanigans with casino employees.

Funny how all the shenanigans in NV seem to involve Democrats. :eusa_whistle:

Got any links? Apparently any irregularities are minor, all across the country. CNN has been regularly reporting on them and has updated their reports all day. Oh, I forgot, you watch nonstop Fox. Nevermind.

Scattered snags reported in midterm balloting -

I wish Fox would put it on their page. I only saw it earlier on Fox News Live and I haven't seen it on their website since!

Maybe cuz it's all being done by Republicans? What? No smileys?
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Got any links? Apparently any irregularities are minor, all across the country. CNN has been regularly reporting on them and has updated their reports all day. Oh, I forgot, you watch nonstop Fox. Nevermind.

Scattered snags reported in midterm balloting -

Harrah’s Bosses Put Squeeze on Employees to Vote in Pro-Reid Effort - By Elizabeth Crum - Battle ?10 - National Review Online

A PDF of the leaked email chain is included in the link.

Thanks Jeremy! I saw the report on Fox News (the cable channel). And I've been waiting for something about it on their website but I haven't seen Jack!

Notice how huffy liberals get the minute we mention that Reid is corrupt? Man! They sure don't want that subject discussed, do they?


So there's something fraudulent about e-mail exchanges supporting one candidate over another? Since when?
every pundit is reserved their brisk situational polish-up, i suppose. a tparty pundit should be no exception.

Honey, the pundits are the ones that are trying to spin this as anything but a huge repudiation of Obama's policies.

The mistake the GOP made was not taking a clue from the Tea Party and making this national referendum as Gingrich did in '94 with the Contract with America.

That the GOP had any success last night can be laid at the feet of the Tea Party and that's no spin.

Oh did that Contract With America pan out?
Would you like to share with the board how you view last night's outcomes with regard to the TEA Parties?

What are you talking about? Considering the sweep of the nation, I think the tea party did pretty damn good!

The tea party did like the republican party did. We lost a few but we won more!


Are you stupid?

It was hardly an overwhelming success for either party. Nor was it for the TEA Parties. Don't spin, just face facts. The TEA Party movement needs to learn a lesson, just like the GOP and the Dems. Americans are not stupid and we will, generally, not vote for idiots.*

*Except CA and Mass. apparently.

And, FYI, the GOP should have taken both the House and the Senate. It did not. That's not an overwhelming success by anyone's standard.

If the fringe extremists like TPS actually understood the clear message in yesterday's results, it is that most people STILL want a centralized government, which means that the two parties must begin to put aside their bickering and compromise on ALL the issues facing this nation. I'm glad the Republicans now control the House, and I'm equally as glad that they didn't take the Senate too. Because we would have been right back to Square One. Now at least there's a real possibility that gridlock will end, just as it did when balance was regained during Reagan's first mid-term and Clinton's. The President and the new speaker need to bury the hatchet and get to work. Only when that happens will the Senate follow suit.
What are you talking about? Considering the sweep of the nation, I think the tea party did pretty damn good!

The tea party did like the republican party did. We lost a few but we won more!


Are you stupid?

It was hardly an overwhelming success for either party. Nor was it for the TEA Parties. Don't spin, just face facts. The TEA Party movement needs to learn a lesson, just like the GOP and the Dems. Americans are not stupid and we will, generally, not vote for idiots.*

*Except CA and Mass. apparently.

And, FYI, the GOP should have taken both the House and the Senate. It did not. That's not an overwhelming success by anyone's standard.

If the fringe extremists like TPS actually understood the clear message in yesterday's results, it is that most people STILL want a centralized government, which means that the two parties must begin to put aside their bickering and compromise on ALL the issues facing this nation. I'm glad the Republicans now control the House, and I'm equally as glad that they didn't take the Senate too. Because we would have been right back to Square One. Now at least there's a real possibility that gridlock will end, just as it did when balance was regained during Reagan's first mid-term and Clinton's. The President and the new speaker need to bury the hatchet and get to work. Only when that happens will the Senate follow suit.

Certainly, the majority of Americans want to see bipartisanship in order to achieve the best for the most of us. However, we cannot ignore the 'fringes' completely. We do need to find ways to allow both the 'fringes' to have their voices heard. Even if they don't like the outcome. LOL. My problem with Obama has always been that he is left and not center. He allowed Pelosi and Reid to write his agenda and he was just there to do their bidding. We elected HIM - not them. He is responsible for bringing the agenda to the GOP and working with them to find compromise. That's his job.

Unfortunately, it's now 2010 and Obama will be more concerned with campaigning - which, frankly, he never appears to have stopped. He has some great qualities - he's an excellent orator (when he cares about his subject), he's got the gift of the gab for sure.... I just wish he was less a community organizer and more of the statesman that we need. And.... I wish to hell he would do the damned job we're paying him for and stop goofing around.
Are you stupid?

It was hardly an overwhelming success for either party. Nor was it for the TEA Parties. Don't spin, just face facts. The TEA Party movement needs to learn a lesson, just like the GOP and the Dems. Americans are not stupid and we will, generally, not vote for idiots.*

*Except CA and Mass. apparently.

And, FYI, the GOP should have taken both the House and the Senate. It did not. That's not an overwhelming success by anyone's standard.

If the fringe extremists like TPS actually understood the clear message in yesterday's results, it is that most people STILL want a centralized government, which means that the two parties must begin to put aside their bickering and compromise on ALL the issues facing this nation. I'm glad the Republicans now control the House, and I'm equally as glad that they didn't take the Senate too. Because we would have been right back to Square One. Now at least there's a real possibility that gridlock will end, just as it did when balance was regained during Reagan's first mid-term and Clinton's. The President and the new speaker need to bury the hatchet and get to work. Only when that happens will the Senate follow suit.

Certainly, the majority of Americans want to see bipartisanship in order to achieve the best for the most of us. However, we cannot ignore the 'fringes' completely. We do need to find ways to allow both the 'fringes' to have their voices heard. Even if they don't like the outcome. LOL. My problem with Obama has always been that he is left and not center. He allowed Pelosi and Reid to write his agenda and he was just there to do their bidding. We elected HIM - not them. He is responsible for bringing the agenda to the GOP and working with them to find compromise. That's his job.

Unfortunately, it's now 2010 and Obama will be more concerned with campaigning - which, frankly, he never appears to have stopped. He has some great qualities - he's an excellent orator (when he cares about his subject), he's got the gift of the gab for sure.... I just wish he was less a community organizer and more of the statesman that we need. And.... I wish to hell he would do the damned job we're paying him for and stop goofing around.

Oh my gosh, you ARE an idiot!

A "bi-partisan" effort??????????

Are you that freaking stupid? What "bi-partisanship" did Obama embrace before this election? When do Democrats EVER talk about bi-partisanship when they control it all?

What did Obama tell Republians in 2009? "Elections have consequences and I won."

In that statement he basically gave the finger to republicans and told them to shut up and sit down.

What bi-partisanship is there in Obama telling Republicans to sit in the back of the bus?


THIS was Obama and the Democrat's attitude toward us for the last two years!

Did they talk up bi-partisanship when they controlled everything in 1993? Hell no they did not!

What compromise is there on Obamacare?

What compromise is there on socialism?

What compromise is there on taxes?

What compromise is there on destroying an economy?

But like a typical RINO, the minute the liberal press starts the TYPICAL talk of "compromise" once they are on the losing end, you believe them and let them lead you around by the nose!

No wonder you are so threatened by me. Just like the Republican leadership, I represent rocking that little compromise boat.

And baby, me and my Constitutional Conservatives plan to make that compromise boat the Titanic!

If the fringe extremists like TPS actually understood the clear message in yesterday's results, it is that most people STILL want a centralized government, which means that the two parties must begin to put aside their bickering and compromise on ALL the issues facing this nation. I'm glad the Republicans now control the House, and I'm equally as glad that they didn't take the Senate too. Because we would have been right back to Square One. Now at least there's a real possibility that gridlock will end, just as it did when balance was regained during Reagan's first mid-term and Clinton's. The President and the new speaker need to bury the hatchet and get to work. Only when that happens will the Senate follow suit.

Certainly, the majority of Americans want to see bipartisanship in order to achieve the best for the most of us. However, we cannot ignore the 'fringes' completely. We do need to find ways to allow both the 'fringes' to have their voices heard. Even if they don't like the outcome. LOL. My problem with Obama has always been that he is left and not center. He allowed Pelosi and Reid to write his agenda and he was just there to do their bidding. We elected HIM - not them. He is responsible for bringing the agenda to the GOP and working with them to find compromise. That's his job.

Unfortunately, it's now 2010 and Obama will be more concerned with campaigning - which, frankly, he never appears to have stopped. He has some great qualities - he's an excellent orator (when he cares about his subject), he's got the gift of the gab for sure.... I just wish he was less a community organizer and more of the statesman that we need. And.... I wish to hell he would do the damned job we're paying him for and stop goofing around.

Oh my gosh, you ARE an idiot!

A "bi-partisan" effort??????????

Are you that freaking stupid? What "bi-partisanship" did Obama embrace before this election? When do Democrats EVER talk about bi-partisanship when they control it all?

What did Obama tell Republians in 2009? "Elections have consequences and I won."

In that statement he basically gave the finger to republicans and told them to shut up and sit down.

What bi-partisanship is there in Obama telling Republicans to sit in the back of the bus?


THIS was Obama and the Democrat's attitude toward us for the last two years!

Did they talk up bi-partisanship when they controlled everything in 1993? Hell no they did not!

What compromise is there on Obamacare?

What compromise is there on socialism?

What compromise is there on taxes?

What compromise is there on destroying an economy?

But like a typical RINO, the minute the liberal press starts the TYPICAL talk of "compromise" once they are on the losing end, you believe them and let them lead you around by the nose!

No wonder you are so threatened by me. Just like the Republican leadership, I represent rocking that little compromise boat.

And baby, me and my Constitutional Conservatives plan to make that compromise boat the Titanic!


The election is over. You need to power down the 386, scrape the mushrooms off of your ass and go outside to feel the sun on your pasty white flesh, smell the fresh air and reconnect with the real world.
Certainly, the majority of Americans want to see bipartisanship in order to achieve the best for the most of us. However, we cannot ignore the 'fringes' completely. We do need to find ways to allow both the 'fringes' to have their voices heard. Even if they don't like the outcome. LOL. My problem with Obama has always been that he is left and not center. He allowed Pelosi and Reid to write his agenda and he was just there to do their bidding. We elected HIM - not them. He is responsible for bringing the agenda to the GOP and working with them to find compromise. That's his job.

Unfortunately, it's now 2010 and Obama will be more concerned with campaigning - which, frankly, he never appears to have stopped. He has some great qualities - he's an excellent orator (when he cares about his subject), he's got the gift of the gab for sure.... I just wish he was less a community organizer and more of the statesman that we need. And.... I wish to hell he would do the damned job we're paying him for and stop goofing around.

Oh my gosh, you ARE an idiot!

A "bi-partisan" effort??????????

Are you that freaking stupid? What "bi-partisanship" did Obama embrace before this election? When do Democrats EVER talk about bi-partisanship when they control it all?

What did Obama tell Republians in 2009? "Elections have consequences and I won."

In that statement he basically gave the finger to republicans and told them to shut up and sit down.

What bi-partisanship is there in Obama telling Republicans to sit in the back of the bus?


THIS was Obama and the Democrat's attitude toward us for the last two years!

Did they talk up bi-partisanship when they controlled everything in 1993? Hell no they did not!

What compromise is there on Obamacare?

What compromise is there on socialism?

What compromise is there on taxes?

What compromise is there on destroying an economy?

But like a typical RINO, the minute the liberal press starts the TYPICAL talk of "compromise" once they are on the losing end, you believe them and let them lead you around by the nose!

No wonder you are so threatened by me. Just like the Republican leadership, I represent rocking that little compromise boat.

And baby, me and my Constitutional Conservatives plan to make that compromise boat the Titanic!


The election is over. You need to power down the 386, scrape the mushrooms off of your ass and go outside to feel the sun on your pasty white flesh, smell the fresh air and reconnect with the real world.

Of COURSE! Let's move on! NOW THAT LIBERALS HAVE LOST! They want to drop the subject!

Did they have that attitude after 2006 or 08?


But now the usual hypocrites, er I mean suspects want to lecture us to have "dignity" and not be happy about today.

Sorry but just because you guys are feeling sour grapes DON'T EXPECT ME TO JOIN YOU!

I'm a HAPPY TODAY and I don't give a damn how many liberals don't want to hear it!


:party: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
In 2000 the Republicans inherited a budget surplus, a strong economy, and a nation at peace. Eight years later they left us with a trillion dollar deficit, a collapsed economy, and two useless wars. Thank God, Obama is president because no telling what they would leave us with if they controlled the presidency.
Oh my gosh, you ARE an idiot!

A "bi-partisan" effort??????????

Are you that freaking stupid? What "bi-partisanship" did Obama embrace before this election? When do Democrats EVER talk about bi-partisanship when they control it all?

What did Obama tell Republians in 2009? "Elections have consequences and I won."

In that statement he basically gave the finger to republicans and told them to shut up and sit down.

What bi-partisanship is there in Obama telling Republicans to sit in the back of the bus?


THIS was Obama and the Democrat's attitude toward us for the last two years!

Did they talk up bi-partisanship when they controlled everything in 1993? Hell no they did not!

What compromise is there on Obamacare?

What compromise is there on socialism?

What compromise is there on taxes?

What compromise is there on destroying an economy?

But like a typical RINO, the minute the liberal press starts the TYPICAL talk of "compromise" once they are on the losing end, you believe them and let them lead you around by the nose!

No wonder you are so threatened by me. Just like the Republican leadership, I represent rocking that little compromise boat.

And baby, me and my Constitutional Conservatives plan to make that compromise boat the Titanic!


The election is over. You need to power down the 386, scrape the mushrooms off of your ass and go outside to feel the sun on your pasty white flesh, smell the fresh air and reconnect with the real world.

Of COURSE! Let's move on! NOW THAT LIBERALS HAVE LOST! They want to drop the subject!

Did they have that attitude after 2006 or 08?


But now the usual hypocrites, er I mean suspects want to lecture us to have "dignity" and not be happy about today.

Sorry but just because you guys are feeling sour grapes DON'T EXPECT ME TO JOIN YOU!

I'm a HAPPY TODAY and I don't give a damn how many liberals don't want to hear it!


:party: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Oh yes.........I'm such a liberal. :cuckoo: I guess that is why I voted all Republican with the exception of one independent yesterday. Get a fucking grip. You need to come out of the bunker for a bit.
If the fringe extremists like TPS actually understood the clear message in yesterday's results, it is that most people STILL want a centralized government, which means that the two parties must begin to put aside their bickering and compromise on ALL the issues facing this nation. I'm glad the Republicans now control the House, and I'm equally as glad that they didn't take the Senate too. Because we would have been right back to Square One. Now at least there's a real possibility that gridlock will end, just as it did when balance was regained during Reagan's first mid-term and Clinton's. The President and the new speaker need to bury the hatchet and get to work. Only when that happens will the Senate follow suit.

Certainly, the majority of Americans want to see bipartisanship in order to achieve the best for the most of us. However, we cannot ignore the 'fringes' completely. We do need to find ways to allow both the 'fringes' to have their voices heard. Even if they don't like the outcome. LOL. My problem with Obama has always been that he is left and not center. He allowed Pelosi and Reid to write his agenda and he was just there to do their bidding. We elected HIM - not them. He is responsible for bringing the agenda to the GOP and working with them to find compromise. That's his job.

Unfortunately, it's now 2010 and Obama will be more concerned with campaigning - which, frankly, he never appears to have stopped. He has some great qualities - he's an excellent orator (when he cares about his subject), he's got the gift of the gab for sure.... I just wish he was less a community organizer and more of the statesman that we need. And.... I wish to hell he would do the damned job we're paying him for and stop goofing around.

Oh my gosh, you ARE an idiot!

A "bi-partisan" effort??????????

Are you that freaking stupid? What "bi-partisanship" did Obama embrace before this election? When do Democrats EVER talk about bi-partisanship when they control it all?

What did Obama tell Republians in 2009? "Elections have consequences and I won."

In that statement he basically gave the finger to republicans and told them to shut up and sit down.

What bi-partisanship is there in Obama telling Republicans to sit in the back of the bus?


THIS was Obama and the Democrat's attitude toward us for the last two years!

Did they talk up bi-partisanship when they controlled everything in 1993? Hell no they did not!

What compromise is there on Obamacare?

What compromise is there on socialism?

What compromise is there on taxes?

What compromise is there on destroying an economy?

But like a typical RINO, the minute the liberal press starts the TYPICAL talk of "compromise" once they are on the losing end, you believe them and let them lead you around by the nose!

No wonder you are so threatened by me. Just like the Republican leadership, I represent rocking that little compromise boat.

And baby, me and my Constitutional Conservatives plan to make that compromise boat the Titanic!


You need to calm down. Lots of us are Constitutional Conservatives.... not all of us are as moronic as you are to think that we can achieve anything without consensus. This country does not belong to any one group. It belongs to us all. Learn that. Learn it fast. Because if you don't, you will be doomed to wander the fringes.... much like the drooling fools on the far left - who think they know better than the rest of us what is in our best interests.

Threatened by you? :lol: Yep, I'm shaking at my keyboard, quaking at the mighty intellect of a drooling fool. Except that I'm not.

You are mildly irritating. That is all.
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If the fringe extremists like TPS actually understood the clear message in yesterday's results, it is that most people STILL want a centralized government, which means that the two parties must begin to put aside their bickering and compromise on ALL the issues facing this nation. I'm glad the Republicans now control the House, and I'm equally as glad that they didn't take the Senate too. Because we would have been right back to Square One. Now at least there's a real possibility that gridlock will end, just as it did when balance was regained during Reagan's first mid-term and Clinton's. The President and the new speaker need to bury the hatchet and get to work. Only when that happens will the Senate follow suit.

Certainly, the majority of Americans want to see bipartisanship in order to achieve the best for the most of us. However, we cannot ignore the 'fringes' completely. We do need to find ways to allow both the 'fringes' to have their voices heard. Even if they don't like the outcome. LOL. My problem with Obama has always been that he is left and not center. He allowed Pelosi and Reid to write his agenda and he was just there to do their bidding. We elected HIM - not them. He is responsible for bringing the agenda to the GOP and working with them to find compromise. That's his job.

Unfortunately, it's now 2010 and Obama will be more concerned with campaigning - which, frankly, he never appears to have stopped. He has some great qualities - he's an excellent orator (when he cares about his subject), he's got the gift of the gab for sure.... I just wish he was less a community organizer and more of the statesman that we need. And.... I wish to hell he would do the damned job we're paying him for and stop goofing around.

Oh my gosh, you ARE an idiot!

A "bi-partisan" effort??????????

Are you that freaking stupid? What "bi-partisanship" did Obama embrace before this election? When do Democrats EVER talk about bi-partisanship when they control it all?

What did Obama tell Republians in 2009? "Elections have consequences and I won."

In that statement he basically gave the finger to republicans and told them to shut up and sit down.

What bi-partisanship is there in Obama telling Republicans to sit in the back of the bus?


THIS was Obama and the Democrat's attitude toward us for the last two years!

Did they talk up bi-partisanship when they controlled everything in 1993? Hell no they did not!

What compromise is there on Obamacare?

What compromise is there on socialism?

What compromise is there on taxes?

What compromise is there on destroying an economy?

But like a typical RINO, the minute the liberal press starts the TYPICAL talk of "compromise" once they are on the losing end, you believe them and let them lead you around by the nose!

No wonder you are so threatened by me. Just like the Republican leadership, I represent rocking that little compromise boat.

And baby, me and my Constitutional Conservatives plan to make that compromise boat the Titanic!


Where on earth did CG say that Obama had brought about any Bi-partisanship during the last two years? That was not at all what she said. What she said was that the American people WANT bi-partisanship. Maybe, just maybe, Obama will be forced to work with the other side a little bit. Maybe, hopefully, he will not be able to ram another HCR down our throats in the next two years.

Also, I would say that it is not so much bi-partisanship that we want but rather sensible gridlock to keep one party or the other from forcing their agenda on the rest of the country which is exactly what happened when HCR passed.

The election is over. You need to power down the 386, scrape the mushrooms off of your ass and go outside to feel the sun on your pasty white flesh, smell the fresh air and reconnect with the real world.

Of COURSE! Let's move on! NOW THAT LIBERALS HAVE LOST! They want to drop the subject!

Did they have that attitude after 2006 or 08?


But now the usual hypocrites, er I mean suspects want to lecture us to have "dignity" and not be happy about today.

Sorry but just because you guys are feeling sour grapes DON'T EXPECT ME TO JOIN YOU!

I'm a HAPPY TODAY and I don't give a damn how many liberals don't want to hear it!


:party: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Oh yes.........I'm such a liberal. :cuckoo: I guess that is why I voted all Republican with the exception of one independent yesterday. Get a fucking grip. You need to come out of the bunker for a bit.

TeaPartyStupidity seemingly thinks that everyone who disagrees with her is a liberal. I wouldn't worry about it. She's not very smart.
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