Sure, Durham now blames Hillary?
Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott, the Durham material is a smoking gun.

"The latest with the Durham report is that the Clinton campaign, the same group that fear-mongered this Russian collusion, actually spied on the president of the United States," Scott said Feb. 15.

Many commentators have embellished what’s in this latest information, and Scott’s statement also treats some fuzzy elements as if they were solid proof.

Durham’s filing doesn’t say the Clinton campaign spied on Trump, nor does it say that the data referenced in the filing came from the time when he was president.

Putin's puppets.
yeah they were just hacking the president…not spying

geez dembot

you’ve been played by putin
yeah they were just hacking the president…not spying

geez dembot

you’ve been played by putin
No, it was these stupid fucks, getting played by Putin.

A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – and at least five other people, including Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting. He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans.
No, it was these stupid fucks, getting played by Putin.

A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – and at least five other people, including Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting. He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans.
yeah that’s what trump jr was told..

the meetin was cut off..turns out she was a client of the same spying firm that was working for clinton Fusion GPS…funny how that was discovered..and now we have clinton’s campaign. lawyers indicted do lying

you were played…
yeah that’s what trump jr was told..

the meetin was cut off..turns out she was a client of the same spying firm that was working for clinton Fusion GPS…funny how that was discovered..and now we have clinton’s campaign. lawyers indicted do lying

you were played…
Funny......................gaslighting only works on other Trumptards, they believe anything.
The only people who lie worse than Trump.....................his cult.
You have the maturity and intellect of a 4th grader. I would be almost everything I own that you’re currently in 9th or 10th grade.

I’m right, aren’t I? The WikiLeaks dumps proved you are ignorant and uninformed. You can’t hide behind false claims of “FoxNews” on this one, low-IQ imbecile. Sorry.
Sure we do, short bus.
At least you finally admit it. Obama prostrated himself before Putin. That’s a fact. That’s when he knew Dumbocrats were weak and impotent.

Facts matter. You’ll understand better once you finally get through high school and grow up a bit.
who’s gaslighting?

i am discussing the topic of the thread and actual evidence being discussed…you are the one repeating debunk clinton paid for putin propaganda
Have you noticed Smokin' OP resorts to sarcasm and insults every time you mention actual events/facts/evidence?

It’s like some odd defense mechanism once he realizes he’s in over his head on the subject matter.
You actually think people truly believe this BALONEY !!!!
  1. You’re missing the word “do” in front of your sentence, you illiterate high school dropout 🤣
  2. Do you actually think anyone doesn’t realize you’re a sad and lonely internet troll?
Because you assholes have loved Putin from day one. All of you share his totalitarian dictator, anti-American, anti-constitution, anti-liberty views.
Sure we do, short bus.
Just a quick reminder - Barack Obama (and Hitlery Clinton) sold a rare uranium mine to Russia. Prohibiting our ability to produce nuclear weapons and increasing Russia’s ability to produce nuclear weapons.
You have the maturity and intellect of a 4th grader. I would be almost everything I own that you’re currently in 9th or 10th grade.

I’m right, aren’t I? The WikiLeaks dumps proved you are ignorant and uninformed. You can’t hide behind false claims of “FoxNews” on this one, low-IQ imbecile. Sorry.
So, why isn't Hillary in jail?
Not even a charge.
Funny......................propaganda only works on other Obamatards (they believe anything).
Just a quick reminder - Barack Obama (and Hitlery Clinton) sold a rare uranium mine to Russia. Prohibiting our ability to produce nuclear weapons and increasing Russia’s ability to produce nuclear weapons.
Quick propaganda is more like it.
They did not, you moron.
Trump's cult believes anything.
So, why isn't Hillary in jail
Why isn't OJ Simpson in jail? Why didn't Adolf Hiter go to jail?

Again, this is evidence that you're a child. Any grown ass adult knows that guilty people have gotten away with crimes from the beginning of time.

Because you are a child - I will answer your question: because she is very powerful. She's a former US Senator. A former Secretary of State. And her husband is the former President of the United States. She can never be tried for a crime. Ever. Up to and including murder.
Just a quick reminder - Barack Obama (and Hitlery Clinton) sold a rare uranium mine to Russia. Prohibiting our ability to produce nuclear weapons and increasing Russia’s ability to produce nuclear weapons.
They did not, you moron. Trump's cult believes anything.
You should be at the high school dance and not on a forum for adults, clown. You're just not in the know about these adult issues.
Why isn't OJ Simpson in jail? Why didn't Adolf Hiter go to jail?

Again, this is evidence that you're a child. Any grown ass adult knows that guilty people have gotten away with crimes from the beginning of time.

Because you are a child - I will answer your question: because she is very powerful. She's a former US Senator. A former Secretary of State. And her husband is the former President of the United States. She can never be tried for a crime. Ever. Up to and including murder.
No, Retard.
Simpson isn't in jail because a jury acquitted him.
Hitler didn't go to jail because he took himself out.

Hillary isn't in jail because of........................No proof or evidence.
Wasn't even charged, you dumbass.

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