Makes what “worse”?
The stupidity of Trumptards.
The actions of Donald Trump? How does his actions somehow become “worse” based on the actions of other people casting a vote for him?
Doesn't make Trump's actions worse, it's the actions of retards that STILL voted for the pussy grabber and rapist.
You just accidentally exposed yourself. You didn’t care about his actions.
No, it was the republitards who didn't care about his actions or comments, they still don't.

. You cared that he won the election. Oops.
The retard never should have been installed as a dog catcher, let alone any position of power.
As republitards were so outraged at Clinton for lying, then vote for Bush who lied to invade Iraq and Afghanistan?

Which one is worse. retard?
As was already proven, retard, Bush didn't lie. You were lied to. And you are so dumb, you believe it.

WikiLeaks was the worst thing to ever happen to Dumbocrats :laugh:
The retard never should have been installed as a dog catcher, let alone any position of power.
Indisputable proof that Dumbocrats root for the collapse of the United States.

The US experienced unprecedented prosperity under President Trump, and Smokin' Dope says he shouldn't have been in power :laugh:

I love when the low-IQ left exposes themselves.
The retard never should have been installed as a dog catcher, let alone any position of power.
Like all racists Democrats - SOP hates that President Trump created record-low unemployment for the African-American community.

His white fragility has him scared shitless that black people will surpass him.
Once again, all roads from Russia lead directly back to the Democrats.

Russia annexed Crimea under Obama (D) and now invades Ukraine under Biden (D). They behaved when Donald Trump (R) was President.
Indisputable proof that Dumbocrats root for the collapse of the United States.
As FOX, Trump and his cult, cheer for Russia
The US experienced unprecedented prosperity under President Trump, and Smokin' Dope says he shouldn't have been in power :laugh:
Regurgitating Trump's son on FOX.
I love when the low-IQ left exposes themselves.
See above, idiot.
No one has a lower IQ than Trump's cult.
Trump IS a genius, compared to his cult.
Like all racists Democrats - SOP hates that President Trump created record-low unemployment for the African-American community.
Yeah, he did.......................for ONE month.
His white fragility has him scared shitless that black people will surpass him.
Right out of the Russian/republitard playbook........................projection.
As republitards criticized anyone who disagreed with the Iraq invasion?
You formed that as a question because you know it's not true 😂
As you regurgitate FOX?
I'm literally quoting WikiLeaks and you're so damn desperate for an argument (and too dumb to form one) that you state "as you regurgitate Fox" 🤦‍♂️

You're taking dumb to a whole new level. If anything, I'm "regurgitating" WikiLeaks (which is unedited, unfiltered data/information/intelligence/etc.)
As FOX, Trump and his cult, cheer for Russia
We're not the one's demanding the US stay out of it so Russia wins. That would be you and your fellow Dumbocrats.

A Dumbocrat sits in the Oval Office as we speak. Where is the United States military?!? Sure as shit not fighting Russia right now! Why? Because you assholes have loved Putin from day one. All of you share his totalitarian dictator, anti-American, anti-constitution, anti-liberty views.
Yeah, he did.......................for ONE month.
No snowflake. For nearly his entire presidency. Until the Dumbocrats panicked and shut down each of their states to stop the economy.
Right out of the Russian/republitard playbook........................projection.
So you admit that you people follow the Russian playbook on propaganda?
the demafascist were useful idiots for putin…they paved the streets to Kiev with their misinformation and propaganda that helped xiden win
You formed that as a question because you know it's not true 😂
You're FOS, as usual.
I'm literally quoting WikiLeaks and you're so damn desperate for an argument (and too dumb to form one) that you state "as you regurgitate Fox" 🤦‍♂️
The only people who lie worse than Trump.....................his cult.
You're taking dumb to a whole new level. If anything, I'm "regurgitating" WikiLeaks (which is unedited, unfiltered data/information/intelligence/etc.)
Sure, short bus.
We're not the one's demanding the US stay out of it so Russia wins. That would be you and your fellow Dumbocrats.

A Dumbocrat sits in the Oval Office as we speak. Where is the United States military?!? Sure as shit not fighting Russia right now! Why? Because you assholes have loved Putin from day one. All of you share his totalitarian dictator, anti-American, anti-constitution, anti-liberty views.
Sure we do, short bus.

Why do Democrats want you to hate Putin? Has Putin shipped every middle class job in your town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked your business? Is he teaching your kids to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Does he eat dogs?

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) February 23, 2022

Former president Donald Trump, asked to comment on the crisis by conservative talk radio host Buck Sexton, Trump responded with enthusiastic praise for everything Putin. The Russian leader, Trump said, was a “genius.” He was “smart.” He was “savvy.”

Russian president Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine could ignite the bloodiest conflict on European soil since the Second World War ended in 1945. But to hear top Republicans at the American Conservative Union’s annual confab tell the story of the last 24 hours, the order to invade was given by the president of the United States.

One by one, in remarks from the Conservative Political Action Conference stage and in comments current and former GOP officeholders credited the assault on Ukraine not to Mr Putin – who announced the invasion in a televised speech around 6am on Thursday in Moscow – but to Mr Biden, despite the American president’s lack of any authority or mechanism to pass orders to Russia’s armed forces.
The only people who lie worse than Trump.....................his cult.

Actually according to the DOJ, and recent indictments…it seems the people that apparently lie the worse are dembot cultist, working for the dnc, about spying on trump and doing putin’s bidding by creating a russian conspiracy hoax to undermine trump

See Durham’s indictment

try again putin puppet
No snowflake. For nearly his entire presidency. Until the Dumbocrats panicked and shut down each of their states to stop the economy.

So you admit that you people follow the Russian playbook on propaganda?
See above, short bus.
Actually according to the DOJ, and recent indictments…it seems the people that apparently lie the worse are dembot cultist, working for the dnc, about spying on trump and doing putin’s bidding by creating a russian conspiracy hoax to undermine trump

See Durham’s indictment

try again putin puppet
Sure, Durham now blames Hillary?
Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott, the Durham material is a smoking gun.

"The latest with the Durham report is that the Clinton campaign, the same group that fear-mongered this Russian collusion, actually spied on the president of the United States," Scott said Feb. 15.

Many commentators have embellished what’s in this latest information, and Scott’s statement also treats some fuzzy elements as if they were solid proof.

Durham’s filing doesn’t say the Clinton campaign spied on Trump, nor does it say that the data referenced in the filing came from the time when he was president.

Putin's puppets.

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