You should be at the high school dance and not on a forum for adults, clown. You're just not in the know about these adult issues.
Sure Retard.
Even a high school kid reads the content of their own report.
From your own link:

The key to this issue’s resurgence is that Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State at the time, Bill Clinton got a substantial speaking fee in Russia that year, and Russian money may have found its way to the Clinton Foundation, although the latter turns out to be pretty small and through a convoluted route that may not have involved Russia at all.

However, even though there was no wrongdoing on the part of the Administration or the Clintons, and no national security reason for anyone to oppose this deal, some still want to make it another Bengazhi.

Like Republitards.
Of course, the left will spend the next 100 years denying that Russia interfered on behalf of Bernie Sanders, just like they’ve spent the past 4 years denying that Russia had a massive campaign operation to help Hitlery Clinton get elected.

Sanders excoriates Russia after being briefed on attempts to help his presidential campaign
This is a ridiculous assumption that can be answered easily.
Unless you have irrefutable proof of what you say, you are mumbling through your arse. Its the same hate and bile you have an endless supply of.
We were telling all of you this as early as 2015.
Durham wrote in Friday's court filing, "…[the CIA] concluded in early 2017 that the Russian Bank 1 data and Russian Phone Provider 1 data was not 'technically plausible,' did not 'withstand technical scrutiny,' 'contained gaps,' 'conflicted with [itself]' and was 'user-created and not machine/tool generated.'"
Hitlery Clinton filed a false report with the F.B.I. in an attempt to steal an election. This is from the independent special council!! :laugh:
Despite the fact that he brutally murdered TWO people and there was overwhelming evidence proving as much.
NOT in court, numbnuts.

Sit the fuck down, clown. You sound like an imbecile every time you post.
THEN, why isn't Simpson...................IN jail?

Stupid fucking Trumptard.
Of course, the left will spend the next 100 years denying that Russia interfered on behalf of Bernie Sanders, just like they’ve spent the past 4 years denying that Russia had a massive campaign operation to help Hitlery Clinton get elected.

Sanders excoriates Russia after being briefed on attempts to help his presidential campaign
Democrats have always been in bed with the Soviets, undermining military prepardeness, and then with the Rssians after that. It was the loss of the Queen of Lies (Billary) that made them hate Russia, even though the hate was all based off their own propaganda lie abour Russian Collusion.
THEN, why isn't Simpson...................IN jail?
Because it's not a perfect world and we don't live in a utopian society, you fucking immature idealist. :lmao:

John Gotti was found "innocent" half a dozen times. They would later find out that he threatened witnesses in some cases and in other cases, he bribed jurors.
All roads from Russia lead directly to Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats. She literally colluded with multiple foreign entities in an attempt to influence the outcome of our elections.
The link clearly states Russia aided Trump in 16. Insults don't insulate your lies.


O'REILLY: Putin's a killer.

TRUMP: There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers. Well, you think our country is so innocent?

AP Reporter: My second question is would you now with the whole world watching tell President Putin — would you denounce what happened in 2016 and would you warn him to never do it again?

TRUMP: I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be.

TRUMP: I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, "This is genius." Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful.

To this very day, Traitor Trump cannot call out KGB Putin by name, unless he is praising Putin.

To this very day.

If a minor celebrity hurts his widdle feewings, Trump will tweet storm for days or even weeks.

If a fellow Republican hurts his feewings, he will insult their wife and claim their dad killed Kennedy.

But never Putin. Never ever Putin.

If anyone attacks Putin in his presence, Traitor Trump immediately jumps to his defense.

It's all about Trump Tower Moscow.


The Trump Organization and the Crocus Group, a Russian real estate conglomerate owned and controlled by Aras Agalarov, began discussing a Russia-based real estate project shortly after the conclusion of the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow.291 Donald J. Trump Jr. served as the primary negotiator on behalf of the Trump Organization; Emin Agalarov (son of Aras Agalarov) and Irakli “Ike” Kaveladze represented the Crocus Group during negotiations,292 with the occasional assistance of Robert Goldstone.


During the 2016 campaign, Trump was in business negotiations with Russia to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, and he intended to gift KGB Putin with the penthouse, valued at $50 million.

However, Trump denied, denied, and denied he had business relations with Russia all during the campaign. He flat out lied, and he had his man Michael Cohen lie to Congress about it.

1. July 26, 2016: "I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia," Trump tells CBS4.

2. July 26, 2016: "For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia," Trump tweets.

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

4. Oct. 24, 2016: "I have nothing to do with Russia folks, I'll give you a written statement," Trump says at a campaign rally.

5. Jan. 11, 2017: Trump tells reporters that he has "no deals that could happen in Russia because we've stayed away," adding that he could "make deals in Russia very easily" but "I just don't want to because I think that would be a conflict."

6. Jan. 11, 2017: "Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!," Trump tweets.

7. Feb. 7, 2017: Trump tweets, "I don't know Putin, have no deals in Russia, and the haters are going crazy."

8. May 11, 2017: Trump tells NBC News that he has "nothing to do with Russia," other than the fact that he "sold a house to a very wealthy Russian many years ago" and hosted the Miss Universe pageant there once.

Trump spit right into the faces of the rube herd and lied to them. That's how much contempt he has for them. But his contempt for the rubes rises to a whole new level when he is caught in a lie or disgracing himself in public.

Trump does not backpedal when caught in a lie or disgracing himself. He never backpedals.

In a scene right out of Orwell's 1984, Trump fabricates a completely new reality and feeds it to the rubes and they turn on a dime and swallow his fantastical new lies like sheep!

After Trump's lie about his business dealings with Russia were outed, this is the fantasy Trump fabricated:

"[a project] we were looking at in Moscow. Everybody knew about it. was a well-known project. It was during the early part of '16"
Because it's not a perfect world and we don't live in a utopian society, you fucking immature idealist. :lmao:
"Despite the fact that he brutally murdered TWO people and there was overwhelming evidence proving as much".

What a fucking retard.
Where is your "overwhelming evidence"?
John Gotti was found "innocent" half a dozen times. They would later find out that he threatened witnesses in some cases and in other cases, he bribed jurors.
In some, they found out during proceedings.

Nov 20, 2009 · Two other jurors departed during the trial: A paranoid panelist who feared a Gotti hit and another who said jury duty was bad for his business.

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