Nobody claimed it was a “crime”, high school dropout. Nobody. However, it is a catastrophic violation of basic office ethics, HR policies, etc. And it’s especially concerning when that blowjob is from a woman who is NOT the wife of the President. That immediately becomes a major national security threat.
You would think others would learn from it, but they didn't, the very same party that excoriated Clinton for the violation, didn't think anything of more egregious violations two decades later.

Very good. You’re almost catching on. And was Bill Clinton prosecuted for committing perjury? Yes or No?
Yes, you, dumbass.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious, which was likely a struggle for you.
No sweetie, you didn’t. You tried to claim that Hitlery Clinton not being prosecuted was somehow evidence that she was “innocent”.
You're FOS, what else is new.
I claimed Clinton was investigated.
She couldn't be prosecuted because they couldn't find anything worth pursuing.

I pointed out the ignorance of that “logic” by listing people never prosecuted for crimes we know were committed. You’ve been struggling ever since.
Of course you did, you can just 'feel' it.
But ignore the pardons given out by Nixon and Trump.
Bwahahaha! Sweetie, for the tenth time, articles of impeachment are not criminal charges. Congress doesn’t handle criminal charges, you fucking high school dropout.
I never fucking stated impeachment were criminal, you retard.

For fucks sake, take a Civics Class at your local community college :lmao:
You need to, maybe start with grade school.
Better yet, watch schoolhouse rock, 'civics' version.
Formal…not “criminal”. :lmao:
Very good.

Very good. You’re almost catching on. And was Bill Clinton prosecuted for committing perjury? Yes or No?
Yes, you, dumbass. Thanks for pointing out the obvious, which was likely a struggle for you.
No sweetie, he wasn’t prosecuted for committing perjury. How embarrassing for you. Typical ignorant leftist.
But ignore the pardons given out by Nixon and Trump.
The “pardons” they gave out weren’t to Presidents (or their spouses) or Senators, etc.

You got smoked in this thread, sweetie. I now understand why you chose the screen name that you chose. The facts are, Clinton and Nixon were never prosecuted. Never.
No sweetie, he wasn’t prosecuted for committing perjury. How embarrassing for you. Typical ignorant leftist.
No, idiot, embarrassing for you.

WTF, do you think impeachment is?

To charge (a public official) with a crime done while in office.

On January 7, 1999, in a congressional procedure not seen since the 1868 impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson, the trial of President Clinton got underway in the Senate. As instructed in Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution, the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (William Rehnquist at this time) was sworn in to preside, and the senators were sworn in as jurors.

Being on trial, is being prosecuted.
We were discussing criminal prosecution and you stated “impeached by Congress” that he was criminally prosecuted.

Seriously, you’ve been exposed hon. Your IQ is somewhere between a worm and a stone.
You're FOS.

I'm done with your dumbass....................TROLL.
WTF, do you think impeachment is? Moron.
Bwahahaha! Impeachment is a charge of Congressional violation. In other words, a violation of your job. It is not a criminal prosecution, you dumb-shit high school dropout. Good grief I pray you are a Russian or Chinese troll. Because you're an absolute embarrassment to this country if you're an actual American.
I've been saying this for over 5 fucking years now. All roads from Russia led directly to Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats.
I've been saying this for over 5 fucking years now. All roads from Russia led directly to Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats.
it’s clear the only russian conspiracy was with putin and the dems
You're FOS, what else is new.
I claimed Clinton was investigated.
She couldn't be prosecuted because they couldn't find anything worth pursuing.

Of course you did, you can just 'feel' it.
But ignore the pardons given out by Nixon and Trump.
um they found it but said it wasn't intentional.

big difference.
um they found it but said it wasn't intentional.

big difference.

If republiscum would have found anything they would have revealed it.
Then turned a molehill into a mountain, like they do with any instance involving a democrat.

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