Oh Smokin' OP - this one is going to sting a bit
On "The Glenn Beck Program," Bill O'Reilly told Glenn that it's now a proven fact that the Hillary Clinton campaign "concocted and financed the bogus Russian collusion story."
Of course, this story broke more than 5 years ago. Hitlery Clinton hired Perkins Coie to commission a fake dossier from Russia through Christoper Steele (British) of Fusion GPS.

And why did she hire Perkins Coie? Why not just go to Christopher Steele herself? Because she knew she was committing a crime. And while she could plead the 5th Amendment, Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS wouldn’t be able to do that. However, Perkins Coie can hide behind “attorney-client privilege”, meaning that they cannot be forced to testify either. That insulates “crooked Hitlery” from legal concerns.

That is 100% indisputable fact. All of it. She colluded with Russia and England to interfere with the US election.
Bwahahaha!! Article of impeachment are not criminal charges. Holy fucking shit, how dumb are you?!?

Also, what did the Democrat Senate do? They acquitted Clinton despite the fact that he admitted on national television to committing perjury. I feel like I’m dealing with a 15 year old here. Am I right?

So he was not criminally charged at all, and in Congress, his pals refused to hold him accountable. Which proves what I stated all along. People in power at that level don’t get prosecuted.

You are so naïve. So uninformed. And so ignorant.
Holy fuck retard.

When did getting a BJ in the oval office turn into a criminal offense?

I never stated criminal charges, dumbass.

Clinton made a deposition about it, then lied about the affair.
THAT'S when it became criminal.
Bwahahaha!! Article of impeachment are not criminal charges. Holy fucking shit, how dumb are you?!?

Also, what did the Democrat Senate do? They acquitted Clinton despite the fact that he admitted on national television to committing perjury. I feel like I’m dealing with a 15 year old here. Am I right?

So he was not criminally charged at all, and in Congress, his pals refused to hold him accountable. Which proves what I stated all along. People in power at that level don’t get prosecuted.

You are so naïve. So uninformed. And so ignorant.
See above, imbecile.
I never stated criminal charges.
Oh Smokin' OP - this one is going to sting a bit

Of course, this story broke more than 5 years ago. Hitlery Clinton hired Perkins Coie to commission a fake dossier from Russia through Christoper Steele (British) of Fusion GPS.

And why did she hire Perkins Coie? Why not just go to Christopher Steele herself? Because she knew she was committing a crime. And while she could plead the 5th Amendment, Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS wouldn’t be able to do that. However, Perkins Coie can hide behind “attorney-client privilege”, meaning that they cannot be forced to testify either. That insulates “crooked Hitlery” from legal concerns.

That is 100% indisputable fact. All of it. She colluded with Russia and England to interfere with the US election.
On "The Glenn Beck Program," Bill O'Reilly told Glenn that it's now a proven fact that the Hillary Clinton campaign "concocted and financed the bogus Russian collusion story."

Oh' boy, Bill O'Reilly said it's a proven fact, it must be true, the bold letters help..................retard.

The rest, may as well came from Beck, Carlson or Jones.
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Bwahahaha!! So what does that have to do with the fact that he was not criminally charged for his crimes?!?

No, he wasn’t, you high school dropout. :lmao:

You are so naïve. So uniformed. So ignorant.
Holy fuck, what a moron.

Nixon was pardoned by Gerald Ford you, before he could be, idiot,

Proclamation 4311 was a presidential proclamation issued by President of the United States Gerald Ford on September 8, 1974, granting a full and unconditional pardon to Richard Nixon, his predecessor, for any crimes that he might have committed against the United States as president.

Nixon resigned August 8.

You are so naïve. So uniformed. So ignorant

YES, You are.
Holy fuck retard. When did getting a BJ in the oval office turn into a criminal offense?
When he committed perjury about it, you high school dropout. And I specifically stated “perjury” the first time I brought him up.

You’ve painted yourself into a corner, and now your small brain and large ego won’t allow you to just admit you are wrong.
Nixon was pardoned by Gerald Ford you, before he could be, idiot,
Bwahahaha!! Watergate occurred on June 17, 1972. Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon on September 8, 1974.

Two and half years are more than enough time to bring charges. Furthermore, the pardon proves my point all along. Those at that level of power do not get prosecuted. Ever. Thank you for proving my point for me, stupid.

You are so naïve. So uniformed. So ignorant.
When he committed perjury about it, you high school dropout. And I specifically stated “perjury” the first time I brought him up.

You’ve painted yourself into a corner, and now your small brain and large ego won’t allow you to just admit you are wrong.
Holy fuck, what a retard.

Getting a BJ In the oval office isn't a crime.
Lying under oath is.
Two separate incidents.
Over a year apart.

I stated when getting a BJ in the oval office a crime?
Ken Starr and the republicans thought it was.

Not illegal to drink 6 beers in a bar.
It becomes illegal when the police pull you over and they test you.
Hahahaahaha! Want to bet, sweetie? Post #176:

You brought it up in a desperate attempt to defend Hitlery Clinton. You’re so dumb, you can’t even remember your own arguments. No wonder you vote Dumbocrat. :laugh:

Sure fucknuts.
Investigating and charges are two different things, moron.
Accusations aren't charges.

'The probe failed to substantiate a collection of allegations, made repeatedly by President Donald Trump and fellow Republicans, the Post reported'.

Must have take the advanced 'law' school correspondence course from Trump U.
Yes Komrades, is successful application of accusing the opponent of your crimes. We all saw it a mile away years ago. We didn't anticipate such a successful apparatchik.
Bwahahaha!! Watergate occurred on June 17, 1972. Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon on September 8, 1974.

Two and half years are more than enough time to bring charges. Furthermore, the pardon proves my point all along. Those at that level of power do not get prosecuted. Ever. Thank you for proving my point for me, stupid.

You are so naïve. So uniformed. So ignorant.
Good god, you fucking moron.
People accused Nixon of lying.

There were 69 people indicted and 48 people—many of them top Nixon administration officials—convicted.
Then congress decided on impeaching Nixon.

Guess what impeachment is?
Formal charges, you idiot.

Nixon resigned August 9, 1974.
Gerald Ford pardoned him September 8, 1974.

Just like Bannon was pardoned by his daddy.

Even the retards in the short bus, make you take an even shorter bus to Trump's pity rallies.
You came to an intellectual battle unarmed. Poor thing. You can’t even remember your own arguments. This isn’t a fair fight at all. :laugh:
No, it isn't, you're losing badly.
But just like Trump on election night, claim victory and his gullible cult thinks he did over a year later
Getting a BJ In the oval office isn't a crime.
Nobody claimed it was a “crime”, high school dropout. Nobody. However, it is a catastrophic violation of basic office ethics, HR policies, etc. And it’s especially concerning when that blowjob is from a woman who is NOT the wife of the President. That immediately becomes a major national security threat.
Lying under oath is.
Very good. You’re almost catching on. And was Bill Clinton prosecuted for committing perjury? Yes or No?
I stated when getting a BJ in the oval office a crime?
No sweetie, you didn’t. You tried to claim that Hitlery Clinton not being prosecuted was somehow evidence that she was “innocent”.

I pointed out the ignorance of that “logic” by listing people never prosecuted for crimes we know were committed. You’ve been struggling ever since.
Guess what impeachment is? Formal charges, you idiot.
Bwahahaha! Sweetie, for the tenth time, articles of impeachment are not criminal charges. Congress doesn’t handle criminal charges, you fucking high school dropout.

For fucks sake, take a Civics Class at your local community college :lmao:

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