NO evidence of wrongdoing was ever found.
Oh FFS, will you just grow up already? Russians do not make donations to the Clinton Foundation, you low-IQ idiot.

Only a mindless-minion would think it’s pure “coincidence” that a Russian tied to Uranium One made a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation just before Hitlery approved the sale of a uranium mine to Russia.
Trumptards just know they are guilty, they can feel it. Gullible retards and traitors.
“Traitors”? WTF? We’re not the one’s who sold a precious uranium mine to our enemies. Hitlery Clinton did that (for a massive donation to her money-laundering front). You sick fucking anti-Americans did that.

Since you’re clearly a low-IQ leftist I’ll explain this to you. Uranium is necessary for nuclear weapons. And it’s hard to come by. So not only will our enemies be able to make nuclear weapons, but we won’t be able to.
If Biden is China's "friend" why did he stop the Keystone export pipeline? Have you thought that through?
1. Because that helps China (see link below)

2. Because Dumbocrats are heavily invested in “Green Technology” and they want to force the entire economy to go through them. How do you think Al Gore became a billionaire? From a life in public service?

3. Barack Obama was the first to block the pipeline. Trump allowed it. Biden then blocked it yet again to force the economy through he and his friends businesses.

All roads from Russia lead directly to Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats. An indictment handed down.
Hahahaha!! Moving the goalposts again. You just said “did Bill Gates get patents in Russia”. And the answer is yes.

You got OWNED! :laugh:
You're FOS, moron, I clarified that, question in a comment later.
You claimed businesses usually get loans from countries banks.

You got owned, idiot.
Oh FFS, will you just grow up already? Russians do not make donations to the Clinton Foundation, you low-IQ idiot.

Only a mindless-minion would think it’s pure “coincidence” that a Russian tied to Uranium One made a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation just before Hitlery approved the sale of a uranium mine to Russia.
Only a moron would believe that.
You can't even get your lies straight.

Either can Peter Schweizer.
1. Because that helps China (see link below)

2. Because Dumbocrats are heavily invested in “Green Technology” and they want to force the entire economy to go through them. How do you think Al Gore became a billionaire? From a life in public service?

3. Barack Obama was the first to block the pipeline. Trump allowed it. Biden then blocked it yet again to force the economy through he and his friends businesses.

An opinion piece by Ariel Cohen of the RW Heritage foundation.
“Traitors”? WTF? We’re not the one’s who sold a precious uranium mine to our enemies. Hitlery Clinton did that (for a massive donation to her money-laundering front). You sick fucking anti-Americans did that.

Since you’re clearly a low-IQ leftist I’ll explain this to you. Uranium is necessary for nuclear weapons. And it’s hard to come by. So not only will our enemies be able to make nuclear weapons, but we won’t be able to.
What a fucking moron.
Keep believing Peter Schweizer, dumbass.

The Washington Post reported in January 2020 that an additional Justice Department investigation into the matter, initiated after Donald Trump took office in 2017, was winding down after finding nothing worth pursuing.

So, if the stable 'genius' couldn't find anything, his AG blob couldn't find anything, means you're as gullible as Trump, and it shows.

Let me explain something to you, low IQ, idiot.
The mine doesn't have an export license to export uranium, dipshit.

You're just too gullible, being a dumbass doesn't help you either.
This low-IQ imbecile thinks she convince people that Russians just routinely donate large sums of money to the Clinton Foundation 👇
Oh FFS, will you just grow up already? Russians do not make donations to the Clinton Foundation, you low-IQ idiot.

Only a mindless-minion would think it’s pure “coincidence” that a Russian tied to Uranium One made a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation just before Hitlery approved the sale of a uranium mine to Russia.
Only a moron would believe that.
This low-IQ imbecile thinks she convince people that Russians just routinely donate large sums of money to the Clinton Foundation 👇

View attachment 563276
So, you are Russian.

March 17 2017
“I can tell you, speaking for myself, I own nothing in Russia,” President Trump said at a news conference last month. “I have no loans in Russia. I don’t have any deals in Russia.”

But in the United States, members of the Russian elite have invested in Trump buildings. A Reuters review has found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida, according to public documents, interviews and corporate records.
The buyers include politically connected businessmen, such as a former executive in a Moscow-based state-run construction firm that works on military and intelligence facilities, the founder of a St. Petersburg investment bank and the co-founder of a conglomerate with interests in banking, property and electronics.

"What do I have to do with Russia?" Trump told a reporter in 2016. "You know the closest I came to Russia, I bought a house a number of years ago in Palm Beach, Florida... for $40 million and I sold it to a Russian for $100 million including brokerage commissions."
So, you are Russian.
Bwahahaha! Nice 2nd grade “I’m rubber, you’re glue” response to the indisputable fact that Russians do not make donations to the Clinton Foundation (except when Hitlery Clinton is violating the Emoluments Clause).
Of course, the left will spend the next 100 years denying that Russia interfered on behalf of Bernie Sanders, just like they’ve spent the past 4 years denying that Russia had a massive campaign operation to help Hitlery Clinton get elected.

Sanders excoriates Russia after being briefed on attempts to help his presidential campaign
Bernie Sanders was an independent who tried to gain leadership of the Democratic Party with the help of the Russians...

Democrats rejected Bernie Sanders and Russians moved to Trump...

So thanks for pointing that out..
Bernie Sanders was an independent who tried to gain leadership of the Democratic Party with the help of the Russians...
So weird how an “Independent” ended up on the ballot of the Democrat primary :laugh:
Bwahahaha! Nice 2nd grade “I’m rubber, you’re glue” response to the indisputable fact that Russians do not make donations to the Clinton Foundation (except when Hitlery Clinton is violating the Emoluments Clause).
You're FOS.
Why weren't they charged?

August 22 2016
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump urged the Justice Department on Monday to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate if donors to the Clinton Foundation.

January 10 2020
A yearslong Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation into claims of corruption by Hillary Clinton is over, and found nothing, according to The Washington Post.

The probe failed to substantiate a collection of allegations, made repeatedly by President Donald Trump and fellow Republicans, the Post reported.

Their claims relate to Clinton's behaviour as Secretary of State and her involvements in the nonprofit Clinton Foundation, subjects to which Trump has returned often, and devoted considerable effort to pursuing.

However, after more than two years, the probe set in motion by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions in November 2017 found "no tangible results," the Post said.

Between Benghazi and Russia, 10 years and millions of taxpayer $$$ wasted, Trumptards love to investigate but obstruct any investigation on them.
Why weren't they charged?
You are adorable. So naïve. So ignorant. So easy to dupe.

Sweetie, why wasn’t Richard Nixon charged? Was he “innocent”? Bill Clinton went on national television and admitted to committing perjury (a fucking felony). Was he “innocent”?

The real media has exposed all of Hillary’s criminal activities with indisputable facts. “Why weren’t they charged” is NOT an argument. It’s a desperate whine.
You are adorable. So naïve. So ignorant. So easy to dupe.

Sweetie, why wasn’t Richard Nixon charged? Was he “innocent”? Bill Clinton went on national television and admitted to committing perjury (a fucking felony). Was he “innocent”?

The real media has exposed all of Hillary’s criminal activities with indisputable facts. “Why weren’t they charged” is NOT an argument. It’s a desperate whine.
Nixon resigned, dumbass.
To avoid a trial (Impeachment) and Nixon was charged, idiot.
Clinton was charged as well.

'The real media has exposed all of Hillary’s criminal activities with indisputable facts'.
Sure she was, retarded Trump and his cult just couldn't prove anything.

So naïve. So ignorant. So easy to dupe.
Clinton was charged as well. Hence............................IMPEACHMENT.
Bwahahaha!! Article of impeachment are not criminal charges. Holy fucking shit, how dumb are you?!?

Also, what did the Democrat Senate do? They acquitted Clinton despite the fact that he admitted on national television to committing perjury. I feel like I’m dealing with a 15 year old here. Am I right?

So he was not criminally charged at all, and in Congress, his pals refused to hold him accountable. Which proves what I stated all along. People in power at that level don’t get prosecuted.

You are so naïve. So uninformed. And so ignorant.

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