Bwahahaha!! PolitiFact?!? Really?
PolitiFact is owned by the Poynter Institute, a left-wing organization funded in part by George Soros. The primary purpose of Poynter and PolitiFact is to malign conservatives
GTFO here, clown. Anybody who turns to PolitiFact is either intentionally posting disinformation or extremely ignorant. Either way, they have 0 credibility.
As our fact-checking colleagues at PolitiFact noted
Bwahahaha!! PolitiFact?!? Really?
PolitiFact is owned by the Poynter Institute, a left-wing organization funded in part by George Soros. The primary purpose of Poynter and PolitiFact is to malign conservatives
GTFO here, clown. Anybody who turns to PolitiFact is either intentionally posting disinformation or extremely ignorant. Either way, that person has 0 credibility.
Bwahahaha!! PolitiFact?!? Really?

GTFO here, clown. Anybody who turns to PolitiFact is either intentionally posting disinformation or extremely ignorant. Either way, they have 0 credibility.
Sure. Can’t refute the facts so you attack the messenger

Sure. Can’t refute the facts so you attack the messenger

Your "messenger" is funded by a left-wing extremist who not only actually worked for Adolf Hitler as an honest-to-goodness real Nazi, but also called it "the best time of my life".

Anyone who quotes a source funded by George fucking Soros is a clown with 0 credibility. Do better or STFU.
Sure. Can’t refute the facts so you attack the messenger

You can't provide facts outside of a source funded by someone who actually worked for Adolf Hitler (and called it "the best time of his life") so you attack those of us exposing your faux source. Waaahahaha.
Your "messenger" is funded by a left-wing extremist who not only actually worked for Adolf Hitler as an honest-to-goodness real Nazi, but also called it "the best time of my life".

Anyone who quotes a source funded by George fucking Soros is a clown with 0 credibility. Do better or STFU.
NORMAL people don’t but that crap about SOROS

You can't provide facts outside of a source funded by someone who actually worked for Adolf Hitler (and called it "the best time of his life") so you attack those of us exposing your faux source. Waaahahaha.
Again, try and refute a fact Go ahead. You can do it if you try really really hard
Your "messenger" is funded by a left-wing extremist who not only actually worked for Adolf Hitler as an honest-to-goodness real Nazi, but also called it "the best time of my life".

Anyone who quotes a source funded by George fucking Soros is a clown with 0 credibility. Do better or STFU.



Reuters debunked a false claim that a photograph shows a young Soros in a Nazi uniform (here). During the time Nazis were active, Soros would not have met the age requirements to be in the Schutzstaffel. Soros and his family were Hungarian Jews who lived in Budapest during the war, disguising their identities for safety. In 1947 at the age of 17, Soros moved to London to attend university (more here).

Bwahahaha!! PolitiFact?!? Really?

GTFO here, clown. Anybody who turns to PolitiFact is either intentionally posting disinformation or extremely ignorant. Either way, they have 0 credibility.
thats because Prager wants to still use racial slurs

thats because Prager wants to still use racial slurs
Wait…you mean Dennis Prager desires actual freedom of speech?!? 😱

The horrors! The horrors, I tell you! The fascist left cannot have free speech!!
Hillary was investigated. She was at hearings for hours. Trump could never last

Biden is clean. Trump runs a family criminal enterprise. Eventually they’ll get broken up

True, she did appear in front of Congress for hours but Hillary also lied to Congress for which she could be prosecuted. Of course that never will happened because she is totally above the rule of law.

The guy you worship.
The guy you worship 👇

Corrupt? All’s fair in politics
Spoken like a true asshole. No asshole, all is not “fair” in politics. Society has rules. Society has norms. Society has laws.

It blows my mind how poorly you leftists were raised. So classless. So ignorant. So trailer park.
The DNC is a private group. They don’t owe Bernie shit.
The owe the American people a fair primary, asshole.
The people? PRIMARIES & CAUCUSES are/we’re not run by the DNC — Local people involved in political events and such ran them
“And such” :lmao:

Tell me you don’t understand how any of this works without telling me you don’t understand how any of this works.

“And such” :lmao:
Attacking the DNC over everything is so pathetic
Not nearly as “pathetic” as your classlessness, your ignorance, and your belief that any gross, unethical, and illegal act is ok - especially in politics.

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