All sane men need to wake up and vote clinton

Yep, all sane men need to vote Hillary Clinton! The tea party seeks to destroy everything our sex has created from infrastructure that men built with our bare hands from the earliest civilizations until modern times, to the science that men like Newton, Michael Faraday, Archimedes, Galileo Galilei, and Niels David Bohr spent decades of their lives in order to advance our world, while probably our greatest achievement that allows humanities great societies to function is our democratic and republican forms of governments that allows all of our peoples to have a say over the future of our societies....We built the college and moved our species out of the stone age and slowly handed more power not only for the upper class, but for the other 99% of our societies. We cleaned up our messes, and expected better in the past....Why should anything be different today?

What the tea party wants to do is take us back to the stone age and shit on everything we have ever did to better humanity. Do you realize that the tea party believes in the very worse of our species from the outright hatred of education to the hatred of modern civilization its self as they fight for the good old days before such concepts. How the hell can we vote for such that fights to enrich modern day BARONS, thinks education is evil and believes that the people shouldn't have a right to have a government that governs for all of our betterment.

I beg every male be they educated or not to say NO to the republican party! It plays to our cave man days and that isn't what we're anymore. We're better! I am going to be very disappointing in the male sex if it chooses to hunt and live in caves again on Nov 9th instead of being the civilized men that i know we all can be. Of course, I understand full well with the very same feelings and understanding that we're treated unfairly and Hillary isn't the best for changing that, but she is better then turning our backs on everything we have ever done to advance our world. There's better ways and that is to not be silent any longer and demand just as much respect as everyone else.

I appeal to your better judgement.
...and she's a loopy kunt
My, my! Your true nature comes out. You're a goddamned racist!
Im trying to get them to go vote. If I have to insult them to accomplish that goal so be it.

In fact I don't think those demographics are smart enough to vote. Not 50% or more of them. They can prove me wrong but they won't.

I think since women and blacks only make 75 cents to our dollars they're votes should only count as 75% of a vote. So 4 blacks equal 3 votes. 4 women equal 3 votes.

And Mexican murderers and rapists don't vote so fuck em. Maybe if rubio was on the ticket. Maybe Tim Kaine can talk some sense to them.

Muslims will vote. No worries about that. It's why trump isn't trying to win michigan
Again, you're racist slip is showing.
What are they going to do, vote? So fuck them! You and I know if you don't vote you don't matter. I actually hope you ban abortion. Fuck those stupid young women who don't vote. Maybe they'll vote in 2018 if you actually take their right to choose away.

Black lives that don't vote don't matter.

Trumps right Mexicans (and Cubans) are takin all our jobs. Build that fucking wall. Right Mexicans?
Presidential elections occur every 4 years. 2020 comes after this one.

Maybe you should put a cork in that bottle, take a couple of aspirin and call me in the morning.
That's the fucking problem. You stupid Americans don't know to vote in midterms. Idiots! No wonder the rich were able to take over your democracy. You only vote every 4 years
Sorry. I thought you were referring to our first opportunity to replace Trump.

I vote every election, even local runoffs. My polling place is less than a mile from my house. I'm often among the first ten in line...was first in the most recent.
Yep, all sane men need to vote Hillary Clinton! The tea party seeks to destroy everything our sex has created from infrastructure that men built with our bare hands from the earliest civilizations until modern times, to the science that men like Newton, Michael Faraday, Archimedes, Galileo Galilei, and Niels David Bohr spent decades of their lives in order to advance our world, while probably our greatest achievement that allows humanities great societies to function is our democratic and republican forms of governments that allows all of our peoples to have a say over the future of our societies....We built the college and moved our species out of the stone age and slowly handed more power not only for the upper class, but for the other 99% of our societies. We cleaned up our messes, and expected better in the past....Why should anything be different today?

What the tea party wants to do is take us back to the stone age and shit on everything we have ever did to better humanity. Do you realize that the tea party believes in the very worse of our species from the outright hatred of education to the hatred of modern civilization its self as they fight for the good old days before such concepts. How the hell can we vote for such that fights to enrich modern day BARONS, thinks education is evil and believes that the people shouldn't have a right to have a government that governs for all of our betterment.

I beg every male be they educated or not to say NO to the republican party! It plays to our cave man days and that isn't what we're anymore. We're better! I am going to be very disappointing in the male sex if it chooses to hunt and live in caves again on Nov 9th instead of being the civilized men that i know we all can be. Of course, I understand full well with the very same feelings and understanding that we're treated unfairly and Hillary isn't the best for changing that, but she is better then turning our backs on everything we have ever done to advance our world. There's better ways and that is to not be silent any longer and demand just as much respect as everyone else.

I appeal to your better judgement. for the most corrupt women to have ever held government office..why not give her complete control over law enforcement so she can keep stealing money from poor Haitians suffering from starvation and death........

The idiot who created this thread wants to give even more tax money to the very same people who spent 19. trillion dollars and accomplished nothing for it.........none of the infrastructure this moron keeps babbling about....they didn't spend the 19 trillion dollars we are in debt on infrastructure or science development...but hey...this genius wants to give them even more money they won't use on infrastructure or research.....

Well, we need to elect a congress that will demand that she will spend the money in those areas. Maybe I am a idiot but I kind of wish to keep living in a civilized country.

Who...the same guys who created the spending bills that didn't fund infrastructure and science research.......and created the 19 trillion Debt...hey bills start in the House......

You want to keep giving money to the idiots who misspent 19 trillion dollars.....please don't tell us you actually handle your own money...please tell us you have a legal guardian who put you on an allowance.......

I realize it is insane but I just want America to remain a respectable world power. I'll admit that we have a lot of corruption and we need to clean it up.

Maybe I am wrong but I am doing what I feel is best for the good of this nation.
Yep, all sane men need to vote Hillary Clinton! The tea party seeks to destroy everything our sex has created from infrastructure that men built with our bare hands from the earliest civilizations until modern times, to the science that men like Newton, Michael Faraday, Archimedes, Galileo Galilei, and Niels David Bohr spent decades of their lives in order to advance our world, while probably our greatest achievement that allows humanities great societies to function is our democratic and republican forms of governments that allows all of our peoples to have a say over the future of our societies....We built the college and moved our species out of the stone age and slowly handed more power not only for the upper class, but for the other 99% of our societies. We cleaned up our messes, and expected better in the past....Why should anything be different today?

What the tea party wants to do is take us back to the stone age and shit on everything we have ever did to better humanity. Do you realize that the tea party believes in the very worse of our species from the outright hatred of education to the hatred of modern civilization its self as they fight for the good old days before such concepts. How the hell can we vote for such that fights to enrich modern day BARONS, thinks education is evil and believes that the people shouldn't have a right to have a government that governs for all of our betterment.

I beg every male be they educated or not to say NO to the republican party! It plays to our cave man days and that isn't what we're anymore. We're better! I am going to be very disappointing in the male sex if it chooses to hunt and live in caves again on Nov 9th instead of being the civilized men that i know we all can be. Of course, I understand full well with the very same feelings and understanding that we're treated unfairly and Hillary isn't the best for changing that, but she is better then turning our backs on everything we have ever done to advance our world. There's better ways and that is to not be silent any longer and demand just as much respect as everyone else.

I appeal to your better judgement. for the most corrupt women to have ever held government office..why not give her complete control over law enforcement so she can keep stealing money from poor Haitians suffering from starvation and death........

The idiot who created this thread wants to give even more tax money to the very same people who spent 19. trillion dollars and accomplished nothing for it.........none of the infrastructure this moron keeps babbling about....they didn't spend the 19 trillion dollars we are in debt on infrastructure or science development...but hey...this genius wants to give them even more money they won't use on infrastructure or research.....

Well, we need to elect a congress that will demand that she will spend the money in those areas. Maybe I am a idiot but I kind of wish to keep living in a civilized country.

Who...the same guys who created the spending bills that didn't fund infrastructure and science research.......and created the 19 trillion Debt...hey bills start in the House......

You want to keep giving money to the idiots who misspent 19 trillion dollars.....please don't tell us you actually handle your own money...please tell us you have a legal guardian who put you on an allowance.......

I realize it is insane but I just want America to remain a respectable world power. I'll is admit that we have a lot of corruption and we need to clean it up.

Maybe I am wrong but I am doing what I feel is best for the good of this nation.

Putting Hilary in charge is not the best for this nation.........she has already shown that the corruption for the second time in office is going to be massive......the Clinton foundation and the money it has already taken in from American and foreign favor seekers is just the beginning.......they became billionaires from her being Secretary of State and the FBI,was told not to investigate it.....imagine when she is in charge of the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Justice...with her hand picked Attorney General.........the corruption is going to be epic.....
Yep, all sane men need to vote Hillary Clinton! The tea party seeks to destroy everything our sex has created from infrastructure that men built with our bare hands from the earliest civilizations until modern times, to the science that men like Newton, Michael Faraday, Archimedes, Galileo Galilei, and Niels David Bohr spent decades of their lives in order to advance our world, while probably our greatest achievement that allows humanities great societies to function is our democratic and republican forms of governments that allows all of our peoples to have a say over the future of our societies....We built the college and moved our species out of the stone age and slowly handed more power not only for the upper class, but for the other 99% of our societies. We cleaned up our messes, and expected better in the past....Why should anything be different today?

What the tea party wants to do is take us back to the stone age and shit on everything we have ever did to better humanity. Do you realize that the tea party believes in the very worse of our species from the outright hatred of education to the hatred of modern civilization its self as they fight for the good old days before such concepts. How the hell can we vote for such that fights to enrich modern day BARONS, thinks education is evil and believes that the people shouldn't have a right to have a government that governs for all of our betterment.

I beg every male be they educated or not to say NO to the republican party! It plays to our cave man days and that isn't what we're anymore. We're better! I am going to be very disappointing in the male sex if it chooses to hunt and live in caves again on Nov 9th instead of being the civilized men that i know we all can be. Of course, I understand full well with the very same feelings and understanding that we're treated unfairly and Hillary isn't the best for changing that, but she is better then turning our backs on everything we have ever done to advance our world. There's better ways and that is to not be silent any longer and demand just as much respect as everyone else.

I appeal to your better judgement. for the most corrupt women to have ever held government office..why not give her complete control over law enforcement so she can keep stealing money from poor Haitians suffering from starvation and death........

The idiot who created this thread wants to give even more tax money to the very same people who spent 19. trillion dollars and accomplished nothing for it.........none of the infrastructure this moron keeps babbling about....they didn't spend the 19 trillion dollars we are in debt on infrastructure or science development...but hey...this genius wants to give them even more money they won't use on infrastructure or research.....

Well, we need to elect a congress that will demand that she will spend the money in those areas. Maybe I am a idiot but I kind of wish to keep living in a civilized country.

Who...the same guys who created the spending bills that didn't fund infrastructure and science research.......and created the 19 trillion Debt...hey bills start in the House......

You want to keep giving money to the idiots who misspent 19 trillion dollars.....please don't tell us you actually handle your own money...please tell us you have a legal guardian who put you on an allowance.......

I realize it is insane but I just want America to remain a respectable world power. I'll admit that we have a lot of corruption and we need to clean it up.

Maybe I am wrong but I am doing what I feel is best for the good of this nation.
I think all the crooks, thieves and grifters err....government employes, will vote Clinton....
Yep, all sane men need to vote Hillary Clinton! The tea party seeks to destroy everything our sex has created from infrastructure that men built with our bare hands from the earliest civilizations until modern times, to the science that men like Newton, Michael Faraday, Archimedes, Galileo Galilei, and Niels David Bohr spent decades of their lives in order to advance our world, while probably our greatest achievement that allows humanities great societies to function is our democratic and republican forms of governments that allows all of our peoples to have a say over the future of our societies....We built the college and moved our species out of the stone age and slowly handed more power not only for the upper class, but for the other 99% of our societies. We cleaned up our messes, and expected better in the past....Why should anything be different today?

What the tea party wants to do is take us back to the stone age and shit on everything we have ever did to better humanity. Do you realize that the tea party believes in the very worse of our species from the outright hatred of education to the hatred of modern civilization its self as they fight for the good old days before such concepts. How the hell can we vote for such that fights to enrich modern day BARONS, thinks education is evil and believes that the people shouldn't have a right to have a government that governs for all of our betterment.

I beg every male be they educated or not to say NO to the republican party! It plays to our cave man days and that isn't what we're anymore. We're better! I am going to be very disappointing in the male sex if it chooses to hunt and live in caves again on Nov 9th instead of being the civilized men that i know we all can be. Of course, I understand full well with the very same feelings and understanding that we're treated unfairly and Hillary isn't the best for changing that, but she is better then turning our backs on everything we have ever done to advance our world. There's better ways and that is to not be silent any longer and demand just as much respect as everyone else.

I appeal to your better judgement. for the most corrupt women to have ever held government office..why not give her complete control over law enforcement so she can keep stealing money from poor Haitians suffering from starvation and death........

The idiot who created this thread wants to give even more tax money to the very same people who spent 19. trillion dollars and accomplished nothing for it.........none of the infrastructure this moron keeps babbling about....they didn't spend the 19 trillion dollars we are in debt on infrastructure or science development...but hey...this genius wants to give them even more money they won't use on infrastructure or research.....

Well, we need to elect a congress that will demand that she will spend the money in those areas. Maybe I am a idiot but I kind of wish to keep living in a civilized country.

Who...the same guys who created the spending bills that didn't fund infrastructure and science research.......and created the 19 trillion Debt...hey bills start in the House......

You want to keep giving money to the idiots who misspent 19 trillion dollars.....please don't tell us you actually handle your own money...please tell us you have a legal guardian who put you on an allowance.......

I realize it is insane but I just want America to remain a respectable world power. I'll is admit that we have a lot of corruption and we need to clean it up.

Maybe I am wrong but I am doing what I feel is best for the good of this nation.

Putting Hilary in charge is not the best for this nation.........she has already shown that the corruption for the second time in office is going to be massive......the Clinton foundation and the money it has already taken in from American and foreign favor seekers is just the beginning.......they became billionaires from her being Secretary of State and the FBI,was told not to investigate it.....imagine when she is in charge of the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Justice...with her hand picked Attorney General.........the corruption is going to be epic.....
You guys are the guys who cry wolf. After 36 years ya got nothing for the most corrupt women to have ever held government office..why not give her complete control over law enforcement so she can keep stealing money from poor Haitians suffering from starvation and death........

The idiot who created this thread wants to give even more tax money to the very same people who spent 19. trillion dollars and accomplished nothing for it.........none of the infrastructure this moron keeps babbling about....they didn't spend the 19 trillion dollars we are in debt on infrastructure or science development...but hey...this genius wants to give them even more money they won't use on infrastructure or research.....

Well, we need to elect a congress that will demand that she will spend the money in those areas. Maybe I am a idiot but I kind of wish to keep living in a civilized country.

Who...the same guys who created the spending bills that didn't fund infrastructure and science research.......and created the 19 trillion Debt...hey bills start in the House......

You want to keep giving money to the idiots who misspent 19 trillion dollars.....please don't tell us you actually handle your own money...please tell us you have a legal guardian who put you on an allowance.......

I realize it is insane but I just want America to remain a respectable world power. I'll is admit that we have a lot of corruption and we need to clean it up.

Maybe I am wrong but I am doing what I feel is best for the good of this nation.

Putting Hilary in charge is not the best for this nation.........she has already shown that the corruption for the second time in office is going to be massive......the Clinton foundation and the money it has already taken in from American and foreign favor seekers is just the beginning.......they became billionaires from her being Secretary of State and the FBI,was told not to investigate it.....imagine when she is in charge of the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Justice...with her hand picked Attorney General.........the corruption is going to be epic.....
You guys are the guys who cry wolf. After 36 years ya got nothing

Yeah.........keep telling yourself that........the democrats will protect their power no matter what.........
Well, we need to elect a congress that will demand that she will spend the money in those areas. Maybe I am a idiot but I kind of wish to keep living in a civilized country.

Who...the same guys who created the spending bills that didn't fund infrastructure and science research.......and created the 19 trillion Debt...hey bills start in the House......

You want to keep giving money to the idiots who misspent 19 trillion dollars.....please don't tell us you actually handle your own money...please tell us you have a legal guardian who put you on an allowance.......

I realize it is insane but I just want America to remain a respectable world power. I'll is admit that we have a lot of corruption and we need to clean it up.

Maybe I am wrong but I am doing what I feel is best for the good of this nation.

Putting Hilary in charge is not the best for this nation.........she has already shown that the corruption for the second time in office is going to be massive......the Clinton foundation and the money it has already taken in from American and foreign favor seekers is just the beginning.......they became billionaires from her being Secretary of State and the FBI,was told not to investigate it.....imagine when she is in charge of the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Justice...with her hand picked Attorney General.........the corruption is going to be epic.....
You guys are the guys who cry wolf. After 36 years ya got nothing

Yeah.........keep telling yourself that........the democrats will protect their power no matter what.........
Can you blame us? The GOP is anti middle class. We are middle class.

Or we understand we don't want the middle class to disappear which is what happened when bush was potus.

We will do anything to keep the GOP out of the white house.
Who...the same guys who created the spending bills that didn't fund infrastructure and science research.......and created the 19 trillion Debt...hey bills start in the House......

You want to keep giving money to the idiots who misspent 19 trillion dollars.....please don't tell us you actually handle your own money...please tell us you have a legal guardian who put you on an allowance.......

I realize it is insane but I just want America to remain a respectable world power. I'll is admit that we have a lot of corruption and we need to clean it up.

Maybe I am wrong but I am doing what I feel is best for the good of this nation.

Putting Hilary in charge is not the best for this nation.........she has already shown that the corruption for the second time in office is going to be massive......the Clinton foundation and the money it has already taken in from American and foreign favor seekers is just the beginning.......they became billionaires from her being Secretary of State and the FBI,was told not to investigate it.....imagine when she is in charge of the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Justice...with her hand picked Attorney General.........the corruption is going to be epic.....
You guys are the guys who cry wolf. After 36 years ya got nothing

Yeah.........keep telling yourself that........the democrats will protect their power no matter what.........
Can you blame us? The GOP is anti middle class. We are middle class.

Or we understand we don't want the middle class to disappear which is what happened when bush was potus.

We will do anything to keep the GOP out of the white house.

The only friend of the middle class is the republicans........see any growth of the middle class under Obama? 19 trillion in debt and Hilary is talking about more free handouts........the only thing they know is tax, spend and grow government.........and it will be unstoppable with her control of the Supreme Court.
I realize it is insane but I just want America to remain a respectable world power. I'll is admit that we have a lot of corruption and we need to clean it up.

Maybe I am wrong but I am doing what I feel is best for the good of this nation.

Putting Hilary in charge is not the best for this nation.........she has already shown that the corruption for the second time in office is going to be massive......the Clinton foundation and the money it has already taken in from American and foreign favor seekers is just the beginning.......they became billionaires from her being Secretary of State and the FBI,was told not to investigate it.....imagine when she is in charge of the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Justice...with her hand picked Attorney General.........the corruption is going to be epic.....
You guys are the guys who cry wolf. After 36 years ya got nothing

Yeah.........keep telling yourself that........the democrats will protect their power no matter what.........
Can you blame us? The GOP is anti middle class. We are middle class.

Or we understand we don't want the middle class to disappear which is what happened when bush was potus.

We will do anything to keep the GOP out of the white house.

The only friend of the middle class is the republicans........see any growth of the middle class under Obama? 19 trillion in debt and Hilary is talking about more free handouts........the only thing they know is tax, spend and grow government.........and it will be unstoppable with her control of the Supreme Court.
You got that right. I bet you dread the next 4 years
Who...the same guys who created the spending bills that didn't fund infrastructure and science research.......and created the 19 trillion Debt...hey bills start in the House......

You want to keep giving money to the idiots who misspent 19 trillion dollars.....please don't tell us you actually handle your own money...please tell us you have a legal guardian who put you on an allowance.......

I realize it is insane but I just want America to remain a respectable world power. I'll is admit that we have a lot of corruption and we need to clean it up.

Maybe I am wrong but I am doing what I feel is best for the good of this nation.

Putting Hilary in charge is not the best for this nation.........she has already shown that the corruption for the second time in office is going to be massive......the Clinton foundation and the money it has already taken in from American and foreign favor seekers is just the beginning.......they became billionaires from her being Secretary of State and the FBI,was told not to investigate it.....imagine when she is in charge of the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Justice...with her hand picked Attorney General.........the corruption is going to be epic.....
You guys are the guys who cry wolf. After 36 years ya got nothing

Yeah.........keep telling yourself that........the democrats will protect their power no matter what.........
Can you blame us? The GOP is anti middle class. We are middle class.

Or we understand we don't want the middle class to disappear which is what happened when bush was potus.

We will do anything to keep the GOP out of the white house.

What do you think is going to happen when they allow unlimited immigration? With full government benefits? What do you think is going to happen to the middle income people then? You guys see Venezuala and you think that it won't happen here.........she is going to be the greatest crony socialist the world has ever give her money, or you get crushed......and then you will see the real destruction of the middle income worker....
Yep, all sane men need to vote Hillary Clinton! The tea party seeks to destroy everything our sex has created from infrastructure that men built with our bare hands from the earliest civilizations until modern times, to the science that men like Newton, Michael Faraday, Archimedes, Galileo Galilei, and Niels David Bohr spent decades of their lives in order to advance our world, while probably our greatest achievement that allows humanities great societies to function is our democratic and republican forms of governments that allows all of our peoples to have a say over the future of our societies....We built the college and moved our species out of the stone age and slowly handed more power not only for the upper class, but for the other 99% of our societies. We cleaned up our messes, and expected better in the past....Why should anything be different today?

What the tea party wants to do is take us back to the stone age and shit on everything we have ever did to better humanity. Do you realize that the tea party believes in the very worse of our species from the outright hatred of education to the hatred of modern civilization its self as they fight for the good old days before such concepts. How the hell can we vote for such that fights to enrich modern day BARONS, thinks education is evil and believes that the people shouldn't have a right to have a government that governs for all of our betterment.

I beg every male be they educated or not to say NO to the republican party! It plays to our cave man days and that isn't what we're anymore. We're better! I am going to be very disappointing in the male sex if it chooses to hunt and live in caves again on Nov 9th instead of being the civilized men that i know we all can be. Of course, I understand full well with the very same feelings and understanding that we're treated unfairly and Hillary isn't the best for changing that, but she is better then turning our backs on everything we have ever done to advance our world. There's better ways and that is to not be silent any longer and demand just as much respect as everyone else.

I appeal to your better judgement. for the most corrupt women to have ever held government office..why not give her complete control over law enforcement so she can keep stealing money from poor Haitians suffering from starvation and death........

The idiot who created this thread wants to give even more tax money to the very same people who spent 19. trillion dollars and accomplished nothing for it.........none of the infrastructure this moron keeps babbling about....they didn't spend the 19 trillion dollars we are in debt on infrastructure or science development...but hey...this genius wants to give them even more money they won't use on infrastructure or research.....

Well, we need to elect a congress that will demand that she will spend the money in those areas. Maybe I am a idiot but I kind of wish to keep living in a civilized country.

Who...the same guys who created the spending bills that didn't fund infrastructure and science research.......and created the 19 trillion Debt...hey bills start in the House......

You want to keep giving money to the idiots who misspent 19 trillion dollars.....please don't tell us you actually handle your own money...please tell us you have a legal guardian who put you on an allowance.......

I realize it is insane but I just want America to remain a respectable world power. I'll is admit that we have a lot of corruption and we need to clean it up.

Maybe I am wrong but I am doing what I feel is best for the good of this nation.

Putting Hilary in charge is not the best for this nation.........she has already shown that the corruption for the second time in office is going to be massive......the Clinton foundation and the money it has already taken in from American and foreign favor seekers is just the beginning.......they became billionaires from her being Secretary of State and the FBI,was told not to investigate it.....imagine when she is in charge of the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Justice...with her hand picked Attorney General.........the corruption is going to be epic.....
She needs to win the election to avoid prison time.
Putting Hilary in charge is not the best for this nation.........she has already shown that the corruption for the second time in office is going to be massive......the Clinton foundation and the money it has already taken in from American and foreign favor seekers is just the beginning.......they became billionaires from her being Secretary of State and the FBI,was told not to investigate it.....imagine when she is in charge of the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Justice...with her hand picked Attorney General.........the corruption is going to be epic.....
You guys are the guys who cry wolf. After 36 years ya got nothing

Yeah.........keep telling yourself that........the democrats will protect their power no matter what.........
Can you blame us? The GOP is anti middle class. We are middle class.

Or we understand we don't want the middle class to disappear which is what happened when bush was potus.

We will do anything to keep the GOP out of the white house.

The only friend of the middle class is the republicans........see any growth of the middle class under Obama? 19 trillion in debt and Hilary is talking about more free handouts........the only thing they know is tax, spend and grow government.........and it will be unstoppable with her control of the Supreme Court.
You got that right. I bet you dread the next 4 years

If Hilary gets in office it won't be 4 will be the rest of my life and that of the kids and grand kids.........this country will be a welfare state with no hope of being more than that...... for the most corrupt women to have ever held government office..why not give her complete control over law enforcement so she can keep stealing money from poor Haitians suffering from starvation and death........

The idiot who created this thread wants to give even more tax money to the very same people who spent 19. trillion dollars and accomplished nothing for it.........none of the infrastructure this moron keeps babbling about....they didn't spend the 19 trillion dollars we are in debt on infrastructure or science development...but hey...this genius wants to give them even more money they won't use on infrastructure or research.....

Well, we need to elect a congress that will demand that she will spend the money in those areas. Maybe I am a idiot but I kind of wish to keep living in a civilized country.

Who...the same guys who created the spending bills that didn't fund infrastructure and science research.......and created the 19 trillion Debt...hey bills start in the House......

You want to keep giving money to the idiots who misspent 19 trillion dollars.....please don't tell us you actually handle your own money...please tell us you have a legal guardian who put you on an allowance.......

I realize it is insane but I just want America to remain a respectable world power. I'll is admit that we have a lot of corruption and we need to clean it up.

Maybe I am wrong but I am doing what I feel is best for the good of this nation.

Putting Hilary in charge is not the best for this nation.........she has already shown that the corruption for the second time in office is going to be massive......the Clinton foundation and the money it has already taken in from American and foreign favor seekers is just the beginning.......they became billionaires from her being Secretary of State and the FBI,was told not to investigate it.....imagine when she is in charge of the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Justice...with her hand picked Attorney General.........the corruption is going to be epic.....
She needs to win the election to avoid prison time.

No.......the system is too corrupt........they will never get her.....the democrat media will protect her the same way they protected her husband......
Well, we need to elect a congress that will demand that she will spend the money in those areas. Maybe I am a idiot but I kind of wish to keep living in a civilized country.

Who...the same guys who created the spending bills that didn't fund infrastructure and science research.......and created the 19 trillion Debt...hey bills start in the House......

You want to keep giving money to the idiots who misspent 19 trillion dollars.....please don't tell us you actually handle your own money...please tell us you have a legal guardian who put you on an allowance.......

I realize it is insane but I just want America to remain a respectable world power. I'll is admit that we have a lot of corruption and we need to clean it up.

Maybe I am wrong but I am doing what I feel is best for the good of this nation.

Putting Hilary in charge is not the best for this nation.........she has already shown that the corruption for the second time in office is going to be massive......the Clinton foundation and the money it has already taken in from American and foreign favor seekers is just the beginning.......they became billionaires from her being Secretary of State and the FBI,was told not to investigate it.....imagine when she is in charge of the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Justice...with her hand picked Attorney General.........the corruption is going to be epic.....
She needs to win the election to avoid prison time.

No.......the system is too corrupt........they will never get her.....the democrat media will protect her the same way they protected her husband......
You may be right, but in her mind, she can't leave it to chance.
Putting Hilary in charge is not the best for this nation.........she has already shown that the corruption for the second time in office is going to be massive......the Clinton foundation and the money it has already taken in from American and foreign favor seekers is just the beginning.......they became billionaires from her being Secretary of State and the FBI,was told not to investigate it.....imagine when she is in charge of the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Justice...with her hand picked Attorney General.........the corruption is going to be epic.....
You guys are the guys who cry wolf. After 36 years ya got nothing

Yeah.........keep telling yourself that........the democrats will protect their power no matter what.........
Can you blame us? The GOP is anti middle class. We are middle class.

Or we understand we don't want the middle class to disappear which is what happened when bush was potus.

We will do anything to keep the GOP out of the white house.

The only friend of the middle class is the republicans........see any growth of the middle class under Obama? 19 trillion in debt and Hilary is talking about more free handouts........the only thing they know is tax, spend and grow government.........and it will be unstoppable with her control of the Supreme Court.
You got that right. I bet you dread the next 4 years
You will hate the next 8 years of Trump......
Yep, all sane men need to vote Hillary Clinton! The tea party seeks to destroy everything our sex has created from infrastructure that men built with our bare hands from the earliest civilizations until modern times, to the science that men like Newton, Michael Faraday, Archimedes, Galileo Galilei, and Niels David Bohr spent decades of their lives in order to advance our world, while probably our greatest achievement that allows humanities great societies to function is our democratic and republican forms of governments that allows all of our peoples to have a say over the future of our societies....We built the college and moved our species out of the stone age and slowly handed more power not only for the upper class, but for the other 99% of our societies. We cleaned up our messes, and expected better in the past....Why should anything be different today?

What the tea party wants to do is take us back to the stone age and shit on everything we have ever did to better humanity. Do you realize that the tea party believes in the very worse of our species from the outright hatred of education to the hatred of modern civilization its self as they fight for the good old days before such concepts. How the hell can we vote for such that fights to enrich modern day BARONS, thinks education is evil and believes that the people shouldn't have a right to have a government that governs for all of our betterment.

I beg every male be they educated or not to say NO to the republican party! It plays to our cave man days and that isn't what we're anymore. We're better! I am going to be very disappointing in the male sex if it chooses to hunt and live in caves again on Nov 9th instead of being the civilized men that i know we all can be. Of course, I understand full well with the very same feelings and understanding that we're treated unfairly and Hillary isn't the best for changing that, but she is better then turning our backs on everything we have ever done to advance our world. There's better ways and that is to not be silent any longer and demand just as much respect as everyone else.

I appeal to your better judgement.
You are insane.
Yep, all sane men need to vote Hillary Clinton! The tea party seeks to destroy everything our sex has created from infrastructure that men built with our bare hands from the earliest civilizations until modern times
I don't think anyone believes that you have ever built anything with your bare hands. You simply do not comprehend physics well enough to try to build anything without killing yourself.
Yep, all sane men need to vote Hillary Clinton! The tea party seeks to destroy everything our sex has created from infrastructure that men built with our bare hands from the earliest civilizations until modern times, to the science that men like Newton, Michael Faraday, Archimedes, Galileo Galilei, and Niels David Bohr spent decades of their lives in order to advance our world, while probably our greatest achievement that allows humanities great societies to function is our democratic and republican forms of governments that allows all of our peoples to have a say over the future of our societies....We built the college and moved our species out of the stone age and slowly handed more power not only for the upper class, but for the other 99% of our societies. We cleaned up our messes, and expected better in the past....Why should anything be different today?

What the tea party wants to do is take us back to the stone age and shit on everything we have ever did to better humanity. Do you realize that the tea party believes in the very worse of our species from the outright hatred of education to the hatred of modern civilization its self as they fight for the good old days before such concepts. How the hell can we vote for such that fights to enrich modern day BARONS, thinks education is evil and believes that the people shouldn't have a right to have a government that governs for all of our betterment.

I beg every male be they educated or not to say NO to the republican party! It plays to our cave man days and that isn't what we're anymore. We're better! I am going to be very disappointing in the male sex if it chooses to hunt and live in caves again on Nov 9th instead of being the civilized men that i know we all can be. Of course, I understand full well with the very same feelings and understanding that we're treated unfairly and Hillary isn't the best for changing that, but she is better then turning our backs on everything we have ever done to advance our world. There's better ways and that is to not be silent any longer and demand just as much respect as everyone else.

I appeal to your better judgement. for the most corrupt women to have ever held government office..why not give her complete control over law enforcement so she can keep stealing money from poor Haitians suffering from starvation and death........

The idiot who created this thread wants to give even more tax money to the very same people who spent 19. trillion dollars and accomplished nothing for it.........none of the infrastructure this moron keeps babbling about....they didn't spend the 19 trillion dollars we are in debt on infrastructure or science development...but hey...this genius wants to give them even more money they won't use on infrastructure or research.....

Well, we need to elect a congress that will demand that she will spend the money in those areas. Maybe I am a idiot but I kind of wish to keep living in a civilized country.

Who...the same guys who created the spending bills that didn't fund infrastructure and science research.......and created the 19 trillion Debt...hey bills start in the House......

You want to keep giving money to the idiots who misspent 19 trillion dollars.....please don't tell us you actually handle your own money...please tell us you have a legal guardian who put you on an allowance.......

I realize it is insane but I just want America to remain a respectable world power. I'll admit that we have a lot of corruption and we need to clean it up.

Maybe I am wrong but I am doing what I feel is best for the good of this nation.
You just nailed it,Slick.

The corruption needs to be cleaned up, BEFORE, you get 1 more dime.

Maybe I'm wrong, there are many on this board and in this nation that feel that they want what is good for this nation.

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