All Settlements Are Illigitimate?


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2012
Buzzard Gulch, NC
John Kerry (Herman Munster) just stuck a knife in Israel's back and a knife to the heart of the peace talks by saying that America considers ALL settlements to be illegitimate. Just one day before talks begin. This has to be the most evil administration in our history. Palestinians will jump on this like ugly on an ape. Obviously, Kerry wishes to give Israel no room for negotiation.

Sorry...I don't know how to edit the link to read like the headline and there is a 30 second ad but I guarantee if you watch the video it will make you want to puke.^ADAk6.sT8Ele8AwVZSRTUjxaaREkiU-
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John Kerry (Herman Munster) just stuck a knife in Israel's back and a knife to the heart of the peace talks by saying that America considers ALL settlements to be illegitimate. Just one day before talks begin. This has to be the most evil administration in our history. Palestinians will jump on this like ugly on an ape. Obviously, Kerry wishes to give Israel no room for negotiation.

Sorry...I don't know how to edit the link to read like the headline and there is a 30 second ad but I guarantee if you watch the video it will make you want to puke.^ADAk6.sT8Ele8AwVZSRTUjxaaREkiU-
Thanks for the link.

I don't think John Kerry can take the heat of the American people when he starts siding with the Nazis who have their Mein Kampf (Adolph Hitler) manuals sitting next to their copy of the Koran.

Now I see why Obama picked someone who hates American allies as much as he to fill Hillary's shoes.

The underestimation is of the American people whose fathers fought those who killed 6 million Jews from Krystallnacht through the end flourishes of WWII. Many SS went to the Middle East to escape punishment, where they lent a hand in killing as many Jews as possible. Killing Jews was their life's work anyways, and when the nation of Israel was formed at the behest of the Allies as part and parcel of WWII outcome to settle the dispute of Jews in Europe, America signed on.

Kerry is not allowed to set the stage for another Holocaust. The Palestinians already have their grandiose plan mapped out.

Impeach Kerry. Before his blood lust gets the better of us.
And what about these "secure recognized defensible borders?" US administration, (2 minutes 50 seconds in the video from 2008). Oh, how you have deceived us, Mr Barack Hussein Obama, how you have deceived us.

[ame=]Pro-Israel Highlights of Barack Obama Speech for AIPAC - YouTube[/ame]
Obama is all about snubbing people. He's snubbed the English dignitaries who hosted him in their home by sending gifts back in the least dignified manner imaginable. He snubbed Netanyahu when Israel needed to talk to him. He's presently snubbing Putin rather than manning up for a simple face-to-face meeting he personally cancelled, fearing he would say something that would interfere with him rallying the precinct "you know what you have to do" chairmen to rake in undeserved votes from people on respirators or are in the grave. Newsflash: when you die, you can't vote any more. You can't will votes from now to doomsday, you are done. Voting is for the living, not the precinct chairmen to augment an undeserving candidate's poll numbers.

While alive, a President should fight for the people of his own country and not to refer to them as "the enemy" like he told God and everybody about Republicans to anyone who would listen to speeches that used to be dignified occasions.

No more! He's brought dirt to the bully pulpit the U.S. Presidency used to be. The dirt may make a mound, but it doesn't make a man taller, it swallows him! It ruins his good looks, and it smears his family.

Shame on Obama for damning his "enemies," the Republicans, and the US Flag to the entire universe.

I'm sick of Barack Obama and his minions destroying long-standing friendships with allies. I'm sorry to see power make this nation lesser. He has done Jeremiah Wright's sick prophecy. Everything he's done has God-damned America. I'll be glad when he's out of office. He's been so hateful, they had to close the White House down from Americans getting to see "the people's house" of yesteryear that the WH has always been.

And our friends should be greeted and welcomed when they come to Washington or need us. We're not the boss of them.
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John Kerry (Herman Munster) just stuck a knife in Israel's back and a knife to the heart of the peace talks by saying that America considers ALL settlements to be illegitimate. Just one day before talks begin. This has to be the most evil administration in our history. Palestinians will jump on this like ugly on an ape. Obviously, Kerry wishes to give Israel no room for negotiation.

Sorry...I don't know how to edit the link to read like the headline and there is a 30 second ad but I guarantee if you watch the video it will make you want to puke.^ADAk6.sT8Ele8AwVZSRTUjxaaREkiU-
Thanks for the link.

I don't think John Kerry can take the heat of the American people when he starts siding with the Nazis who have their Mein Kampf (Adolph Hitler) manuals sitting next to their copy of the Koran.

Now I see why Obama picked someone who hates American allies as much as he to fill Hillary's shoes.

The underestimation is of the American people whose fathers fought those who killed 6 million Jews from Krystallnacht through the end flourishes of WWII. Many SS went to the Middle East to escape punishment, where they lent a hand in killing as many Jews as possible. Killing Jews was their life's work anyways, and when the nation of Israel was formed at the behest of the Allies as part and parcel of WWII outcome to settle the dispute of Jews in Europe, America signed on.

Kerry is not allowed to set the stage for another Holocaust. The Palestinians already have their grandiose plan mapped out.

Impeach Kerry. Before his blood lust gets the better of us.

I have loathed the man for 40 years. He went to Viet Nam. The policy then was if you got 3 Purple Hearts they sent you home. He spent 120 days in country and got 3 Purple Hearts without spending a day in the hospital. How is that possible? He came home joined the veterans against the war, led demonstrations and threw his medals over the White House fence and then went before congress and called our soldiers and war criminals and baby killers. Thank God it was the veterans vote that kept him out of the White House.
Obama is all about snubbing people. He's snubbed the English dignitaries who hosted him in their home by sending gifts back in the least dignified manner imaginable. He snubbed Netanyahu when Israel needed to talk to him. He's presently snubbing Putin rather than manning up for a simple face-to-face meeting he personally cancelled, fearing he would say something that would interfere with him rallying the precinct "you know what you have to do" chairmen to rake in undeserved votes from people on respirators or are in the grave. Newsflash: when you die, you can't vote any more. You can't will votes from now to doomsday, you are done. Voting is for the living, not the precinct chairmen to augment an undeserving candidate's poll numbers.

While alive, a President should fight for the people of his own country and not to refer to them as "the enemy" like he told God and everybody about Republicans to anyone who would listen to speeches that used to be dignified occasions.

No more! He's brought dirt to the bully pulpit the U.S. Presidency used to be. The dirt may make a mound, but it doesn't make a man taller, it swallows him! It ruins his good looks, and it smears his family.

Shame on Obama for damning his "enemies," the Republicans, and the US Flag to the entire universe.

I'm sick of Barack Obama and his minions destroying long-standing friendships with allies. I'm sorry to see power make this nation lesser. He has done Jeremiah Wright's sick prophecy. Everything he's done has God-damned America. I'll be glad when he's out of office. He's been so hateful, they had to close the White House down from Americans getting to see "the people's house" of yesteryear that the WH has always been.

And our friends should be greeted and welcomed when they come to Washington or need us. We're not the boss of them.

I generally don't approve of Obama, but he was right in snubbing Putin IMO. Russia harboring Snowden was a slap in the face to America. How else would we show our displeasure at what Putin did to us?
The settlements have no legitimacy. This is the consistent statement of the international community. No amount of dishonest lawyers will change that.

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