All students should feel safe, but it’s wrong to treat black kids differently

I laugh when I see these ideas put in place.

All of the schools I attended, from k to 12 and college were absolutely loaded with black students. And in every case, the black students were the biggest fuckups imaginable. And sadly, they NEVER seem to change.

As a group, they are LOUD, aggressive, and undisciplined. But they whine so much and so loudly that many -- no, MOST, teachers and officials are afraid to be truthful, publicly, in discussing their behavior.

Our schools have become shitholes - in many cases - because the REAL source of the problems are never discussed. Only blacks can address the real problems within their communities - including many deep and serious cultural problems.

But, they, too, are afraid to HONESTLY examine their own responsibility for many of the problems they face - problems they often create for themselves. They obviously find it easier to scream "racism!!!" and blame whitey for all of their problems.

So round and round we go...and not a fucking thing ever

I am too chicken to be as frank as you.

I will try to have a little guts, however, and say this: This situation will never improve.

I do NOT know whether the problem is cultural or genetic. (Maybe it is a little of both.)

The hopes of the 1960s have been completely dashed.

Dr. King's dream, I fear, will never be realized.
I am too chicken to be as frank as you.

I will try to have a little guts, however, and say this: This situation will never improve.

I do NOT know whether the problem is cultural or genetic. (Maybe it is a little of both.)

The hopes of the 1960s have been completely dashed.

Dr. King's dream, I fear, will never be realized.
this being the usa, that is true until blacks are equally rich. tax the gd rich and invest in america again, cheap college and training LIKE EVERYWHERE ELSE in the modern world. Not genetic.
I laugh when I see these ideas put in place.

All of the schools I attended, from k to 12 and college were absolutely loaded with black students. And in every case, the black students were the biggest fuckups imaginable. And sadly, they NEVER seem to change.

As a group, they are LOUD, aggressive, and undisciplined. But they whine so much and so loudly that many -- no, MOST, teachers and officials are afraid to be truthful, publicly, in discussing their behavior.

Our schools have become shitholes - in many cases - because the REAL source of the problems are never discussed. Only blacks can address the real problems within their communities - including many deep and serious cultural problems.

But, they, too, are afraid to HONESTLY examine their own responsibility for many of the problems they face - problems they often create for themselves. They obviously find it easier to scream "racism!!!" and blame whitey for all of their problems.

So round and round we go...and not a fucking thing ever improves.
The real source of the problem is the GOP which refuses taxing the rich and investing in cheap college and training, or a gd living wage health care day care great infrastructure and vacations LIKE EVERY OTHER MODERN COUNTRY. Thanks evil New BS GOP and silly dupes...
this being the usa, that is true until blacks are equally rich. tax the gd rich and invest in america again, cheap college and training LIKE EVERYWHERE ELSE in the modern world. Not genetic.
Just another BS rant excusing the black community of any responsibility. Blacks are poor because some whites are rich? More blacks need to attend college when they can't read, add or write at grade level coming out of high school? Just more liberal thinking and it's everybody else's fault and if that doesn't float, everybody gets a free pass.
IMHO, one of the defining problems of our time is irresponsibility. Nobody wants to take the blame for their own mistakes or stupidity or bad decisions. Too many people have babies but are not prepared to raise them properly, and not just minority people either. A kid grows up unsupervised and undisciplined and we tend to blame the kid for his/her lack of education or training in any marketable skill. But whose fault is that really? Where were the parents? It's their fault as much or more than their kids if the kid can't earn a decent living.

So how should society treat these kids? Special treatment cuz they are 'underserved'? Doesn't that perpetuate the problem? A generation to generation dependency already exists, no? How do we break the cycle?
I think a lot of the problem starts at home. Parents need to take an active role in helping their kids learn and behave. Kids learn their behavior from somewhere.
To help Black students feel safer, schools must embrace their cultural identity

To help Black students feel safer, schools must embrace their cultural identity

If black children are being disciplined more, it is probably because they are misbehaving more. When my daughter was in elementary school, the black kids were the most disciplined, and most of the teachers were black. It’s not about race, it’s about teaching your kids to behave.
Black Student Schedule:

Free breakfast
Free Lunch
Black History
Guns and Ammo

After school activities are:
Instruction on:
Pimping & Prostituting
Drug Dealing
Being a Victim

Mathematics, Sciences and English of course are off the curriculum, being racist as they are. Attendance will not be mandatory and no one will fail.
Even your Negro buddies claim they have their own goddamn culture so you must be high on something.

Go back to bed and take a nap and you should feel better when you wake up. Sleep it off..
Even your Negro buddies claim they have their own goddamn culture so you must be high on something.

Go back to bed and take a nap and you should feel better when you wake up. Sleep it off..
Culture is not a color.
Just another BS rant excusing the black community of any responsibility. Blacks are poor because some whites are rich? More blacks need to attend college when they can't read, add or write at grade level coming out of high school? Just more liberal thinking and it's everybody else's fault and if that doesn't float, everybody gets a free pass.
Give them opportunity and they do just fine, brainwashed functional racist dingbat. Every time a billionaire tells a black inner city school class their tuition etc for college is taken care of, they do great. With GOP BS, not so much. Try reality and civilization sometime...Every other modern country has all that stuff...FACT, super duper ignoramus.
Caused by poverty and gop sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP rich from paying their fair share....
You are such a loser, the cities where blacks are having the most problems are run by the Democratic Party and has been that way for decades. You are a failure and a propaganda duped dip.

Maybe you should think before you post, that would be a first, wouldn't it?
IMHO, one of the defining problems of our time is irresponsibility. Nobody wants to take the blame for their own mistakes or stupidity or bad decisions. Too many people have babies but are not prepared to raise them properly, and not just minority people either. A kid grows up unsupervised and undisciplined and we tend to blame the kid for his/her lack of education or training in any marketable skill. But whose fault is that really? Where were the parents? It's their fault as much or more than their kids if the kid can't earn a decent living.

So how should society treat these kids? Special treatment cuz they are 'underserved'? Doesn't that perpetuate the problem? A generation to generation dependency already exists, no? How do we break the cycle?
One of our biggest problems, imo, is that there are ALREADY too many people being being labeled as needy or deserving or simply "victims." Then they are given special treatment in the form of endless welfare programs (Food Stamps, Section 8 housing, free college, money) and of course we can't ever get past the bullshit Affirmative Action PREFERENCE PROGRAMS.

If the government makes it OUR responsibility to "fix" every kid born to lousy parents, we'll soon have every stinking who're in the country dropping babies like pigs - then dropping them in OUR lap.

The last thing this country needs is more "Social Programs." All they ever do is create more worthless deadbeats.

How about classes in personal responsibility, keeping a job, meeting one's responsibility, self-reliance, the work ethic, the value of education. You know, introduce the deadbeats to things they probably know nothing about.

No more freebies. These folks are already experts at holding their hands out to grab ever more free shit. It's time to go to work - for a fucking change.
Where the hell does this come from? "We must embrace their (black) cultural identity"? Are you actually saying that blacks have a different view of right and wrong and that society must accept their perception?
Nope. But just like Irish, Germans, Italians and others have a cultural identity, we do too.
One of our biggest problems, imo, is that there are ALREADY too many people being being labeled as needy or deserving or simply "victims." Then they are given special treatment in the form of endless welfare programs (Food Stamps, Section 8 housing, free college, money) and of course we can't ever get past the bullshit Affirmative Action PREFERENCE PROGRAMS.

If the government makes it OUR responsibility to "fix" every kid born to lousy parents, we'll soon have every stinking who're in the country dropping babies like pigs - then dropping them in OUR lap.

The last thing this country needs is more "Social Programs." All they ever do is create more worthless deadbeats.

How about classes in personal responsibility, keeping a job, meeting one's responsibility, self-reliance, the work ethic, the value of education. You know, introduce the deadbeats to things they probably know nothing about.

No more freebies. These folks are already at holding their hand out for free shit. It's time to go to work - for a fucking change.
Whites have had their hands out for nearly 246 years.
You misread. I agree with you. And there is not another Ethnic group that likes to punch out old ladies in a game called "Knockout". They also beat up Asians in a cowardly manner. Of course ,I have never seen one of the cowardly thugs tackle a grown man.
Funny you say that after a white dude drove 200 miles to shoot up some old black people in a grocery store.

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