All students should feel safe, but it’s wrong to treat black kids differently

One of our biggest problems, imo, is that there are ALREADY too many people being being labeled as needy or deserving or simply "victims." Then they are given special treatment in the form of endless welfare programs (Food Stamps, Section 8 housing, free college, money) and of course we can't ever get past the bullshit Affirmative Action PREFERENCE PROGRAMS.

If the government makes it OUR responsibility to "fix" every kid born to lousy parents, we'll soon have every stinking who're in the country dropping babies like pigs - then dropping them in OUR lap.

The last thing this country needs is more "Social Programs." All they ever do is create more worthless deadbeats.

How about classes in personal responsibility, keeping a job, meeting one's responsibility, self-reliance, the work ethic, the value of education. You know, introduce the deadbeats to things they probably know nothing about.

No more freebies. These folks are already experts at holding their hands out to grab ever more free shit. It's time to go to work - for a fucking change.
How about taxing the rich and giant corps again and investing in cheap college and training etc etc again? Like every other developed country. Note to GOP base dupes: NOT TAXING YOU!!!
You are such a loser, the cities where blacks are having the most problems are run by the Democratic Party and has been that way for decades. You are a failure and a propaganda duped dip.

Maybe you should think before you post, that would be a first, wouldn't it?
So which party has controlled the tax rates on the rich and Big Oil etc the last 40 years, lack of investment in Americans and infrastructure, and have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywere. And you blame the victims, brainwashed functional moron racist lol...NOT A PERSONAL INSULT> Change the channel and go to heaven TY, TYVM. Cheerio, GOP troll...
Think training then, meat head. Meanwhile, smart businesses still like hiring lib arts people who know how to think based on REAL knowledge. Unlike the gop BASE....
I suppose those with Master's in Gay & Lesbian Haiku can flip burgers with the best of them.
The hell with, in other words...every other rich country has cheap or free u. and training. Denmark pays. Being anti- knowledge is not's a Nazi thing too...
So which party has controlled the tax rates on the rich and Big Oil etc the last 40 years, lack of investment in Americans and infrastructure, and have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywere. And you blame the victims, brainwashed functional moron racist lol...NOT A PERSONAL INSULT> Change the channel and go to heaven TY, TYVM. Cheerio, GOP troll...
lol!!! My are you funny! The Dems have also been in power, are they somehow weaker and not able to get anything done?

The answer is they have done shit because they like it the way it has been or they are so stupid and incompetent that they are just really stupid. Which is it?
lol!!! My are you funny! The Dems have also been in power, are they somehow weaker and not able to get anything done?

The answer is they have done shit because they like it the way it has been or they are so stupid and incompetent that they are just really stupid. Which is it?
Actually your narrative is false and the fact that a mayor has one vote at the city council meeting.
The hell with, in other words...every other rich country has cheap or free u. and training. Denmark pays. Being anti- knowledge is not's a Nazi thing too...
Yep, and they carefully vet and decide who is going to get to go to college very early in their school years. Most students don't get the opportunity.
Actually your narrative is false and the fact that a mayor has one vote at the city council meeting.
No, because in those cities the mayor and town councils are mostly Democrat. Atlana, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Detroit, New York City, Portland, Washington DC,.

None of what I said was a false narrative, go ahead and look them up, I did and they 99% Democratic Party held positions. Just the way it is. In California it should be a lot better, because the entire state is Democrats operating the whole state.

So, the Dems are really incompetent or really stupid or both?
How about taxing the rich and giant corps again and investing in cheap college and training etc etc again? Like every other developed country. Note to GOP base dupes: NOT TAXING YOU!!!

The way you obviously hate me? I don't believe you.
No, because in those cities the mayor and town councils are mostly Democrat. Atlana, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Detroit, New York City, Portland, Washington DC,.

None of what I said was a false narrative, go ahead and look them up, I did and they 99% Democratic Party held positions. Just the way it is. In California it should be a lot better, because the entire state is Democrats operating the whole state.

So, the Dems are really incompetent or really stupid or both?
Most people go with what country they are in lol. Dem cities is total BS. Obviously you're talking about crappy black inner cities thanks to the giveaway to the rich racist gop...
The hell with, in other words...every other rich country has cheap or free u. and training. Denmark pays. Being anti- knowledge is not's a Nazi thing too...

Tell me again how you are NOT going to harm our interests with your policies. And keep calling me a Nazi. That makes it soooo convincing.
Give them opportunity and they do just fine, brainwashed functional racist dingbat. Every time a billionaire tells a black inner city school class their tuition etc for college is taken care of, they do great. With GOP BS, not so much. Try reality and civilization sometime...Every other modern country has all that stuff...FACT, super duper ignoramus.
Blacks have all the opportunities in the world which most of them choose to ignore. With the help of the DEMONRAT party, today's blacks are first in line for almost everything they need to succeed. Their failures and on their heads, not society's.
Most people go with what country they are in lol. Dem cities is total BS. Obviously you're talking about crappy black inner cities thanks to the giveaway to the rich racist gop...
I am not talking about black neighborhoods you racist asshole. The areas with problems are the homeless who are, in my area mostly white. So you again are just proving how much you don’t know. I hate you left wing racist morons.

So again we have prove that Democrats and Republicans have been in charge for 40 years and the two parties have screwed America over and you are stupid enough to vote for those that can’t fix anything. You are a brilliant idiot, you vote for who your masters tell you to vote for. Dumb Lemming.
Tell me again how you are NOT going to harm our interests with your policies. And keep calling me a Nazi. That makes it soooo convincing.
too means also, so of course i'm not calling you a nazi. but the founding fathers were all about citizens needing to be well informed and educated for a good democracy....People have always respected wisdom intelligence and old age until dumb and dumber. At any rate, our system is not producing enough trained workers. They say we have 6 million good tech jibs going begging, and oversea no doubt....Shortsighted GOP policy to save the rich from paying can't have a healthy economy or society without healthy middle and lower classes...

All other modern countries have every one of those policies, and they do great, especially when you consider our natural resources. And they are a lot happier.
too means also, so of course i'm not calling you a nazi. but the founding fathers were all about citizens needing to be well informed and educated for a good democracy....People have always respected wisdom intelligence and old age until dumb and dumber. At any rate, our system is not producing enough trained workers. They say we have 6 million good tech jibs going begging, and oversea no doubt....Shortsighted GOP policy to save the rich from paying can't have a healthy economy or society without healthy middle and lower classes...

All other modern countries have every one of those policies, and they do great, especially when you consider our natural resources. And they are a lot happier.

Of course you are calling me a nazi.

And it is wrong of you to cite the Founding Fathers, when you hate them, as much as you hate me.

The issue with our education is because of our crap schools and crap immigration policies and crap trade policy.

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