All that work to defeat Trump...and they've only...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
...made him stronger and proved that no one believes them anymore.

They might as well announce "We're going to prove we didn't rig the last presidential election covertly by attempting to rig this election overtly!"


Nobody on the right seems to want the other offerings. RINOs and back-stabbers.

I dig Vivek, and I am still not counting out DeSantis - despite that not being a popular opinion at the moment.

As far as I'm concerned, those are the only three worth listening to.
...made him stronger and proved that no one believes them anymore.

They might as well announce "We're going to prove we didn't rig the last presidential election covertly by attempting to rig this election overtly!"


You are delusional on this subject.

Three indictments.

More indictments are coming in the next few days or the next week or two.

Your Orange Baboon-God is going down, in the criminal law courts.

As he should.

January 6, 2021, ensured that nobody outside of his own base will vote for him in 2024.

And you can no longer win on your own... you lack the numbers... you need Independents and Swing-Voters... January 6, 2021, ensure that he will not get them.
I'm listening to Vivek.

DeSantis screwed himself jumping in this year. Dude's dead to me. Like he never existed.

You can't deny Desantis' record in FL is nothing short of amazing.

Early days yet.

But I will be the first to admit I'm in the minority on this one, in terms of still having respect for the guy.
You are delusional on this subject.

Three indictments.

More indictments are coming in the next few days or the next week or two.

Your Orange Baboon-God is going down, in the criminal law courts.

As he should.

January 6, 2021, ensured that nobody outside of his own base will vote for him in 2024.

And you can no longer win on your own... you lack the numbers... you need Independents and Swing-Voters... January 6, 2021, ensure that he will not get them.

The rantings of a non-delusional person.
You can't deny Desantis' record in FL is nothing short of amazing.

Early days yet.

But I will be the first to admit I'm in the minority on this one, in terms of still having respect for the guy.
All because Trump dragged him across the finish line supporting him in 2018.

I don't think you guys remember how close that was.


Florida gubernatorial election results | CNN

We have a saying where I come from... You dance with who brung ya.

Without Trump's support...there would be no Governor DeSantis.

And how does Desantis repay him?

Stabs him in the back to dance with the GOP establishment.

Fuck him.
You are delusional on this subject.

Three indictments.

More indictments are coming in the next few days or the next week or two.

Your Orange Baboon-God is going down, in the criminal law courts.

As he should.

January 6, 2021, ensured that nobody outside of his own base will vote for him in 2024.

And you can no longer win on your own... you lack the numbers... you need Independents and Swing-Voters... January 6, 2021, ensure that he will not get them.
Brainwashed liberal says what?
All because Trump dragged him across the finish line supporting him in 2018.

I don't think you guys remember how close that was.

View attachment 814490

Florida gubernatorial election results | CNN

We have a saying where I come from... You dance with who brung ya.

Without Trump's support...there would be no Governor DeSantis.

And how does Desantis repay him?

Stabs him in the back to dance with the GOP establishment.

Politics ain't bean bag.

I get what Trump is saying, I really do.

On the other hand, Trump's achilles heel has always been his allowing Fauci to call way too many shots.

DeSantis did handle COVID much better than Trump, who to this day denies the side affects of the "vaccines".

No politician is perfect.

I happen to be glad we have at least three in our Presidential Primary who I would describe as stellar.

And all of them would be a fuck ton better than the loathsome old crow inhabiting the White House at the moment.
Politics ain't bean bag.

I get what Trump is saying, I really do.

On the other hand, Trump's achilles heel has always been his allowing Fauci to call way too many shots.

DeSantis did handle COVID much better than Trump, who to this day denies the side affects of the "vaccines".

No politician is perfect.

I happen to be glad we have at least three in our Presidential Primary who I would describe as stellar.

And all of them would be a fuck ton better than the loathsome old crow inhabiting the White House at the moment.
For starters, I just want you to know I ain't mad at ya.

You're entitled to your opinion.

That aside out of the way...

I think Trump wanted to fire Fauci, but for appearance sake could not.

Remember he had just fired Comey which the lying liberal media turned into the Mueller prosecution of the Russian Collusion hoax.

The media had help from the corrupt FBI, the corrupt DOJ and the corrupt DNC.

Firing the face of "government expertise" on pandemic response was a bridge to far that his political enemies...which is nearly everyone in media, and Washington... Would have pounced on immediately.

Democrats love technocracy.

'You can't criticize the Science...and I am the Science' paraphrasing Fauci.
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For starters, I just want you to know I ain't mad at ya.

You're entitled to your opinion.

No doubt Brother.

Unlike the intolerant, histrionic Left - us MAGAs can have a difference of opinion without resorting to fisticuffs. ;)

I have found that to be true in real life, just as on this message board.

I also actually didn't disagree with a single solitary thing you posted.

Trump has a valid counter-argument, and if he is the nominee I will crawl over broken glass ten times over to proudly vote for him.

Just saying if he has any weakness, it's clearly in the COVID department.

And there isn't a soul on this Earth entirely bereft of weakness.

Not even Trump.
Because Trump is THE best candidate.

That's why.
Negative, not by a long shot. I won't be voting for him come Super Tuesday. I'll go with someone with less baggage, likely Viv or DeSantis if they are still around by then.

Now if Trump wins the nomination then of course I'll vote for him and if he wins then great but I suspect the down-ticket will suffer greatly (House loss guaranteed, not sure of the Senate) and you will have the same shit-show of the last go-round at minimum.

That's why the dems want a Trump nomination. The electoral college means jack and shit as far as congressional races go....It's straight-up mob rule.

Pull your head out of Trump's ass and look around.....At least it will smell better. ;)
Negative, not by a long shot. I won't be voting for him come Super Tuesday. I'll go with someone with less baggage, likely Viv or DeSantis if they are still around by then.

Now if Trump wins the nomination then of course I'll vote for him and if he wins then great but I suspect the down-ticket will suffer greatly (House loss guaranteed, not sure of the Senate) and you will have the same shit-show of the last go-round at minimum.

That's why the dems want a Trump nomination. The electoral college means jack and shit as far as congressional races go....It's straight-up mob rule.

Pull your head out of Trump's ass and look around.....At least it will smell better. ;)

Someone is ingesting way too much Legacy media Kool Aid.

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