All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Lebanese and other Arab media this week are celebrating the decision by a junior chess player to refuse to compete against an Israeli in a tournament in Abu Dhabi.
The Lebanese chess champion, Nadia Fawaz, withdrew from the 4th round of the 28th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival to avoid facing the Israeli player, Elia Grozman.

Her refusal to play against Grozman came as a statement of refusal to recognize the Israeli state, a stance always taken by Lebanese players and athletes in international competitions.

Some articles list other recent examples of Arab refusal to compete against Israelis in recent international tournaments:
Charbel Abou Daher recently withdrew from the 2022 Youth MMA World Championships in Abu Dhabi, even though some believed he could have won, to avoid playing an Israeli opponent. The Lebanese MMA Federation shared on Instagram an explanation that his decision was made for “patriotic reasons.

Aquilina Al Chayeb is a judo athlete who, during the Athens Junior European Cup 2022, allegedly lost on purpose to avoid facing an Israeli in the next round. The Lebanese Judo Federation allegedly asked their player to lose her current tie to avoid competing with an Israeli in the next round, as to do so would have been considered recognition of Israel. Al Chayeb did not have the option to simply withdraw lest the International Judo Federation (IJF) penalize her and thwart her career, so she went on to deliberately lose.


Earlier this month, Iraqi tennis stars Nasr Mahdi and Mohammad al-Mahdi withdrew from the 2022 Bucharest Wheelchair Open in Romania to avoid playing against their Israeli rivals.

Majid al-Ugaili, president of the Iraqi Tennis Federation, announced in a statement on Aug. 11 that the draw put them on a mathematical path to pairing them with a pair of Israelis. The Iraqi seed team then decided to withdraw from the competition.

As early as July 31, the Palestinian Information Center reported that Jordanian taekwondo player Maysir al-Dahamsheh avoided a confrontation with his Israeli opponent at the 2022 World Taekwondo Cadet and Junior Championships in Sofia, Bulgaria.


A Jordanian national table tennis player did the same last summer at the World Para Table Tennis Championships in Slovenia by withdrawing from the competition to avoid playing against an Israeli opponent.

[In July], Algerian footballer Ahmed Touba refused to accompany his team, İstanbul Basaksehir to a match against Israel's Maccabi Netanya in the second leg of the preliminary round of the Europa Conference League matches. Touba also refused to participate in the first leg of the match in Istanbul on July 21.

A Sudanese judoka Mohamed Abdalrasool pulled out of his match against Tohar Butbul in the 73-kilogram men's division in the Tokyo Olympics last year.

Isn't it time that sports federations get their acts together and ban any country from competition that acts like this? As it is, the athletes are celebrated in their home countries for their "bravery" and they gain more than they lose. It is up to sports federations to ensure that the pain for boycotting matches against Israel (or any country) is greater than the accolades.

And Israel can do its own part. Since much of the Arab psyche is driven by "honor," Israel should put out the message that the Arabs who withdraw from competition are really frightened of losing to an Israeli. Over time, this can turn the refusal from looking honorable to looking cowardly - and athletes would not want to be viewed that way.

(full article online )

Jordanians are also decrying the plan - and they are pretending that they are opposing it for the Palestinians' own good. A group called the National Forum to Support the Resistance and Protect the Homeland urged Palestinians to boycott Ramon Airport - because using it would be considered "normalization" with Israel!

They went on to say:
The National Forum affirms the popular position that normalization is treason that constitutes the greatest service for the Zionist entity to market itself as providing humanitarian facilities by facilitating movement and travel for Palestinians who suffer the scourge of the continuous Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people and their sanctities. ...The occupation wants to cover up its crimes and whitewash its ugly image in front of the world...
Their twisted logic says that Israel only wants to treat Palestinians nicely in order to cover up the fact that Israel treats Palestinians poorly.

The real reason that Jordanians oppose the idea is because right now they have a captive customer base where West Bank Palestinians have no choice but to go through Jordan, which helps Jordan's economy - especially when they are forced to pay "VIP" fees to try to reduce their interminable wait times at the border crossing to Israel. They want to retain their right to treat Palestinians like dirt, and Palestinians know that the Israeli side of the crossing treats them far better than the Jordanian side does.

Closer to the truth is what a PA official said in July: “Israel failed to the turn Ramon Airport into an international terminal. Now, the Israelis are offering us something that didn’t work for them."

Yes, this would benefit Israel. But it would also benefit Palestinians. Why cut off your nose to spite your face?

What about B'Tselem, which has lots of articles on Israeli restrictions on Palestinian movement? Shouldn't they support this plan?

They haven't said a word.

What about Gisha, an Israeli NGO whose entire goal is to protect the freedom of movement of Palestinians? Surely they must have written something positive about a plan that helps Palestinians travel internationally?

Actually, not only has Gisha ignored this story - they also said nothing about the huge delays at the Jordanian crossings that make travel for Palestinians a giant hassle. Not on their website, not on their Facebook page, and not on Twitter, as far as I can tell.

Palestinians can choose to use Ramon Airport if they want. They can choose to continue to use Jordan's airport if they want. This plan does not and cannot hurt a single Palestinian, and it has potential to help thousands of them save hours of time and hundreds of dollars. There is no rational reason to oppose it - if one really cares about Palestinians.

Which is the entire point.

People and organizations who swear that they support Palestinians really don't. The multiple and disparate reasons they give to oppose making Palestinian lives easier is proof that they have no good reason to oppose this plan.

The only consistent thread through this negative reaction, or non-reaction, to a plan that can only benefit Palestinians is that these groups aren't "pro-Palestinian." They are anti-Israel. And anything that benefits Israel in any way is to be strenuously opposed.

And indeed these groups oppose anything Israel does that helps Palestinians. They have built their quasi-governments and organizations on the falsehood that Israel is unparalleled evil. When Israel does anything to help Palestinians, this threatens their entire business model. Their funders don't want to read reports about how Palestinian lives have improved due to Israeli decisions. These organizations' existence is based on churning out papers and reports and articles and interviews that will be eagerly read and paid for by modern antisemites.

Ramon Airport is proof positive of the hypocrisy of so-called "pro-Palestinian" groups.

(full article online)

Kicking off a landmark visit in the United Arab Emirates, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid inaugurated Israel’s embassy in Abu Dhabi.

“Israel wants peace with all of its neighbors,” Lapid said. “We aren’t going anywhere. The Middle East is our home and we’re here to stay, so we call on all countries in the region to recognize that and talk to us.”

“We are standing here today because we chose peace over war, cooperation over conflict,” He added. “War is the surrender to all that is bad within us; peace is the victory of all that is good.”

(full article online)

Well, the FM is FOS. He is not for peace as long as the occupation exists. Hey, word to FM and OP, the Palestinian's are your neighbors too.
Well, the FM is FOS. He is not for peace as long as the occupation exists. Hey, word to FM and OP, the Palestinian's are your neighbors too.
There is no occupation as the Arabs never had sovereignty over the land they invaded or migrated to. It is way too clear for those who know history.

Thank you for showing once again, how you do not follow the news, and how everything is bad for Israel and "Oh, poor Palestinians" in the world you live in.

Israel does a lot with and for the Palestinians. But that world is non existent for you and always will be.
There is no occupation as the Arabs never had sovereignty over the land they invaded or migrated to. It is way too clear for those who know history.

Thank you for showing once again, how you do not follow the news, and how everything is bad for Israel and "Oh, poor Palestinians" in the world you live in.

Israel does a lot with and for the Palestinians. But that world is non existent for you and always will be.
They had more sovereignty than you had for the very fact that they were ALREADY LIVING HERE!
They had more sovereignty than you had for the very fact that they were ALREADY LIVING HERE!
Billo, one of the many super ignorant people on the planet, who does not know history, does not care and will never learn it.



Beats those Muslim invaders from the 7th Century CE the same way as the First Nations of the Americas beat the 15th century invaders of their lands.
A Guardian article by photojournalist Manal Massalha (“Women behind the lens: ‘I find solace in the sea. I feel awash with relief’”, Aug. 2) suggests that the woman in the photo, seen swimming in the Mediterranean, is “Palestinian”.


She’s actually an Arab citizen of Israel, the significance of which we’ll soon explain.

But, first, here’s how the article begins:

This image is of a woman called Ifaf in the shallow waters of the Mediterranean. She can’t swim and fears deep water, but the sea is where she wants to be when feeling overwhelmed. It’s her refuge from life’s pressures.
“The second I see the sea I feel awash with a great sense of relief. Submerging myself washes away anything that bothers me. Almost instantly. The sea is where I find solace. I feel at one with it.”
She drives there from her home town, about 14 miles away. I saw her submerging herself one hot August day last year and was intrigued. Was it an act of cleansing? Healing? Was she hot and bothered?
Now in her early 60s, the mother of five was always motivated and independent. She had big career dreams. She wanted to join the medical profession. As a Palestinian her opportunities were limited.
So, at this point in the article, readers are told that Ifaf’s dreams to join the medical profession were dashed because she’s a “Palestinian”.

Later, however, it becomes clear that she’s not a Palestinian.

At secondary school, the subject she wanted to specialise in wasn’t available so she decided to study in the neighbouring Jewish town where learning opportunities were wider. She was one of the first female Palestinian students to join the Hebrew school. On graduating at 18, she worked in a textile factory in Tel Aviv to support her family and fund further studies.
So, Ifaf appears to be an Arab Israeli, which matters because, as noted above, we were told that her “dreams to join the medical profession were dashed because she’s a ‘Palestinian’.

The fact is that, as an Arab Israeli, there aren’t many impediments to her training and being employed in Israel’s healthcare industry. As a religious Muslim woman, she likely faces obstacles due to the conservative culture she lives in, but not because she’s an Arab in the Jewish state. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Arab citizens’ who work in that industry are over-represented based on their percentage of the population.

As reported in Haaretz and other Israeli news outlets, data in 2021 from Israel’s Health Ministry showed that Arabs and Druze in Israel, who make up about 20% of the country’s population, “constitute almost half (46 percent) of recipients of medical licenses; half of the new nurses, male and female (50 percent, as compared with just 9 percent in 2000); and more than half the dentists (53 percent) and pharmacists (57 percent).”

(full article online)

A Spanish Christian tourist's Instagram photo is causing an uproar among some Palestinian factions.

Ana Ramos Gutiérrez visited the Temple Mount earlier this month, and posted this photo:

It was noticed today, and Palestinian media are freaking out about this "naked" picture.

But that isn't enough to whip up the anger that political and terror groups need in order to survive. So the media, Hamas and Palestinian officials have been falling over each other to issue condemnations that are more and more insane - and of course, they claim that Gutiérrez is a "Zionist settler."

There is a hashtag on the topic: "#Jewish_prostitute_desecrates_Al-Aqsa," with dozens of angry people upset at her and one other photo of a woman showing her knees.

Incidentally, on her Instagram, you can see that she - along with her family - visited the Kotel and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as well, along with the Dead Sea.

Hamas newspaper Felesteen writes, "An Israeli settler provoked the feelings of the Almoravids in Al-Aqsa Mosque, after she took pictures semi-naked on the stairs leading to the Dome of the Rock."

A Hamas spokesman said the photo "constitutes an unprecedented provocation to the feelings of our Palestinian people and the entire Arab and Islamic nation."

Palestinian Ahrar Movement spokesman Yasser Khalaf said, "This step is the result of the continued encouragement of the Zionist governments that oversee and strive to impose their Judaization and settlement plans for the Holy City and Al-Aqsa Mosque. This intrusion is a major and dangerous provocation to the feelings of our people, Muslims and all Arabs, and disregard for the entire nation , and it is the result of the continuation of Arab-Zionist normalization that encourages the Zionists to persist in their aggression and crimes against our people ...These scenes are a dangerous transgression of all red lines."

The preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Ikrima Sabri, said that this was a desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the violation of its sanctity by storming it in indecent dress in defiance of the feelings of Muslims.

I have yet to see a Palestinian say that Muslims playing soccer, volleyball or parkour in front of the Dome of the Rock is considered "desecration."

Terrorism and human rights are simply irreconcilable. Despite purporting to champion human rights, the United Nations has nevertheless been at the center of numerous terrorism-related controversies. These include the Taliban’s ongoing candidacy for a seat in the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and widespread concerns that the UNHRC’s open-ended Commission of Inquiry targeting Israel is whitewashing and enabling the crimes of Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza.

It has now come to light that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – the main UN agency responsible for assisting refugees worldwide– has partnered with and accepted nearly $50 million (NIS165 m.) from member charities of a US-designated terrorist organization: the Union of Good. The relevant member charities are the Qatar Charity and Eid Charity, both of which are already individually designated as terrorist organizations by five Middle Eastern governments.

The Union of Good is an umbrella fundraising organization of charities and was designated as a terrorist organization by the US Treasury, in 2008. This is because it is an organization created by Hamas leadership to transfer funds to the terrorist organization. As noted by the Counter Extremism Project, the Union of Good includes the Qatar Charity and the Eid Charity.

Since 2012, the UNHCR has accepted approximately $49 million (NIS161 m.) from the Qatar Charity. It also received approximately $4.75 million (NIS15.6 m.) in cash assistance from the Eid Charity in 2020 and 2021. While such money has seemingly been used to help refugees, a humanitarian institution accepting funds from groups tied to terrorism is deeply disturbing. The UN and the UNHCR are exposing themselves to dangerous influences and potentially legitimizing an internationally-recognized terrorist organization.

Even worse, the UNHCR has openly celebrated its relationships with these groups, spotlighting them on its official web page. The current High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, has praised the Qatar Charity for its collaboration with the UNHCR. What makes this matter especially concerning is that the UNHCR began to partner with the Qatar Charity in 2012 under the watch of António Guterres, who was then the High Commissioner for Refugees. Guterres is now the secretary-general of the United Nations, a testament to the influence commanded by the high commissioner for refugees.

(full article online)

Israel screwed that up.

Jordan's biggest victory - Israel's screw up?
Interesting whom will you blame when we rebuild
the old city to accommodate all the Jewish men and women pilgrims,
and that ugly dome desecrates no more the new Jerusalem Rabati landscape.

Over the three decades since Israel gave the Palestinians autonomy, which eventually included a complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, some 60 Americans have lost their lives to Palestinian terrorism. Here are some of their names:

Koby Mandell, 13, was stoned to death.

Malki Roth, 15, was killed in a suicide bombing in a pizzeria.

Nachshon Wachsman, 19, was taken hostage and then shot dead.

Naftali Fraenkel, 16, was kidnapped while hitchhiking and killed.

Hannah Rogen, 92, died in a bombing of a Passover seder.

Rabbi Moshe Twersky, 59, was killed in a hacking and shooting attack on a synagogue.

Marla Bennett, 24, died in a bombing of a Hebrew University cafeteria. I was a student there at the time.

Kristine Luken, 44, a Christian, was bound and fatally stabbed during a hike.

Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 13, was stabbed to death in her own bed.

Chaya Zissel Braun died in a car-ramming attack. She was just three months old.

During the time these atrocities took place, the Palestinians received more than $6.3 billion in U.S. aid. Yet Palestinian leaders continue to be implicated in endemic, shocking glorification of violence, and they officially dispense payments to those found guilty of terrorism.

Each victim of these attacks had a past, a stolen future and a grieving family left behind.

Will The Intercept and Le Monde speak their names? Or do their lives—and the Palestinian atrocities that took them—not matter?

No less than governments, journalists must be held accountable. Truth isn’t pursued with one eye closed.

(full article online)

Over the three decades since Israel gave the Palestinians autonomy, which eventually included a complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, some 60 Americans have lost their lives to Palestinian terrorism. Here are some of their names:

Koby Mandell, 13, was stoned to death.

Malki Roth, 15, was killed in a suicide bombing in a pizzeria.

Nachshon Wachsman, 19, was taken hostage and then shot dead.

Naftali Fraenkel, 16, was kidnapped while hitchhiking and killed.

Hannah Rogen, 92, died in a bombing of a Passover seder.

Rabbi Moshe Twersky, 59, was killed in a hacking and shooting attack on a synagogue.

Marla Bennett, 24, died in a bombing of a Hebrew University cafeteria. I was a student there at the time.

Kristine Luken, 44, a Christian, was bound and fatally stabbed during a hike.

Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 13, was stabbed to death in her own bed.

Chaya Zissel Braun died in a car-ramming attack. She was just three months old.

During the time these atrocities took place, the Palestinians received more than $6.3 billion in U.S. aid. Yet Palestinian leaders continue to be implicated in endemic, shocking glorification of violence, and they officially dispense payments to those found guilty of terrorism.

Each victim of these attacks had a past, a stolen future and a grieving family left behind.

Will The Intercept and Le Monde speak their names? Or do their lives—and the Palestinian atrocities that took them—not matter?

No less than governments, journalists must be held accountable. Truth isn’t pursued with one eye closed.

(full article online)

And all of that happened in Israel's war zone.
Noor Dahri just published a new book on the Israel Defense Forces. He is a counter-terrorism researcher and a former officer with the London Police. He has studied at Herzliya’s International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) and has lectured in front of Israeli security experts.

Dahri is currently in Israel gathering research for his next book on Israeli security threats, traveling along Israel’s often tense borders with Gaza, Syria and Lebanon. Details of his trip, including visits to the Temple Mount, the Al-Aqsa mosque compound and the Western Wall have made waves on social media. What makes Dahri different than other security analysts, is that he is a devout adherent to Islamic doctrine and a self-defined “Muslim Zionist.”

Born in Pakistan, Dahri came to London at the age of 30 as a secular Muslim, disappointed with violent adherents of the Islamic faith. In London, he joined a Marxist organization before meeting his Pakistani-born wife. Today, Darhi is a full-fledged practicing Salafi Muslim, praying five times a day, fasting during Ramadan and has made pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia.

(full article online)


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