All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

By 1924 the Jewish nation was already titled the sole sovereign.
See Anglo-American treaty, any treaty mentioning 'Palestine'...
You are full of shit. The Anglo-American Treaty never mentioned Palestine.

It is true, however, that only treaties can determine land and borders. So where is Israel's?
In this piece, we will take a look at the role that Jenin plays in both the Israeli and Palestinian psyches.

Violence, Suicide Bombings, Deadly Ambushes & Media Lies: Jenin in the Israeli Psyche​

During both the First and Second Intifadas, Jenin was known to Israelis as a center of violence and anti-Israeli terrorism.

At the outset of the First Intifada (1987-1993), a number of Palestinian terror groups took root in the Jenin region and used the area as a launching pad for attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians. One particularly noteworthy group was the Black Panthers, which was responsible for attacks on Israeli soldiers and Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria as well as the murder of Palestinians who were accused of “collaborating” with the Jewish state.

During the Second Intifada (2000-2005), Jenin once again became a hotbed of Palestinian terror activity, with over a third of suicide bombers emanating from the region while prominent Palestinian terror groups used the city and its surrounding environs as a base for violent attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers.

(full article online)

Media watchdog Honest Reporting has recently exposed a number of antisemitic journalists who praised Hitler and terror attacks against Jews. The exposure led to the journalists’ dismissal from their jobs.

In an attempt to intimidate HonestReporting staffers, Iranian Press TV showed pictures of staff members with their children and accused them of working for the IDF in an “investigative report.”

What Iran and the haters need to know, is that their lies only cause Honest Reporting and the rest of the pro-Israel community to work harder to defend the Jewish state and fight Jew hate.

(full article online)

Egypt's El Balad and Jordan's Ammon News describe an Israeli TV report that some 12,000 Israelis visited Jordan during the Jewish holidays over the past month, as many Israelis felt that it was less expensive than going overseas. Most of these visitors went to Aqaba as a cheaper alternative to Eilat.

That's a fairly significant number of visitors, and Jordan's tourism sector no doubt benefited a great deal.

But when the TV station wanted to interview a representative of Jordan's Ministry of Tourism, a fairly innocuous request to get some generic quotes, the Jordanian government didn't grant the request.

How childish can they be? They are afraid of being seen, or quoted, on TV along with Israelis in any context. They'll take money from Israeli "settlers" (as the articles described all the tourists) but they won't deign to speak to Israeli TV.

Do they think they are going to destroy Israel through microaggressions? Because that sometimes seems to be the prevailing mentality.

The microaggressions don't end there.

Both articles headline the fact that Jordan refused to speak to the Israeli news crew, even as they eagerly covered what the news channel had to say about Jordan. They seem to want to give the impression to their readers that they are so strong and mighty that they can refuse a request from the all-powerful Jews.

It's sort of pathetic.

The news producers didn't lose a minute of sleep over the snub. The story ran without any problems. The mighty Jordanian decision to boycott Israeli TV was taken as par for the course by the Israelis.

Also, neither one of the news outlets deign to mention which Israeli TV station it was that tried to get the interview. As if mentioning a specific channel is a sign of weakness.

And that is the point. Their attempts to appear consequential by refusing to answer a couple of softball questions makes them look even weaker.

They are utterly clueless.

This immaturity is accepted as part of Arab culture by the world. But nothing will change until people ask - what is wrong with these guys?


Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama meets with Israel’s Prime Minister Yair Lapid and other officials to talk about cybersecurity threats posed by Iran. Credit: Haim Zach/Israel GPO
Albania is turning to Israel to help defend the country from cyberattacks after being targeted by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama arrived in Israel on Sunday for a three-day visit. During a meeting between Rama and the head of Israel’s National Cyber Directorate, Gaby Portnoy, on Monday the two agreed to work together on cybersecurity with Rama saying that Israel’s cyber agency would become a strategic partner in bolstering Albania’s cyber defense.

(full article online )

Hadash-Ta’al MK Aida Touma-Sliman seems to praise five Palestinian gunmen — including a top member of a terror group — who were killed in clashes with Israeli troops who were carrying out a raid on an explosives workshop in Nablus overnight.

“Nablus separates from our martyrs today. Our Palestinian nation bids farewell to its martyrs,” she writes in a Facebook post that includes a photo from the funeral today in the northern West Bank city.

“The more the occupation increases its crimes, the resistance escalates. An important lesson in the history of nations,” Touma-Sliman adds.

Her remarks are denounced by Defense Minister Benny Gantz.

“I’m ashamed of public representatives who support terrorists and are prepared to let them continue to spill the blood of Israeli citizens,” Gantz tweets.

“MK MK Aida Touma-Sliman proves again that [Hadash-Ta’al] can’t be included in a government or relied on to form one,” he adds. “Israel’s security comes before the formation of a coalition.”

(full article online)

You are full of shit. The Anglo-American Treaty never mentioned Palestine.

It is true, however, that only treaties can determine land and borders. So where is Israel's?

No need to curse.

It is right there in the title, and the first article -

"Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for re-constituting their national home in that country;"

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European Union officials in Brussels invited Jewish and Muslim community leaders to discuss meat production, in what some of the guests characterized as progress toward ensuring religious freedom.

The event, which was convened by the EU’s point person for fighting antisemitism, Katharina von Schnurbein, included Jews and Muslims concerned about a two-pronged attack on their traditional methods for slaughtering animals for food that has resulted in bans in some countries. About 30 EU officials and about 20 community leaders were present, according to people who were there.

“We’ve had sessions before at the EU where advocates defended shechitah,” the Hebrew word for the Jewish way of killing animals for food, Rabbi Menachem Margolin, who heads the Brussels-based European Jewish Association, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Thursday’s event, he said, “was the first designed to give us a platform, rather than to just have us come and state our case alongside people with the opposite view.”

Animal rights activists say shechitah and zabiha, the Muslim method for slaughtering animals for food, are cruel because both methods preclude stunning before the animal’s necks are cut. Advocates of the customs say they result in no greater suffering to animals than mechanized slaughter methods with higher malfunction rates and less attention to individual animals.

The second quarter Palestinian labor statistics show that there are 903,000 Palestinians working in the West Bank and Gaza, 182,000 who work in Israel and 29,000 who work in the settlements.

This means that 18.9% of Palestinians are employed directly by Israelis.

This is, by far, the highest percentage of Palestinians working for Israelis in at least ten years, and possibly since before Oslo. I sampled some previous years: In 2021, the percentage was less than 16%; in 2016, 13%; in 2012, 10.4%.

This doesn't include Palestinians who are indirectly employed by Israel, for example, those who work for local computer consultants who get most of their work from Israelis.

If one out of every five Palestinians works for Israelis, that is a significant number of people who will not want a new intifada that would jeopardize their jobs.

And neither would any Palestinian leader, in the West Bank at least. Because the 19% only tells half the story. The average wage for those who work for Israelis is typically more than double that of local Palestinian workers. I estimate that over 35% of all wages to Palestinian workers comes from Israeli employers.

A third intifada would destroy the Palestinian economy and anger the 211,000 Palestinians who work - or hope to work - in Israel.

This is why Israel is trying to expand work permits to Gaza. The same logic applies, and even Hamas would not be eager to upset a labor force that desperately wants to work.

No need to curse.

It is right there in the title, and the first article -

"Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for re-constituting their national home in that country;"

Britain never had sovereignty in Palestine, i,e. they never had legal title of the land. No land was ever transferred to a Jewish state.
Britain never had sovereignty in Palestine, i,e. they never had legal title of the land. No land was ever transferred to a Jewish state.

Of course Britain wasn't the sovereign.

But their mandate over the territory
was intended in law for the Jewish
national re-constitution.

Was sovereignty vested with any other nation in South-Levant?
As HR reports, Salem has posted multiple times clear and unambiguous support for terror attacks, including the murder of four rabbis at prayer in Jerusalem.

In 2011, Salem took to Facebook to praise the Jerusalem bus bombing in which British Christian evangelical student Mary Jane Gardner was murdered, and 67 others were injured. Members of the Hamas cell had reportedly planned an additional attack but were stopped by Israeli security forces.

On November 18, 2014, Hosam Salem again used Facebook to express his joy over the massacre of four rabbis and an Israeli-Druze police officer in a synagogue in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof.

Citing the Quran, he encouraged his followers to “smite the necks” of unbelievers, adding: “[This is the] summary of the Jerusalem operation [sic] today.”

There’s more. In 2015, Salem applauded two acts of terror (see here and here); a shooting at the Gush Etzion Junction that killed an American teenager, an Israeli man, and a Palestinian bystander; and a Jerusalem stabbing that killed three.

Some three years later, after being hired by The New York Times, Salem called for more violence following an attack that killed two IDF recruits in the West Bank. “Shoot, kill, withdraw: three quick operational steps…to bring peace to the hearts of sad people like us,” the inciting post read.

Finally, he has repeatedly eulogized Mohammed Salem and Nabil Masoud. The two were responsible for a 2004 suicide bombing that killed ten workers at the Ashdod port, Israel’s second-busiest harbor.
What about Shatha Hammad?

The posts that HonestReporting uncovered included dozens of violent and antisemitic clarion calls, such as one in which she eulogized the “martyrs” who killed five “settlers” during the 2014 Jerusalem synagogue massacre where two Palestinian terrorists attacked worshipers with axes, knives and a gun.
In several posts in 2014, Hammad, who currently works for Middle East Eye and Al Jazeera, signed off her comments using the nickname “Hitler” and joked that she was “in agreement” with the Nazi leader who oversaw the mass extermination of six million Jews during the Holocaust.
In another post — originally written in Arabic but translated into English by HonestReporting — she described herself as “friends” and “one” with Hitler, adding they have the “same mentality, like, for example, the extermination of the Jews” alongside a smiley face emoji.

Honest Reporting has screenshots, so Hammad's claim of "fabrication" is ridiculous.

Mondoweiss wants its readers to be angry - but it sure doesn't want them to know the posts it is defending as mere "criticism of Israel." The article is filled with hyperlinks - but not one to Honest Reporting's articles that show the screenshots of these journalists promoting the murders of Jews.

In fact, they are so upset at these revelations that they say, with a straight face, that "Zionist watchdogs are a danger to journalism." Not journalists who support murdering Jews - but the people who expose them.

Mondoweiss is afraid of the truth. It tries to hide the truth. Which proves that the truth is not on their side.

(full article online)


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