All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Guilty of Nazi-like crimes. That’s the verdict of a United Nations “commission of inquiry” on Israel that was created by the U.N. Human Rights Council to commit the Nazi-like crime of demonizing and destroying the Jewish state. Archetypal moral inversion.

The “inquiry” was created in May 2021 and released its first report to the General Assembly on October 20, 2022. Not one Western democracy voted to create the “inquiry,” but the U.N.’s top human rights body has rather unusual characteristics. Only 30 percent of Human Rights Council members are free democracies; Islamic states hold the balance of power through a system of regional groups, and its members include such human rights luminaries as China, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Venezuela.

The “inquiry” is in keeping with its architects. All three members of the “inquiry” were selected because they had already declared Israel guilty of the crimes they were charged with investigating. The mandate of the “inquiry” oozes double standards in its massive breadth, scope and resources.

The “inquiry” issued a first report to the Human Rights Council in June and it didn’t take long for its members to distinguish themselves by pushing anti-Semitic tropes. Member Chris Sidoti from Australia dismissed the voices of Jewish victims of discrimination with the retort that “accusations of anti-Semitism are thrown around like rice at a wedding.” In July, member Miloon Kothari from India claimed that “the Jewish lobby” and its money controlled social media and the inquiry’s bad press. He also suggested kicking Israel out of the U.N.

The chair of the “inquiry,” former U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, is herself a pusher of “the extremist Israel lobby” canard, the “apartheid Israel” slander, and BDS (Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions). So in August, Pillay unleashed an unapologetic, self-serving defense of her colleagues’ appalling behavior. U.N. authorities did nothing to remove them from office. Obviously, they all had violated the basic U.N. rules requiring impartiality, objectivity and personal integrity—but that’s why they were chosen in the first place.

The US State Department has condemned a new UN report that decries Israel’s continuing presence in the West Bank as “unlawful under international law” and accuses Jerusalem of “maintaining a restrictive and discriminatory planning and building regime for Palestinians.”

Speaking to reporters on Thursday, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said that the 28-page report from the ongoing “Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel” reflected the institutional bias faced by Israel at the UN.

(full article online )

Guilty of Nazi-like crimes. That’s the verdict of a United Nations “commission of inquiry” on Israel that was created by the U.N. Human Rights Council to commit the Nazi-like crime of demonizing and destroying the Jewish state. Archetypal moral inversion.

The “inquiry” was created in May 2021 and released its first report to the General Assembly on October 20, 2022. Not one Western democracy voted to create the “inquiry,” but the U.N.’s top human rights body has rather unusual characteristics. Only 30 percent of Human Rights Council members are free democracies; Islamic states hold the balance of power through a system of regional groups, and its members include such human rights luminaries as China, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Venezuela.

The “inquiry” is in keeping with its architects. All three members of the “inquiry” were selected because they had already declared Israel guilty of the crimes they were charged with investigating. The mandate of the “inquiry” oozes double standards in its massive breadth, scope and resources.

The “inquiry” issued a first report to the Human Rights Council in June and it didn’t take long for its members to distinguish themselves by pushing anti-Semitic tropes. Member Chris Sidoti from Australia dismissed the voices of Jewish victims of discrimination with the retort that “accusations of anti-Semitism are thrown around like rice at a wedding.” In July, member Miloon Kothari from India claimed that “the Jewish lobby” and its money controlled social media and the inquiry’s bad press. He also suggested kicking Israel out of the U.N.

The chair of the “inquiry,” former U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, is herself a pusher of “the extremist Israel lobby” canard, the “apartheid Israel” slander, and BDS (Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions). So in August, Pillay unleashed an unapologetic, self-serving defense of her colleagues’ appalling behavior. U.N. authorities did nothing to remove them from office. Obviously, they all had violated the basic U.N. rules requiring impartiality, objectivity and personal integrity—but that’s why they were chosen in the first place.

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:
Territories don't have sovereignty,

nations do.
And Palestinians had nationality in 1924. And nationality is territorial. The French in France, The British in Britain, The Mexicans in Mexico, the Palestinians in Palestine.

Interesting that Balfour called it Palestine when it was still part of the Ottoman Empire.
And Palestinians had nationality in 1924. And nationality is territorial. The French in France, The British in Britain, The Mexicans in Mexico, the Palestinians in Palestine.

Interesting that Balfour called it Palestine when it was still part of the Ottoman Empire.

There're many nationalities in Britain, as about most countries.
It's not territorial, national sovereignty in Palestine was
vested solely with the Jewish nation.

If all you have is a name your people can't pronounce,
identity theft is still a criminal offense in court,
and a lame excuse for losing wars.

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