All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Of course Britain wasn't the sovereign.

But their mandate over the territory
was intended in law for the Jewish
national re-constitution.

Was sovereignty vested with any other nation in South-Levant?
There is a great misinterpretation of the Jewish homeland. There as no mention of a Jewish state. There was no transfer of land.
Article 7. The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.
The Jewish national home was Palestinian citizenship.
There is a great misinterpretation of the Jewish homeland. There as no mention of a Jewish state. There was no transfer of land.

The Jewish national home was Palestinian citizenship.

We were discussing national sovereignty.
Now you're talking about some 'interpretations'...

This is not how it works.
Palestinian Re-Constitution was all about the Jewish homeland.
There was no other nation mentioned in reference to sovereignty.

Was there any reference, or transfer of land to an Arab sovereignty?
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[ They do not know anything else. UNWRA, Hamas and the PA insist it stays that way ]

We were discussing national sovereignty.
Now you're talking about some 'interpretations'...

This is not how it works.
Palestinian Re-Constitution was all about the Jewish homeland.
There was no other nation mentioned in reference to sovereignty.

Was any land transferred, or even mentioned, to any Arab sovereignty?
Britain had no sovereignty. They could not give to others what was no theirs.

Palestinian land and Sovereignty was per the Treaty of Lausanne.
[ The non refugee problem a hatred for Jews and Jewish sovereignty as brought on too many people. Being used and abused by their fellow Muslims and Christians ]

The UN warned Wednesday that the number of impoverished Palestinians in Lebanon has risen substantially, fueling a “dramatic humanitarian crisis” as the country’s economy collapses further.

For the past three years, Lebanon has been in the throes of one of the worst economic crises in recent world history, according to the World Bank — dealing an especially heavy blow to vulnerable communities, including refugees.

Two-thirds of Palestinian refugee families in Lebanon have reduced the number of meals they eat per day, said Leni Stenseth, deputy commissioner-general at the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), addressing reporters in Beirut.

Her statement comes days after UNRWA “urgently” appealed for $13 million in funding for cash assistance to families, primary health care services and to keep the agency’s schools open until the end of this year.

The poverty level among Palestinian refugees in Lebanon has shot up from a little more than 70 percent at the beginning of the year to 93 percent, according to UNRWA.

This means that almost everyone is without the ability to cater for the most basic needs in their lives,” Stenseth said.

“This is a dramatic humanitarian crisis.”

Lebanon hosts about 210,000 Palestinian refugees, including 30,000 who fled Syria after war erupted in 2011, according to UNRWA.

It also hosts more than one million Syrian refugees.

Most Palestinians live in 12 official refugee camps in squalid conditions, worsened by Lebanon’s financial meltdown, and face a variety of legal restrictions, including on their employment.

(full article online)

[ The non refugee problem a hatred for Jews and Jewish sovereignty as brought on too many people. Being used and abused by their fellow Muslims and Christians ]

The UN warned Wednesday that the number of impoverished Palestinians in Lebanon has risen substantially, fueling a “dramatic humanitarian crisis” as the country’s economy collapses further.

For the past three years, Lebanon has been in the throes of one of the worst economic crises in recent world history, according to the World Bank — dealing an especially heavy blow to vulnerable communities, including refugees.

Two-thirds of Palestinian refugee families in Lebanon have reduced the number of meals they eat per day, said Leni Stenseth, deputy commissioner-general at the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), addressing reporters in Beirut.

Her statement comes days after UNRWA “urgently” appealed for $13 million in funding for cash assistance to families, primary health care services and to keep the agency’s schools open until the end of this year.

The poverty level among Palestinian refugees in Lebanon has shot up from a little more than 70 percent at the beginning of the year to 93 percent, according to UNRWA.

This means that almost everyone is without the ability to cater for the most basic needs in their lives,” Stenseth said.

“This is a dramatic humanitarian crisis.”

Lebanon hosts about 210,000 Palestinian refugees, including 30,000 who fled Syria after war erupted in 2011, according to UNRWA.

It also hosts more than one million Syrian refugees.

Most Palestinians live in 12 official refugee camps in squalid conditions, worsened by Lebanon’s financial meltdown, and face a variety of legal restrictions, including on their employment.

(full article online)

What is Israeli soveriegnty and how did they get it.
Britain had no sovereignty. They could not give to others what was no theirs.

Palestinian land and Sovereignty was per the Treaty of Lausanne.

We weren't discussing British sovereignty.
And the treaty of Lausanne doesn't
even mention 'Palestine'.

That's your argument. Now dance around it.
Did Turkey cede any territory to Arab sovereignty?
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We weren't discussing British sovereignty.
And the treaty of Lausanne doesn't
even mention 'Palestine'.

That's your argument. Now dance around it.
Did Turkey cede any territory to Arab sovereignty?
They did. The same as all of the other new states.
Show me the direct quote, any mention of an Arab state,
anything from that time, about national sovereignty other than Jewish.
There were five new states and none of them were named. The territories were ceded to the people who lived there. The people who live in a defined territory are the sovereigns of their territory.
Tharwat el-Kherbawy is an Egyptian lawyer who used to lead the Muslim Brotherhood but left the group in 2002 and became a strident critic of the Brotherhood since then.

He gave a TV interview with his analysis of the Brotherhood which was reported in major Egyptian media. He described how dishonest the Muslim Brotherhood is, and emphasized it in a way that any Egyptian would immediately identify with:
He emphasized that the Brotherhood is like the Jews; They never recognize the truth, take advantage of the social media, spread false ideas, and spread rumors.
When reaching for an example of the paradigmatic liar, and knowing that he is speaking to a national Egyptian audience, Kherbawy says that they are as bad as the Jews.

Not Zionists - Jews.

And not one Egyptian media outlet found this to be problematic. Of course, the Jews are known to be the biggest liars in the world! It is axiomatic. Why would anyone disagree?

A 2010 Pew poll found that 95% of Egyptians have an unfavorable attitude towards Jews. The ADL finds "only" 75% of Egyptians have antisemitic attitudes.

And modern anti-Zionists keep insisting that these Arabs are not antisemitic, but only anti-Zionist, and that Jews lived in peace and harmony in Arab countries before 1948.

There are definitely liars in this world - but they aren't the Jews.

More of your silly conspiracy theories.
Let me make this simple enough that maybe even you could understand it...well maybe.
P F Tinmore said:

It is territorial. The people of the place have the nationality. The people of the place have the sovereignty.

It is like that all over the world.
The people who live in France are the French. Do they have sovereignty in France? Yes. Do they have sovereignty anywhere else? No.

The people who live in Britain are the British. Do they have sovereignty in Britain? Yes. Do they have sovereignty anywhere else? No.

The people who live in Mexico are the Mexican. Do they have sovereignty in Mexico? Yes. Do they have sovereignty anywhere else? No.

The people who live in Palestine are the Palestinians. Do they have sovereignty in Palestine? Yes. Do they have sovereignty anywhere else? No.

The people of the place have sovereignty. The people from someplace else do not.

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